Man Candy (8 page)

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Authors: Jessica Ingro

BOOK: Man Candy
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Fingers drumming on the steering wheel, I belted out the lyrics to “Black.” So lost in the song, I almost missed the white convertible off on the side of the road with steam rising from the crumpled hood.

Recognizing the car and the woman sitting on the trunk, I quickly swung my Jeep in front of the wrecked car and got out.

“Is there a problem here, miss?” I asked in my best southern drawl. Walking up to where Rissa sat, I rested my hip on the trunk next to her.

“The sun was shining in my eyes so I went to put my sunglasses on. That’s when a stupid deer decided to jump out in front of my car. I swerved and ended up hitting the guardrail and pole.”

“How fast were you going?” I asked her as I walked around to inspect the damage.

“Probably too fast. I have a wee bit of a tendency to have a lead foot,” she admitted on a distressed sigh.

“Well you’ll be lucky if they don’t total the car.” I told her after seeing just how bad it was. I looked up and saw her face crumple at my words, so I quickly added. “But you never know. A good garage could work wonders.”

“I love this car,” Rissa admitted on a stuttering breath while trying to keep her tears at bay.

“Don’t be upset. At least you weren’t hurt.” I put my arm around her shoulder and was rewarded when she relaxed into my embrace.

As the afternoon sunshine washed over us, I soaked in the warmth that having her in my arms provided. The lilac scent of her teased my nose and I itched to pull her closer so I could bury my head in her tresses like on Saturday.

“You’re right,” she eventually said.

I dipped my head to look at her face in order to ascertain how she was holding up. “You want a ride home?”

“That would be great. I wasn’t really looking forward to calling Meredith and waiting for her to get her ass down here. I swear she’s on a different timetable then the rest of us.”

“I seem to remember that. She and Tanner both go about life much the same way. I always thought they were perfect for each other in that aspect.”

seem to remember them being both loud and volatile.” She gave a slight shudder like the very thought of it grossed her out.

“What do you mean?”

“I lived with Meredith briefly when she and Tanner were dating or sleeping together or whatever. I’m really not sure what they called it. I called it the longest month of my life. If they weren’t having sex they were arguing. Both were loud. As in so damn loud they kept me up half of the night.”

My mouth twisted into a grimace. I never dealt with quite that much when it came to the two of them, but I had walked in on some wild action a time or two.

What perplexed me was how entwined our lives had been yet we never met one another.

“How have we never met before?” I asked her in disbelief.

She studied me a moment before shrugging. “I have no idea.”

Just then the tow truck pulled up ending our conversation, and once again I decided fate was a fickle bitch when she wanted to be. I just hoped the timing of our friendship was the right one.


“Why am I not surprised that you have a giant Jeep Wrangler?” she commented as she jumped up into the truck and fastened her seatbelt.

“Hey! This is a fine piece of machinery. It’s an Unlimited Rubicon with a three point six liter, two hundred eight-five horsepower engine. It’s trail rated with a two thousand pound towing capacity.” I lovingly rubbed my hand along the dash as I spoke passionately about my baby.

“How could I have forgotten those fine points?” she said stiltedly in between laughs. God I loved her laugh. Even when it was at my expense. “Although I will say these leather seats feel as soft as butter. And well, if you wanted to take the top off, I wouldn’t object.”

My torso twisted, my arm resting on the steering wheel, and I gave her a crooked grin. “How about this weekend I take you out on a drive and I promise the top will be off.”

The idea was brilliant really. As far as I was concerned this would be our first date. Ideas of what we could do were quickly forming in my head and with each one I got more excited about it.

“I can’t this weekend,” she murmured and I immediately assumed she was trying to let me down gently. When I saw genuine disappointment in her eyes, I felt lighter knowing that wasn’t the case.

“We can do it another time.” I started the engine and put the truck in gear.

“Next weekend?”

“I work next weekend. I’m off every other.” Sometimes I really hated not having a typical nine to five job. There was nothing worse than wanting to do something and not being able to.

“Then let’s do something the next time you’re off.”

“Sounds like a plan.” I glanced over at her and the smile on my face mirrored hers. That was when I allowed myself to start getting excited again. “So where to?”

“I live over on Easton, towards the park.”

“No shit,” I muttered. “I run over there every morning.”

“I’ve never seen you before.”

“It’s usually oh dawn thirty when I’m running,” I informed her.

“Ah well I’m always sleeping then. You run every day? I have to really be in the mood to run and between you and me, I’m usually not.”

At a red light, I turned to her and leaned over the center console. “I could make it fun for you. I have ways of inspiring and rewarding,” I told her with a cheeky grin.

