Magnate (Acquisition Series Book 2) (8 page)

BOOK: Magnate (Acquisition Series Book 2)
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“Drive,” Vinemont barked at Luke.

The limo eased down the driveway, and soon we were whistling along the interstate, heading into the heart of New Orleans.

Vinemont’s eyes bored into me until I turned and matched his glare. His gaze slid to my mouth, then lower to the open top of my coat. Warmth raced through me, and I was thankful the fur covered my hardened nipples. His tongue wetted his bottom lip and I found I couldn’t look away.

His mouth, the sharp line of his jaw, the elegant silhouette of his neck in the darkness of the car—all of it was somehow a lure. And like every other lure, there was a sharp hook in it, ready to catch and draw blood. I dropped my gaze, though I could still feel his burning into me, making me hotter than I should be to the point where I wanted to shrug out of the rich coat.

“Take a fucking picture, Sin. Jesus. You’re making her uncomfortable.” Lucius caught my eye and winked at me, his white teeth momentarily glinting in a passing street lamp.

“You don’t know a thing about her comfort.”

“Oh, I think I may have a few ideas. Don’t I, Stella?”

I shifted in my seat, away from both of them.

“What is he talking about?” Vinemont smoothed a hand down my sleeve before gripping me lightly through the coat. “Stella?”

I ripped my arm away and sank even further back. “You two play your twisted game. I’m going to sit this one out.”

Lucius laughed and faced forward again before cranking up the music to an almost painful level. Some angry rock song with a thumping beat. At least it cut off the conversation. I stared out the window at the passing cars, wishing I was in one of them. Any would do, just so long as it was going away from these people, from the Acquisition.

The rest of the drive was filled with Lucius’ brash musical stylings. The city loomed ahead of us, the lights beaming out into the night like a million lighthouses luring us toward safe harbor. Luke took us into the city’s beating heart, live music on the street corners and the smells of fried food seeping through the vents. The houses grew statelier the farther we drove, until we were in the midst of the Garden District. Mansions rose on every side, elegant and stylish, with high wrought iron fences separating their inhabitants from the rest of the tumultuous city.

We eventually pulled up in front of a three-story Victorian that seemed to take up half a block. It was almost garish in its ornate grandeur; turrets and a widow’s walk ran along the roof. Two hulking magnolia trees stood guard over the walkway, and a sweeping porch wrapped around the entire house. Every light in the windows burned, and people congregated on the porch and spilled out the front doors.

Luke stopped out front and opened my door. I rose and made it to the sidewalk without tripping. It was a win. But my next step landed on a rock or something else I couldn’t see in the dark. My ankle turned and I made a strangled noise as I started to fall.

A strong hand grabbed my elbow and righted me easily. I looked up, but somehow I already knew it was Vinemont. Suspicion confirmed as Lucius came to my other elbow. Vinemont offered his arm again, this time a slight smirk on his face.

I accepted it for no other reason than to avoid breaking an ankle. We climbed the three steps to the yard, strode down the wide walk, and then ascended a few more steps to the front porch. The impulse to run grew stronger with each moment. Vinemont must have sensed it because he pulled my arm into him, steadying me more as we walked past some guests and into the brightly lit entryway.

A servant came for my coat. Vinemont helped me take it off and froze when he saw my dress. His gaze tore down my figure, as if memorizing every line, every curve before he met my eyes again.

Lucius strolled up next to me and pulled on his cuffed shirt sleeves. “This should be fun.”

The house was beautiful with exquisite woodwork on every corner, above the wide doorways, and along the sweeping stair. Partygoers milled around, all dressed in black tie or dresses that screamed Hollywood glamor. Music played upstairs, a deep beat drifting down and completely at odds with the antique, elegant nature of the home.

“The Vinemonts made it!” Cal was halfway down the stairs, his gaze fastened on me and a huge grin plastered on his face. He pulled a petite blonde along with him. I recognized her—Brianne, Red’s Acquisition. She stumbled trying to keep up, but Cal just pulled her into him and dragged her the rest of the way down before setting her back on her feet. He was just as much a showman as he had been at the ball—his tux flashy, his salt and pepper hair perfectly coifed, and every word spoken two tones too loud.

Brianne clung to him, her red dress revealing the tattoo along her chest and a fair amount of skin. I could only assume Red had chosen her attire for the evening. Her eyes were glassy and she looked through me, no recognition sparking to life in her face.

“Glad you could come to my little soiree.” Cal shook Vinemont’s hand, then Lucius’. I didn’t offer my hand, so he grabbed both of them and pulled my arms out, staring down my body as he licked his lips. “You look good enough to eat, Stella.”

Vinemont twitched at my side, but did nothing. Cal released me and cocked his head up the stairs. “Come on. The real fun is on the second floor. And Stella, if you’re lucky, I’ll invite you up to the third and give you a surprise.”

A cold tremor ran down my spine. I wanted to stay as far away from the third floor as possible. Even so, Vinemont took my elbow and led me forward as we followed Cal and Brianne upward toward the pounding music.
Is the second floor a rave?

