Man Candy (5 page)

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Authors: Jessica Ingro

BOOK: Man Candy
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“Okay that’s enough.” Just as Suzie’s hand started to wander to just below my belt buckle, Rissa stormed over to us and pulled a suction cupped Suzie from my side. Suzie sputtered in outrage as she and Rissa went toe to toe in front of me.

“What the hell do you think this is?” Rissa demanded to know.

“Chill. Ben and I were just getting to know each other better.” Suzie smirked cattily at her opponent.

“This is a book signing and you’re causing a scene. Either leave or I’ll get security to escort you out.”

“It’s all right, Rissa,” Meredith broke in leaving a few fans standing at her table with jaws slack and mouths gaping. She pushed Rissa behind her back and faced off with Suzie. “Feeling up the models isn’t exactly kosher behavior at a signing. Ever hear of look but don’t touch? Do yourself a favor and leave while you still have some dignity left.”

“I’m really sorry,” Faith apologized. “We’re leaving.” She grabbed her sister’s hand and dragged her away from the growing crowd.

“Where were we?” Meredith breathed as she straightened her shoulders and started back towards the table.

“Not such a good idea to take off my clothes I guess,” I mumbled under my breath. Or so I thought it was until Meredith stopped and elbowed me in the gut. Hard.

“We’ll discuss this later,” she promised and settled in her chair, turning to someone with a book for her to sign—all smiles like nothing had even happened.

Rissa was a little slower to resume her position at the table. She looked like she was silently fuming still. A small part of me—the part that was a glutton for punishment—thought maybe just maybe it was because she was jealous. Why else would she react like a jealous girlfriend watching her boyfriend getting pawed at?

Thankfully the rest of the event passed by in a blur. There were no other incidents and most of the women were respectful and didn’t think my body was free fodder for them. Sure there were plenty of dirty comments and requests for rides later that night, but all-in-all it was bearable and dare I say pleasurable.

The only real awkward moments came from women calling me Rex after Meredith’s character and telling me how much they loved my rope work in her book
Cowboy Showdown
. It was awkward to say the least since the character was not only fictional but I wasn’t even the one who posed for the cover. I did, however, make a mental note to pick up a copy and find out just how extensive Rex’s knowledge of ropes was. Strictly for character research of course.

Taking my cue from Meredith and Rissa, I started to help box up the remaining items from the table and took the banner down.

I was surprised how wiped I was after the long day. Then again, I had drunk like a fish the night before so I shouldn’t be that surprised.

A groan threatened to leave my throat at the thought that I still had to deal with the after party. Meredith had assured me it wasn’t going to be anything like last night’s festivities, but I was still wary about attending.

“So,” I smoothly inserted into the silence as Rissa shoved books into a box.

She glanced up from her task and gave me a small smile. I smiled back and watched with some amusement when her eyes locked on my lips, and she bit her bottom one before giving a small shake of her head and turning back to her task.

“Crazy day, huh? Would you like to grab a...?” I put my hands in my back pockets and rocked back on my heels, encountering a piece of paper in the left pocket that wasn’t there before. “Hmm, what’s this?”

Rissa watched as I unfolded the paper. Written in bright pink ink was Suzie’s name and phone number with a heart next to it.

“Disgusting,” she mumbled with a repulsed look on her face and then proceeded to gather up her stuff in a huff.

“What is?”

“You... that!” she spat.

I shook my head not following her logic. “How can you say that? You don’t even know me.” Something I was hoping to rectify and soon.

She slammed her purse down on the table and spun around to face me. “I know all about men like you.”

“Men like me?” I even pointed to myself just to be sure.

“Yes. You’re a... a womanizer!” She drilled her finger into my chest to punctuate her words.

I laughed at that because really that was the farthest thing from my character—last night’s drunken antics notwithstanding. If anything, it described my brother.

“It’s not funny. I’m so sick and tired of good looking men who think they can get what they want when they want. That girl stuffed her number in your pocket. Is it the first one?”

I just shook my head in answer.

“Exactly and it won’t be the last one. And how long before you call one of them to see to your... your needs? Oh God, you probably already have a harem of women lined up to service you later.”

Wow she was really getting herself worked up over this. If I didn’t think she meant it, I would find it rather comical. Problem was, if she thought I was a womanizer then there was no way in hell I could get her to go out on a date with me.

“I hate to break it to you but I’m not that guy. Never have been and never will be.”