“I bet you do. I’m not biting though, mister.” She folded her arms and attempted to scowl at me.

Turning back to the road, I punched the gas when the light turned green. “I’d rather you didn’t bite on it anyways. Lick it... suck it... sure.”

“Ben Harris!” she cried in mock outrage. “My virgin ears can’t hear that kind of talk.”

A retort about her virgin status or lack thereof was on the tip of my tongue, but I bit it back. I didn’t know her well enough to know her boundaries yet. No way was I going to risk alienating her by taking the teasing too far.

“Ha! Cat got your tongue?” She poked her finger into my side and teased.

“I’m letting you win this round,” I magnanimously told her.

“I plan on winning a lot more. My house is the white one down there on the corner of Green.” She pointed in its general direction after we turned onto her street.

As with most of the houses on this side of town, there was no driveway in the front of her house. Instead there would be an alley in back where her garage would be. That could explain why I never noticed her car while on my runs.

Ironically enough, I had admired her house numerous times over the years. It was a grand two-story colonial with columns out front that added to its stature. An awfully big house for one girl.

“How long have you lived here?” I asked putting the car in park at the sidewalk in front of her house.

“Since college. It was my grandmother’s house. After I graduated she sold it to me and moved in with my mom about an hour from here. She said it was too much house for her and it was getting harder to go up and down the stairs. Do you want to come in? I could cook you dinner as a thank you for coming to my aide tonight.”

Yes please
was the first thought in my head followed quickly by regret.

“I wish I could but I promised my mom I’d stop at her house for dinner, which is code for I’m going over there to fix something for her.”

“That’s really sweet of you. Rain check then?”

“Sure. Do you need a ride to work tomorrow?” My mind raced with how I could get across town to get her without anyone noticing I was gone so soon after shift change. It was a risky move but one I would do in a heartbeat if she needed me to.

“No. I’ll just work from home until the rental car company comes to pick me up.”

“Why don’t I give you my number just in case you need anything,” I suggested. She bit her lip for a moment considering it before giving in. Unlocking her phone, she handed it to me and I quickly added myself as a contact. Sending a quick text to myself so I had her number as well, I handed her back her phone and joked, “I better not get any obscene phone calls in the middle of the night.”

She let out a short laugh ending with a dazzling smile. When she leaned in to press a quick kiss on my cheek, my breath halted. Having her this close was wreaking havoc on my willpower not to jump her right then and there. Mere inches from my face, she resumed a smile before she whispered, “You’re a good guy, Ben Harris. Thank you.”

Before I could say a word, she opened the door and got out. Grabbing her bags off the floorboard, she gave me a quick wave and then sauntered up the front walk to her door.

Watching her sensual hips sway, I couldn’t help but smile even though she was once again walking away from me and leaving me hard for her.


“Ben! Why don’t you come eat dinner,” my mother called down the hallway.

Tightening the fitting on the pipe under her bathroom sink, I shifted out from the confined space and stood up.

As soon as I walked into my mother’s house, she wasted no time putting me right to work while she finished cooking. Now it was an hour later, her leaky sink was fixed, and I was dirty and hungry.

Joining her in the kitchen, I sat at the chipped wooden table that we had eaten so many dinners at over the years. Memories of chasing Tanner through the room, tripping on a chair and splitting my head open on the edge of the table flooded my memory. All the times we got injured aside, there were so many good times had in this house.

Mom set a plate down in front of me and then went to get her own. Before digging in, we bowed our heads and she said grace. All of it was reminiscent of my childhood. It was a comforting feeling whenever I came home to know that some things never changed.

The meatloaf and mashed potatoes were heaven and I ate them with gusto. There was nothing better than a home cooked meal. Most of the dishes I made consisted of grilled meat and whatever quick side I could conjure up. The difference with my mom’s cooking was the time and love she put into it. I greatly appreciated the effort.

“You never did tell me how that author thing was that you went to for your brother,” she said during a lull in conversation.

“It was okay. Not really my scene.”

“Did you meet anyone there? I bet there were a lot of fine ladies that would have been lucky to get to know you.”

And cue her nosiness.

“There might be someone,” I hedged. I was never really good at lying to my mom. That was usually Tanner’s job.

Her eyes brightened, and her face perked up. “And when will I get to meet this young woman?”

“Who says she’s young? She could be a real cougar both in bed and out,” I goaded her.

Her mouth hung open, and she stared at me with wide eyes. She sputtered while she tried to speak. Finally, I decided to let her off the hook.

