Maikoda: Power of the Moon (Blue Moon Trilogy Book 2) (27 page)

BOOK: Maikoda: Power of the Moon (Blue Moon Trilogy Book 2)
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              Martin’s momentary distraction allowed Kuruk to take a swipe at the older man, leaving a vicious tear in Martin’s arm. 

              Pained, Martin howled and pulled his knife. In moments it was over. Kuruk lay face down in the dirt, his head partially removed from his body.

              Layla smelled them before she saw them. The helicopter flew over them, low enough to get their attention. She looked up, her stomach clenched in warning. 

              Martin was already moving. “Get in the tunnel,” he yelled as he ran towards the room that her aunt and Nali had vacated only a few moments ago.

              She started to move, her feet and body turned in the direction of the escape tunnel. Everything seemed to slow down just at that moment. She saw Martin enter the little area, Brett on his heels.

              She saw the beating of the helicopter blades, each individual blade moving separately. She saw the Were in combat gear as he leaned out of the opened door, but instead of the gun, the Were held a black device similar to the flash bomb Brett had made in Alaska. Only this bomb was bigger and she heard the ticking of the timer as if in a dream.  

              The blast knocked her off her feet. She flew through the air and thumped against a tree.  Her head lolled as she rolled away from the shredded sapling, too heavy for her to lift, her clothes in tatters against her frame. Dimly, she heard the helicopter as it flew away and felt the heat of the flames nearby as well as the aching mass that was her body. 

              She sensed Brett and Martin as they moved towards her and she wanted to tell them that she was okay; that she would be fine, but the words would not come. Strong hands lifted her from the dirt. She was moving quickly through the woods, her head bouncing with every step that was made. 

              A light shone dimly above her; the dome light of Martin’s truck and she barely heard the engine as the truck started or felt the movement as Martin put it in gear. Brett held her hand and she tried to squeeze back, uncertain as to why her hand would not move. Why could he not understand that she was okay?

              A bright light prickled at the back of her skull and without warning, she seemed to move towards it. The light was so warm and comforting and the closer she got, the less pain seemed to plague her body. She reached a hand up and with a smile, Layla closed her eyes.







              The doctor stood at Layla’s bedside, his face drawn. “I don’t know what to tell you gentlemen. She’s in a coma right now. All we can do is work on trying to relieve the swelling to her brain, so that she might have a chance to pull through. Whether or not she wakes up is anyone’s guess.” 

              He pushed his glasses further up his nose and held the clipboard to his chest. He was downright uncomfortable in front of these two men. The young man looked ready to kill him and although he was less verbal than his young friend, the doctor had a feeling the older man wished him bodily harm as well. He truly hoped the young woman would pull through, if only to get those two away from him.

              “At least I have good news.” He cleared his throat as the older man looked up and indicated that he should continue. “The baby seems fine. She is still quite early in the pregnancy, but it seems like the egg had implanted in a good spot. We will continue to monitor her, but so far, so good.” A pager clipped to his belt sounded and he excused himself with barely disguised relief.


              Brett looked at Martin. Baby? Layla was pregnant? He ran his fingers through his hair.               Shit. Layla was pregnant. He was going to be a father. He stood up and paced the floor, his mind going a million miles a minute.  Things had just gotten even more complicated. 

              The Blue Moon was a little over a month away, Layla was in a coma, they had the bracelet and her sisters, but the dagger was in the Were Council Archives. The same Were Council that had sent soldiers to kill them. 

              And Layla was pregnant. 

              His head swam. He was going to be someone’s father. Holy hell He was going to be someone’s father! If only Layla would wake up, then this day would be perfect. 


              The Were looked at the others assembled before him. “Kuruk has failed. He is dead. Do not underestimate the Hania and her Protectors. If we want the war to continue, we have to take away their hope. She is their hope.” 

              He smiled at the group. “Once we find her, she will be ours.” 

              “But we killed her.”

              He sighed resignedly, resisting the urge to snap at the inane comment. “Did we recover a body?” He laced his fingers against his stomach. “Until we do, I will assume that she is alive.” He walked to the fireplace and tossed another log onto the flickering flame. The orange glow spread over his face as he turned to face the others. 

              “We are talking about the same young woman who escaped Suzette and Kuruk. Twice. All because they underestimated her.” He turned back to the flames. 

              “I will not make the same mistake,” he muttered, more to himself than the others. “We will not make the same mistake.”

