Making the Cut (49 page)

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Authors: Anne Malcom

Tags: #Adult, #Erotica, #Fiction, #Man-Woman Relationships, #Mystery, #Romance, #Romantic, #Suspense

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I let out an exaggerated sigh. “Fine. But hurry up. It doesn’t take long to master the art of a four wheeler and I don’t want to miss the swearing and tantrum throwing before she gets the hang of it.” I tried to push past him but he grasped my hips.

“Thank you baby.” His voice was soft now, and any residual irritation I had been harboring for his over protectiveness melted away. “Oh and knowing you can handle a four wheeler? Hot as fuck.” Cade’s eyes roughly glazed over as he yanked me in for a rough kiss.


Turned out we did miss the swearing phase, because surprisingly, Amy was a natural. She rode around like a mad woman, skidding around corners with no fear, screaming with delight like a child, my dad laughing beside her.

It sent a warm feeling through my bones to see them both happy again. But I couldn’t help but pout like a child as I watched from beside Cade unable to join in on the fun.

“I would be out there with her having fun if it wasn’t for you.” I whined.

Cade kissed my head. “I’m not apologizing baby. Even if you weren’t pregnant I wouldn’t want you out there with that crazy woman.” He watched Amy with a frown.

I scowled at him, “I wasn’t talking to you.” I looked down at my stomach, “It’s a good thing I love you Bun or else it would seriously be a baby mullet.” Apparently Bun had an opinion on my baby mullet plans because she chose that moment to kick furiously. I took Cade’s hand and put it over the spot where she was playing soccer with my uterus. I watched as a soft look went over my hard bikers features, eyes wide in amazement.

“Second to being inside you, this is the best feeling in the world.” He declared roughly.

I melted a little at that statement and rewarded Cade with a big smile. Something crossed over his features and his face turned serious. His hand went to his pocket and to my amazement he went down on one knee, revealing a box in his hand.

“Holy shit.” I whispered.

“Holy shit.” I repeated this time nearly yelling when I saw the white gold, princess cut, huge diamond ring sitting in a telltale powder blue box.

“Didn’t really plan on doing this at this exact moment, planned on doing this a lot earlier. The night before I found out you were pregnant actually.” Cade said hoarsely. “Honestly knew you were mine from the moment I laid eyes on you. I am the happiest motherfucker on earth to have you, to have our baby. Just need to give you my name and I’ll walk around beaming for the rest of our lives.”

I felt tears slide out of my eyes, and I hoped I wasn’t ugly crying in the middle of the most beautiful moment of my life.

“Marry me baby.” He whispered softly.

I just nodded my head through the tears so I wouldn’t say something soppy like ‘a thousand times yes,’ which is what I feel like screaming.

Cade grinned, sliding the perfect diamond on my finger before rising up to lay a scorcher on my lips. I heard the bikes stop beside us, remembering our audience.

“Holy shit did you just propose?” Amy screamed at Cade.

She squealed and leapt off the bike to hug us both. As soon as we were released she clutched my hand and inspected the ring, She let out a slow whistle.

“This is a seriously nice rock, custom Tiffany, three carats at least. The biker has taste.” She told him impressed.

I looked over her head at my father who was grinning from ear to ear.

He strode over, pulling me into his arms. “Happy mouse?” He asked into my hair.

“Yeah Daddy.”  I whispered back.


“I feel like I could sleep for a week.” I declared collapsing on my bed, my bed back in Amber.

It had been a seriously big few days. We flew out from home a week after we got engaged, Mum insisted on throwing us a small engagement party with close friends and family. Needless to say my parents were over the moon for me, and I was surprised to learn that Cade had asked for my father’s blessing before popping the question. I didn’t think badass bikers asked permission for anything, including the hand of a girl who was already pregnant with his child. I said as much to Cade, and his face was unreadable when he answered me.

“I already asked your brother babe. Back when he was at home, knew I was going to marry you. Also knew how much he meant to you, wanted him to be down with me having you for life, he only took a little convincing.”

I was sucker punched by that answer, I stayed silent for about five minutes then let a single tear out. Before letting my man know just how amazing he was.

