Read Making Choices (Black Shamrocks MC Book 2) Online

Authors: Kylie Hillman

Tags: #Family, #Fiction, #Romance, #thriller, #dark, #Contemporary, #Suspense, #Australia, #MC, #organised crime

Making Choices (Black Shamrocks MC Book 2) (14 page)

BOOK: Making Choices (Black Shamrocks MC Book 2)
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I rake him again, harder, and he groans.

Scratching my nails down his chest, I leave red tracks on his flesh. The charming groan my move elicits makes me clench my thighs together, the throbbing at my core distractingly good.

Pumping him with my hand, I wait until he’s moving freely in time with my rhythm before I let go of his shaft and take a step back.

His eyes fly open, his mouth forming a perfect ‘O’ in surprise as he registers the loss of my touch.

Walking over to the iPod dock sitting on the dresser, I search through his playlist until I find a song that’ll be perfect for what I have in mind.

It’s not something that I expected to find on his iPod, but it’ll do for tonight.

“Buttons” by the Pussycat Dolls starts playing as I step up onto the bed. Lucas looks at me with wide, questioning eyes, but quickly works out what I’m up to when I start swinging my hips in time with the beat. Unbuttoning my blouse one button at a time as I move, his eyes light up when my half-cup bra comes into view. I’m not exactly well endowed in this area, but Lucas has never seemed unsatisfied with what I have.

Tonight is no exception.

Pulling my long hair over my shoulders so it covers my breasts, I begin unclasping my bra as I maintain the slow swing of my hips to the music. Once I have it undone, I pull it off, leaving my hair in front of my tits so they’re still hidden from his view as I flick my bra at him.

He catches it easily, and hangs it off of his jutting erection.

I burst into laughter and lose the tempo.

Grinning at me, he twirls his finger in the air, signalling me to get moving again.

Turning my back to him, I regroup and pick up the beat again as I unsnap my pants and shimmy them down my hips. My ass is my favorite part of my body. It’s pert, round, and the perfect size for my height. Wiggling it at him, I hear his sharp intake of breath as I bend over and begin to lower my thong. I’m not sure where the confidence comes from, but once my thong reaches my ankles, I spread my legs and lower my head so I can look at him between my thighs.

Lucas is standing behind me, close enough to reach out and touch me, with his powerful legs spread wide, and his cock in his hand. His eyes are glued to my pussy as he runs his hand up and down his straining length.

I watch as he squeezes the head savagely each time his hand rises to the top of his impressive cock.

The desire that’s evident in his eyes as he looks at me spurs me on. Feeling brave, I run my fingers up the inside of my thighs until they touch the outer lips of my throbbing pussy. The loud hiss that erupts from him makes me smile, and I rub myself again before pushing one finger into my core. My eyes flutter closed as I slide another finger inside.

“Fuck yeah, Doll. Fuck that greedy, little pussy for me.” His voice rumbles closer than expected, and I look back down. His handsome face is right between my legs, his eyes alight as he watches me work my fingers in and out.

The music has finished. I didn’t think to set it to repeat.

The only sound in the room is our erratic breathing and the occasional moan that escapes my lips as I pleasure myself.

My clit is throbbing so I press my free fingers against it, sending a sharp bolt of desire down my thighs, making my pussy clench around my fingers.

“Oh, Lucas. This feels so good.”

Working myself until my legs are shaking too much to stand for much longer, I’m about ready to collapse onto the mattress below me when I feel Lucas’s hands on my hips. Throwing me forward and bending me until I’m on all fours, he pulls me back to him, impaling me on his tongue. He fucks me as he works my clit with his fingers, I can feel myself tightening around his tongue ready to be tipped over the edge. He pulls his face away, denying me the release I was on the cusp of reaching.

“Lucas—” I groan, “Don’t stop.”

