Malcolm X (112 page)

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Authors: Manning Marable

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apolitical philosophy of
“Black Muslims” phrase used for
civil rights and
Clay and
contradictions in theology of
decision-making officers in
discipline in
Elijah Muhammad’s leadership of,
Muhammad, Elijah
eviction suit against Malcolm by
Faisal and
FBI surveillance of
growth of
The Hate That Hate Produced
series about
Hinton incident and
Kennedy assassination and
KKK and
Little family’s conversion to
Malcolm’s assassination attributed to
Malcolm’s concerns about
Malcolm’s conversion to
Malcolm’s critics in
Malcolm’s feud with
Malcolm’s house firebombed by
Malcolm’s rejection of theology of
Malcolm’s split from
Malcolm’s suspension from
musicians and
Muslim Mosque and
orthodox Islam and
Reginald Little expelled from
Saviour’s Day Conventions of
separatist philosophy of
in South
tithing in
threats and physical intimidation against Malcolm from
thugs in
Wallace Muhammad’s leadership of
“What the Muslims Believe” manifesto of
“What the Muslims Want” manifesto of
whites demonized in
women in
Yacub’s History and
Neal, Larry
Negroes with Guns
Negro March on Washington Movement
Nehru, Jawaharlal
Nelson, Truman
Newark, N. J.
New Jersey Herald
Newton, Huey P.
New York, N.Y.
demonstrations in
segregation in
Stuyvesant Town
New York Herald Tribune
New York Police Department (NYPD)
Bureau of Special Services and Investigation
in confrontation at Malcolm’s home
in Hinton incident
Malcolm’s assassination and
New York State
New York Times
Nicholson, Joseph
Nielson, Thomas A.
Nixon, Richard
Nketsia, Nana
Nkrumah, Kwame
Norfolk Prison Colony
Malcolm in
Norton, Eleanor Holmes
Nyerere, Julius K.
Obama, Barack
Obote, Milton
O’Connell, James
Odinga, Oginga
Omaha, Nebr.
Organization of African Unity (OAU)
Organization of Afro-American Cadets
Organization of Afro-American Unity (OAAU)
Audubon rallies of
Statement of Basic Aims and Objectives
tensions between Muslim Mosque and
women in
Osman, Ahmed
Osman, Omar
Oweida, Muhammad Taufik
Owen, Chandler
Oxley, Lloyd
Pacheco, Ferdie
Padmore, George
Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO)
airplane crash in
Malcolm in
Parker, William H.
Parks, Gordon
Parks, Rosa
Parrish, Richard
Patterson, Floyd
Patterson, William
Pearson, Drew
People’s Metropolitan African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church
Peterson, Caleb
Philadelphia, Pa.
Pittsburgh Courier
Poe, Reese V.
Poiter, Juanita
Poitier, Sidney
in Los Angeles
in New York City,
New York Police Department
in Rochester
Poole, Clara,
Muhammad, Clara
Poole, Elijah,
Muhammad, Elijah
Poole, Sharon 6X
Postal Service, U.S.
Potts, Frankie Lee
Powell, Adam Clayton, Jr.
Powell, Adam Clayton, Sr.
Powell, James
Prescott, Larry 4X
Prince, Richard
Malcolm in
Muslims in
Public Enemy
Purlie Victorious
Quayle, Dan
Qutb, Sayyid
“Racism: The Cancer That Is Destroying America” (Malcolm X)
Malcolm’s jobs on
Rainey, Joe
Ramadan, Said
Randolph, A. Philip
Rangel, Charles
Revolutionary Action Movement (RAM)
Reynolds, Ga.
Reynolds, Paul
Richardson, Gloria
Riesel, Victor
in Harlem
Roberts, Gene X
Roberts, Joan
Robeson, Paul
Robinson, Cleveland
Robinson, Jackie
Rochester, N.Y.
Rockefeller, John D., Jr.
Rockefeller, Nelson
Rockwell, George Lincoln
Rogers, J. A.
Rogers, William X
Romaine, Anne
Roosevelt, Eleanor
Roosevelt, Franklin D.
Root, Gladys Towles
Rosary, Lucille X
Roseland Ballroom
Rothwax, Harold J.
Rushin, James
Rusk, Dean
Rustin, Bayard
Ryan, Jessie 8X
Sabbatino, Peter L. F.
Sadat, Anwar el-
Sadiq, Mufti Muhammad
Saghaf, Seyyid Omar el-
St. Louis, Mo.
Sanders, Betty,
Shabazz, Betty
Sandlin, Shelman
Sanford, John Elroy
Saturday Evening Post
Saudi Arabia
Savoy Ballroom
Schlesinger, Arthur, Jr.
Schuyler, George
Schuyler, Michael W.
Seale, Bobby
in Birmingham
Selma, Ala.
Semrad, Elvin
as surname
tribe of
Shabazz, Attallah
Shabazz, Betty (Betty Sanders) (wife)
assertiveness of
death of
debts of
firebombing of home of
interviews with
Kenyatta and
Malcolm’s assassination and
Malcolm’s marriage to and relationship with
and Malcolm’s split from Nation of Islam
Muslim Mosque members and
in NYPD incident
Shabazz, Gamilah Lumumba
Shabazz, Ilyasah
Shabazz, James 3X (James McGregor)
Shabazz, John
Shabazz, Omar
Shabazz, Qubilah
Sharrieff, Ethel
Sharrieff, Hassan
Sharrieff, Raymond
Sharrieff, Willie
Shawarbi, Mahmoud
Shawarbi, Muhammad
Shelton, Robert M.
Shepp, Archie
Sheppard, Barry
Shifflett, Lynne Carol
Shukairy, Ahmed al-
Simmons, Minnie
Small’s Paradise
Smith, Robert 35X
Smith, Welton
Sobukwe, Robert
Socialist Workers Party (SWP)
