Maia's Magickal Mates [The Double R 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (30 page)

BOOK: Maia's Magickal Mates [The Double R 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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She turned to Thayne, stood on her toes, and kissed him quickly on the lips. “Thanks for preparing the baths.”

“Yeah, thank you, Thayne,” Cade said in a high-pitched, singsong voice, teasing his brother relentlessly.

Maia went to Cade and repeated her motions with Thayne on him. “Thanks for making the reservations.”

“Darn tooting.”

Maia laughed at his antics, eager to get into one of those tubs. They were pretty big after all, and she intended to put them to the test. They might displace some of the water, but what the hell. She knew it would be worth it, and she was willing to clean up the mess if it meant she’d have both of her men in a warm bath.

Goddess, what she wouldn’t have done to have some of her warm vanilla bath oil at her disposal!

“Ladies first,” Cade whispered, sliding her shirt down her shoulders and off before walking across the room to hang it on one of the many hooks protruding from the wall.

By the time he returned to her, Thayne was already removing her jeans and panties to hang with her shirt.

Again, Maia admired the way they worked together, silent and so smooth with their movements that Maia wondered if they communicated telepathically, beneath the surface and away from her prying eyes and ears.

She closed her eyes and trembled, remembering the strange but erotically pleasant sensation of Thayne slipping into and melding his mind with hers. A few more times experiencing that sensual communion and she could get used to being read. The experience would cease being strange to her or Thayne, and maybe he wouldn’t be so gun-shy about using his telepathy. She trusted him to do the right thing and wondered why he didn’t trust himself.

At the thought of how and why they had gotten to the Old West, Maia realized exactly why Thayne kept as tight a reign as possible on his abilities. He did it because Prentice didn’t.

Thayne didn’t want to become like the Wiccan who obviously dabbled in the dark arts, using his powers negatively instead of positively, clearly not abiding the Wiccan Rede.

Goddess knew if she, Thayne, and Cade were going to have a fighting chance against Prentice and the sort of powers he seemed to so easily wield, however, they needed grounding. They needed to commune with each other as often as possible and turn their “passive” powers into something dynamic.

The energy she’d felt when she and Thayne psychically bonded had been explosive. If it was an example of their combined, unique abilities, then they could be a magickal force with which to be reckoned.

Goddess, she hoped so!

“Are you ready to be pampered?” Thayne asked

Maia blinked and looked from him to his brother, wondering how long she had been standing there, naked, waiting for her men to join her. It must have been a little while. They both stood naked before her, smiling at her confused expression.

“Let us make those daydreams of yours come true,” Cade whispered.

Maia didn’t know what triggered her reaction, but suddenly her eyes welled and she could barely see Thayne and Cade past her blurry vision.

She didn’t want to lose them. They meant so much to her and in just a matter of days and weeks had become a vital part of her life and well-being. She couldn’t remember what life had been like before them and didn’t want to find out what it would be like without them.

“Oh, baby, don’t.” Cade wrapped his arms around her and drew her close. He brushed his lips across her throat and planted kisses everywhere from her shoulders to her face before finally taking her mouth with his. He slipped in his tongue, and Maia greedily sucked it in, meeting his tenderness with her frenzied fervor.

Breathlessly, Cade pulled back, staring at her for a long time before pushing her hair away from her face. “What is it? What’s bothering you?”

Thayne stepped behind her, caressing her shoulders and nuzzling her neck, making it hard for her to concentrate on what she wanted to say.

Maia didn’t want to ruin the moment and mention the madman who had murdered Thayne and Cade’s aunt, the madman who had almost murdered them all.
Uh, no, that would be a definite mood killer.

“You’re safe here with us,” Thayne said, as if reading her mind. “We’re not going to let anything happen to you. Ever.”

Cade nodded in agreement.

“I know you’ll both protect me. And you have to know that I would do the same for both of you.”

