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Authors: Charlotte Stein

Make Me (12 page)

BOOK: Make Me
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‘You want it?’ Tyler asks, and I echo Brandon’s response in my head.
Yes, I want your cock
. But I don’t get anything other than a front-row seat, as Brandon licks and laps frantically around the taut, glossy head of Tyler’s heavy cock.

God, he’s going to split him in two. I know it, before he pushes him away and strides around the bed, that thick slab of meat still in his hand.

‘That’s enough, Maisie,’ he says, but it’s not the same sort of command he’s been offering to date. This one’s rough and guttural – impatient, I think. And I’m sure of it when he takes my place between Brandon’s legs.

He’s breathing too hard – obviously so. And he doesn’t just stroke and then slowly sink in. He gets hold of Bran’s thighs and yanks until Bran’s face is in the duvet, and all the while Bran’s making these noises. These desperate, horny sorts of noises, that only emphasise what’s going to happen to him. He’s got his ass in the air and Tyler’s scissoring his fingers in that place I barely dared touch – it’s really pretty clear, without anyone saying.

But Tyler does anyway. He always does. I think he likes a running commentary, as much as he likes the act itself.

‘You ready to take my cock, slut?’ he asks, then follows it with something even better: ‘Tell Maisie how much you want it.’

I mean … seriously. Does Brandon have to do that? I think I’m going to pass out if Brandon goes ahead and does that while Tyler looks and looks at me with those sultry eyes. He has a hand on Brandon’s back and, as I hold my breath and wait for the words, he strokes a hand down over the body in front of him, like he’s posing it to its best advantage.

He wants me to enjoy it, I think. He wants me to feel included. And I’m proven right, a moment later. Brandon groans ecstatically that it’s true, that he can’t wait to be filled, and once Tyler is satisfied with his enthusiasm he says to me: ‘Watch. Come here and watch.’

And I do. I almost collapse right into him I’m leaning over so hard, but that’s OK. As he works that big cock of his into Brandon’s resisting ass, he tilts sideways, and kisses the curve of my jaw, my cheek, my throat. He kisses every single place that won’t impede his view of him spreading Bran open.

And I’ve got to appreciate that. He’s a real gentleman when it comes to kinky sex stuff.

‘You like that?’ he says, and for the first time I actually know what to tell him right off. I don’t feel as though I’m intruding, or like he’s talking around me. The words just come out in a rush, over the top of Brandon’s excited moans.

‘I love it,’ I murmur. ‘I love seeing you take him.’

I think of that word over and over: ‘take’, as Tyler tells me more.

‘He’s so tight. I can hardly ease my way in.’

‘Yeah, yeah. Go on,’ I say, but I make a fatal mistake when I do. I completely forget all of those curve balls Tyler’s so fond of.

‘Are you this tight, baby?’ he purrs and, as he lets the words slide out – so innocent sounding, so simple, really – he runs a hand down over my ass to give it a playful little squeeze.

He pushes one slippery little finger down into the cleft between, rubbing and stroking, until I burn an even brighter red than I already am. My body glows and everything tingles there, viciously, when he presses firmly over one particular spot.

And then he spells it out. ‘Ever had someone, there?’ he asks, and I’m ashamed – though not for obvious reasons. I’m not really all that mortified over him touching me there, or that he’s doing it as he slowly slides his dick back and forth in Brandon’s tight ass. I’m not even particularly fussed that Bran has started moaning things like ‘Oh yeah, use me, fill me up.’ No – I’m really more concerned that Brandon, uptight dork extraordinaire, has had anal sex before I have. And I just can’t admit that.

‘Yes,’ I say, but I don’t know why I bother.

Brandon is currently getting reamed so thoroughly he can barely move from the position he’s in, trapped between Tyler’s big hands and the bed and that cock pumping roughly in and out. And yet he still manages to gasp out, ‘She’s lying.’

Apparently, I’m so obvious that a man whose cock is now making wet trails on the duvet can tell when I’m being dishonest. And another man – one who is shuddering over the feel of his swollen cock in another man’s ass – knows it, too.

Tyler laughs, in spite of the squirming and rutting Brandon’s now doing – so jerky and eager and delicious looking – and gives it to me straight: ‘Did that ass fucking you supposedly took happen in your head, while you were masturbating?’

