Maia's Magickal Mates [The Double R 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (31 page)

BOOK: Maia's Magickal Mates [The Double R 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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Kneeling there feeling the throb of his cock in her mouth, she sensed him perched on a razor edge of arousal, knew that the slightest provocation would send him over. Maia dipped her tongue in his slit and scooped out the liquid there, determined to push him but ever so slowly, the way he and Cade liked to do with her. Of course she had to take into account her ability to hold back, which seemed in question at the moment. The heady, musky taste of Thayne’s essence almost sent
over the edge.

She wanted to tell him how good he tasted to her but wanted to totally take him in more.

She lowered her head, hollowing out her cheeks and sucking and licking her way down his shaft until she reached the root. She felt his cock pulsing, ready to burst against her tongue. She increased the pressure. She added her fingers to the mix, caressing Thayne’s balls at the same time Cade added another finger, pushing past the first few rings of muscles in her ass.

Maia moaned at the silky burn, the alien feeling of him fingering her anus.

Thayne fisted her hair now, quietly waiting for her to move, and Maia admired his fortitude and patience. She decided to reward him, upping the intensity to her motions and sucking him harder as she moved her head up and down to a steady rhythm.

Cade removed his fingers, and she immediately felt bereft. He stepped away for an instant that felt more like an eternity as Maia listened to water splashing in the near distance. She watched him from the corner of her eye washing and rinsing his hands in a nearby basin before he quickly returned to pick up where he had left off.

He circled her anus with the head of his cock, teasing her for a breathless moment before he finally pushed inside. His initial thrust caused a shimmer of white heat to bloom in her belly. Maia’s pussy gushed, and Cade caught her juices with his hand, caressing her slick folds before slipping two fingers inside and thumbing her inflamed clit.

“Mmmm…” Maia pushed back against him as he plunged his fingers in pace with his cock, pumping inside her from the front and the back.

Maia picked up the rhythm of her sucking, too, fondling Thayne’s tight balls with one hand while she gripped his hip to center herself. It was hard, however, with Cade doing the things he did to her with his cock and his fingers.

Thayne rolled his hips slowly, grinding against her mouth, and that’s when Maia felt him enter—her body and her mind. She felt his presence right on the fringes of her brain as if he waited for permission to cross the threshold.

Maia opened up to him and acquiesced, welcoming him in.

He wordlessly thanked her, his voice deep and soft in her mind. Maia felt him reach beyond her now, this time for Cade, linking them all together as he came in her mouth with a shuddering eruption.

Maia held onto him with both hands now, gripping his hips as his orgasm crashed through her and brought on her own. She closed her eyes, and bright lights flashed against her lids as if someone had taken her picture in a dim room. When the glare cleared, she saw the incredible physical manifestation of her, Thayne, and Cade’s linking, watched the blue and red threads of their thoughts twining tight around each other.

Like a domino effect, Maia and Thayne’s combined climaxes rushed through their network and set off Cade’s. He pumped inside her one final time before collapsing against her back with a hoarse shout of release. “Fuck me!”

She agreed wholeheartedly.

This was more than sex magick. This was a sex miracle created by the three of them.

Maia was even surer of this when she pulled back from Thayne and glanced up to see him sheathed in a shimmering glow of light as if his aura was on steroids or something. “Oh…Goddess…” Goose bumps broke out on her skin, and she felt the hair stand up on her arms.

Cade slowly slid from her body with a gasp. “Oh…Oh shit.”

He was as awestruck as her. Maia understood why when she staggered to her feet and saw that the iridescent light wasn’t just surrounding Thayne but all three of them.

“It’s like a protective bubble,” Cade whispered. “Like from the basement.”

Maia remembered the glow from the basement right before they’d all been zapped to the Old West. Prentice had somehow penetrated that veil that had surrounded Thayne and Cade but hadn’t been zapped with them. She, however, had time traveled with them and still wasn’t sure how that had all worked out.