Cade chuckled in a typically macho, patronizing way that indicated the very idea of a tiny “little” thing like her protecting him or his brother was preposterous.

She’d let him have his ideas, Maia decided. She knew that when the time came, she would do what she needed to help and protect each of them.

“How many more condoms do you have?” she asked Cade.

As if already used to all her idiosyncrasies, Cade didn’t miss a beat responding to her non sequitur. “Not nearly enough to last us.”

“How many exactly made it intact during our trip through time?” she pushed.

“Two more are in my wallet.”

“I have a couple,” Thayne said, almost sheepishly.

“Good start. I guess they’ll have to do for now.”

“When I said you were safe here with us, I meant that in every way.”

Cade arched a brow as if amused that Thayne would be so presumptuous to speak for him. He didn’t hesitate to agree, however, clearing his throat to say, “I haven’t been as chaste as my bro, by
means, but I can tell you I’ve always practiced safe sex. Always. And I’m clean.”

“Me, too.” Maia grinned, already trusting them with everything else. This wasn’t much of a stretch for her. There was still the question of birth control, though.

Her mother and Desiree would probably be surprised to hear it, but Maia always saw motherhood for herself, and in the last month she had been thinking more and more about a future for herself with children in it. Probably being around someone as responsible and settled as Thayne had cinched her pro-motherhood mien.

Maia was surer of Thayne’s ability to be a good father, in fact, than her own ability to be good mother, but she was willing to try if he and Cade were by her side. Of course, with all of their futures—or pasts, Goddess this situation was confusing—so up in the air and uncertain, she wasn’t sure getting pregnant was the best idea. Not that there was ever a convenient time to get pregnant, not really.

“Do I need to get my condoms then?” Cade asked.

“I’d be more interested in some type of lubrication,” Maia blurted, ass still a little sore from last night’s extracurricular activities.

She imagined the general consensus would typically be spit out here in this time, but since she wasn’t a gay guy, the idea of it just wasn’t very appealing to her. She actually doubted it would be appealing to a lot of gay guys from the twenty-first century, at least the ones she knew.

Knowing Cade as she did, she figured he’d be a lot more resourceful and able to come up with some kind of lubricant better than spit. The soap had been inspired and helped last night, but she needed something a little slicker and less caustic.

Cade grinned now, both exciting Maia and racking her nerves with his roguish, I’ve-got-something-up-my-sleeve expression. He went to the table standing between the two tubs and picked up the bottle atop it. “We have Sabrina to thank for this.”

“What is it?” Maia squinted at the unlabeled bottle of yellow liquid.

“Flaxseed oil. Among other things, she makes it herself. It appears our Sabrina is into notions and potions.”

“Hmm.” Maia tried to focus on Sabrina’s talent rather than Cade’s use of “our” to refer to the woman. She didn’t want to be jealous or, worse, think about how Cade had discussed their sex life in any way, shape, or form with Sabrina. She instead thought about the positives their hostess had wrought, seeming to pull necessary things out of a bag of tricks at will like Felix the Cat. Maia’s respect for Sabrina, in fact, grew exponentially.

Notions and potions had always been a subject near and dear to Maia’s heart. Right before she had moved out to McCoy she had been thinking of opening up her own Wiccan shop.

She’d even had a name all picked out for it—Maia’s Healing Magick.

Maybe she needed to sit down for a spell and get to know Sabrina Walker a little better.

“She also mentioned bear grease and whale oil work pretty well, too.”

“Bear grease and whale oil?” Maia and Thayne chorused.

Cade shrugged. “They’re pretty popular, all-purpose commodities back in this time, apparently. She said it’s difficult to get them at the general store, but she trades for them with the mountain men who occasionally come into town for supplies.”

Maia didn’t even want to know what Sabrina traded to get these precious commodities. She was just grateful the woman had what they needed.

“Not to mention we have her to thank for the fragrant oil in the water,” Thayne added.