“I’m kidding, Mom. You’ll meet her when I’m ready for you to. Things are going kind of... slow between us. Don’t go doing anything crazy like asking Tanner for information and enlisting him in your shenanigans.” My words were more a plea than a warning.

The last time I was dating a woman she hadn’t been introduced to, she and Tanner crashed a romantic dinner at my house. That alone would have been enough to anger me. The fact that they ended up interrupting us having sex on the kitchen table not only pissed me off but it mortified my date as well. The icing on the cake though was when Tanner sat down and started eating the leftovers that were on the counter like we weren’t both naked with Cindy sprawled out beneath me. When I see her out and about she
won’t talk to me and it’s been more than a year.

“I learned my lesson after last time. Trust me. No mother should see their son in the position I saw you in.” She shuddered and shook her head in disgust.

“Good. Serves you right.”

“Although you should have locked your door.”

“I did. Tanner picked it or did you forget that?”

“You say things are going slow between you two. Why’s that?” She propped her hand under her chin and waited with rapt attention so that she could butt into my love life, completely choosing to gloss over the fact that they broke into my house.

“I’m not talking about this with you.” I set my napkin down and pushed my chair out.

“Why not? I might have some advice that will help,” she argued.

“Nope. Not going to do it.”

I glanced at my phone on the table when it signaled a text message from Tanner.


I typed out a quick message back, tucked the phone in my back pocket and then looked over at my mother.

“I’m going to go meet Tanner for a drink. You want help cleaning up?” I picked up my plate and brought it over to the sink where I rinsed it and placed it in the dishwasher.

“No I’ll get it later. Will you at least stay for an episode or two of
Rehab Addict

Guilt slammed into my chest at her request. I should have offered before just taking off on her. She was lonely and looked forward to whenever we visited. Lately I hadn’t been visiting her as frequently as I usually did. Pop would kick my ass for not taking better care of her.

“Anything for you, doll.” I kissed the top of her head when she stepped next to me at the sink. I grabbed the dish from her hand and began rinsing it. “Fire up the DVR and I’ll finish up in here.”

“But—” she started to argue.

“No buts. You cooked. I clean. Same rules apply whether I’m twenty-eight or eight.”

“You’re a good boy, Benjamin.” Patting my cheek she left the room to get her show ready.

Did everyone have to keep saying that?


When I stepped into the darkened bar, The Palisades was packed, which was odd for a Tuesday night. Once I remembered there was a Yankees game on it seemed to make more sense.

“Yo!” I shouted over the jeers being thrown at the television.

“Hey, bro.” We slapped each other’s backs in greeting before I turned my attention to the bartender Mick. With a flick of my finger, he knew what I wanted so I settled onto a stool next to Tanner.

“Talked to Meredith today,” Tanner vaguely informed me several minutes later.

“Good to know.” I tipped my head back and took a long pull from my beer.

“There’s another signing this weekend down in New York City that I was supposed to help her out with.”

I had a feeling I knew where he was going with this, but I figured I would wait to hear him out before telling him no. It would be more fun that way.

“Lucy isn’t real fond of a bunch of women drooling over me. She’d rather tie me up this weekend and I’m not talking metaphorically, bro.”

“You’re still seeing her?” I thought for sure after hooking up once that would be it for the two of them. The fact that they were planning on spending another weekend together surprised the shit out of me.

“Yep. So you going to fill in for me again?”

“Let me think about that for a second. Nope, not going to happen.”

“But you have to.” His argument was weak. Not the best way to persuade me. Bribes were more along the route he was going to have to go this time if he wanted my help.

“That is where you’re wrong. I don’t have to do anything. Especially not after the shit I got sucked into last time.” I fervently shook my head as I spoke. I was not getting roped into being molested by a handful of strangers while being eye candy for the rest.

“Fine. I’ll call Meredith and let her know that she
and Rissa
will have to travel alone Friday night.”

At the mention of Rissa, my ears perked up. This must be why she couldn’t go out with me this weekend.

Shit. Now that he threw that tidbit of information out there I wanted to go to the damn thing.

“You’re a real prick you know that?” A heavy weighted sigh accompanied my curse. He couldn’t know that I was eager to do this. I had to make him think he was damn lucky I was even going to consider it. It was the way our relationship worked.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” A triumphant smile graced his face. He knew he had me.

“You knew I wouldn’t want them to have to travel alone,” I said as my reason even though we both knew it was because Rissa was going.

unsafe for two women... alone... in Manhattan,” he added fuel to fire with that statement. No way would I leave Rissa unprotected in the city.

