Making the Cut (22 page)

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Authors: Anne Malcom

Tags: #Adult, #Erotica, #Fiction, #Man-Woman Relationships, #Mystery, #Romance, #Romantic, #Suspense

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I was speechless for a second, which Cade took advantage of by dragging me out of the store and towards an SUV. I regained some form of coherent thought as he actually lifted me into the truck. I tried to open the door to get the heck out of this situation but Cade had some kind of superspeed and was in the truck and had the door locked before I even touch the handle. Well either he had superspeed or alcohol had seriously slowed my reflexes. I think it was the superspeed. I glared at him and he ignored me, backing the truck out of the parking lot.

“Cade.” I said quietly.

“What baby?” He replied, seemingly concentrating on leaving the lot.

“WHAT THE FUCK?” I yelled, which made the asshole turn towards me.

“Jesus Gwen I value my eardrums.” He told me calmly.

“Why does everyone keep saying that to me? I do not appreciate getting dragged out of a liquor store by some asshole who just dumped me two days before, without a second thought. So excuse me for being a bit PISSED THE FUCK OFF.” I screamed at him.

He gazed at me a beat then turned his eyes back to the road.

“Didn’t dump you Gwen.” He spoke quietly.

I rolled my eyes. “Oh so do the words ‘no pussy is worth this’ actually mean lets get married and have children?” I asked smartly, and loudly.

“Fuck you’ve got a smart mouth babe.” Cade bit out. “Gonna fuck that smart mouth tonight.”

I felt my anger rise to another level, was he serious?

“Are you high? You will be doing nothing of the sort. I don’t know how you usually treat the women you fuck, but you cannot just hurt me and expect me to come running whenever you need your dick sucked. Find another fucktoy.”

Cade glanced at me, a mixture of tenderness and arousal on his face. I tried my hardest not to get turned on, but my body betrayed me yet again as wetness crept between my legs. Fuck you ovaries.

“I’m sorry I hurt you baby.” Cade apologized, sounding sincere, and regretful?

He stopped the truck, and I only now took notice of where we were. I had been focused on not scratching Cade’s eyes out to and tequila made it hard to concentrate on too many things at once. The view took my breath away. We were up at some kind of lookout, the ocean was below us and the twinkling lights from the town to the left. If I hadn’t been so pissed I would have thought this was a lovely romantic spot. But alas, I was raging.

“What are we doing here?” I ground out, crossing my arms.

“Needed to get a couple of things straight with you before we went back to yours.” Cade replied, watching me intently. I felt uncomfortable under his gaze, the kind of uncomfortable that made me squirm, in a good way.

“I don’t like that you said we. There is no ‘we’ Cade. You will be taking me back to my house this instant, I have a party to get back to.”

Cade raised his eyebrows, “No invite for me then?” He asked playfully.

“No. I make it a point not to invite ex boyfriends to my home, especially when the one in question had dumped me the day before.” I scowled at him. “Besides, it’s girls only, no cock’s aloud. Literally and figuratively, so your out on both counts.”

He suppressed a grin, the bastard. I turned away from him to stare at the ocean.

Silence dawned on the cab before he broke it.

“Gwen I’ve said I’m sorry and I’m sick of this shit.”

I started to reply, but Cade unbuckled my seatbelt and hauled me across to straddle his lap, I didn’t even bother to struggle this time. I just gave him my best Medusa stare. It didn’t seem to have its desired effect because he stroked my hair tenderly and his other hand rested lightly on my ribs, brushing my breasts.

“I was pissed off that night Gwen. Pissed off that fucking Steg had me on business that meant I would be away from you, knowing that you would be uncomfortable around all the boys. And knowing what you looked like, even after I claimed you, those boys are only human and you are fucking beautiful.”

He paused, running his thumb along my lip. It took all of my willpower not to open my mouth to him

“I got pissed when I saw you and Bull talking together, even though I trust that brother with my life. I got even more fucking pissed learning my best friend was planning to put a bullet in his brain and I hadn’t even noticed.” I watched the emotion dance in his eyes but said nothing. “And I was fucking pissed when after dealing with that I had to go and find you after specifically told you to stay put.”