Had Thayne’s “desires” and “wishes” to protect her and get away from Prentice been that strong, strong enough to escape Prentice even after he’d pierced the bubble? “I wonder how impenetrable we can make it and if we can do it without having sex,” she blurted.

“No way to know for sure until we try it and practice,” Thayne said.

“We can practice later though, after we wring another orgasm from our Little Maia and run through what we’ve learned

“Practice does make perfect.”

Maia purred. “I like the sounds of that.”

Chapter 21


The three of them finally made it down to the kitchen around eight thirty.

Of course, by then lots of face-stuffing was already taking place, but not enough to deter everyone’s curious stares as he, Maia, and Thayne all walked in.

“It’s about time you three showed up,” Sabrina said as she put a healthy helping of warm hotcakes, scrambled eggs, grits, and ham on each of the three empty plates at the table. “I’ve been keeping this all warm for you.”

Cade expectantly looked at Maia, liking that she still had the capacity to blush after all she, he, and Thayne had done together in the bathhouse earlier.

He grinned and took a seat on one side of Maia while Thayne took a seat on the other, effectively sandwiching her between them like two bodyguards protecting a rich and famous visiting celebrity or dignitary.

Luke Beckett, sitting across from them next to two other gentlemen that Cade, Thayne, and Maia had yet to meet, grinned before stuffing his face with a spoonful of grits and gravy.

One thing Cade could say for the people out here in this time was that they knew how to eat hearty. Of course, he knew they had to pile up on the calories to prepare them for all the hard work they did out on the range and the farm throughout the day. He was used to the practice from his days living with Aunt Aura and Uncle Jeff, when morning meals like this were the rule and not the exception.

Unlike in his time, though, obesity was rare here. No one had time for such a thing with all the stuff that needed to get done out here. Just taking a bath to relax involved a couple of hours of preparations and toil, not to mention the cleanup involved afterward.

Cade respected the people out here in this time. He was honored to be among them and looked forward to earning his keep.

He had a moment of nostalgia remembering how much fun bathing and cleaning up had been with Thayne and Maia helping him. It was a wonder they’d made it out to the kitchen when they had. Truthfully, Cade could have gone another couple of rounds but deferred to time constraints and better judgment.

They all had things to do, places to go, and people to see.

Thayne wanted to hit town and ask around about any ranches in the area that needed hands. Maia wanted to pick Sabrina’s brain about a potential business venture concerning her notions and potions.

This thought brought up an issue that Cade hadn’t even consciously considered before now and that pertained to the fact that Sabrina might be gifted.

She gave off every indication that she could be, which made Cade wonder what she was doing in a one-horse town like Elk Creek. Okay, maybe it wasn’t a one-horse town. As far as towns went in this time, Elk Creek was pretty large and prosperous by comparison. Cade just couldn’t help but compare the town—and all its denizens—to twenty-first-century standards, and he knew he had to stop doing that.

Sabrina took a moment from her bustling around the kitchen to introduce the other two boarders to him, Maia, and Thayne.

One gentleman, Ford, was in town on business and enjoyed the amenities at Sabrina’s better than any place in town when he visited. The other, Joshua, was “just passing through.”

That was another thing Cade had noticed about the people in this time and place. Most didn’t volunteer more than a first name if they could help it, and they didn’t offer information about where they came from or what they did for a living unless it was absolutely necessary. Asking people about themselves was just plain rude here, unlike in the twenty-first century, where it wasn’t uncommon for guests at a dinner party, who barely knew one another, to ask what one did for a living and how much one made at it.

The information blackout in the nineteenth century, of course, piqued Cade’s already healthy curiosity all the more.

Like with Sabrina. She was a mystery to him, and Cade didn’t like mysteries. It was in his nature to solve puzzles, especially when those puzzles were people.

While he was at it, he might as well add Luke Beckett to that list of mysteries.