Brianne swayed, but Cal gripped her ass firmly, sinking his index finger deeply between her cheeks as he lifted her up stair after stair. He glanced at me over his shoulder and winked. Anger gurgled in my throat, threatening to come out of my mouth in a scream. I wouldn’t let it. Renee and Lucius had made me think more about seeing the entire game board before making any decisions on moving pieces. If playing along got me in a better position to destroy these people, then I would do it.

We reached the landing and the beat was even deeper, vibrating in my chest and shaking the chandelier that hung above the foyer. Cal continued forward toward an open set of double doors, exchanging pleasantries with the partygoers that crowded around. People gawked and stared, but I kept my eyes straight ahead. They could look and leer, but I held on to what Renee had told me. They couldn’t hurt me. Not tonight.

A man pushed through some guests and came up to us. Auburn hair and beady eyes—Red.

“Oh, there you are.” He glowered at Brianne.

“She’s just helping me greet my guests, Red.”

“You’re welcome to her, Cal. Anytime.” Red flicked his eyes to me before letting his gaze fall to my breasts. “Nice to see you again, Stella.”

“I can’t say likewise.” I still wanted to scratch his eyes out for how he’d treated Brianne. Then again, I was standing here holding onto a man who’d whipped my back until I bled. The scars were on display even now in this backless dress. Is that why Renee had chosen it?

Red flipped his too-long hair out of his eyes. “Still a cunt, I see.”

“Shut the fuck up, Red.” Vinemont tensed next to me, a warning.

“Don’t like it when I insult your whore?” He laughed, his teeth slightly purpled from wine.

Vinemont took a step forward and Red drew up his fists.

“Boys, boys. Save it for Christmas!” Cal laughed and patted them both on the back. “I’ve come up with a pretty clever way for you to release your aggressions, trust me.”

Fight or flight kicked alive inside me again. My stomach churned and bile rose in my throat. Renee’s tale of her Christmas trial was bad enough, but I knew Cal would make mine as horrible as possible. I had a momentary flash of trying to kill him. Maybe slipping down to the kitchen and grabbing a knife and slitting his throat right in front of all these ghouls. Would that end it? Would that stop the entire corrupted machinery from turning? Or would I just put a new Sovereign in charge sooner than expected?

“You and I are going to have a very Merry Christmas, Stella. Count on it.” Red backed away and grabbed the nearest woman before sinking his tongue into her mouth. She moaned and went limp, letting him reach up her short skirt and finger her.

Vinemont took my elbow, roughly this time.

Cal clapped his hands and gripped Brianne. “That’s more like it. Now, come on. I want to show you the fun.”

We followed him toward the large double doors where the sound emanated from. The room beyond was dark, but we plunged ahead. The music grew louder, a techno beat. It was a ballroom on a much smaller scale than the one at the Oakman estate. Still, it was large and took up almost the whole second floor.

Nude men and women writhed to the music on four platforms that dotted the room. Stuffy paintings and ornate sconces lined the walls, totally discordant with the scene. Couches sat against the periphery, some occupied by people doing drugs or having sex, sometimes a mix of both. I couldn’t tell if they were more frightening now that they were unmasked.

I should have realized at the ball that these people had no limits. But now I knew the ball wasn’t an anomaly. It was them.
—the woman snorting coke off a man’s hard cock, the two men fucking while a semi-circle formed to watch, the needles and the glassy eyed women—this was what these people were.

“Isn’t it something?” Cal yelled over the din.

“Impressive.” Lucius nodded, his gaze glued to the nearest platform where one woman knelt and licked between another’s legs.

“I like to throw these parties every so often. Keep things fun as Sovereign. This one is a welcome party, of course. But I certainly hope the next Sovereign keeps the tradition of impromptu get-togethers alive.” He yanked Brianne into his side and looked from Vinemont to Lucius. “But which one of you is in the running?”

“I am.” Vinemont and Lucius spoke in unison, though their voices barely carried over the music.

Cal shook his head and glanced to Brianne. He grabbed her chin roughly and pulled her face to his. “Only
, isn’t that right little Acquisition?”

“Y-yes. One.” She nodded, seemingly even more out of it than she had been downstairs.

Cal turned back to us, his face stone cold sober, all hint of a smile gone. “Sinclair, you know the rules. Did she choose him or not?”

Vinemont snaked his arm around my middle. “She did, but—”

“But nothing, Sin.” Cal’s face broke in a wide smile, the façade back in place. “Lucius, my favorite sugar magnate, looks like you’re in the running.”

“I am. She’s mine.” Lucius stepped closer to me.

“Excellent, excellent. Now, has Sinclair given you all the rules or do I need to give a little lesson?”

Vinemont’s fingers pressed into my waist hard enough to leave bruises. I didn’t protest, hoping Cal would enlighten me on the rules.

“I’ll handle it,” Vinemont said.

Lucius cut his gaze toward his brother and then back to Cal. “I’m sure Sin will give me all the details.”

