Make-Believe Wife (23 page)

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Authors: Anne Herries

BOOK: Make-Believe Wife
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Roxanne looked and saw the magnificent pearl.
‘Oh—that arrived just before the wedding. Tilly brought it up with some other things. Prince Ranjit sent it on behalf of his family.'

‘It must be almost priceless,' Luke said and frowned, taking it out so that it lay on the palm of his hand. ‘You did not choose to wear it today?'

‘Of course not. I wore the gifts you gave me—and Grandfather's bracelet. Why should I wear that pearl, Luke? It is lovely, but I think we should send it back. I have no need of such gifts from the prince.'

Luke's expression eased, anger and tension gone. ‘I would return it except that to do so would cause offence. I shall acknowledge the gift, Roxanne. There is no need for you to do anything.'

‘I shall not wear the pendant, but if you think it rude to return it…'

‘It can stay in the strong room. Perhaps one of our children or their wives will take a fancy to it in the future.' Luke smiled and leaned forwards to kiss her lips. ‘He said you were a jewel of rare value. I replied that I did not need to be told. I was well aware of your value to me. I was so angry that I wanted to kill him for daring to think you could be his for a sum of money.'

‘You have no need to be angry, my love.' Roxanne stood up and put her arms about him. ‘No jewels could buy what we have, Luke. Love such as we feel for each other is a gift from God. It is all that either of us need now or in the future.

‘I am so happy,' Roxanne said. ‘Paris will be wonderful, but all I truly need is to be at home with you and Grandfather.'


‘So you're home again,' the earl said and nodded with satisfaction as Roxanne came to kiss him on the cheek. ‘You look happy, girl. Paris was a success, then?'

‘Paris was exciting and I enjoyed the experience,' she said and pulled her elegant satinwood chair closer to his. It had a shield-shaped back, spindly legs and was one of a set of fourteen from Mr Adams's workrooms scattered throughout the house. ‘However, I am glad to be home again, sir. Luke will be down shortly. He thinks he must go to London for a few days soon on business, but he will not be away for long.'

‘You must neither of you feel tied to my coattails, girl. As long as you visit often I shall be content.'

‘Well, I dare say I shall go to London or Bath for a visit sometimes, but not just yet.' Roxanne smiled, hardly able to contain the delight she felt inside. ‘Now, I hope you will not think this too soon, Grandfather—but Luke and I…' She paused to watch his face, saw his frown and then a look of enquiry in his eyes. ‘Yes, I am to have a child. I know it may seem too soon to be sure, but I think…it may have happened before the wedding. We did anticipate our wedding a little. I hope I have not shocked you?'

‘A child…' The earl looked at her eagerly, a hint of tears in his eyes. ‘You're certain, girl?'

‘I saw a doctor just before we left Paris and he was sure that I was with child, perhaps two months or a little less. If I take good care and do not rush about all over the place, I believe you may have your first grandchild sooner than you had anticipated.'

‘An heir…' The earl grinned at her. ‘I thought I might have to wait months, years even. You're a clever girl, Roxanne. I knew you were just what this place needed when Luke first brought you here.'

‘I may have a daughter,' she cautioned. ‘But if I do we shall have to try again. I must confess that I shall not mind if we have a brood of children, both sons and daughters, to fill this big house with laughter.'

‘You've already done that,' he said. ‘The house has not been empty since you left for France. Your friend Beth Fox brought her son to stay for a few days and I gave him a pony of his own to keep in our stables—so I think we can be sure they will visit regularly. They might find a home here on the estate if you wished it, somewhere close enough for you to visit each other often. Besides, I've had a stream of visitors, neighbours and friends I hadn't bothered with for years—even Luke's godmother stayed on after the wedding—and guests are what this place has needed since Luke's parents died.'

‘The tragedy was a terrible thing and it blighted all your lives, but the past has gone and we have a future filled with love and happiness to look forward to.'

‘Luke knows of the child?'

‘He is delighted. He thought I should tell you alone, but he will be down soon and then we can all celebrate together.'

She glanced up as the door opened and Luke walked in. ‘Here you are, dearest. Grandfather is pleased with our news.'

‘You've done well by me, sir,' the earl said. ‘I'm
proud of you—proud of you both. And this is one of the happiest days of my life.'

Luke looked at Roxanne, his eyes warm with love. ‘We both hope there will be others as happy, sir.'