Rolling on to his back on the bed, he shimmies underneath me, and pulls me down on his face. Licking my clit with long strokes, he penetrates me with two fingers, working them in and out of my pulsing pussy in time with his talented tongue. My arousal peaks, and as I finally come, he slips a finger into my ass. Fucking me in both orifices with his thick fingers, he sucks my clit with an insatiable intensity that tells me that he’s enjoying this as much as I am. My pussy clenches painfully as he wrenches every last drop of my orgasm out of me.

“Oh my God, Timber,” I scream as I ride the waves of my climax.

Falling to the bed, I sit heavily on his face, and rest my hands on the bed above his head as the aftershocks roll over me. I’m overwrought, unable to hold my own weight.

“Timber, you kill me. That was amazing!” I moan as I ride the final sparks of my climax. I’ve found that I call him Timber as I come, even though I call him Lucas the rest of the time. I don’t know why, but it’s what falls from my mouth—much to his delight.

“Timber—it’s what they yell when he goes down,” Lucas deadpans.

I cover my face with both of my hands, laughter bubbling from my chest.

“Shut up, you idiot.” I giggle, climbing off him.

“Where are you going?” he grumbles, grabbing me around the waist and pulling me to him.

Bending me until I’m on all fours again, I scream loud enough to hurt my own ears, when he pushes his hard cock all the way into my satiated pussy with one, long stroke.

He feels too good.

Without giving me an opportunity to regain my bearings, he fucks me with dedicated intent. After two orgasms, it’s nearly painful for me when my arousal heightens, and another approaches. The feeling of my body stretching around him as he slides in and out of my slickness, pushes me over the edge, and I clamp down on him. He stays still, as I ride my latest orgasm, giving my clit an occasional slap to set me off again, each time my climax begins to die down.

When I’m finished, he pulls almost all the way out.

I whimper at his withdrawal. He wraps his hands around my hips, nearly spanning them, and pulls me backward as he thrusts home.


And again.

And again.

“That’s it. Take it all.” His voice is strained as he moves with calculated precision within me. My entire body’s a ball of borderline orgasmic sensation that only increases as he picks up his pace.

Incoherent mumbling and the odd whimper that sounds almost like his name, is all the sound that escapes me as Lucas uses my body for his own gratification. My arms are shaking, as are my thighs, as yet another climax begins to peak.

Lucas curls his body over mine, wrapping his hand in my hair. Gripping it, he pulls my head back and drives himself into me with a superhuman speed that pushes my tangled nerves over the edge. The release I’ve been chasing finally hits when he lets go of my hips and grinds his fingers against my clit.

Wave after wave, my climax rushes over me, my blood roaring in my ears.

“Fuck, Timber. It’s too much,” I whimper.

I barely register Lucas finding his release and collapsing over me. His added weight sends me to the mattress. Being the gentleman that he is, he scoops me into his arms and rolls us onto the bed together.

Cradling me to his chest, I listen to his heart racing next to my head as he fights to regain his breath. I feel as if I’m floating, totally blissed out and relaxed. I stay that way until I feel his softening cock slip from me and I become aware of the unusual wetness left behind.

“Damn it, Lucas.” I roll away from him and to my feet as I look for something to clean up with. “You just fucked me without a condom. How could you be so stupid?”

Spying a door that I hope leads to an ensuite, I duck through it.

After cleaning myself up, I steel myself to walk back into the room and tear strips off him. My mission is aborted when he opens the door and walks in, throwing a used condom in the bin next to the basin.

“It broke, JJ. I’m not a fucking idiot,” he states before he turns and walks out, slamming the door shut behind him. I hear the door leading to the hallway slam shut moments later.

Once again, I’m left looking like a bitch and owing him an apology.

It’s becoming a habit of mine.


Present Day

addi shifts on the bed, rousing me from my thoughts about the night Lucas introduced me to his Club. I’m ashamed of how my stupid assumption and nasty mouth ruined one of the best fucks of my life. I’d swept it under the carpet at the time with an apology that he’d graciously accepted, but I can’t shake the residual chagrin that surfaces when I think about my behavior that night.