              The others murmured their agreement.

              He smiled. “Besides, we have the one thing they need.” He pointed to a silver box lying on his desk. The box was old, the silver tarnished and the jewels that decorated it were long gone. He opened the unassuming box. 

              Nestled within the tarnished silver and atop a piece of velvet cloth was a long, thin, shiny dagger, the hilt in the shape of a wolf.


For more on the Blue Moon Trilogy, visit the website
or the author’s website at


More in the Blue Moon Series


              Blue Moon Trilogy Book One –
Tala (Wolf)

              19 years after being viciously attacked, Layla is leading a fairly normal life. She is in               college and is about to graduate and start her new life. That is until she meets her new               mentee who is more than he seems, an old guy who may know what happened to her               mother 19 years ago and the werewolf who tried to kill her. With the Blue Moon only a               few months away, will she be able to channel her powers and fight or will she succumb to               the darkness within her?


              Coming Soon!! 

              Blue Moon Trilogy Book Three – Hania (Spirit Warrior)

              Layla Donovan has just survived not one, but two attempts on her life…in the last two               months.  Now things are starting to heat up.  Her adopted cousin, Nali is just starting to                            understand her powers, her aunt and her mentor are planning a wedding, her nemesis is               stronger than ever, the Council that she trusted to protect her is trying to kill her and she’s               just found out she is pregnant. If that wasn’t enough to keep her busy, she has to kill her               father               in order to stop the war.  Life just keeps getting better and better.


Other titles by Adrianna Morgan

Hell in Heels


Helena Black has been a very bad girl.  She’s run away from home and stolen one of her father’s prize possessions.  Now she is being followed by a voodoo priest, a reporter with a nose for a story and someone has dognapped her hellhound.   Not only that, but she may be falling in love with her neighbor.   Too bad he’s human.


Hell on Earth

Self-proclaimed Witch Extraordinaire Bri Montague is living the life she loves until her               arch nemesis tells her that the deal she made with a demon resulted in a life expectancy of six months. Now she has to find the demon who cursed her, outwit him to gain her life back and find her missing mentor--one of the most powerful witches in her coven--all without scuffing her designer shoes.


Some Like it Hot

Six months ago, Helena Black left her family in Hell for the first time. She wanted to experience life topside and ended up in Alaska.  She lasted for two days before she called her father to take her back home.  But what an awesome two days she had…


Fairytale Fantasies

What if Cinderella was a modern girl with a thing for her boss and a little bit of exhibitionism? What if Sleeping Beauty liked playing with herself and her female               roommate more than she liked playing with her prince? What if Snow White was simply a girl down on her luck and needed some quick cash? Fairytale Fantasies takes you on a journey where the fairytales you read as a kid take on a different meaning as an adult. Some fairytales are NOT for kids...


Fairytale Fetishes

What if Beauty hooked up in a nightclub bathroom to find her Beast? What if Rapunzel's "Prince" was an intruder in her house? What if Red Riding Hood ended up riding wood in the forest behind her house? Fairytale Fetishes takes you to the edge of the fantasy world, where few people dare to go and gives new meaning to the words, happily ever after.


Fairytale Flames

What if Hansel and Gretel (no relation) did more in those woods than visit a witch? What if Ariel was an actress being paid to seduce the Prince? What if Puss in Boots was a stripper with a penchant for licking things? Fairytale Flames, Fairytale Erotica book 3 takes you where there is always a happy ending.


Once Upon A Fairytale Princess

In a matter of moments, Ella Fitzpatrick’s life went from bad to worse. Her father’s boast               pits her against every eligible woman in their village and in the meanwhile, she catches               the eye of the charming prince and manages to make a powerful enemy; one who is not               above using magic to aid her quest. Now Ella is on the run, chasing the very villain who               killed her mother ten years ago and who may be trying to kill her now.


Author Bio


Adrianna Morgan is a woman obsessed with the vampires, werewolves and demons, oh my.  She is the author of four books and six novellas, including the Fairytale erotica collection, the paranormally romantic Hell Bent and Bound books and most recently, the Blue Moon Trilogy.  Adrianna is also with the publishing group,
Androsia Publishing
and writes African American Romance and Erotica under the name of
Rianna Morgan
. Visit her at
or become a Twitter follower @

BOOK: Maikoda: Power of the Moon (Blue Moon Trilogy Book 2)
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