Read Maiden Flight Online

Authors: Bianca D'Arc

Tags: #Romance, #Fantasy, #Adult, #Fiction, #General, #Contemporary, #dragons knights menage a tois

Maiden Flight (3 page)

BOOK: Maiden Flight
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He brought his wet fingers to his cock and coated himself with her essence, hoping to make his passage easier on her this first time. Before she had time to think, he pressed forward, the cap of his raging erection sinking in with little trouble. He straightened over her, bracing his arms on either side of her face as he moved steadily forward.

“Do it now, Gareth. Come into me now!”

“Your wish,” he surged forward, breaking through the barrier, “is my command.” She jerked beneath him momentarily and he held still, watching the tightness around her sweet mouth ease as she got used to his presence in her body. “Better now?”

She tilted her head as if considering exactly how she felt. He loved that thoughtfulness about her. He loved her adventurous spirit. And he feared given half a chance, he would love her. Period.

“It feels odd, but very pleasurable. Isn’t there more?”

Gareth grinned down at her questioning eyes. “Much more. We’ve only just begun.”

“Oh, good.”

With a chuckle, Gareth began to move in her, watching her eyes light up as she discovered what came next. She was delightful to him. Fresh, eager and open to new experiences, she was a treasure. He’d never felt so lighthearted while making love, never knew it could feel this right, this pure, this perfect.

She clamped her legs around him and he could feel her excitement rising fast. She was so responsive to him, it made it all that much better. He moved his hand between them and teased her clit until she tensed and cried out, experiencing her first orgasm while he remained hard within her. He watched her through it all, entranced by the look in her luminous eyes, the sheer pleasure on her pretty face.

He rode her throughout, helping her milk it for all it was worth. When she came back to earth, he was there, looking down into her beautiful eyes.

“Ready for more?” His smile teased her and she blushed so prettily he had to lean down and kiss her luscious lips. Rolling, he reversed their positions, keeping himself tight within her, watching the surprise enter her expression. “Do you ride?”

“We can no longer afford to keep a horse.”

“Who needs a horse when you can ride me?” His teasing tone brought a spark of excitement to her eyes and she straightened, letting her beautiful breasts swing as she positioned herself atop him.

“Am I doing it right?” She began a slow up and down motion on him that made him groan in appreciation.

“Any righter and I’d be a dead man.” His head flopped back to the ground as she increased her pace. “You’re a natural, sweet. Keep on as you’re going and we’ll soon touch the stars together.”

“Oh, Gareth!”

She was close; he could see it in the tensing of her sweet mouth. He moved his hands up to cup her bouncing breasts, enjoying the look and feel of them in his hands as she rode him. He pinched her nipples and teased them with his thumbs, flicking them as she moved faster and faster in search of her goal.

“Come for me now, sweet. Let go and come now!”

She convulsed over him, straining as he pumped hard within her and spilled a torrent of his seed within her tight depths.

“Oh!” She convulsed again as he watched, close to awe at the pleasure this small, untried woman had given him. He had never come so hard or so long in his life and still he emptied into her as if she had been made for him.

He stroked her hair, her back, her soft skin, even as his cock relaxed within her. Not seeing any reason to move further, he dragged a dry towel over her back and settled in for a short rest. He would have her again before this day was through, but for now she was wiped out.

Chapter Two

Belora woke on her back beneath Gareth, his cock hard once more within her. He stroked lightly, in and out, and she realized she was very wet and very excited. This man had shown her the most amazing things and it seemed there was still more to learn. The amazing attraction she had felt on first seeing him in the water now resolved into an amazing affection for the handsome, thoughtful man. He was so gentle with her, so caring in his way, yet so exciting. He’d shown her things about herself she had only been able to guess at before and given her a new confidence in her femininity she had never had before.

“About time you woke up.” His soft grin eased the hard words.

She stretched up, stroking his stubbly cheek with her soft hand. She loved the masculine feel of him.

“Someone tired me out.”

“Hmm. We’ll have to see what we can do about that.”

He rocked gently, in no hurry now to sate the hunger growing inside her.

