Man Seeks Woman 2, Man Seeks Wife (6 page)

Read Man Seeks Woman 2, Man Seeks Wife Online

Authors: Stephanie Franklin

Tags: #romance, #erotica, #love, #sex, #sexy, #story, #book, #coffee, #bbw, #sensual, #cunnilingus, #evocative, #victoria, #provocative, #seductive, #mouth, #lips, #custard, #sebastian, #food play, #falacio

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This close to
him, I could smell his aftershave more prominently, his blue eyes
boring into my hazel ones, the smoothness of his face that I
remembered as if it were yesterday, those lips of his bowing on a
pout and that little indent in his chin.

I squeezed my
eyes closed and felt my body sag. “Please go away, Sebastian.” I
wished quietly.

“No.” He
whispered and wrapped his arms around me; the smell of hazelnut
tickled my nose as he led me down the corridor. He pushed open
doors until he found the room he was obviously looking for and shut
the door after us, the lock clicking into place.

I raised my
head when he released me and saw that he’d bought me to the locker
room. I stepped away from him and walked over to the window that
looked out onto the back alley of the building we were in. I
watched the sky turn from grey to a lighter shade. Little droplets
of rain clung to the other side of the glass, trickling down to
settle against the window ledge and beyond.

talk to me.”

I closed my
eyes at the sound of his voice. I’d heard his voice in my thoughts
everyday for the past six months. I’d done everything for the life
of me to try and get that deep voice to leave me alone but would
it? No.

talk to me.” He repeated when I stayed silent.

“Talk to you?
Talk to you about what? Six months ago you fed me to a room full of
wolves, broke my heart in two and now you want me to talk to you?
About what, Sebastian, why are you really here?”

He answered immediately, too quickly for my liking.

I nodded my
head absently and ran my candy pink painted fingernail down the
window pane, picking the black rubber thing away at the bottom.
“And you couldn’t find another security firm in London to do
business with? You just happened to pick this one?”

Instead of
receiving a verbal answer, I got him instead. The heat of his body
pressed against the back of mine as his hands snaked around until
they rested on my waist. His nose pressed against my pulse. I
listened to him take a deep breath, inhaling my scent then blowing
it out across my skin, making me shiver.

“Don’t.” I
warned quietly, having an internal argument with my body.

“I missed
you.” He said, equally as quietly.

“Don’t.” I
warned again, pushing away from him.

The hands on
my hips tightened until he spun me around and pushed me up against
the window. I gasped when I felt his hard erectness pressing
against my stomach. A little tilt to his lips told me he heard my

He rolled his
hips against me, pressing that hardness against me more causing me
to bite back a moan. He then moved to press one of his muscled legs
between mine and push up against my core.

“Sebastian.” I
swallowed hard and turned my head away from him.

“I missed you,
Victoria. So much,” His hand came up to grip my chin. He turned my
head forcefully so I had to look at him. His eyes had darkened, not
to the colour of denim but near enough. My eyes flicked from them
to his lips that were currently dry. His tongue came out and licked
at the dryness.

I swallowed
hard again at the thought of taking that tongue in my mouth. I’d
never tasted his mouth, he had never allowed it and now I wanted to
know what it tasted like, what he tasted like.

No, this was
wrong. I didn’t need to know what he tasted like, I shouldn’t want

“Victoria.” He
moaned against my face, his breath fanning against the teeny tiny
hairs on my skin.

please move away. I can’t do this.”

“Yes, you can.
I’ve missed you like crazy, Victoria.” The hand on my hip tightened
before loosening then drifting around to my arse where he gripped a
cheek and squeezed it in his palm. “I’ve missed everything about
you. I admit it, I never thought I would but these last months have
been...” he closed his eyes and shook his head. “They’ve been hell
in every sense.”

“You mean
you’ve missed getting some pussy?” or should I say, pussy that he
didn’t have to pay for? I added that part silently in my mind.

His jaw
hardened and his eyes popped open, turning to stone as he looked
down at me. The hand on my chin tightened near to pain point.
“You’re wrong.”

