Man 2.0 Engineering the Alpha (55 page)

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To the HarperOne Team: You are first class. Mark Tauber, thank you for your faith in us. To Claudia Boutote, Laina Adler, Michele Wetherbee, Terri Leonard, Lisa Zuniga, Terry McGrath, Dwight Been, Suzanne Wickham, and Elsa Dixon, your contributions and hard work made this come to life. And to Nancy Hancock, our incredibly talented editor: you made this book so much better and found a way to keep our profanity at a professional level.

—Roman and Born


The thanks and gratitude for writing this book extend in so many directions that it's hard to quantify my extreme appreciation to everyone who has made a difference. I'll start with my co-author and friend, John Romaniello. No other man was more suited to help me create a guide that would redefine the meaning of Alpha, and open the door for so many men to improve their lives.

I must extend my humble appreciation to Arnold Schwarzenegger for his continued support and belief in me. Scott Hoffman, you are the best book agent an author could ask for.

The following have been incredible mentors and guides in fitness, nutrition, and personal wellness: Jason Ferruggia, Jim Smith, Martin Rooney, Alwyn Cosgrove, Craig Ballantyne, Eric Cressey, Bill Hartman, Mike Robertson, Alan Aragon, John Berardi, Bret Contreras, Nick Tumminello, David Jack, Robert Dos Remedios, Dan Trink, Rob Sulaver, and Clifton Harski.

And those who made me a better writer, editor, and businessman: Lewis Howes, Mike Zimmerman, Jason Feifer, Sean Hyson, Jeff O'Connell, Derek Flanzraich, and Dan Brian. Dave Forsberg, Joseph O'Neill, Quinn Sypniewski, and Daniel Ketchel: You are great friends who deserve more than one line. Ted Spiker, you're the ultimate mentor and friend. Neema Yazdani: This all started ten years ago. I couldn't have unleashed my inner Alpha without you.

Josh, Aaron, and Jordan: I wish everyone could have brothers as awesome as you. You are the best source of testosterone, humility, and confidence I know of. My parents: Ira and Sandra. I dedicated this book to you, but nothing will ever be enough to thank you for all your love and support.

And finally, Rachie. Every day has been an unreal life since I met you. Thank you for being my world and my #1. You are beyond amazing. I love you.



I must start with my mother; for her hard work and sacrifice in raising two children, including a son who caused all the pain that I did. Thank you, Mom, for teaching me goodness and honor, but also doggedness and work ethic, and doing your best to raise me to believe I could do anything. Thank you also for trying to teach me some humility; I'm sorry that it didn't take.

To my sister Jessica, the only person who can ever really understand my childhood. Thank you for being a touchstone to my past, and not posting anything overly embarrassing on the Internet.

To my Miyagi, Alvin Batista: you taught me so much of what is in this book. From you, I learned about training and women and being a good man—and sometimes, how to be not so good.

I must thank all of my friends who saw me barely survive boyhood to grasp at manhood. Adam, John, Chis, Mike, Tom, Josh, Rob, Ross, Evan, and the Brothers Trott. Thank you for having my back, and seeing through my mistakes.

To Joel Marion, Eric Cressey, Eric Chessen, and all the RUGGED crew. Who knew we'd eventually figure this out? To Joel especially, I owe my thanks and much of my success. Thank you for seeing so much in me. To Craig Ballantyne, Vince and Flavia Del Monte, Jeff Siegal and Isabel De Los Rios, Alex Maroko, Jason Ferruggia, Adam Steer, Matt McGorry, Ryan Murdock, Sirena Bernal, Lewis Howes, and everyone in the Internet Marketing crowd; whatever success I've had, I owe to all of you. Thank you so much for your friendship.

To my clients past and present: A sincere
thank you
to everyone who didn't run away when I said, “today we're going to try an experiment.” Thanks to anyone who has read a blog or clicked a link or bought a product. You made this dream real. The RFS team: starting with David Sinick, who made sure I hit my deadlines; and Josh and Rob, for running my business while I was bleeding on pages.

To early mentors: TC Luoma, the first editor to give me my first shot; and Dr. John Berardi, who gave far too generously of his wisdom and time. I'll never be able to express my gratitude. And more recent mentors: Tim Ferriss, Gary Vaynerchuk, Tucker Max, Neil Strauss, and Ryan Holiday. Your work is a constant inspiration. And I must thank Arnold Schwarzenegger, for all you have done for the industry, for me, and for this book.

I must thank Adam Bornstein, my friend and co-author; I could not ask for a more stalwart friend to have at my back. Working with you has made me a better writer and a better man.

Finally, we come to the end. Here, I must thank my muse, Neghar Fonooni. My
anam cara,
my Scheherazade, my best friend: no paltry words of mine can ever express the
of knowing you. From my lips you have drawn so many things that I cannot thank you for them all. But for your constant support, and gentle reminders that
luminous beings are we,
I do thank you, and forever will.