She climaxed twice before he let loose with his own completion, nearly drowning her in his seed. She knew a baby could come of what they’d just done, but didn’t care. Or rather, she kind of liked the idea of having this knight’s baby, even if she never saw him again.

Here was a man worthy of fathering children. He was brave, strong, gallant and a considerate lover. She well knew her initiation into sex could have been much more painful than it had been. In fact, aside from that one moment when he tore through her barrier, it had been nothing but pleasure.

No, if she got pregnant from this day’s work, it was the will of the Mother.

Such pleasure could not be wrong and if she had this man’s child, the baby would be healthy, smart, and as strong as its father. It would be a blessing.

“Come, Belora.” He tugged her to her feet though the lethargy of good, hot loving weighed her down. She wanted to sleep again, but it seemed he wouldn’t let her.

“Where are we going?”

“For a quick dip in the lake.”

“What?” Her tiredness left her in a rush. “That water’s cold!”

“Invigorating,” he countered, drawing her closer to where the clear waves lapped against the pebbly shore. “We need to clean you off or you’ll be uncomfortable.”

Her heart melted at his soft words. She knew in that moment that he was caring for her again. He was the expert at sex and knew what was best for her. So far he had proven that he always put her pleasure and comfort before his own and that was a good quality in a man, she decided.

“Okay, but let’s make this quick. I don’t relish freezing my butt off.”

He let her precede him so he could leer at the butt in question.

“No, that would be a definite shame. I’ll make sure that your beautiful butt doesn’t go anywhere, okay?”

He grabbed her ass in his hands and pushed her toward the clear water of the lake. They splashed in, laughing and smiling as he pulled her close into his arms. He took them only waist deep into the water before tugging her to a halt. Holding her eyes with his, he swept his big hands down into the water, cupping them between her legs, and ran his calloused fingers through her folds. As he cleaned her, each sweep growing bolder, a fire kindled and leapt in her womb.

He plunged two fingers up into her sore channel, but backed off when she winced just the tiniest bit.

“I’m sorry,” she said softly as he drew back.

“No, I should have realized you’d be sore after all we’ve done today.”

“But I want more.”

He shook his head with a soft smile. “You can’t have it. Not that way at least.”

“What other way is there?”

Now the fire returned to in his eyes. “There are many other ways, my sweet innocent.”

“Not so innocent anymore, thanks to you, sir knight.” She knew she was blushing from the heat rushing up her neck, but couldn’t help it. Besides, he seemed to enjoy it as he traced the flush on her cheeks with one strong hand.

His other hand lingered below the water, tracing her folds and soothing her aches with gentle touches.

“I doubt there’s anything in this world that could take your innocence completely from you. It’s part of your soul, shining out through your lovely eyes.” He bent down and kissed her eyelids so softly it brought a tear to her eye.

She started to shiver but it wasn’t from the cold.

“Let’s get you out of the water. You’re right. It is kind of chilly.”

Instead of letting her walk out, he hoisted her up in his arms and carried her to shore. After drying her with his towel, he laid her down on the soft pile of their clothing and settled himself on his haunches between her bare legs.

“What are you doing?” She was just a bit nervous, lying there exposed to his gaze. Her eyes followed his every move, her mouth going dry and her stomach clenching in anticipation that was mixed with just a hint of fear. This was all so new to her, but this man, this moment, felt so right. The smile in his eyes reassured her, the passion in his gaze heated her blood.

“Just enjoying the view. You’re gorgeous, Belora.” He leaned forward and placed a smacking kiss on the soft swell of her tummy as she laughed. “And while I’m here, I might as well show you one of those other ways of giving pleasure. What do you say?”

He raised his eyes to hers and smiled in that devilish way of his that made her insides clench.

“All right. I think.”

“Oh, don’t worry. You’re going to love this.”

He moved downward, shocking her as his hands spread her pussy lips apart and his tongue delved inside. She nearly bucked off the ground; the pleasure was so intense. He laved her most intimate places with his hot tongue, stroking down her slit and back up, pausing to seek inside the sore little hole that had never known such passion before that day. All pain was forgotten as shivers of delight danced up and down her spine. She’d never felt so wanton, so desirable as she did with this knight. He soothed her with long licks, exciting her with the odd foray down to the tight pucker of her anus and back up to circle and tease her clit. Her legs trembled and her muscles went weak, anticipation building as he stroked her higher and higher.