Souls of Black Folk, The
(Du Bois)
Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC)
Soviet Union
Spellman, A. B.
Springfield Union
Stanford, Max
Stern, Herbert
Stevenson, Adlai
Stokes, Ronald X
Stoner, J. B.
Strother, Gloria
Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC)
Stuyvesant Town
Suarez, Henry
Suez crisis
Sukarno, Achmed
Summerford, Ruth
Sunday Express
Supreme Council on Islamic Affairs (SCIA)
Supreme Court, U.S.
of Malcolm
Surur al-Sabban, Sheikh Muhammad
Sutton, Percy
Sweet, Gladys
Sweet, Ossian
Tall, Lypsie
Tatum, William
Taylor, Cedric
Thaxton, Osborne
Thomas, Benjamin X
Thomas, Cary 2X
Thomas, John
Till, Emmett
Timberlake, Ronald
Tobias, Channing
Touré, Sékou
Traynham, William
Trotsky, Leon
Trotskyist Militant Labor Forum
Trotter, William Monroe
Truman, Harry
Tshombe, Moise
Tubman, William
Turner, Nat
Tuskegee, Ala.
United Auto Workers (UAW)
United Nations
demonstrators and
Guevara’s address at
“Universal Ethiopian Anthem,”
Universal Negro Alliance
Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League (UNIA)
Malcolm and
Upshur, Walter A.
Ussery, Wilfred
Voting Rights Act (1965)
Waddell, Phil
Wagner, Robert
Wahl, Maurice
Walcott, Louis X,
Farrakhan, Louis
Walker, Herb
Wallace, George
Wallace, Mike
Wallace, Tom
Warden, Donald
Warden, James 67X
Warren, Robert Penn
Washington, Booker T.
Washington, D.C.
March on (1963)
march planned for (1941)
Mosque No. 4 in
Washington, Harold
Washington Post
Waterman, George W.
Weese, Donald L.
“What the Muslims Believe,”
“What the Muslims Want,”
When the Word Is Given
White, George R.
White, Walter
white supremacists
Whitney, George
Wilkins, Roger
Wilkins, Roy
Williams, Betty Sue
Williams, Evelyn Lorene
pregnancy of
Williams, Jerry
Williams, Joseph
Williams, Robert F.
Williams, Robert X
Williams Institutional Christian Methodist Episcopal Church
Windom, Alice
Woodson, Carter G.
Woodward, Yvonne Little (sister)
World Islamic League
World War II
Worthy, William
Wright, Herbert
Wright, Richard
X, as surname
X, Edward
X, Edwina
X, Henry
X, James
X, Jeremiah
X, John D.
X, Lloyd
X, Lonnie
X, Louis,
Farrakhan, Louis
X, Maceo
X, Malcolm,
Malcolm X
X, Marilyn E.
Yacub’s History
Yergan, Max
Yorty, Sam
Young, Dorothy
Young, Whitney
Young Socialist
Young Socialist Alliance
Zawahiri, Ayman al-
“Zionist Logic” (Malcolm X)
zoot suits
Zuber, Paul
anning Marable is the M. Moran Weston and Black Alumni Professor of African-American Studies, Professor of Public Affairs, Political Science, and History, and Director of the Center for Contemporary Black History (CCBH) at Columbia University in New York City. For ten years, he was the founding director of the Institute for Research in African-American Studies at Columbia, from 1993 to 2003. Under his leadership, the Institute became one of the nation’s most respected African-American Studies programs in the country.
Born in 1950, Marable received his Ph.D. in American history at the University of Maryland-College Park in 1976. For thirty-five years Marable has been a major architect of outstanding African-American Studies and interdisciplinary studies university programs. In the early 1980s, he reestablished Fisk University’s historic Race Relations Institute. From 1983 to 1986, Marable was founding director of Colgate University’s Africana and Latin American Studies program. From 1987 to 1989 Marable headed Ohio State University’s Black Studies department.
At Columbia University in 2002, Marable established the Center for Contemporary Black History (CCBH), an innovative research, publications, and new media resources center. CCBH produces Web-based educational resources designed to enhance the teaching and learning of the African-American past, for both secondary schools and colleges. CCBH produces the leading African-American Studies academic journal in the country—
Souls : A Critical Journal of Black Politics, Culture and Society
Marable has been the recipient of numerous awards and prizes for his scholarly work. He has received two honorary doctorates, from the State University of New York-New Paltz (2000) and the City University of New York-John Jay College (2006). His book
The Autobiography of Medgar Evers
, coedited with Myrlie Evers-Williams, was nominated for an NAACP Image Award. In 2005, he received the Ida B. Wells–Cheikh Anta Diop Award for Outstanding Scholarship from the National Council of Black Studies. His books
Beyond Black and White
, in 1996, and
W. E. B. Du Bois
, in 1987, received the Book of the Year Award from the Gustavus Myers Center for the Study of Human Rights, University of Arkansas.

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