Maia thought she had caught the subtle scent of lavender from the baths, growing more impressed with Sabrina the more she, Cade, and Thayne talked. Her admiration of the other woman was an interesting frame of mind for Maia to be in right before she made love to her two men.

They are my men. They belong to me, as I belong to them.

Cade made his way back to Maia, seizing her by the biceps as he leaned in to take her lips, simultaneously rough and gentle when he thrust in his tongue, snatching her breath away.

Wordlessly, he pulled away and slipped down onto his knees before her. When he glanced up at her and grinned, it was all Maia could do to keep from quivering. She knew no matter how subservient Cade’s posture, there was nothing docile about the man. When he made her daydreams come true as he’d promised to do, inducing an orgasm to blow her mind, he would be the one in control, on his knees or not.

The idea should have scared her, but Maia knew what the brothers had in store for her, only the most intense pleasure she could stand. For that, she was willing to give up a little control. She knew the end result would be more than worth her submission.

Thayne stood behind her, moving her hair to the side so that he could nibble her earlobe and throat unfettered. He lifted one of her arms, kissing a path from her shoulder to her wrist as Cade finally touched her with his mouth.

Maia gasped at the first sensation of his tongue caressing her folds, her pussy soaked before either man even entered her. She arched her neck, resting her head against Thayne’s provided shoulder as she slid her free hand down to his muscled thigh and dug in her nails.

Thayne growled, circling the shell of her ear with his tongue. “Do you want us to use the condoms, Maia? Let us know now.”

“No.” She panted. “We’re safe.”

“Are you sure?” Cade asked.

“Yes,” Maia hissed. “Just…just take me now.”

Cade opened her moist folds with his thumbs, licking her labia and vulva in languorous, masterful strokes before driving his tongue deep.

“Right there! Oh, yes…” Maia rolled and pumped her hips against Cade’s mouth.

Since Thayne had released her arm to take a commanding hold of her breasts instead, Maia had both of her own hands at her disposal. She burrowed one hand through Cade’s full, silky head of hair and fisted it against his scalp to direct his motions. Not that he needed any real direction. With the other, she moved her hand from Thayne’s thigh to take his pulsating shaft in a firm grip. “So hard,” she murmured. “I want to feel you in my mouth. I want to taste you.”

“I’m right here for you, Maia,” he rasped. “Take me whenever you’re ready.”

Cade picked up the pace, thrusting two fingers inside her while he sucked her swollen clit.

Thayne fondled her breasts, rolling and plucking her hardened nipples between his fingers and thumbs, drawing out pleading whimpers from her vocal cords that Maia didn’t know existed inside her.

She bit her bottom lip and groaned deep in her throat to keep from outright begging them to put her out of her misery and let her come. She was totally unprepared when, not more than a minute later, both men did exactly what she wanted, bringing her release and allowing an orgasm to wash over her in a trembling torrent.

The shudders that racked her body seemed to go on forever before Maia finally regained control of her senses. She came around to the feel and sound of Cade licking her pussy dry, licking until she didn’t think she had any juices left for a second round.

Lazily, she turned in Thayne’s comfortable embrace, opening her eyes to stare at him. She immediately caught the fire lighting his blue gaze and almost melted beneath its heat.

With her legs already weak, it was easy and natural for her to lower herself to the floor. She dragged her hands down Thayne’s well-muscled, callipygian ass to his thighs until she finally came face-to-face with his flushed, jutting cock.

Maia stared at the pearl of pre-cum gathered in the slit and licked her lips, while behind her, Cade began coating her anus with the flaxseed oil to ease his entrance.

She sucked the head of Thayne’s cock into her mouth and closed her eyes on a moan as Cade penetrated her with one oil-slicked finger.

Thayne buried his hands in her hair, palming the back of her head with both hands but not yet exerting any real pressure.

BOOK: Maia's Magickal Mates [The Double R 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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