Still if my parents were at all nervous about the fact my fiancé and baby daddy was a huge, tattooed biker, they didn’t act it. They treated him like family already, which was amazing. He had wanted to marry me right there and then, but I argued that I didn’t want to have a shotgun wedding and also I couldn’t fit into a Vera Wang. He didn’t care too much about Vera, no scratch that he didn’t care about Vera at all, he certainly didn’t give a crap about a shotgun wedding. I managed to convince him to wait until after the baby was born and I had enough time to squeeze my post partum body into my dream wedding gown.

It was emotional goodbye for us to say the least. Amy and I had let my home be the cushion for our grief and were reluctant to leave it. I was near heartbroken to leave my parents. But they promised they would be over before the baby was born. Mum would’ve hopped on the plane with me, but Dad convinced her Cade and I needed time alone.

After an exhausting goodbye and a long flight we were greeted by an army at the airport. I swear the entire club, plus Rosie and the girls took up the entire arrivals gate. I was overwhelmed but I managed to keep back the waterworks as I was pulled into countless rough hugs and forehead kisses. Not to mention the escort of motorbikes which followed us home. Although they must’ve guessed we needed rest since no one stopped.


Cade chuckled, joining me and gathered me in his arms.

“Considering you slept the entire plane ride, I find that surprising.”

I raised my head from where it had been resting comfortably on his beautiful sculpted chest. “Hey pregnant women need their sleep!” My gaze wavered back down to his torso, encased in his standard black tee muscles bursting out.

“But maybe not right now, I’m feeling a burst of energy.” I said, pushing up his tee.







Chapter 20

Five months later

“Fuck, cocksucker, asshole!!!” I yelled, glaring down at the fork I had just dropped. Stupid chubby pregnancy fingers.

“Now that’s the kind of language I like to hear on a pregnant woman.”

I directed my glare at the owner of the voice. Brock stood with his arms crossed leaning against the door of the kitchen.

“Trust me, your vocabulary would be a hell of a lot more colorful if you were one week overdue, fat, frustrated and couldn’t even
your toes let alone touch them.” I hissed. “Stop staring at me with that stupid grin and pick up my fork for me.” I pointed to the floor while continuing to glare.

Brock raised his eyebrows but didn’t move, grinning like the cocky bastard he was.

I suppressed a growl, “I may have lost my fork, but I still have a knife.” I threatened, waving it around with my free hand, the other was balancing my food.

Brock slowly pushed off his perch, sauntering over to me, handing me the fork. I snatched it off him, my manners gone along with my due date. I whirled around chucking the fork in the sink, after being on the floor of the clubs kitchen no way was I putting that in my mouth, I’d probably catch herpes. I got a clean one, leaned against the counter and attacked my meal with gusto.

“Nice bite, what are you a wolf?” Lucky joked, pushing past Brock to lean beside me on the counter.

“Fuck you both.” I snapped.

“I thought pregnant women were meant to be all lollipops and rainbows, full of joy.” Lucky exclaimed sarcastically.

I stopped eating at stared at him, seriously considering murdering the perpetually happy little fucker. “Well my pregnant joy is taking a break at the moment Buddy. Might be because everyone automatically treats me like I’m handicapped once they see my stomach. Giving up their seats, letting me go in front of them in line, some people even talk slower to me. Like having a baby growing inside of me automatically makes me temporarily brain damaged.” I took a bite of my food and chewed furiously. “Don’t even get me started on the people that think its okay to just walk up and touch my stomach.
fondling my stomach. Bet they wouldn’t like it if I rubbed their non pregnant bellies back. Actually I know they wouldn’t like it considering I did it today and trust me she did not like the taste of her own medicine.” I ranted.

Both men looked at me a beat then roared with laughter. I watched them with a death glare until they finally stopped. Lucky brushed a pretend tear from his eye.

“I like the pregnant Gwen, she’s feisty, we could patch you in at Sgt in Arms.” He decided.

“Yeah well it’s going to be the homicidal Gwen if these chilies don’t work.” I told him forking another load in my mouth.

“What are chilies going to do, make your sweat out all your mean?” Brock teased.

I smiled fakely at him. “No genius, they’ll induce my labor.” I declared, watching in satisfaction as both grins were wiped from their attractive faces and they took a synchronized step back. They both stared at my stomach like I’d informed them it was full of explosives about to go off.

My smile got wider. “If I didn’t know any better you two badass bikers look
at the prospect of imminent labor.” I teased, my mood heightening significantly.