Looking back now, I can see that it’s the night that my feelings for him began to grow into what they are now.

As hard as I’ve tried to fight it, I have to be honest enough with myself to admit that I
want to pursue a relationship with him, even if I’m currently stuck in the middle of his Club’s drama. It’s a matter of choosing whether I want it enough to go for it in spite of the fallout it will bring, or if it’s better to continue with the current status quo and let Lucas go.

“Can we call a freaking truce for five minutes?” Maddi asks with a soft voice.

I pretend that I didn’t hear her, keeping my head down, and my body covered by the musty blanket. I’m still smarting from her previous statements about my intelligence, and her assertion that I’m only using Lucas for his cock.

It might look like that from the outside, but that doesn’t make it the whole truth.

I’ll never tell her this, but I’ll be heeding her push to find out about his past relationships. Her words have dealt a deadly blow to my view of myself, and I’m beginning to realize that I’ve been unfair to Lucas.

Breathtakingly unfair.

Too selfish and self-absorbed to contemplate that he might have a past he needs to deal with.

“Look, I’ve been thinking, and I think I can get you out of here,” Maddi snaps.

Pushing herself into a sitting position, she rips the blanket from me, extricating me from my cocoon and forcing me to look at her. “But I won’t do it if you don’t promise to help me.”

Narrowing my eyes at her, my lip curls with distaste.

She’s just decided
that she can get me out of here?

She could have ended this hours ago if she’d kept running when she’d first spotted me.

The surge of unjustifiable bitchiness that sweeps me when I think of Maddi calmly taking a seat on the bed after she saw that I was already being held in the room, essentially blowing her own chance of escape for me, leaves me mortified.

When did I become this bitchy, nasty person?

If this is what jealousy does to a person, then I’m not a fan of it.

Forcing myself to push down my irrational annoyance with her, I answer as steadily as I can.

“It depends on what you need me to do.”

Rolling her eyes, which causes my palm to itch with the desire to slap her, she huffs. “All you need to do is pass on a message. It’s quite simple.”

After I grace her with a reluctant nod, she smiles—a big, wide, toothpaste-commercial-worthy version of a smile. The excitement that radiates from her is contagious.

I feel myself being drawn into her vortex.

“I learned some stuff that I shouldn’t have when Connor took me to see his new boss.”

I clap my hands. “Like what?”

“Enough for me to leverage your release, I think.”

I want to argue for more details, but I know by the wry expression on her face that she’s expecting it, so I don’t give her the satisfaction.

“So, if you manage to leverage my release, who do I need to pass a message on to?” I question her. “What’s the message?”

Rubbing her eyes, her features turn sad.

I can see her mind working as she organizes her thoughts.

“Mik. I need to you to find Mik—or Timber.
Only those two
. Don’t breathe a word of this to anyone else. We don’t know who we can trust.”

“Okay?” I don’t want to know what she means by her trust comment.

“Find one of them and tell them this. Word for word.
The Beast is trying to marry the Princess to the Wizard to unite the kingdoms
. They should be able to work out what that means.”

My eyebrows nearly reach my hairline as I take in her ridiculous message.

“Is that a code or something?”

“No. It’s the beginning of the end.”

And with that prophetic, doomsday-sounding comment, it’s my turn to roll my eyes at her. The whole comment sounds like I’m passing on the plot to a fairy tale, but if that’s what she deems important, then who am I to argue?

“Okay, I’ve got it. The Beast is trying to marry the Princess to the Wizard to unite the kingdoms.”

We sit in silence for a moment before my curiosity gets the better of me.

“You’re really not going to tell me what it means?”

“It’s better for you if that’s all you know. That way you can’t say something to the wrong person.”

Hopping off the bed, she throws her next demand over her shoulder at me. “Come here and help me make some noise. Let’s get their attention.”

I struggle to my feet begrudgingly.

My stomach immediately lurches, followed quickly by the infernal dizziness that’s been plaguing me. I slap my hand across my mouth and run for the bathroom.

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