“Tell me right now everything that is required of me at this signing. And I mean everything. Parties. Pictures. Contests. If you aren’t upfront with me, I will punch you in the balls. Then I’ll tell Mom that you were the one who lost Grandma’s heirloom ring when you gave it to Missy Jenkins in the tenth grade.”

“You wouldn’t!” he gasped with outrage.

“I would. She still talks about how much that ring was worth. She’ll tan your ass when she finds out the cleaning lady she fired didn’t actually steal it.”

“You fight dirty, bro. This one is just the signing. There’s an after party but no contests or anything. At least that I know of.”

I signaled the bartender for a fresh round of beers and pretended to mull it over. There really was no question. I was going to go, and while there I was going to work on bringing Rissa around to my way of thinking. Hopefully, I could accomplish that feat while she was sober. Not that I didn’t enjoy her drunk, I just preferred to have her choose me without any undue influence.

“I’ll do it, but I swear if you fuck me over, Tanner, you will pay.”

“No worries, bro. No worries.” He slapped me on the back—harder than was necessary—and mumbled his thanks.

“You know Meredith just happened to mention something about you and Rissa hooking up last weekend.”

I should have known where this would eventually end up going. Of course Meredith went blabbing to Tanner about what she interrupted that night.

When I didn’t take the bait, he continued, “Sweet piece of ass. A little more uptight then I typically like. Saw her in the shower one day though and her rack is sweet as hell.”

Without even thinking, I pushed him off his stool. He stumbled from the surprise attack and fell down on his ass.

“What the fuck, man,” he shouted at me from the ground.

“Don’t talk about her like that.”

Tanner threw his head back and laughed instead of retaliating, which surprised the shit out of me. He pulled himself up from the floor and dusted his pants off, all the while still cracking up.

“What the fuck is so funny?” I finally asked him after his laughter waned and he still hadn’t said anything.

“You are. You dumb fuck. So you’re into Rissa, huh? Must be pretty serious if you’re defending her honor.” His observation was rather sage considering the source.

“I’d protect any woman’s honor from you. Mom was right. You need to learn how to respect women more.”

“I respect women just fine,” he argued. “I respect what they can do with their mouths, their hands, their pussies.”

“You’re a dog.” I shook my head and ordered us another round.

“Meredith thought it was pretty funny when she cock blocked you. Have to admit I thought it was too.”

“There was no cock blocking,” I reluctantly admitted.

Tanner’s eyes widened and the side of his mouth quirked up knowingly. “What? She playing hard to get?”

“We really going to talk about this?”

“Sure. I can give you some advice. No one knows what women like better than me.” He puffed his chest out and looked as if he might beat on it like a caveman.

Surprising even myself, I opened up about my frustrations with Clarissa. Don’t ask me why I did it. I couldn’t tell you.

“On the one hand she acts like she likes me, but her other hand is held firmly up and warding me off.”

“Huh,” he grunted. Taking a few pulls from his beer, he had what I liked to think of as his thinking face on. His brows were drawn together causing a deep groove in between his eyes at the same time that he chewed on his bottom lip.

“Don’t go hurting your head. Just forget I said anything,” I told him. I probably didn’t want to hear what he had to say. It was most likely sexist and demeaning.

“Shut it. I know what you need.”

“Oh yeah? And what’s that?”

Judging by the proud look on his face, it was sure to be a doozy whatever it was. I was probably going to wish I hadn’t ventured down this path with him.

“You need to take control over her. She wants you to tell her what to do. She wants you to tell her that she’s your woman. Claim her, man. Show her who’s boss.”

I hated to admit it but he made a little bit of sense. By giving her an option, I was giving her a chance to say no. Maybe that was the problem.

But didn’t taking away her right to choose make me the equivalent of a tyrant? Or even an obsessive freak who didn’t know how to take no for an answer? I wasn’t so sure that was the impression I was going for.

“And if she isn’t really interested?” There was still a slight chance that she didn’t actually like me and really did want to just be friends. Though you can’t really fake passion and chemistry, and we had both of those in spades when we were together.

“She’s interested.”

“How do you know?” Did Meredith tell him something? Did Clarissa and her talk about me? Shit, I felt like a high school girl dying to hear gossip about some boy at school.

“A man knows, Ben. Which leads me to wonder if you’re really a man.” He gave me a mischievous grin that told me he was trying to goad me. For as much as I wanted to punch him, I restrained myself. I didn’t really feel like getting kicked out of our favorite bar.

“I don’t want to force myself on her.”

“Look, women are all about books with kinky sex and men controlling them. It’s something about having to be in control on a daily basis. Whatever. Doesn’t matter. They want you to take the decisions away from them. It’s called being an alpha. Taking charge.”

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