“You mean you could do that,
right now
?” Lucky asked edging away from me, his face a mask of terror.

“If the universe had any compassion for me, these  will make my water break right here on the kitchen floor.” I told them, with mock seriousness, enjoying the looks of horror on their faces.

“Fuck, shouldn’t you be in like a hospital or something?” Brock asked, looking like he would piggyback me to one if it meant he didn’t have to face the reality of childbirth.

“What the fuck, why does Gwen need to be in hospital?” A worried voice barked.

Cade pushed past the two idiots to put both hands on my belly. “Is it happening baby?” His concerned eyes searched my face.

I laughed bitterly and put my plate of chili’s down. “No the universe hates me, this little girl is supremely comfortable curled up in my stomach, playing soccer with my bladder. Just teasing these two wusses.” I sneered over my shoulder at the men.

“We are not wusses. We just don’t like the prospect of you leaking all over the club floor.” Lucky shot at me.

I attempted to step around Cade to get to Lucky, to do what I’m not sure, sit on him maybe, but Cade’s arms stopped me.

“I can’t wait until you knock someone up asshole, to see how she responds to comments about leaking women.”

Lucky’s face blanched and Brock whacked his shoulder.

“Let’s get some beer’s brother, leave Cade to deal with his little wildcat.” He chuckled and then turned to Cade, face serious. “Good luck man. Can I get your bike if she murders you with that fork?”

I growled throwing my fork at them, too late unfortunately because it just bounced off the closing door. I almost stomped my foot in frustration.

I directed my anger at someone else, the someone else standing right in front of me.

“This is all your fault. You’re the one that put this baby inside me, you and your stupid super sperm. Now I’m fat and cranky, and hormonal. You put her in now you get her out!” I demanded, actually stamping my foot this time, glaring into my fiancé’s grey eyes, which were dancing with amusement.

Cade pulled me into his arms kissing me firmly. “You are not fat. You are beautiful, you have never been more beautiful to me than you are right now.”

I raised an eyebrow. I seriously thought he was lying. Granted, my maternity wardrobe is kick ass. Today I was wearing a white gypsy style sundress with beautiful blue embroidery, wide sleeves and an empire waist that fell over my stomach. It showed a decent amount of leg, lucky for me, kankles was not something I had gained, but unluckily due to the ‘unable to see my toes’ situation I had to wear flat metallic flip flops.

“Seriously? I feel like Free Willy.”

“How about I take you upstairs and show you just how sexy you are.” Cade whispered in my ear, trailing kisses down my neck, his hand sliding up my dress.

I leaned my head against his shoulder and let out a slight whimper.

“Well sex is another thing on my list to get this little girl out.” I told him slowly.

Cade growled and picked me up directing us towards his room.


It had been and roller coaster few months. It was amazing to be back, surrounded by my dysfunctional biker family, and back at my store for some normality. I was beyond happy with Cade even if his normal crazy protectiveness had been ramped up due to the human growing in my stomach.

That protectiveness seemed to have extended to every member of the club as well, considering the fact there was almost always someone around. Rosie and the girls had been amazing, treating me exactly as before, apart from they handing me orange juice instead of margarita when we were poolside.

The whole town seemed to have rallied around me, I had constant visitors to the store, just coming in to chat, see how the pregnancy was coming along.

Luke was almost a daily visitor, bringing me a muffin every time he stopped by. My appetite being the way it was, I almost offered to have his child every time he handed me the ball of delight, I would have except…you know. Amy seemed to be back to her colorful self, or she was doing a real good job of hiding her grief. She didn’t say a word about Brock to me, even though there was more than a few meaningful glances from both sides, I had watched him pull her away for more than a few heated conversations. Whether she thought I would judge her or not, she remained silent on the subject and I didn’t want to push it. Not that I did judge her, she deserved happiness, wherever she found it. And I also had realized she never told me who she was choosing before all the shit went down.

There was still a dark cloud that hovered over my happiness though. Sometimes I would be doing something normal like cooking dinner and the loss of Ian would creep up on me, the pain slicing through like a knife. Sometimes it would last for a moment, other times I struggled to get through the day. I spoke to my parents regularly. They were keeping busy, always doing something, going somewhere, but they were struggling. I would hear it when my mother’s voice started to crack on the phone, or when my father spoke just a little to rough. I kept waiting for it to get easier, it didn’t. I guess I just had to get stronger and maybe remembering Ian wouldn’t hurt quite so much.