At the thought, the man glanced up at Cade, as if he knew Cade considered him. Cade didn’t avert his gaze, not wanting to appear guilt ridden. Thank God he didn’t have to hold that intent, bluish-gray gaze too long, as Sabrina came to his rescue with second helpings of food for the gambler.

Luke glanced up at Sabrina as she leaned over him to fill his plate with more hotcakes and ham, and Cade could swear he saw him surreptitiously lean forward to smell Sabrina’s hair.

He thought maybe he imagined the motion until Sabrina drew back and grinned down at Luke. The look Luke gave her in return was as smitten as any schoolboy’s with a crush.

Ah, the flinty-eyed, silent gambler had a weakness!

Cade smiled at the thought and wondered if Sabrina had any inkling. He doubted it. Luke seemed adept at hiding his feelings if he didn’t want them known. It was a quality that served him well at cards. Cade suspected had he not been looking so closely, he wouldn’t have noticed Luke’s interest in Sabrina himself.

“Is there something wrong with the ham and eggs?” Sabrina paused on her way back from the stove to fill everyone’s cups with coffee. She arched an eyebrow and had that ubiquitous hand on her hip as she stared at Maia.

Maia returned her look. “Oh no, there’s nothing wrong. I’m a, uh…I…”

Maia fidgeted beside him, and Cade felt her discomfort as the others at the table all stared at her. As bossy and extroverted as Maia could be, he knew that being pushed in the spotlight and made the cynosure this moment wasn’t to her liking in the least. His heart beat in sympathy with her plight, and just when he prepared to come to her rescue, Maia raised her cleft chin a notch. The indomitable look on her face made Cade’s heart, not to mention his cock, pump from something else entirely different than sympathy, however.

“It’s just…so much food.”

Cade knew Maia had a good appetite and it wasn’t just the amount of food. He saw she was still struggling with her vegan preferences. A lifetime commitment and habit didn’t just go away in twenty-four hours, and he respected that she was trying. Sabrina frowned at her, as did the men at the table. “It’s just enough food to keep that body of yours going.”

“Excuse me?”

Sabrina didn’t hesitate to elaborate. “Pardon me for saying it, missy, but you’re nothing but skin and bones. I don’t know how you do things up in that highfalutin’ city where you come from, but if you’re going to survive out here for any length of time, you need some meat on your bones, and eating a hearty breakfast is the best way to start your day.”

Rather than take offense, Maia chuckled. “You sound like my mother.”

“Well, your mother’s a smart woman.”

“She thinks she is.”

Sabrina didn’t move from her spot, just eyed the untouched ham and eggs on Maia’s plate as if waiting for her to dig in. By now even Thayne had made a stab at eating his ham.

“Look, Sabrina, I can’t eat the ham and eggs, but I’ll have more of your delicious hotcakes and grits, if you don’t mind.”

Cade sat on the edge of his seat as he sensed all the other men doing. It was as if they all waited for a catfight to erupt at any moment.

He knew how much of a compromise eating in this time had been for Maia. Even the grits and hotcakes weren’t all that harmless, since both had more than likely been made with butter or lard, thereby exploiting one or more animals in some way.

Damn, Thayne had rubbed off on him more than he thought, and his brother wasn’t even a full-fledged vegan like Maia.

After a brief but tense Mexican standoff, Sabrina finally sighed and continued back to the stove, grumbling as she retrieved the tray with the hotcakes on it. She wasted no time piling several onto Maia’s plate and divvying up her ham and eggs between Cade and Luke, silently glaring at each of them as if she dared either man to object.

“Thank you, kindly, ma’am.”

“Oh, don’t you ma’am me.” Sabrina cuffed Luke, but it was obvious to see the lighthearted teasing taking place between the pair as he ducked out of her reach and laughed.

It all made Cade wonder what Luke’s story was and if he was just “passing through,” like Joshua, or staying in town indefinitely, like them.

Once everyone had food on their plate and was comfortably occupied with eating their meal, Sabrina finally took a seat at the table in front of her own plate.

BOOK: Maia's Magickal Mates [The Double R 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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