Malik (Carter Brother Series Book 1) (6 page)

BOOK: Malik (Carter Brother Series Book 1)
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“Hey, how are you doing?’’ Malik asks, walking into the room with two steaming plates of food. It smells delicious, making my stomach rumble loudly. “Hungry?’’ he chuckles.

“Starving,’’ and on queue my belly grumbles again. “Gram’s wasn’t wrong about the school meals,’’ I chuckle quietly feeling nervous.

He grunts in agreement handing me the plate with a slice of lasagna and two pieces of garlic bread. It looks so yummy and smells so good it has my mouth watering.

“This smells so good,’’ I tell him, taking the knife and fork he hands me from the bag he brought.

“Your Nan packed us some drinks, cutlery and chocolate cake for dessert,’’ he chuckles. “She gave me a run down on what I’m allowed and not allowed to do too.’’

“Huh?’’ I ask confused. “What did she say?’’

“That under no circumstance can I lie beneath the sheets, no kissing or cuddling, and no drinking.’’

“She didn’t?’’ I laugh, thinking my Gram’s really is crazy and also kind of embarrassing, but in a funny way.

“She did,’’ he laughs. “She’s a special one you’re Nan, but she’s also one not to be messed with.’’

I take a bite of the lasagna, moaning at the delicious taste. My God it tastes so fucking good. Gram’s was right, this lasagna is the shit.

From the corner of my eye I notice Malik has his fork frozen halfway to his mouth. When I look up to see what’s wrong, his eyes are burning into me, the colour of his eyes darker than the usual dark brown colour they normally are.

Oh my! I can’t take my eyes off him, my body feels like it’s burning all over. He really does make me feel crazy things when he’s around. I lick the sauce off my lip unconsciously, but Malik notices, his mouth parting, making a growling sound. A fuzzy feeling starts in the pit of my stomach, especially when my eyes flicker down to his lips, wishing he’d kiss me.

Where the hell did that come from?
I think as my eyes follow the curve of his full, plump lips. They’re a blood red colour, beckoning me to feel if they’re as soft as they look. My reaction towards him is startling and I have to shake myself out of the dangerous thoughts I’m having.

“Stop looking at me like that,’’ he groans, making me jump.

Shit, how long have I been staring? If he didn’t think I was a creeper before then he certainly does now.

“What?’’ I ask, feigning innocence.

“If I kiss you I won’t be able to stop. Eat your food please,’’ he says, like we’re having a normal conversation between friends.

Feeling my cheeks heat, and not wanting to embarrass myself any further, I carry on eating my dinner, giving Malik sly looks when I think he isn’t looking. A few times he catches me looking, but just gives me a knowing smirk then carries on eating like it never happened. How can he do that?
Maybe because he doesn’t look at you like you’re looking at him,
my inner conscious taunts.

Once we finish our food Malik gets up and places the plates on my desk before sitting back down on the bed next to me. Awkward silence fills the air, neither one of us talking until I blurt out the first thing that comes to my mind.

“Why is there a shed or something that’s not finished at the back of your garden?’’

“What?’’ he asks, snapping out of his daze.

“Oh, is it not yours? I just presumed because of it being at the back of your garden. At first I thought it was a shed, but it looks too big and it’s obviously not made of wood,’’ I ramble feeling like a complete idiot.

“Oh that,’’ he grins. “Granddad has had enough of us living under the same roof. Don’t get me wrong, we all get along, but there are times when we fight and bitch at each other and it can get out of hand. Maverick and Mason started the plans for the house at the back once they got planning permission and started building it the end of last year. They’ve had to stop the work for a few weeks because neither have had the time, so they’re planning on hiring someone to come and finish it.’’

“Ohhh,’’ I mumble, finally understanding. “Who will be moving into it once it’s built?’’

“Mason and Maverick hopefully, which means Myles, Max and I get a bedroom each. So far Mason and Max share a room, Maverick and Myles share and Granddad and I both have our own room,’’ he shrugs.

“I thought the eldest would get their own room,’’ I wonder out loud. Lilly’s younger sisters have to share a room, but Lilly being the eldest got to have her own. I thought it was right of passage or something.