The baby was something for me to focus on, to look forward to and alternately freak the fuck out about. After much debating, Cade and I had decided we would live out at his place. I felt like I was abandoning Amy, since we hadn’t even lived in our house a year, but she convinced me she didn’t mind.

“Seriously Gwen, I love you and living with you is the best, but I like my beauty sleep so you’re practically doing me a favor by taking you and your future child somewhere I don’t have to hear it screaming at 2am.” She joked. “And it means we’ve got another redecorating job on our hands. Got to revamp Cade’s bachelor pad so it’s suitable for you and Supe.

I agreed with her on that one. Cade’s house was nice, and more than big enough for the three of us but its décor screamed single man. I had expected some argument from Cade on that score but he had just kissed me on the head and said; “Do whatever you want to make it a home for you and Bun. Just don’t do anything with the fucking TV.”

What I did get an argument about was who was paying. I had been more than happy to finance the renovation considering I was the one insisting on it, but Cade got seriously defensive when I mentioned it.

“You are my woman, and this is my baby, I will take care of you both, you aren’t paying a fucking cent.” He had declared over the dinner table. I fought the urge to roll my eyes, I had expected nothing less from the macho man.

“Cade it’s not like I don’t have the money, and I think you underestimate my freakish ability to spend. I can pay.” I don’t even know why I even tried to argue. Cade’s eyes had narrowed. “I know all about your spending habits Gwen, I’ve seen your fucking closet. I’ve also seen where you grew up, the car you drive and the house you brought. It’s not lost on me you come from money. But the moment you became my woman, the moment I put that baby inside you and that ring on your finger, those moments meant I take care of you in every way. Including bankrolling whatever crazy shit you’ve got thought up for this house. I got money babe, I’m more than able to keep you in the lifestyle in which you are accustomed.” I opened my mouth at this point to argue with his prehistoric ideas but he stopped me.

“I know that doesn’t make you happy, but how about you put your money towards our little girl’s future, like her college fund and no doubt to fund an addiction to expensive clothing she will inherit from her mother.”

I had stewed on that for a moment, deciding not to fight over something he obviously wasn’t budging on. He was also right, my little girl was going to be clad in designer from birth.

So Amy and I had taken a trip to LA to hit this baby furniture boutique that we had found online and shopped up a storm, with Cade’s credit card.

I decided to fit out the baby’s room in neutral colours, no tacky pink screaming everywhere. We put the nursery in the back room of Cade’s house, it was big, had heaps of natural light and a view of the ocean. I had it painted all white, then got one wall painted with a tree of life design. It was a golden brown, simple, taking up the entire wall, its roots crawling from one edge of the room to another. No leaves, a symbol of eternal life, like the tattoo my brother had on his back. I had Cade’s hardwood floors polished and varnished and they looked amazing. I had a huge sheepskin rug shipped over from NZ so my feet could feet home and put it in the middle of the room. The crib was white, and old fashioned, with white frilled bedding and a huge butterfly mobile hanging above it. I had a white wicker rocking chair sitting beside the crib, my Mum used to always talk about rocking me to sleep so I wanted the same for my baby. There was a big wicker sofa in the corner that had a light pink afghan thrown on top of it, and hand printed butterfly cushions. There was changing table underneath the window and a huge old free standing wardrobe beside it. I loved the room and so did Cade.

“Was expecting a fucking explosion of pink and bows babe, prepared to live with it too, but this is perfect.” He told me after seeing the final product.

I was slightly affronted that he thought so little of my taste, but cut him some slack since I had turned his house into a war zone. And because he was putting up with my pregnant mood swings. Cade loved me being pregnant. Every time he was near me his hand would rest protectively on my belly, and he would talk to it when we were in bed. He even insisted on putting my stretch mark cream on. Me turning into a beached whale hadn’t dampened our sex life, if anything I was more horny, not that Cade complained. He couldn’t get enough, even dragging me off into a dark corner at the clubhouse during a party. He had bent me over against an old car and made me scream, luckily drowned out by ACDC.

Club business had been quiet also. They were out of guns completely and so far hadn’t had any backlash. Their security business was booming according to Cade, but he refused to take any assignments that would mean leaving me for even a night.

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