“Right,” she bit off sarcastically.

“I am right. Contrary to what you think, when I care about someone, I don’t even look at other women. I’m not all about notches on my bedpost. I’m about unconditional devotion.” I tried to dispel her notion. The disbelieving look on her face told me it wasn’t working.

“Don’t front. I know just what you are.” Her finger was pointed at me, forcefully punctuating each word.

I bit back the bark of laughter that almost burst from my lips. Did she just do what I think she did? My eyes danced with mirth when I asked her, “Did you just quote Britney Spears?”

She stuck her tongue out at me and crossed her arms underneath her pert breasts. God, what I wanted to do to those breasts. And what I wouldn’t mind her doing with that tongue. I considered telling her in hopes she’d give me what I wanted but didn’t want to give her any reason to believe I was lying about not being a cad.

My voice dipped low and I took a step closer, watching as her eyes widened and her pupils began to dilate. I was starting to think I had her right where I wanted her. “I’d much rather have you go with something like “Gimme More” if you’re going to quote her.”

Instead of playing into my hand, she socked me in the gut, none to gently. “You are such a jerk. You say you aren’t a player yet you’re standing here making these lame jokes and giving me those bedroom eyes. I saw you last night with those two sluts. I don’t do threesomes, nor am I looking to be your next conquest.”

My stomach dropped. Shit, this was just going to keep coming back to haunt me. I could feel it. I scrubbed my hands down my face in frustration. One drunken decision—or lack thereof—and my dream girl thought I was a pig.

“I didn’t see you at the party,” I lamely admitted instead of denying the predicament she most likely caught me in.

“You were too busy with two women’s tongues down your throat. Look, you seem like a nice enough guy and Meredith seems to like you. I’m just not looking for fun of any kind especially with a man-whore. You heard about Scott earlier, which is enough reason for me to stay away from anyone with your obvious reputation.”

“But…” I began to object only to get cut off.

“No buts. You seem cool, but I won’t do it, Ben. So what do you say? Friends?” She stuck her hand out, all business-like, leaving me no choice but to accept the terms she had just set.

“Friends,” I agreed all the while knowing damn well I was going to somehow find my way in with her.


Meredith wasn’t lying when she said the after party was going to be lower key than the welcoming soiree, which made me extremely grateful. While I had a blast the night before, at that moment I needed something mellow and laid back, not another blowout.

The ballroom in the hotel had a handful of round tables set up on one side while people mingled on the other side around a bar—a bar I planned on staying far away from. Light music pumped through the speakers throughout the room, masking the murmurs of conversation all around. I assumed the laid back vibe of the place was a better way for readers to get a chance to know their favorite authors.

Spotting Rissa talking to an older woman on the opposite side of the room, I took a deep breath and headed in that direction. No time like the present to begin inserting myself into her life. In the two hours since the signing ended, I decided my plan was to let her think we were just friends until she had no choice but to realize we were more.

“Yo, Harris,” Jase greeted me as I passed him talking with Calvin.

“Hey.” I stopped to see what they were up to while still keeping Rissa in my sights.

“How was your first signing? Crazy right?” His cheeky grin told me he knew exactly what I had been in for and was loving every second of my discomfort.

“Something like that.” I rubbed the back of my neck and gave him a wry grin of my own. “It was more than I had imagined.”

“Saw you with Becky and Sharon last night, man. Nice,” Calvin chimed in with a fist bump aimed in my direction. Not wanting to offend him, I returned the gesture even though I was less than thrilled to celebrate my time with the two brunette beauties.

“How do you guys know them?” Dumb question probably. I wasn’t sure I even wanted details.

Both Jase and Calvin threw their heads back and laughed at my question. Something told me by their reaction I had dodged a bullet by leaving the women to satisfy themselves last night.

“How don’t we know them is the better question. Those girls get around. Come to most of the bigger signings. They’re like groupies.” Jase tipped back his beer as I took in the fact that I definitely saved my dick from rotting off last night.

I shuddered thinking about how close I was to throwing caution to the wind.

“Looks like they’re setting up your throne.” Jase gestured towards where a gold throne with red cushions was being constructed on a makeshift dais.

I let out an exaggerated groan and decided I was most definitely going to need at least a beer or two to make it through tonight. I did not want to sit up there in front of everyone while they all stared at me. It was a lot different than a four minute song on stage that was for sure.