“Gareth?” She didn’t know how she could stand the sensations running through her body. It was frightening and profound at the same time.

“Shh, sweet. Just enjoy. This is for you.” His whispered words brushed in soft puffs of heated air against her clit, making her temperature rise higher. It wouldn’t be long now.

She looked down and saw Gareth’s sparkling eyes looking up at her from between her legs. Something about the sight of him, pleasuring her so thoroughly and seeming to enjoy it, sent her soaring higher. When he bit down gently, but unexpectedly on her clit, she screamed and convulsed in yet another orgasm. He rode her through it, keeping his warm mouth on her fiery cunt.

“Gareth! Oh, Gareth.” Her whispered pleas escaped unnoticed from her lips as he curled her into his arms, much, much later. She could feel his hard cock against her, but he made no move to relieve his own tension.

When reason returned, she sat up and pushed him down onto the bed of clothing. The surprise in his eyes made her bold.

“Surely if you can make me come with your mouth, I can do the same?”

Gareth placed his hands on her arms. “You don’t have to do this, Belora.

This last time was for you. I don’t expect anything.”

“Nonsense. I want to learn you the way you’ve learned me.” She moved closer, settling her face closer and closer to his thick erection. “I would take you in my body again, but I’m too sore. Let me do this for you, Gareth.”

He let go of her arms and lay back with a silly grin on his face. “If you insist.”

“Tell me what to do.”

“Just touch me, Belora. Wrap your fingers around the base and suck the tip of my cock into your mouth. Use your tongue.” She followed his instructions and was gratified to hear his harsh groan and feel the fingers tightening in her hair. He obviously liked what she was doing so she sucked harder. “Yes, just like that. Oh, Belora!”

She began to move up and down on him, in time with the tugging motions of his hand in her hair. He wasn’t controlling her, but coaching her, she realized, and she took full advantage of his lesson to bring him to the brink of ecstasy. At the same time, she was learning intimate things about him. His musky scent, his salty taste, the rhythmic way he liked to be licked.

She felt wicked and divine at the same time, learning how to pleasure a man such as this. She sucked lightly, then harder, following his cues as she learned the new landscape before her. Never had she imagined, even in her wildest dreams, taking a man in her mouth this way. It was something out of her realm of experience, but something she knew she wanted to experience again and again. With this man, and this man alone.

“Let go now if you don’t want me to come in your mouth,” he warned. “I’m that close.”

But she wanted his cum. She wanted it all. She wanted to taste him, to swallow him down, and take his essence into herself. She sucked harder and he gasped, coming hard as she gulped it down, licking and tasting, moaning her own enjoyment. She hadn’t expected to enjoy making him come as much as she had, but it gave her a sense of her own feminine power and allowed her to express the softer feelings she inexplicably had for this hard knight who had stolen her heart with only his smile.

They lay down again for a while, basking in the lethargy that she was learning came after incredible sex. They enjoyed watching the late afternoon sun glinting off the lake and the dragon flying low over the forest in the distance.

She turned in his arms to look up at his hard chiseled face. “You know, I’ve never seen a dragon in these parts before, much less a knight.”

“You’ll see more of us soon. We’ve founded a Lair just to the north of here by the king’s command, and will be patrolling the border from now on.”

“That sounds like trouble. Your dragon friend said we might see war from Skithdron.”

He nodded once. “It’s true. There’s unrest to the east. More skith attacks than usual for one thing, and political maneuvering between the kings and politicians.”

“My mother said she’d heard rumors, but we were hoping it was just talk.”

“Unfortunately not.”

She lay back against him, staring at the sky and thinking hard while he idly drew soft circles on her bare skin with his fingertips.

“Will I ever see you again?” Her tone was curious, not possessive, but the words caused a tightening in his heart.

“I hope I’ll see you often. In fact, I want you to come back with me to the new Lair, Belora. I want more than just this. Will you come with me?”

BOOK: Maiden Flight
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