A bitter laugh
left me as I pushed forcefully against him. Of course, he didn’t
even budge. I ground my jaw and yanked my chin from his hand and
tried to fold my arms across my chest. “You think you can waltz in
here and expect me to believe what you say. Oh you’ve missed me
have you? Well shame on you, because it was your entire fucking

“You don’t
think I don’t know that?” he shouted in my face, his mint tinted
breath sweeping over me, his eyes becoming wild, the veins in his
temple and neck pulsing and jerking. “You don’t think I don’t close
my eyes and see that hurt in your eyes at when you listened to that
nonsensical message? You don’t think I don’t hear your parting
words to me in my sleep or in my thoughts? Because if you don’t,
you are so fucking wrong,”

“Get out,
Sebastian.” I didn’t need to hear this shit right now.

“No. We need
to talk and I’m sick of tarrying. I took my brothers advice and
sent you all those gifts and watched as they came back to me one by
one when really all I wanted to do was come around to your place
and tell you what really happened, the truth.”

I made a face
as I pushed my hand through my hair, feeling the dampness of the
rain still clinging to the strands. “There was no ‘what really
happened’, Sebastian. What
happened was you used me
more than I allowed. You disrespected me and treated me like I was
a possession—your possession when I wasn’t. I am not anyone’s
possession or thing, Sebastian.”

“I know

“No, no you
don’t know that.” I screamed at him as my hand tightened in my
hair. My painted nails scraped along my scalp. “Because if you did,
you would never have done what you did to me.”

Shaking my
head, I turned around, giving him my back again. I couldn’t stand
there looking at him. He was playing hell with my body even from
the small distance between us. Like I’d told Brad, I wanted to
seriously do some damage to Sebastian, cause him some of the hurt
he’d caused me but at the same time, my body craved his touch,
craved his attention and most annoyingly, craved him.

“I think it’s
best if you go.” How many times did I have to say it for him to
actually get the message and leave?

“I’m not
leaving without us talking first.” He said stubbornly as he crossed
his arms over his chest, his jaw tightening to a stubborn

I threw my
hands up in the air and moved to my locker where my bag was. “Fine
by me, talk to yourself because I’m going.”

Not even ten
seconds later, Sebastian grabbed my arm and spun me around. He
lifted me up and pushed me against the locker, his mouth going
straight to my neck, where he licked a path around my pulse then
bit against it making me hiss. He groaned into my skin and licked
the sting up, his hot tongue burning against my neck.


“I need you.”
He breathed into my neck. “Please, just once.”

My brows
pulled together as my hands squeezed his shoulders, arithmetically.
“What, you want me to drop my panties right now for you so you can
get your rocks off, you’ve got to be fucking kidding me?”


Just one more

“Just one more
time,” He pleaded. His face was still buried in my neck, his lips
pressing against my skin, placing light almost non existent kisses
there. “Let me feel you one more time then I’ll let you go.”


“Yes.” He
pulled back, letting me slide down his body. I looked up into his
eyes seeing them the colour of denim and wide, almost like a child
asking for a treat. “Just one more time,”

This was
wrong, it was all fucking wrong. I shouldn’t let him nowhere near
me especially after what he did but my body was burning and it had
his burned brand of stamp written all over me.

“Okay.” I told
him quietly as I swallowed loudly.

What am I

He smiled a
little and seemed to take his own deep breath. His face came closer
to mine, his lips a hair away from my own slightly trembling ones.
“Kiss me.” His voice sounded unused even though he’d only spoken
seconds ago.

I pulled back,
sucking in a gasp. My eyes searched his frantically. This wasn’t
the same Sebastian. The old Sebastian never wanted to kiss me, made
it a rule and now this one wanted my lips on his. “Kiss you?”

nodded and moved into my space, pushing me harder against the cold
metal of the locker, trapping me effectively. His hands rested
tightly on my hips, his fingers gripping me then releasing me.
“Kiss me.” He ordered again through shaky words.

I tilted my
head up and closed my eyes as I pressed my lips to his mouth. My
stomach quivered and my heart lurched in my chest. Tears sprung to
my eyes when I felt the electricity jump between us, the peace that
ran through me, the tension in my shoulders leaving me, leaving me
to sag against him as my mouth opened.