I get a flash of the last time I fantasised about something like that. Three men looming over me … or was it four? Then all of them filling every hole I have, all at once. Most of them moaning about how they were going to pump me full of hot come, soon, that my ass was so sweet and tight and my mouth so hot and wet.

It’s pretty embarrassing, and worse – I think Tyler can read it on my face.

‘We could do what you asked for, you know,’ he says, and then I’m sure he can read it on my face. I somehow secretly told him about my desire for a five-way, with some anonymous grunts. ‘Only … more like … Brand gets fucked in the ass, first … and then you second.’

Or maybe he just wants to offer something that makes Bran briefly panic.

‘Are you serious? Ty, hold on a minute. Just hold on,’ he tries, though his efforts are somewhat in vain. He turns his head so we can both see him, and there’s absolutely no strength in his expression. He looks dazed, red-faced … ‘She’s too small,’ he says.

These words are followed by an obvious moan of excitement and I can’t really tell if it is the feel of Tyler pounding into him that makes him cry out, or that one electric thought:

I’m too small
He’s a monster; he’ll split me in two. He’ll get me like this on the bed – two hands on my upturned ass, pushing down hard until everything opens for him. And then he’ll shove that cock of his in, again and again and again, like a fucking piston until I die of it. Oh God, let me die of it.

I think Brandon might be dying of it.

‘Oh yeah, he’s gonna come,’ Tyler says, and though I want to ask him how he knows I’m inclined to agree. The sounds Bran’s making are almost unearthly, and he’s shoving most of them into the hunk of forearm he’s biting down on. Plus, I’m pretty sure I can see how tightly he’s clenching around that thick length, before Tyler expands on this point.

‘Yeah, that’s it,’ he says. ‘Squeeze me off, slut. Show Maisie how much you love it. You want to come in her mouth, huh?’

Oh God, yes please, oh please, let him come in my mouth, my mind babbles, but it needn’t worry. Tyler’s got it all under control.

‘Here, come on – get up. Get back here,’ he says. He shoves a hand into Brandon’s hair and yanks him up onto his knees – so I can see everything clearly. I take in the gleaming slope of Brandon’s torso, and the curve of his neck as he arches back into Tyler’s body … and, of course, his fit-to-bursting cock.

Lord, I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone as hard and stiff and red as his curving dick looks. It’s almost kissing his belly, and the second I see it I
to take it in my mouth. I actually ache. He needs some relief, I think – all that fucking, with nowhere to go. Only somehow, I’ve caught the wrong end of the stick again.

Tyler doesn’t want me to suck Bran off until he comes. Oh no no no.

He wants me to
, as Brandon goes completely rigid and makes a sound like someone straining up an immense hill, and then finally, oh finally … His cock jerks once, twice, as it spurts a thick streamer of come all over the duvet.

And it doesn’t stop there either. Tyler even gets the chance to grin at me and tell me ‘Told you so,’ in the middle of the century-long orgasm Brandon’s currently going through. I didn’t realise a man could come like that, so hard and so extensively and with nothing touching his cock, but he can and he does and, once he’s almost done, I lean down to let him finish in my mouth.

Or all over my mouth, if I’m honest. He misses most of the open part and coats my cheeks and my chin, too, so that I’m just one big nasty mess, again. I’m covered in lube and come – not to mention the slickness between my own legs, which now seems to be all over my thighs, too.

I want to touch myself so badly I almost do it.

And that’s how Tyler finds me – sprawled on the bed with my hand on my arousal-slicked mound. After a while Brandon collapses next to me, and then we’re just a couple of slutty bookends. Him dazed and probably lying in his own jizz, me still licking that same mess off my lips.

‘You two dirty fuckers,’ Tyler says, and, I’ll be honest, I’m not even sure how to defend myself against that accusation. I
a dirty fucker. I’m so dirty that I don’t stop rubbing at the slipperiness I’ve made, all over my plump, pouting pussy lips.

And I watch him too.

I watch him shamelessly, as he swaps the condom on his still unspent cock – though I can’t be blamed. He’s definitely putting on a show for me, again. He even bares his teeth as he stalks around the bed, like some predator just waiting for his prey to make the wrong move.

If I try to run he’ll go for me. He’ll get me by the haunches and do that word I can’t stop thinking about – that one word I’d thought was funny, at the time, but now isn’t.

Mount, I think. Mount me.

But he keeps me waiting.

