Manhunter Revelations (19 page)

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Authors: H. F. Daniels

Tags: #science fiction, #paranormal action, #detective thriller, #supernatural action

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"I really need to talk to you. Just that,
just talk"

My libido and animal wild side was up in arms
and punishing me from the inside judging from the internal pain I
was experiencing. I was strong though. Superhuman in my resolve not
to give in. I just looked like a drooling idiot standing there.
Finally Sessa took pity on me and turned off the charm. At least I
think she did. My desire for her dropped down from a I don't care
if the world dies, I just want her to a painful but manageable
banging my head against the wall, but don't give in level. She
slowly walked towards me, if you can call it walking. My mind
described it as a sensual floating.

"Before or after?"


"Do you want to talk before or after I have

"After, no..before and pleas..e turn off the

The woman smiled wickedly, but immediately my
desire dropped down to a jaw hanging level. She started walking
towards the kitchen table setup, stopped as if she had a second
thought, turned, stepped back and picked up her cloak and draped it
around herself. She then continued to the table and sat down in one
of the chairs while curling her magnificent legs up under her.

"What can I tell you?"

"Thank you" I said as I walked to the table
and sat down.

"I am not going to lie to you. There is
something very disturbing about your people and this whole
situation here. I can’t put my finger on it but something is
definitely not right here, and to be clear, I am not referring to
the situation with the creature. I need to know more about your
people. Exactly what you are, are you really descendants from furry
elves, how come you all look almost human, your power and
abilities, all of it"

She looked at me quietly for a few seconds
and I felt the desire inside me drop down to a really manageable
level. Apparently she wanted my mind clear for what she was about
to tell me.