“Yeah, but Mav is hardly at home. Most nights he ends up sleeping in the flat above the club. Since Myles is the quiet one out of us all he got to share with him. Max and Mase are both wild cards, too loud, always out on the go like they got ants in their pants, so it seemed fitting they share,’’ he chuckles.

“Still, doesn’t explain how you got your own room,’’ I smile. “I mean, you still could have shared with Myles.’’

“Yeah, I had a few problems a few years back and didn’t handle shit well, and ended up lashing out on my brothers when I got into one. Nothing major,’’ he adds quickly seeing the horror on my face. “I’d just lose my temper, or I’d have a nightmare and kick out and stuff. It wasn’t ideal for anyone to share with me. I guess no one really wanted to change rooms after that,’’ he shrugs, his head bowed like he’s embarrassed or can’t believe he told me all of that.

I get a feeling he hasn’t told anyone that before. I understand why too. I don’t want people to know about my parent’s death. I hate all the questions I get asked, especially from inconsiderate, small minded people who ask the questions like
did you see? Did you have to identify their bodies? Are you going into care? Why didn’t you die?
Stuff like that. And trust me, I got asked these,
a lot!

“Makes sense,’’ I nod, not sure on what to do or say next.

“Want to watch a movie? I’ve got one packed just in case you didn’t have any,’’ asks Malik.

“Or they were click flicks,’’ I add teasingly, sitting up against the headboard.

“That too. I need to keep my man card intact,’’ he smirks.

“I just bet you do,’’ I flirt grinning at him playfully.

Shit, now I’m flirting. What the hell has gotten into me? The boy has just watched me have a major freak out and I’m flirting with him.

“Oh I do,’’ he winks, making me blush.

He walks over to the DVD player not letting me see what film he’s about to put on, which doesn’t bother me really. I’d be surprised if I haven’t already seen it. I’m a huge movie nerd, so there isn’t much I haven’t seen.

“Scoot over,’’ he tells me once he gets back over to the bed after grabbing the remote off the bedside table.

“What?’’ I squeak.

“Scoot over, I’m kinda cold, and I like to be comfortable when watching a film. Now move it lady before I sit you on my lap,’’ he grins.

“You want to lie in my bed?’’ I say and he nods. “With me?’’ confused as to why he would want to be near me after everything he’s seen tonight.

“Yes, now move it.’’

When I don’t move quick enough he lifts me up with his strong bulging arms, making that fluttering sensation come back in full force from the feel of his warm hands touching me. I’m so shocked at his sudden movement that I don’t even let out a squeal, instead, a gush of air leaves my mouth on a sigh. Being this close to him has me wanting to snuggle into him, to breathe in his intoxicating scent that makes my head dizzy.

For some reason as nervous as he makes me I feel comfortable with him, like we’ve known each other a long time. Yeah I’m still a little nervous when I’m around him, but come on, it’s not every day a girl gets a hot guy like Malik in their bed wanting to watch a movie with them.

He places me across the bed gently, keeping one arm around my back when he seats himself in the bed and wraps the blanket over us. Having no other choice but to rest my head on his shoulder, I relax into him feeling content just lying here against him. Something about his scent reminds me of safety and that’s something I haven’t felt in a long time. It’s refreshing.

When the rolling credits come up I know the film immediately, I love it.

“The Hunger Games Catching Fire, I love this film,’’ I tell him clapping my hands excitedly.

“You’ve seen it?’’ he asks shocked.

“Um yeah I have,’’ I ask confused. “Why do you sound so shocked?’’

“I just pictured you as a Twilight, Notebook kind of girl, that’s all,’’ he says, his chest vibrating against my ear as he talks.

“Oh, I’ve seen those too, but I’m not a one genre movie kind of girl. I love anything from the oldies to the newest action or horror films. I don’t have a particular taste, same goes with music. I like what I like; I don’t need to label it. In fact, this is one of my favourite films. I’m excited to go watch MockingJay Part One, but haven’t had a chance,’’ I shrug against him, really wishing he wasn’t here for a second so I can try to do the mockingbird whistle. No matter how many times I’ve tried to whistle the tune I’ve never succeeded. I do, however, make a good voice impersonation of Effie Trinket when she says, ‘
May the odds be ever in your favour.’

Thankfully, I say it in my head and not out loud because I’ve already made a fool of myself enough times today in front of him.