“Come on. It’s no big deal. Sit up there for a few pictures. Let some girls give you a few drinks. Before you know it the night will be over,” Calvin told me.

“Yeah right. Those were my thoughts last night and well...” I trailed off not wanting to go into details. My eyes shifted looking for Rissa where I had last seen her but she had moved.

Calvin slapped me on the back and chuckled, making me stop my search for her. “We’ve all been there, man. You’ll get used to it. My theory is enjoy the ladies and free drinks while you can. Eventually there will be some new prick in here showing his abs and flexing his muscles.”

“He’s got a point.” Jase shrugged and took a sip of his beer.

And I guess he did, but I wasn’t all that concerned about being replaced. This wasn’t my scene and was nothing I planned on getting used to. After this weekend, Tanner would be back to helping out Meredith and I’d be nothing more than a memory to these women.

Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted Clarissa making her way to the food table where several types of finger-foods were laid out. Excited about the fact that I could catch her alone, I said my goodbyes to the guys and told them I’d catch them later.

“Nice dress,” I whispered in her ear as I walked up behind her.

I felt her shiver and mentally fist pumped myself.

“This old thing?” she joked.

“What do you say we blow this Popsicle stand and get a real dinner?” I had already had a meal after the signing while the girls went upstairs to get ready, but if Rissa was hungry I would eat again for her.

She shook her head at me disbelievingly. “I already told you, Ben. A date is not. Going. To. Happen.”

“You can’t blame a guy for trying,” I said nonchalantly even though her words were a blow to my ego for sure. “How about a drink? I have it on good authority that you’re hanging with the VIP right now and all my drinks are free.”

“That’s quite all right. I couldn’t take your drinks. Besides, I’m not planning on drinking anyway. I have an early morning flight home tomorrow.” She popped a cube of cheese in her mouth before grabbing another one and following suit.

“If you don’t want to go to dinner then why are you eating cheese like it’s your last meal?” I asked when she popped a few more cubes.

“Ugh. Stress,” she muttered in annoyance before eating a bite sized sandwich.

“I hope you aren’t lactose intolerant.” I motioned to the new pile of cheese she added to her plate.

“Ha. Ha. Very funny.” She rolled her eyes and picked up a glass of water.

“What has you so stressed?” I inquired.

“Nothing you’d care about,” she muttered.

“Try me. It’s a known fact that talking about whatever is worrying you helps to put it in perspective.”

“I’m sure it does, but I’m not talking about this with you. You’re practically a stranger.”

“I respect that. If you’re that stressed though you should have a drink. It will relax you and I promise not to let you get out of hand. I’ll cut you off if you start to get tipsy.” I crossed my fingers over my heart and gave her an endearing smile.

“I’m not much of a drinker. Not lately anyway. I think I’ll hold off. Thank you though.”

“It’s an open ended offer, so let me know if you change your mind.”


I glanced around noting that several authors weren’t there yet, including Meredith. Not that I was going to complain about having Rissa all to myself for the time being. “So where’s Meredith?”

“She isn’t feeling well. I think it was the sushi she ate. She might come down for a little while later.” Her phone started ringing in her purse. She dug it out and scowled at the screen. “I need to take this. I’ll see you around.”

I watched her move away hating the fact that yet again, I had barely gotten to spend any time with her.

“Hey, Ben. Let me get you a drink,” Cassandra, the author who sat next to us earlier that day, said as she walked by me on her way to the bar.

Cassandra had hair so black it was nearly blue. She was tall and lithe with exotic eyes. Not only was she beautiful and classy but she was cool as shit too. It was refreshing after all the women eyeing me and making advances towards me.

I followed Cassandra to the bar where she ordered us each a bottle of beer. I tipped my bottle and winked in thank you.

“This was your first signing, right?” she asked, making small talk as we stood off to the side of the bar sipping our beer.

“Yeah. I’m filling in for my brother Tanner. I’m a little out of my element,” I confessed sheepishly.

“Please. You’re doing better than some people. You were completely professional today. What the models do is a direct reflection on the author they’re with. Whereas a few authors thrive on the craziness that might come with traveling with one of you guys, some of us appreciate keeping things drama free. Some activities should be kept on the down low. You know what I mean?”

I nodded my head and gave a noncommittal sound. She obviously hadn’t witnessed my less than stellar behavior the night before. Nothing about being with those girls was on the down low.

“Where are you from?” I asked in an effort to change the subject.