‘Yes.' Roxanne stood up and went to him. She glanced back at the earl. ‘We have decided that you shall name our first child—boy or girl, the choice shall be yours.'

‘Emily for a girl or Selwyn if it's a boy,' the earl said. ‘To tell the truth, I have a fancy for a little girl first, but we must wait and see what the good lord sends us.'

‘Yes, I do not think even Roxanne can arrange that, though she leaves little else to chance,' Luke said and laughed as his wife pulled a face at him. ‘For myself I care not whether the child is male or female—as long as Roxanne is well after the birth I shall be quite content.'

‘I have decided we should have at least two boys and two girls,' Roxanne said and smiled. ‘But as long as we are all well and content together little else matters.'

‘We should send for champagne,' the earl said. ‘I want to toast my new grandchild—and the staff must share in our good fortune. We shall give a fête for the people, Luke. I'll leave it to you to organise the affair, but I shall attend if the day is fine.'

‘I shall set it all in order before I leave for London—and I'll be back within a week so you need not pull caps with me, Grandfather. My home is here with the people I love and I have no wish to stay away an hour longer than I need.'

The door opened to admit Mrs Arlet. A few words from the earl and she left, face wreathed in smiles, to
communicate the news to the rest of the household and order their champagne and lemonade for Roxanne.

‘You know that they will be counting back the weeks after the birth,' Roxanne said. ‘I think we shall shock our neighbours a little, sir.'

‘Nonsense,' the earl replied and winked at her. ‘Have you never heard of a babe coming early? My Emily had our son a month sooner than expected—big bonnie boy he was, too.'

‘Grandfather,' Roxanne said and laughed. ‘You are a rascal.'

‘I was a bit of a rascal when I was younger,' he agreed and glanced at his grandson. ‘It might be that Clarendon is more like me than any of you thought…'


o, Selwyn Luke John Arnold Hartingdon, future Lord Clarendon and one day heir to this old pile,' the earl said, looking down at the child in the cot beside Roxanne's bed. ‘How does it feel to be the first-born of a clever girl like your mama? I dare say you are pleased with yourself and will lead us all a merry dance one day.'

‘Grandfather,' Roxanne scolded with a smile of affection. ‘He is but a day old and interested only in feeding and sleeping.'

‘He is my great-grandson and will take after his father and his great-grandfather,' the earl replied with satisfaction. ‘He is going to be a fine big chap and will make us all proud of him. I dare say he might be the Prime Minister or a famous general if he chose.'

‘I think he may have some of Roxanne's qualities,' Luke said and raised his brows at her. ‘I certainly hope he has more sense than either of us ever had.'

‘Well, yes, of course—but he's got my nose and his mouth is just like yours, Luke.' The earl chuckled. ‘And I am an old fool clucking over him as if I'd never seen a babe before. Roxanne, I am proud of you, girl. I wanted to tell you that I love you and make sure you were well—but there never was such a beautiful child.'

‘Thank you, dearest Grandfather. I love you, too.'

‘Well, I'll leave you together for a while—but you should let Roxanne rest, Luke. She needs to get her strength back.'

‘I shall do so in a moment, sir.'

Luke grinned as the door closed behind him. ‘I've never seen him look so happy and proud. Anyone would think the boy was his son.'

‘He loves us all,' Roxanne said. ‘Are you proud of me, Luke? Are you pleased with your son?'

‘You know I am,' he said and perched on the edge of her bed, reaching for her hand. ‘I am the happiest man alive—except perhaps for Grandfather. He looks younger and I begin to think he is an old fraud. He will live for years.'

‘His health is not good,' Roxanne said and held his hand tighter, ‘but he is content and will have some time with us yet.'

‘Yes, I know.' Luke bent his head and kissed her. ‘Now I must do as Grandfather bid me and leave you to rest. Beth will be here later and I know she will be eager to see you. Rest now and you will feel better when she arrives.'

‘I am perfectly well, you know,' Roxanne said. ‘I
shall rest, but only for a little time. Come and see me soon, my love.'

‘Of course. I have no intention of going anywhere else,' he said, blew her a kiss and went out.

Roxanne lay back against her pillows, a smile on her lips as she closed her eyes and slept.

ISBN: 978-1-4592-1443-9


Copyright © 2011 by Anne Herries

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