“I guess that’s a good way to be, I hate watching sappy romantic movies. I like action, blood, guts etc. Music however, I agree with you on, my taste varies. I haven’t seen the new Hunger Games; it’s why I brought this over. I want to refresh my brain before going to see it.’’

“How close
the nearest cinema around here?’’ I wonder.

“Oh it’s not too far actually. If you catch the bus into Wellingborough, it’s five minutes from the bus stop.’’

I don’t say anything else as my mind is completely focused on the movie playing, loving the part where she steps in front of Gale when he’s being whipped. So sweet and brave of her to step up like that.

My headache is starting to ease off a little, but the tablets my Gram’s had given to me start to make me feel a little drowsy and it isn’t long before I’m falling asleep cuddled against Malik like we have known each other forever and not just met today.

Chapter Four


Arriving at school the next day students kept giving me funny glances, some even downright laughed when I walked past.

Finally reaching my locker I ignore the few snickers from students around me. I look around nervously not having a good feeling in my stomach. It feels like it’s tied up in knots. I don’t even know what I’m nervous about, I just have a feeling something bad is about to happen.

I make eye contact with a bunch of girls whispering among themselves trying to gauge their reaction, but they quickly turn their heads away when they see me looking. I’m starting to wonder if one of the Carter boys have already told the school what happened at their house last night, but I know if they did my Gram’s would go crazy lady on their asses. I’ve not known her long, but I know enough to know she’s loyal to the fucking bone and doesn’t like taking shit from anyone.

I sigh with relief when there aren’t any notes stuck to my locker door. Maybe they’re taking up an extra English class before they write their next note.

Opening the locker nothing could have prepared me for what happened. I mean no one. The picture of a naked woman with her legs spread open that is taped to the inside of my locker door doesn’t bother me. Not even the picture they’ve gotten of my face stuck to the naked model bothers me. No, what bothers me is the foul smell coming from inside the locker. It smells like a lad’s gym locker with dead fish, it’s making me heave that badly.

Noticing a white plastic bag on the bottom shelf of the locker, I slowly open it, taking my time in case something crawls out and attacks me. I’m cautious as fuck worrying something is dead in there because that’s what it smells like. My assumptions are right and I have to take a step back dry heaving near the floor next to me, my eyes watering. They’ve put a gutted fish in my locker. I’m wondering what the big joke is over a gutted fish when I hear everyone laughing. Seriously? Could they not get any more cliché? Or act less immature?

“Hey what’s.... what the hell is that smell?’’ Myles groans beside me dry heaving himself.

I want to hide my face in embarrassment, but I know it will only give whoever did this the satisfaction of knowing they’ve gotten to me. Myles hisses when he looks inside the locker, his eyes raking over the picture before he rips it down with a growl.

I honestly thought I’d had Myles all pegged last night, but I was totally wrong about him. I honestly thought he was the sort of lad to keep to himself and avoid confrontation at all costs, but from the glares he sends the girls that are giggling tells me that isn’t the case.

“Fucking immature twats,’’ he grumbles, making sure they can hear him.

“Do they do this to all the new girls or am I special?’’ I ask, my voice sounding stronger than I feel.

“No they don’t. Fuck! Hey what’s that?’’ he says, picking a card from the bag with the dead fish in it. I never noticed it before, but then, I wasn’t really looking as I was too busy trying not to throw up in front of most of the school. Trust me that shit took skill on my part. I’m still breathing through my mouth, so I don’t have to smell it.

“What does it say?’’ I ask taking a step closer.

“Nothing,’’ he says scrunching it up. Oh hell no. Before he can pocket it, I snatch it away from him my eyes quickly raking over the words.

Heard you like the smell of fish, after all, I heard that’s what your fanny smells like.

I can’t help it, laughter bubbles from up inside me, making me choke from laughing that hard.

“You okay?’’ Myles asks softly patting my back.

“Fucking lovely,’’ I grit out. “I can’t wait to have fish and chips tonight though. This has me craving it,’’ I tell him dryly, talking loud enough for the girls to hear.

The bell rings alerting us that registration is about to start. Myles grabs the bag with the dead fish and adds the naked picture before tying the bag into a knot.

“I’m going to go get rid of this before registration,’’ he says looking at the bag in disgust and unsure on what to do with it.