Thank you all.


John Romaniello


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abs, 64, 73

accelerated aging, 19–20, 76–77

Adapt (Phase II): cheat days during, 200–201, 203; diet during, 155, 204–8; feast/fast model, 201–4; overview of, 154–56, 197–98; training and workouts, 209–28

alcohol intake, 96, 112, 141

the Alpha: beginning the Hero's Journey to become, 38–40; process of becoming, 4–5, 7; refining the concept of, 10–11; the seven traits of, 27–34, 266.
See also
Engineering the Alpha program; men

Alpha Bar, 63

Alpha Deadlift: Phase II: Adapt workout, 213, 218, 225; Phase III: Surge workout, 225, 243, 244, 246; Phase IV: Complete, 256, 261

Alpha Eating Equation: Adapt, 205–8

Alpha Eating Equation: Complete, 249–53

Alpha Eating Equation: Prime, 174–78

Alpha Eating Equation: Surge, 232–35

Alpha Eating Guide, 172–73

The Alpha Guide to Supplements, 58–59

Alpha journey: answer the call to begin the, 45–46; Call to Adventure and what to expect on your, 71, 73–83; Crossing the First Threshold, 86–89; Freedom to Live stage of the, 266; Master of Two Worlds stage of the, 265; Ordinary World starting point of the, 38, 43, 86, 87, 263, 265; reflections on your, 263–64; Special World of the, 86, 87, 263.
See also
Hero's Journey

Alpha Press, 212, 218, 225, 239

The Alpha Rules, 12–13

Alpha vacation, 116

Alzheimer's disease, 20, 79, 80

amino acids, 128

AMOG (Alpha Male of the Group), 11

anterograde memory, 36–37

Antonio, Jose, 60–61

Apotheosis (moment of enlightenment), 38, 40, 265

Aragon, Alan, 52

Atkins diet, 139

autophagy, 20


Barbell Back Squat, 214

Barbell Bench Press, 261

Barbell Bent-Over Row, 187, 236, 256

Barbell Calf Raises, 220

Barbell Deadlift, 191

Barbell Front Squat, 194, 259

Barbell Glute Bridge, 195

Barbell High Pull, 221–22

Barbell Push Press, 223

Barbell Reverse Curl, 224

Barbell Romanian Deadlift, 186

basal metabolic rate, 199, 200.
See also

BCAAs (Branched-Chain Amino Acids), 62–63, 93

BDNF (brain-derived neurotrophic factor), 18, 80–81

being helpful, 28–29

belly fat, 83, 92, 99, 110

Bent-Over Row, 215, 244

body fat: adding muscle to burn more, 73–74; belly, 83, 92, 99, 110; LBM (lean body mass), 123, 124, 129, 130, 132, 169, 174–75; turning white into brown, 78–79.
See also
fat intake

Body-Weight Bulgarian Split Squat, 188

Body-Weight Glute Bridge, 184, 245

Body-Weight Reverse Lunge, 184

Body-Weight Squat, 237

Bornstein, Adam (“Trucker Hat”), 35–36, 39–40, 54

brain function, 79–80


caffeine, 115

Call to Adventure, 69–71, 73–83

caloric intake: determining daily, 168–70; leptin levels and, 94, 135; Phase II: Adapt, 204–8; Phase III: Surge, 231–35; Phase I: Prime, 170, 174–78; Phase IV: Complete, 248–53

calorie cycling, 163

Campbell, Joseph, 35, 36–40, 43, 263

carb cycling: during Prime (Phase I), 164–66; protein intake when, 130–31

carbs: cycling calories and, 163; debate over eating, 23, 139; eating before bed, 53, 115; insulin resistance and, 98; Phase II: Adapt, 204–8; Phase III: Surge, 232–35; Phase I: Prime, 170–78; Phase IV: Complete, 249–53; sources of daily low GI/GL, 173

cardio exercise, 53–55

cheat days, 115, 135, 200–201, 203

cheat foods, 201

Chest Press, 236

Chin-Up, 183, 193

cholesterol, 126

Complete (Phase IV): diet during, 248–53; overview of, 158–59, 247–48; training and workouts, 254–61

confidence: as an Alpha trait, 29–30; how hormone imbalance can erode, 24–25; increasing your, 75–76; role of sex in, 116–17

Contreras, Bret, 61

cortisol level: belly fat and, 99; exercise and diet to reduce, 83; how the stress of modern life impacts, 4, 22, 106–7; hunger and, 95; severe dieting effect on the, 199; sex drive relationship to, 106–7, 111; sleep quality relationship to, 22, 76, 106–7