Cal nodded and grabbed a cocktail from a passing waiter with a tray. “He better.” He toasted to nothing and no one before downing his drink. “Now let’s have some fun.”


Chapter Eight






It was done.
Even though I pulled her close to me, even though I wanted nothing but her, she was no longer mine. Her scent, her skin, everything about her had sunk even more deeply into my bones since she’d returned. And now, I’d lost her.

Cal leered and pulled Brianne away to a nearby sofa. No doubt he would drug her again. I toyed with drugging Stella to make this night seem more transitory, less sharp edges, but I couldn’t. She deserved to see it, to feel it all. I couldn’t save her from it any more than I could save myself. We would all have to play our parts, damned as they were.

“Vinemont.” Stella’s sharp tone cut through my thoughts. “You’re hurting me.” Her green eyes were luminous with each flare of light from an adjacent strobe. I eased my hold on her waist, though I didn’t want to. I wanted to pick her up and run with her. I couldn’t. I was just as shackled to the Acquisition as she was, and now Lucius had unwittingly wandered into the same trap.

“Let’s get a drink.” Lucius took her hand and led her away, farther into the room.

I followed. I didn’t intend to let her out of my sights no matter what my fool brother had done. Her leg showed through the slit with each of her steps, giving me a chance glimpse of the dark fabric covering her tender flesh at the juncture of her thighs. I didn’t care if Lucius claimed her, I still owned her, especially there where I’d already tasted. My cock grew hard at the memory of her spread before me, her soft moans and the frantic movement of her hips. I wanted it again. I hadn’t been able to think about anything but her for quite some time.

We wound through the crowd, halted by several people who wanted to shake hands. At least the music was too loud for chit chat. A wide bar was set up along the back wall, and servants poured, rolled, or razored into a line any substance imaginable. Lucius shouted out a drink order and leaned down to take a line. Stella’s eyes widened as he snorted it and then pinched his nose. He smiled and handed her the straw.

“Try it.”

She eyed the lines of coke.

I knocked the straw from her hand. “Lucius, I’m warning you.”

She glared up at me. “I’m a grown woman, Vinemont. I don’t need your permission.”

“You already have mine, Stella. Go ahead.” Lucius handed her another straw.

“I don’t need your permission either. Jesus!” She turned and peered over my shoulder before the ghost of a smile graced her face. “You two do me a favor and go have a pissing contest with Cal. I see someone I know.”

She brushed past me, her flower and citrus scent wafting over the smell of lust and liquor.
Who could she possibly recognize?

She maneuvered through the dancers and shook her head at a couple of eager gentlemen. Her destination reached, she stopped in front of one man in particular. He turned. Gavin from the ball.

Lucius handed me a drink as we watched her. “Who the fuck is that?”

“Eagleton’s Acquisition.”

“Want to fuck him up?” Lucius downed his drink and motioned for another, the coke already speeding up his movements.

“That’s against the rules.”

Lucius laughed. “Guess you’ll have to tell me all of them now.”

I took a drink, the bitter flavor hitting my tongue just right. “I will.”

He studied me before following my gaze to Stella. “You know the difference between you and me, Sin?”

“I know of several.”

Lucius smirked and leaned against the bar. “I can do what needs to be done to her. I can win this. I can make her cry, make her hurt, leave her in a bloody heap, and never look back. I can win this for us. The Vinemonts can rule it all again. But you…” He drained another glass. “You can’t. That hot pussy of hers has got you on your knees. That’s why it needs to be this way. That’s why it’s a good thing she chose me. I’ll break her and become Sovereign. You’ll see.”

As if it were that simple. As if all he had to do was make her cry, make her bleed. I shook my head. I let Lucius talk despite the acid that roiled in my gut. That’s all it was—talk. I’d seen the way he looked at her when he thought no one was watching. I’d hated him for it, for his desirousness that edged on something more.

He may have fooled everyone else, but not me. His boldness would falter, and he would fail. And the consequences would destroy us all. I had to get her back, to somehow remedy the situation, but I was out of plays. I had to wait for other pieces to go into motion before I could make a move. I chafed at the waiting, just as I always had.

“Look at that motherfucker.” Lucius shot his hand out toward Gavin.

Gavin smiled down at Stella, genuine pleasure at seeing her written all over his handsome face. I wanted to break his nose. It was ridiculous, that aggression, that need to keep her to myself. But it was there and I couldn’t ignore it. I’d done far worse than beat a man over a slight, but I’d never fought over a woman. Not until Stella. I swallowed more of the bitterness, letting it run down to my center and mix with my own.

“I still want to fuck that guy up.” Lucius slammed his glass down. “Is it against the rules if no one sees us do it?”

I wanted to say we could take Gavin out back and bloody him for even speaking to Stella. That we could end him and dust off our hands like we’d just taken out the trash. But we couldn’t. Too much was at stake to break the rules now.

The rules.
I shook my head and finished my drink.

“You don’t know what you’ve done.” I said it too softly for my brother to hear me over the din. But the words were true.

Lucius had taken my spot in hell. He just didn’t realize it yet.


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