“That’s fine, I can do that if you want me to,’’ I tell him pointing to the bag. “After all, it’s my present. Plus, I really liked that picture, I thought I looked hot,’’ I tease, hoping he doesn’t see my blush.

He laughs shaking his head at me before his face turns serious, “Are you okay? I mean, after last night?’’

Embarrassed I take a look around the hall making sure no one can overhear us, but most of the students have already left and headed to class.

“Yeah,’’ I whisper. “I better go. Thank you for stopping by to help me.’’

“Anytime Harlow. Hey, do you want to grab lunch together? Granddad made a packed lunch with enough food to feed me and a few other people,’’ he laughs. “Malik mentioned you didn’t like the school dinners, so you can share mine if you’d like.’’

The mention of Malik’s name sends a shiver down my spine and causes my belly to flip. Not even going to bother trying to describe the feeling of him talking about me to his brother.

I had fallen asleep last night not long into the movie, so I’m unsure on when he left exactly. I haven’t seen him yet this morning and I’m nervous as hell about seeing him. I wonder if he’ll speak to me? Or if he will ignore me, laughing with his friends about my outburst and what a freak I am? Just thinking about it makes me want to puke and it has nothing to do with the smell still lingering from the bag Myles is holding.

“Yeah, I’d love to. Meet you in the hall?’’

“Good, I’ll see you later,’’ he grins before rushing off.

I’m five minutes late by the time I hit my registration class. Denny is sitting in the same place as yesterday, so I make my way over to her. I don’t get far when Mr. Rogers calls my name.

“Everything okay Harlow? You’re late, but I’m sure I saw you arrive in school a while ago,’’ he says, making everyone’s head turn in my direction.

“I got held up by my locker. There was an incident,’’ I tell him, not wanting to meet his eyes or anyone else’s.

“Seems fishy to me sir,’’ Davis shouts, making the class erupt with laughter. My cheeks redden as I take my seat next to Denny, ignoring the look she gives me as I sit down.

“I take it the rumour is true? They put a dead fish in your locker,’’ she grumbles.

“Yeah, but you’ve forgotten the flattering picture of me they stuck up in there too,’’ I tell her dryly.


I sigh feeling deflated, “They stuck a picture of a pornstar in my locker with my face photo cropped onto the head. It’s really artistic and better than the goon who spelled whore on my locker wrong yesterday. I give an extra point for enthusiasm though.’’

“Someone did what?’’ she says sounding half pissed and half amused.

“Yeah,’’ I chuckle. “They stuck a piece of paper up on my locker with the letters H-O-R-E in capitals, don’t worry, I corrected their mistake by adding the W for them,’’ I wink, trying not to show how hurt it all made me feel. Especially given the fact I’m still a virgin and would take some serious doing on my part to become a whore.

“Fucking knobheads, I swear. They act like they’re still in nursery for fuck sake.’’

“That would explain the spelling,’’ I agree.

She laughs, bumping her shoulder into mine making me relax a little. Something about Denny does that to you. I don’t know if it’s her outgoing personality or that she’s so outspoken and honest, but I find myself liking her, the more I get to know her.

“So what about the rumour about you dating Max Carter?’’ she whispers so no one else can hear.

“What?’’ I say louder than I intended it to be.

“Yeah, I heard you two are doing it etc and more,’’ she says like it’s no big deal.

My eyes widen in shock when I look at her, really wishing Max was in this classroom right now instead of his brother, who I just happen to turn my head to look at. He’s laughing with the lad sitting next to him about something and half of me starts to worry it’s about me. I just wish I could have spoken to him before I fell asleep last night about keeping what he knows to himself. Although, like I said before, I’m pretty sure he will and I don’t think it will be because he’s scared of Gram’s wrath.

“Harlow Evans,’’ the teacher calls making me jump.

I tell him yeah before turning my attention back to Denny. I’m seriously going to have to get used to my name being called out in class.

“Nothing is going on. He’s a fucking idiot though. Honestly, there is nothing and never will be anything going on with us. I ended up bumping into him,
, when school ended yesterday and he showed me up by being his charming self,’’ I say sarcastically.

“I can imagine; he’s something else isn’t he? Mason, his older brother’s the same though, but there’s just something about Mason I can’t resist. I’d never turn him down, as much as it would pain me to be rejected the next day, I’d do anything to be with him for one night. I honestly believe we’re meant to be together,’’ she says dreamily.