I opened my mouth to protest that little statement, but he kept talking.

“Not used to a woman defying me Gwen. Don’t like it. But at the same time it makes my dick hard as fuck.” His gaze turned hooded, eyes darkening with desire. I felt the evidence of this pressing into my shorts and struggled to suppress a moan.

“And I was fucking scared shitless walking into your house and hearing that scream baby. That scream, it was god damn terrifying. Knowing what haunts you, knowing I can’t do anything to help it, pissed me off the most.” His face was haunted, and his eyes searched mine. “And that whore playing with your mind, trying to fuck things with us. Icing on the fucking cake. Got no excuse Gwen, couldn’t deal, so I left.  I hurt you in the process and I didn’t mean to. All this has been stewing in my mind, I’ve been trying to find a way to apologize. But shit baby, we are not broken up.”

I didn’t know what to say to all of that. I was still a tiny bit pissed, but man, he didn’t say a lot most of the time, but when he decided to talk, he made it count. His finger, still at my mouth, trailed down my chin and unbuttoned his cut to open my almost bare breasts against him.

He hissed and I felt him grow even harder beneath me. I couldn’t help but let out a little moan.

“Haven’t fucked you in two days, feels like forever since I’ve slid into the tight pussy.”

His rough hands caressed my breasts and I threw my head back, pleasure already overwhelming me. I ground my hips against his, hearing his guttural groan. Cade’s hand pulled my head to look at him.

“Need your eyes babe.”

I locked eyes with him and yanked me into a mind shattering kiss. I lost all coherent thought apart from the feel of his body, his tongue, his scent.

I reached around to untie my bikini, taking it off but leaving his cut. My body was lifted and Cade took a nipple in his mouth.

“Honey.” I breathed as he tweaked my other nipple roughly. I almost screamed.

“Need you.” I whispered brokenly, trying to undo my shorts. It was kind of awkward in this cramped space. Dammit why did I have to wear shorts? I didn’t want my body leaving his to take them off. Cade solved this dilemma by reaching down to my shorts and ripping them off. I repeat
ripping them off
. Now ripping some flimsy lace is one thing, but denim shorts? Whoa.

I didn’t think much after that, his fingers entered me, stroking me as he unbuttoned his jeans and replaced his fingers with his cock. This time I screamed, riding him fast and hard, overwhelmed by pleasure. Cade pulled my head down to his, thrusting slowly from beneath me, keeping his mouth inches from mine. I looked into his eyes as the pressure built, almost floored by the amount of emotion, reverence in his gaze. My orgasm took over and I heard Cade’s grunt as I clenched around him, milking his release. I collapsed against him, feeling his strong arms circle around me. We were silent awhile, Cade still inside me.

“Baby, the vision of fucking you wearing my cut, something I won’t forget till the day I die.” Cade bit my neck.

I giggled a little and started to get up but his arms stopped me.

He rested his forehead against mine. “No way I can ever repay you for saving Bull’s life baby.” His gaze was serious. “The club, me, are in debt to you. Saving a brother’s life babe. Shit.”

I stroked his cheek. “I don’t need any repayment honey, just knowing that Bull is getting the help he needs is enough. And knowing my old man won’t be loosing his brother.” I said emotion seeping into my voice.

Cade smiled. “So I’m your old man again?” He teased.

“I guess.” I smiled back.

Cades face turned serious again.

“Care about you Gwen. A fuck of a lot, more than I have anyone.” He said fiercely.

My heart fluttered. “I care about you too Cade.” I whispered, touching my lips to his.

I felt him inside me as he deepened the kiss, slowly beginning making love to me again, mouth never leaving mine.


We eventually made it back to my house and I spotted more than a few bikes as we pull up.

“Looks like cocks’ have crashed the party babe.” Cade stated as he got out. I couldn’t help but be glad, it would be nice to by surrounded by my friends, and Cade’s brothers. Cade opened the door for me, lifting me out and directing me towards the house, I stopped him.

“Honey we’ll just go straight out back, everyone is still out by the pool by the sounds of it.” I tried to pull him to the side of the house, but he wasn’t budging. Instead his hand gripped me firmly around the waist and again he steered me towards the front door.