‘Kiss her clean,’ he says to Brandon, and my cunt fizzes and pops at the thought of what he might mean. He could be talking about my molten pussy, which now feels as though it hasn’t been touched since the dawn of time, despite the fact that it was touched about twenty minutes ago.

Or he could be talking about my mouth – and he is. Because a moment later, Brandon leans over – still trembling and blank-eyed from that soul-shaking orgasm – and kisses me tenderly there. He takes my chin between his fingers and flicks his tongue out to gather the last of himself off my skin.

Funny, but I want to keep it with me then. I kiss him harder, with all of my mouth and my hands, and I don’t think about what Tyler is doing until Bran pulls away and says, ‘You don’t have to, if you don’t want to.’

And then I have to think about it, because Tyler yanks me down the bed. He does more than that, in fact. He flips me over as though I’m made of nothing at all, while Brandon directs his protestations at someone else. ‘She doesn’t have to,’ he says to Tyler. ‘She doesn’t have to.’

But he’s wrong, and made even more so as Tyler says, ‘I tell you what, if she doesn’t want to, she can just say the same thing you do: red rum.’

I wonder why that word. Is it because of the movie? Or because it’s the colour of passion and the sense of something intoxicating? Or is it because it’s murder, backwards?

I’m murdering my old life, in which I did not allow a man to rub his slick thumb back and forth over my asshole, while another man eyes me with faithful nervousness. And I’m moving into this new life, in which Brandon whispers to me that he loves me, as he pushes a hand through my now ruinous hair.

I’m a tangled disaster, I think.

And I’m happy this way.

‘Go on,’ I tell Tyler, because he doesn’t have to make me at all. He can just do it – pushing and stroking until my slick hole starts to give in under this strange new pressure – and he can say things, too, while he does it. I like his things, as much as I like that
I love you
. I more than like that
I love you
. I more than like this.

‘Open up,’ he says, and I like it even better then. I can feel the blunt head of his cock pressing and pressing against my entrance and, when I finally let him ease in – all too slick and too tense – it’s a relief.

I sob, once, to the tune of Brandon saying, ‘Careful, careful.’

‘Is that what you want, Maisie?’ Tyler pants, in some kind of reply. ‘You want careful?’

But I can tell he already knows I don’t. I’m bunching the sheets into fists, just as Brandon did. And the moment Brandon moves close to me, I claw at his mouth with mine – so greedy, suddenly. When did I get this greedy?

I don’t know, but it feels incredible. The sensation of being stretched and used to capacity, of those hands on my hips pulling me back and back, in a telling, too-quick rhythm. He’s going to come soon – I can tell that before he says a word. It’s in his rough movements, almost too much for a while and then slicker, easier. And it’s in the way he’s moaning, just as Brandon did – with that same abandonment and eagerness.

I’ve never heard Tyler be like that before.

Unless he’s actually putting it into sentences.

‘Oh, she’s so tight – you wouldn’t believe,’ he groans, as he finds a kind of jerking back and forth that seems to suit him best. He isn’t going too deep into me, but I can feel what he is doing – he’s rubbing the sensitive ridge around the head of his cock against my stretched hole, each stroke catching the rim in a very particular sort of way.

It hurts. Just a little. Just enough to make me moan back at him and beg him for more. Be harder, be ruder, use my ass, I think at him, but all he gives me are more filthy and maddening words.

‘She’s practically clinging to my cock. Yeah, Maisie. That good, huh? You like something in your ass?’

I do, I do.

‘You want something else, huh? Maybe you want what we talked about. You want Bran to lick your sweet pussy while I fill this tight little hole?’

He’s a goddamned mind-reader, I swear, because although this is amazing and arousing and I’m near beside myself, I know I can’t come like this. I need Bran to do what he then does without comment, so frantic for it it’s like he hasn’t orgasmed at all. He’s as fresh as a daisy and ready to lick my swollen cunt the second Tyler eases up and gives him space.

And he does it so well. He spreads my slit the same way Tyler’s spreading my ass, firm and sure, then just laps a little at my stiff bead. He backs off when I nearly punch him then leans in again – and, oh, this time it’s just right. It’s just the right amount of pressure on the tip of my clit, back and forth, as Tyler says something insanely arousing like ‘Ahhh, I’m gonna shoot in your ass.’

BOOK: Make Me
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