“Got a crush huh?’’ I grin, making her snap back to reality.

“Shit, sorry, my thoughts run away with me when I think of that fine specimen. I’ve just never felt about anyone the way I do him, it’s bizarre,’’ she says, her eyes glazed over with lust which makes me chuckle.

“I’ve yet to meet him, but I like Myles. Oh, which reminds me, I’ve told him I’d sit by him at lunch if you want to join us?’’

“Do I want to join you? Fuck yes. He isn’t Mason, but Myles is so sweet, clever and has every girl drooling all over him. I also like the fact he’s discreet about who he fucks, unlike his brothers.’’

“Wow, you’re blunt.’’

“I know I follow my mother like that. I’m not always like this, trust me. You should see me when I’m all flustered,’’ she chuckles.

“I’ll take your word for it,’’ I giggle.

“What do you have first period?’’ she asks me.

“Double art,’’ I say feeling excited. It’s my favourite lesson aside from English. They are the only two lessons I can always find myself getting lost in, blocking out the outside world like it doesn’t even exist. My mom used to complain it was like talking to a brick wall whenever I was doing either.

“Oh bummer,’’ she frowns sympathetically.

“I love art, it’s the only lesson I excel in.’’


“Yeah,’’ I shrug.

We remain silent for the rest of registration, both left to our own thoughts. My eyes keep flickering over to Malik whenever I think I feel eyes on me, but every time I look towards him he’s busy talking to his friend. It’s when I turn to see him talking to a blonde girl. I think her name is Sally and my stomach turns. I can’t see the way he’s looking at her with his back to me, but the girl keeps giggling obnoxiously loud, annoying the shit out of me. At one point I thought the glass in the window was going to crack because of her high pitch screeching.

I snort loudly when she giggles slapping him on the shoulder and end up gaining Denny’s attention.

“He’s been doing that all lesson?’’ Denny whispers, her voice laced with something that sounds a bit bitter or maybe it’s resentment, but it grabs my attention, so I turn to her. When I do she’s glaring at something, but it’s not something in this room, but something she’s remembering.

“Who?’’ I ask, my belly fluttering at the thought of Malik staring at me.

“Don’t know why you’re surprised. After yesterday I wouldn’t be surprised if it was him who vandalised your locker.’’

“What?’’ I gasp. The thought had never even crossed my mind. Why would Malik do that to my locker? Is he jealous or something because of the scene his brother caused yesterday? Nah, someone like Malik doesn’t do jealous. Do they?

“Yeah, I read somewhere last night on Facebook he’s got it bad for you. You need to be careful with him Harlow. I know you’re new here, and in a repulsive way he is kind of good looking, but he’s dangerous. Promise me that you’ll stay away from him?’’ she says worriedly. The seriousness in her voice stops me from making a witty remark, but I don’t get warning bells when I look at Malik, or when I’m near him. It just doesn’t make sense to me why she feels this way towards him. Yeah he seems kinda broody and has that ‘don’t mess with me’ aura about him, but I wouldn’t go as far as saying he was dangerous. Not the lad who held me last night while I had a breakdown or the person who kept me company while my Gram’s went next door to eat.

What’s scary is that to me Malik isn’t repulsive in any way, he’s a freaking God. I’ve never met anyone as hot as him; even movie stars have nothing on him. Hell, I don’t think there’s a kid in this school that could even measure up to his good looks.

“Are we talking about the same person because he’s drop dead gorgeous and seems like a real nice guy under all that broody crap he has going on,’’ I ask looking at her. Her eyes go wide with disbelief, like she can’t believe I could even think it, which has me more confused than I was to begin with.

“Are you freaking serious Harlow? Davis has been glaring over here for the past half an hour staring daggers into your head. I’m sure if he could throw a dagger at your head he would too. Did you not listen to a word I said to you about him yesterday?’’ she hisses.

“Davis?’’ I ask wide eyed, looking over my shoulder to his seat. He is in fact shooting daggers at me, his face morphing into pure rage when my eyes lock with his. A cold shiver runs through me and I look away from him. “I thought you were on about someone else,’’ I rush out wanting her to know I’d never have a good thing to say about that boy.

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