Crossing the First Threshold, 86–89

crunches, 64


dedication vs. obsession, 33–34

depression, 80–81, 114

diabetes, 24, 78, 79, 101

diet: Eating 101: Food Choices and How to Build Your Meals, 167–78; Phase II: Adapt, 155, 204–8; Phase III: Surge, 157, 231–35; Phase I: Prime, 151–53, 164–78; Phase IV: Complete, 248–53.
See also

diet cycling, 162–63

dieting: frequent feeding model of, 48–50, 139–41; Twinkie Diet, 100, 138; what happens to your body when, 133–35, 198–201.
See also
intermittent fasting

dopamine, 114

Dumbbell Alpha Press, 256

Dumbbell Biceps Curl, 217

Dumbbell Fly, 220

Dumbbell Overhead Press, 186

Dumbbell Rear Delt Fly, 224, 245

Dumbbell Reverse Lunge, 215

Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift, 255

Dumbbell Shrugs, 228

Dumbbell Squeeze Press, 227

Dumbbell Upright Row, 216


eating: before bedtime, 52, 115; debate over eating breakfast, 47–48, 138; limiting sugar intake, 113; metabolism and frequent, 48–50, 139–41; pre-workout, 61–63.
See also
diet; intermittent fasting; nutrition

Eating 101: Food Choices and How to Build Your Meals, 167–78

Edwards, Andy, 72

Engineering the Alpha: Andy Edwards, 72; Claudio Espinoza, 6; Colin Wilson, 90; Ian Estabrook, 41; Josh Hamilton, 118; Mitch Hurn, 150

Engineering the Alpha program: overview of the entire, 161–63; Phase II: Adapt, 154–56, 197–228; Phase III: Surge, 156–58, 229–46; Phase I: Prime, 151–54, 163–96; Phase IV: Complete, 158–59, 247–61; as six-pack solution, 64.
See also
the Alpha; fitness program

EPOC (excess-post-exercise oxygen consumption), 164

Espinoza, Claudio, 6

Estabrook, Ian, 41

estrogen, 25–26, 92, 96–97, 101, 110, 111

exercises/exercising: cardio, 53, 54, 55; decreased in hypogonadism through, 108; financial success benefit of, 81–82; weight lifting, 110–11, 231.
See also


Face Pull, 222, 257

fat intake: different types of fats, 124–27; as least metabolically active food, 139; nutritional benefits of, 111, 124; Phase II: Adapt, 204–8; Phase III: Surge, 232–35; Phase I: Prime, 170–78; Phase IV: Complete, 249–53.
See also
body fat

feast/fast model, 201–4.
See also
intermittent fasting

Feet-Elevated Plank, 239

fertility issues, 26

financial success, 81–82

fish oil, 59

fitness industry: misinformation of the, 16–17, 43–63; the problem with the, 15–16

fitness program: bodybuilding's selective hypertrophy applied to, 60–61; cardio exercise, 53–54, 55; crunches, 64; lifting heavy weights, 110–11; pre-workout eating, 61–63; stagnation of, 101–2.
See also
Engineering the Alpha program

Flat Chest Press, 216

Freedom to Live, 266

frequent eating myth, 48–50


ghrelin, 94–96

glycemic index (GI), 122, 123

GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices), 56–57

GnIH (gonadotropin-inhibitory hormone), 107

GnRH (gonadotropin-releasing hormone), 107

Goblet Squat, 181, 191, 219

greens drink, 58

growth hormone (GH): accelerated aging due to low, 20, 76–77; better sleep quality by increasing, 22; building muscle and levels of, 73, 110; fat loss due to supplementation of, 157; intermittent fasting for increasing, 83, 141, 152–53; lactic acid training and release of, 230–31; late-night eating of carbs and release of, 53; negative health consequences of low, 4; Phase III creating a surge in, 156–58; strategies for increasing production of, 83; why men should care about, 93.
See also

gynecomastia, 25


Hack Squat, 226

Hamilton, Josh, 118

Hanging Knee Raise, 187, 256

happiness, 117

Haub, Mark, 100, 138

heart disease, 78, 125, 126

Hero's Journey: Apotheosis stage of, 38, 40, 265; introduction to the, 37–40; Ordinary World stage of, 38, 43, 86, 87, 263, 265; Refusing the Call phase of, 45; Road of Trials stage of, 147–49; Ultimate Boon stage of, 264–65.
See also
Alpha journey