His sweet pink
tongue drifted almost hesitantly into my mouth. The taste of mint
and tea assaulted my senses as I stroked his tongue with mine. He
groaned into my heat and gripped my body tighter, as if he didn’t
want to let go of me, as if he were afraid.

The hands on
my hips tightened almost painfully, the tips of his fingers digging
into my flesh. I could barely breathe because my boobs were pressed
against his chest, tightly. His weight pushed me more into the
locker, my back digging into one of the locks. His hips flicked in
little rhymed ticks against me as his tongue worked in and out of
my mouth, stroking, prodding and licking.

Victoria,” He breathed when we pulled apart. He buried his face in
my neck again, his arms like a vice around me. “I’ve missed you

My eyes stayed
closed at his words. I held onto his slightly trembling body as he
continued to breathe into my neck. His hands roamed all over my
body as if he couldn’t get enough. One hand dropped down to my
skirt to pull it up whilst the other held the small of my back.

His hand
drifted up under my skirt, his fingertips tickling my stocking
covered leg. His fingers stilled when they reached bare skin. He
pulled back and looked at me quizzically. “What’s this?” he asked,
his voice had deepened to a sultry, sexy mix.

I shrugged,
knowing exactly what he could feel. I stood back and watched his
eyes brighten like a kid in a candy shop.

dropped down onto his knees in front of me; his shaky hands pushing
up my skirt until the top of my bare legs were on show. “Oh my
fucking God,” He groaned and ran his hands all over and around the
tops of the lace topped stockings. His fingers gripped the strips
of fabric that held onto the belt. He yanked them and followed to
where they attached higher. He pushed the material of my skirt over
the roundness of my bare bottom and sucked in a breath at the lacy
thong that I had on.

“Save me now.”
He murmured as he buried his face in my crotch. He inhaled deeply
and groaned his appreciation. A deep rumble of male satisfaction
grumbled in his chest.

My eyes closed
on a sigh as his hot breath spread over me. I shivered when he
parted my legs than ran his fingers up and down the insides of my
thighs, catching the weak point behind my knees. He pressed into
that little indent, making my legs shake. His arm came up and
pressed across my stomach, keeping me held up.

“I’ve missed
how much you taste.” He inhaled again and blew out the breath
against my core, listening to me moan. “I’ve missed how much you
smell like ripe honey, I’ve missed how much your pussy contracts
around me and sucks my cock and me inside. I’ve missed how much
your pussy likes me inside her, how much your clit strums for me.
Most of all though.” He looked up at me with wide dark blue eyes,
his face serious. “I’ve missed you.”

Tears came to
my eyes. God, what was it with him and crying? Before him I’d be
lucky if I’d cried five times in my life then since him, he’d done
nothing but made me want to cry. God, I felt like a girl.


“You need to
know, Victoria.” Hands gripped my thong at the sides then suddenly
it was missing. I stared down at Sebastian with my jaw slack.
“Sorry.” He said sounding anything but sorry. “They were in my

“They were
expensive.” I argued as I watched the flimsy material fall to the
floor next to his knee.

That brow of
his rose as he looked up at me, those eyes of his boring into me.
“You’d have had a lot more if you hadn’t of kept sending them back
to me, wouldn’t you.”

I scowled down
at him as my body lost some of its burning internal flame. “Don’t
start that.”

“I’m not.”

“Good because
this is just a one time thing. The moment this ends, we go our
separate ways. Forever,”

Why did saying
those words send a streak of hurt wrapped in wrongness through

“I know.”
Sebastian murmured quietly. He swallowed, loud enough for me to
hear it. “I wish it were different.”

My mouth
opened to tell him that it was his fault that it wasn’t different
but I kept my mouth shut. Instead, I took a deep breath and pushed
my hips against his face. “Weren’t you supposed to be doing

smiled up at me but his smile held nothing but fake emotions, same
with his eyes. They’d lost his darkness, the sultriness and
sexiness. Now, all they held were contempt and apologies. Both of
which I didn’t want.

Sorry meant
nothing right now.

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