“Denver. You?”

“Central New York.”

“I’ve never actually been to that part of New York.”

“You aren’t missing too much. So what are your books about?”

I listened to Cassandra describe her books while I finished my beer. Her enthusiasm and passion for her art was contagious. She almost had me convinced to start reading romance books.

Just as I ordered my second beer, Clarissa joined us. Slamming her purse on the bar, she turned towards me. Her eyes flashed with anger and she had a face like thunder when she announced, “I’m ready for that drink now.”


Clarissa was drunk. Drunk and adorably amusing.

After she came back, fiercely agitated and ready for a drink, I watched as she downed a shot of tequila and followed it up with a rum and coke, which turned into two—then three. I considered cutting her off like I had promised. Problem was I was enjoying her witty banter and the fact that she was very talkative under the influence.

I now knew she was an only child. Her father died of cancer when she was in high school. She lived with her grandmother while she attended college. She has a degree in cyber security and is a security consultant on both government and corporate contracts.

Her favorite color—green.

Her favorite band—Bruce Springsteen (good choice).

Her favorite book—
Pride and Prejudice

Her favorite food—Reuben sandwiches.

She has a cat named Trixie that she considered her baby. Proving that point, she called her answering machine—yes, she still had an answering machine—and made kissing noises to her cat over the phone. I can’t remember the last time I laughed so hard.

I was so caught up in every detail she was giving me about herself that I wasn’t even sure when Cassandra left our table.

“So tell me about Ben.” She swayed a bit in her chair before laughing. Definitely going to have to cut her off soon.

“There isn’t much to tell.” I lifted my shoulder in a shrug, unsure what she wanted me to say.

“What do you do for fun?” With her elbow on the table and her head in her hand, she leaned forward in interest.

“I like to play sports, I hike, and I like to fish.”

“I’ve always wanted to go hiking,” she said wistfully.

“So why don’t you?”

“Because I’m kind of adverse to exercise.” She wrinkled her nose and stuck her tongue out in disgust.

“Why?” I asked with a chuckle.

“Because you get all sweaty and tired. It’s gross.”

Images of wearing her out, our sweat slickened bodies moving against each other flashed in my head. I leaned forward and gave her a wolfish grin. “Nothing wrong with releasing some energy and getting a little sweaty. I could show you a few ways that you’re guaranteed to enjoy.”

She swallowed hard and stared at my mouth with a heated look in her eyes. “I guess there isn’t.”

Knowing I needed to reel my flirting in a bit, I sat back in my chair but the knowing smile never left my face. Just because I told her we’d be friends, didn’t mean I wasn’t going to show her exactly what she was missing.

Still flustered, it took Rissa a minute to compose herself before she wisely changed the subject.

Sometime during drink number five, Rissa became very tactile. Everything she said was punctuated with a touch, a slap, or a slight caress on some part of my body. She flirted freely—twirling her hair and crossing her legs so that her foot brushed my leg.

I was proud of myself for not outwardly reacting to this change in her composure even though I wanted to... Boy did I want to. Instead, I remained aloof yet interested. I kept my hands to myself and tried to keep some distance between us.

It wasn’t until I discovered why I had a drunk Rissa on my hands that I lost my self-control. Don’t hate me though because any man would have with the things she said.

Turned out the phone call she got earlier in the night was from her loser ex-boyfriend Scott. He was begging her for forgiveness, wanting another chance with her.

“This time it will be different. Blah, blah, blah,” she said with dramatic flips of her hands as she talked. “I told him
many times that nothing was ever going to happen as long as his wife was still his wife. So dumb. Right?”

“Rissa, babe. He’s an idiot. I wouldn’t waste any more time on him,” I told her my honest opinion.

“You know what, Ben Harris? You. Are. Right. I’m too good for that ass.” She let out a hiccup followed by a little giggle, making me smile. She was so damn cute. I had to restrain myself from leaning over and kissing her right at that moment.

“I’m never going to have an orgasm again,” she randomly announced a few minutes later, causing me to spit my beer out all over the table.

“Um what?”

She leaned in conspiratorially and mock whispered, “Scott was the only man who ever made me... you know... come.”

“Are you being serious right now?” I croaked out past a dry throat. The thought of her coming was far too vivid in my mind. My body was reacting, hardening quickly at the very idea of the way I assumed her lips would part, her eyes would widen and her back would arch.

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