The Hero with a Thousand Faces
(Campbell), 37

High-Incline Dumbbell Bench Press, 242

High Pull, 257

Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 12

hormonal functioning: brain function and, 79–80; building muscle by improving, 73; changing life by optimizing, 103–4; health consequences of poor, 18–26; how modern life has negatively impacted, 4–5; severe dieting impact on, 133–35, 198–201; why men should care about, 91–99

hormonal imbalance problems: accelerated aging, 19–20, 76–77; estrogen production, 25; fertility issues, 26; insulin spikes, 23–24; lack of confidence, 24–25; lack of sleep, 21–23; reduced intelligence, 18; stunted sex drive, 18–19, 106–7

hormone optimization: how intermittent fasting results in, 141–43; learning to restore, 5, 119–20; Phase III creating a surge in GH and, 156–58

hormones: BDNF (brain-derived neurotrophic factor), 18, 80–81; cortisol, 4, 22, 76, 83, 95, 99, 106–7, 111, 199; estrogen, 25–26, 92, 96–97, 101, 110, 111; ghrelin, 94–96; GnIH (gonadotropin-inhibitory hormone), 107; GnRH (gonadotropin-releasing hormone), 107; insulin, 23–24, 73, 78, 97–98, 151–53; irisin, 78–79; leptin, 93–94, 101, 115, 134–35, 199, 200; thyroid (T3 and T4), 94, 135, 198, 199, 200.
See also
growth hormone (GH); testosterone

humbleness, 31–32

hunger: cortisol levels and, 95; ghrelin and, 94–96; sleep relationship to, 77, 95–96

Hurn, Mitch, 150

hypogonadism, 108


Incline Dumbbell Chest Press, 181

Institute of Medicine, 21

insulin: Phase I: resetting your, 151–53; spikes of, 23–24; why men should care about, 97–98

insulin resistance, 23, 24, 98, 99, 100–101, 111, 198

insulin sensitivity, 73, 78, 138

intermittent fasting: description and why it works, 135–37; the easy guide to, 142; Engineering the Alpha program use of, 162; GH produced by, 83, 141, 152–53; hormone optimization through, 141–43; more flexibility to choose when you eat, 137–38; speeding up metabolism through, 151–53; you choose how often you eat with, 139–41.
See also
dieting; eating; feast/fast model

Inverted Row, 192, 225

irisin, 78–79


Javelin Press, 180, 191, 194

Jumping Jack, 193

Jump Squat, 190, 256


Kettlebell Romanian Deadlift, 182

kidney problems, 131

Kosteas, Vasilios, 81


lack of confidence, 24–25

lactic acid training, 83, 157–58, 230–31

Lapham, Lewis H., 27

Lateral Raise, 185, 217, 237, 242, 255

LBM (lean body mass): Adapt (Phase II) diet and, 204–6; calculating, 123, 124, 129, 130, 132; definition of, 123; Prime (Phase I) diet and, 169, 174, 175

leptin, 93–94, 100, 115, 134–35, 199, 200

light-weight reps myth, 54

Low-Incline Dumbbell Bench Press, 244, 254


macronutrients: Phase II: Adapt, 204–8; Phase III: Surge, 232–35; Phase I: Prime, 168–78; Phase IV: Complete, 249–53

meal planning.

men: becoming the Alpha, 4–7; the current ordinary state of most, 1; the living the ordinary by, 3–4; taking control of your life, 119–20.
See also
the Alpha

mentors: Crossing the First Threshold role of the, 86–89; discovering your, 70–71

metabolic resistance training, 164

metabolic syndrome, 101

metabolism: BCAAs (Branched-Chain Amino Acids) to increase, 62–63, 93; eating frequently myth about, 48–50, 138–41; intermittent fasting to speed up, 151–53; leptin impact on, 93–94; slowdown of your, 100–101, 199.
See also
basal metabolic rate

mind-set for Phase I, 153–54

misinformation: learning what is truth and what is, 43–46; lies, myths, and why men are fat, 48–63; media's role in spreading, 16–17

monounsaturated fats, 124–25

Montaigne, Michel de, 34

Mountain Climber, 196

muscles: building, 73–74, 101–2, 110–11; PGCI produced by contracting, 78; Phase III new rules of building, 156–58; selective hypertrophy, 60–61.
See also


nutrition: carbs, 23, 53, 98, 115, 121–24, 139; Eating 101: Food Choices and How to Build Your Meals, 167–78; fat intake, 111, 124–27; Phase II: Adapt, 155, 204–8; Phase III: Surge, 157, 231–35; Phase I: Prime, 151–53, 164–78; Phase IV: Complete, 248–53; Prime (Phase I), 164–66; protein, 50–52, 62–63, 78, 115, 127–32.
See also


body fat

Ordeal (the climax stage), 39

ordinary lives: as the current state of most men, 1; how men fall into living, 3–4; the Ordinary World (Hero's Journey stage) of, 38, 43, 86, 87, 263, 265


Paddon-Jones, Douglas, 50

Parkinson's disease, 20, 80

PGCI, 78

pharmaceutical industry, 4

Plank exercise: Phase III: Surge, 236, 243; Phase I: Prime, 183, 190, 193, 194, 195; Phase IV: Complete, 254, 256

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