“We’ll go out there once you go and change.” He said firmly while opening the door.

I gazed up at him in disbelief.

“I’m in a bikini not fricking lingerie and it is a pool party, what if I want to go for a swim?” I protested.

Cade all but pushed me up the stairs. “You’re still half pissed baby, and you’re going to be drinking more, swimming not the best idea.”

“Seriously?” I was gobsmacked. This was out of control. What did he expect me to wear to the beach? A zoot suit?

“Seriously babe. And it might be my brothers out there, but Christ, that thing covers fuck all and after everything that went on tonight I’d rather they not see my baby’s nipples.”

We made it to my room and I stopped and glare at him, not wanting to get pissed so soon after we had made up.

“Cade, you worry too much, there will be plenty of other girls in bikinis for your brothers to ogle at.” I patted his arm reassuringly, trying to get around him to go downstairs.

“Please baby?” He asked, and damn if I could say no to that sexy man.

I huffed. “Okay.” I slowly took off his cut and handed it to him silently. He slid it back on, eyes on me, devouring me with a look. I turned my back to him, walking towards my wardrobe, untying my top and dropping it to the ground. I stopped to peek over my shoulder at Cade, who was standing in place watching me intently. I gave him a wink then slid my bottoms off and sashayed into my closet.

I heard him groan. “Baby you are killing me.”

I laughed and quickly changed into a pale yellow strapless sundress, falling above my knees. I let my hair tumble around my face, taking a quick look in the mirror. Shouldn’t have done that, what a mess. My skin was slightly pink from being in the sun, my face was definitely flushed from getting thoroughly fucked and my eyes seemed a bit vacant. Even though my escapade with Cade had sobered me up considerably, I guessed that was a testament to how much tequila I had consumed. I walked out of my closet to see Cade holding the picture of me and my family on my dresser, looking at it intently. He looked so strange in my room. Friday night had been the first night he came here, we had spent every night at his house, primarily because we could be as loud as we wanted. He was so masculine, my room so girly, but somehow he fit. He glanced up at me, taking in my outfit.

“Better?” I gave him a twirl, making sure my dress flew up enough so he could see I wasn’t wearing any underwear.

He hissed. “Still too fuckin gorgeous.”

I laughed. “Whatever, I’m a mess.”

Cade set the photo down, pulling me into his arms and kissing me fiercely.

“You are stunning.” He stated. “So much it’s taking every once of willpower I have not to throw you done on that bed and bury myself inside you for the rest of the night.”

He grabbed my hand to drag me down to the party before I could let him.


It was after midnight, and we were all sitting around our huge outdoor table, drinking and laughing. I was sitting in Cade’s knee, his strong arms around me, feeling deliriously happy. A few people had gone home, so our group consisted of, Rosie, Amy, Lily (surprisingly) Lucy, Brock, Bull, Dwanye ( I didn’t know his real name so I kept calling him Dwanye which him and the boys found hilarious) Lucky, Cade and me. There was something weird passing between Amy and Brock, I still hadn’t gotten it out of her who she was with all weekend, I was guessing Brock, but her lips were sealed. Which was weird because you usually couldn’t shut her up. I was definitely going to grill her tomorrow.

Bull seemed better, he was still quiet, sucking on his beer, mostly observing. Lucy seemed to be the one who could talk to him, so she did her best. I was still worried about him, but at least he was around friends and Cade had told me that he was staying with Lucky. Which I was glad about cause I loved Lucky, he was always happy, a genuinely caring guy. Funny cause he looked like a hard ass, but I deduced he was a big softie. When I told him this he had groaned.

“Don’t ruin my carefully crafted reputation bitch. I will cut you.”

To this I burst out laughing which only made him sulk more. I looked around the table at my new friends and smiled, feeling a happiness that had nothing to do with the amount of tequila that was currently in my system, which was a lot. The last people I thought I would be hanging out with, joking with, hell sleeping with, were bikers. Funny how the world worked. I tried not to think too deeply about life and fate and all that shit, I instead focused on my man’s hard body underneath me, and hands which were absentmindly stroking my leg while he was discussing something with Brock.

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