"Let me explain some things before you ask
any questions. There are words in our language that if I use them,
they could confuse you. We have dealt with humans long enough to
know using some of our native words in a conversation could get
confusing or misunderstood. So we have decided that all our
conversations with humans will consists of words you will fully
understand. There will be some words from our native language we
will have to use because there is no human language equivalent.
Just stop me for clarification if that happens. Now as to my
people. Yes my people are descendants from what you would call
furry elves. Our lifespans are around three hundred and fifty to
four hundred years depending on one's lifestyle, although the
lifespan of our human hybrids, of which all of us you have met so
far, is around two hundred and seventy five years. Our original
Muraiin, male or female are about as strong physically as a human
even though they are smaller. A Muraiin male hybrid though is
physically twice as strong as a human male. A Muraiin female hybrid
is about fifty to seventy percent stronger than a human male,
making us much stronger than a human female. Internally we are
almost the same as you humans, with certain differences. Certain
organs that you have we do not have. Our digestive system for one
is more compact and consists of a stomach, which performs the same
functions as a human stomach, liver, pancreas and spleen. Another
example is our lungs which are twenty percent larger, and have the
capability to screen and expel toxic gases we may come in contact
with which makes us extremely resistant to a lot of airborne toxins
and gases. It also allows us to hold our breath for up to fifteen
to twenty minutes at a time, which by the way makes us excellent
swimmers. As stated we are sexually compatible with humans,
including the original Muraiins, although it is very rare
occurrence. For a male human to impregnate a Muraiin female, the
Muraiin female has to want to get pregnant by a human male. The
same holds true for a Muraiin male. He has to want to impregnate a
human female. That is how we, the hybrids you have met so far have
come to be. Even though our original brethren live longer than us,
we are physically stronger, faster, more adapt at seeing and
battling The Xantu. There are more examples, but the bottom line is
that although we look basically human, we are not as our bodies are
much more efficient, hence our longer life spans. Centuries ago,
our Seer at the time advised us to mate with humans as the
offspring's from such a union would be stronger and more capable of
fighting The Xantu. That has been proven true. Even though we are
more physically able to combat The Xantu, we are inferior to our
original Muraiin people as their Muraiin abilities are greater than
ours. All Muraiins abilities as they are, is due to identical
organs on both sides of our heart, about four inches long, one
point three inches thick, shaped somewhat like a banana. These
organs allow us to feel and harness the thermo-dynamic and magnetic
energies from within the earth, or when we are home, from Muraii.
We can harness it and use it for our purposes. The original
Muraiin’s organs are larger, and thus their abilities at harnessing
the earth’s power is greater. The ability to harness this power was
much greater in my people before the Atlantus devastation. It
allowed my people to accomplish many amazing feats. Our ability to
harness these energies fall under different classes, or as we call
them Clans. I will henceforth refer to these abilities as just
Powers. Let me now explain the different classes of powers we have,
which will apply for all Muraiins. The clan's designations I will
explain in more detail afterwards. All Muraiins are born with very
little to no abililty to harness any of the earth’s energies. As we
grow older, usually around the age of four to six we slowly acquire
the ability to start harnessing our power. At this age all Muraiin
children receive a power level grade to show how much power they
have learned to harness. This level is either a two to a three. At
the age of ten and above our power level will usually be around
four to five. When we are in our teens to young adults we slowly
start to learn which of the different abilities we are good at.
Once we reach the age of adulthood, which for us is between sixteen
to twenty one years, is when our power has fully manifested itself
and we now know which of the different powers we are good at. This
determines which clan we will become a member of. At this time most
Muraiins power level will be around five to seven. Now for
reference each power level is about twice the strength of the one
below it. So a level seven is powerful enough to go into combat
against most of the different Xantu creatures. Now an explanation
of our clans. Each clans consists of many family clans within it.
Each clan was created for the unique ability its members have shown
its strengths in. The Imoquains Mages are a clan of Muraiins who
have learned to harness their power for healing and life study of
all living things, plants and animals. There are the Sastquains
Mages who are our artisans, musicians, philosophers and creators,
growers, etc. They compose roughly seventy percent of our
population. Then there are a very few Muraiins among us who have
mastered all of the before mentioned abilities. These are Muiquains
Master Mages. They are usually the oldest and strongest among us
with power levels from eight to ten. Right now there are only a
dozen Muraiins with a power level of nine, and only four with a
power level of ten. Very few Muraiins ever attain that level of
power and ability. Most Muiquain Mages go on to become Elders,
which is our ruling council. The next clan are our Seers. Although
they are part of a clan, there will be only be one to three Seers
alive at any one time. This is due in part to the fact very few
Muraiins born have this ability. It is the rarest power among us
and they are revered above all others. They can to a degree see
outcomes of possible actions that have or can occur. There were
other abilities my people use to have, but as stated before they
were stripped from us for our irresponsibility in preventing the
Atlantu devastation. Now as to us, the hybrids of which you have
met so far. We cannot harness or utilize any of the before
mentioned powers. The only power we hybrids can harness or utilize
is projecting force energies from ourselves, which is strictly for
offensive and defensive purposes. We have no control over any of
the life energies, although we all have been taught some healing
ability to help us while in the field of combat, since no healers
are allowed to go into combat. That is strictly our domain. We are
known as Sakquains Mages. We are the exclusive warriors of the
Muraii against The Xantu or any threat to Muraii. Some of us
hybrids have taken on the role of understanding humans science and
technologies. The reason being to find out how our ability and
humans science and technology can be combined to help us in our
fight against The Xantu. They are Sakquains too, but are called
Tech Mages. Your human scientific knowledge of these energies
within the earth are very incomplete, and in some cases outright
wrong as your people have not yet developed the technology to fully
understand what is happening within the earth and around them”

At this point she stopped talking seeing I
had some questions.

"Who stripped your people of their power, and
I do not understand how you were at fault for what happened. From
what Serona told me, your people prevented the annihilation of the
human race as well as your own"

As Sessa started to answer my question, she
bolted upright and her gaze seem to go out of focus. At first I
thought she had detected some danger I hadn't, and remembering how
the creature had surprised me, I immediately went to the rack where
my 44C was hung and drew it. My 40C was holstered next to the bed.
After a few seconds I didn't see or feel anything. Thinking she may
be having a seizure of some type I started to go to her when she
raised her hand towards me and said,


She froze in place and her eyes at that point
really went out of focus as the iris got bigger and it was apparent
she was not seeing me or anything else around her. She remained
like that for a few minutes more before shaking herself and coming
out of whatever trance she was in. She then looked at me very
intensely, with a very puzzled look on her face.

"I have already told you more about my people
then I should have. Yet I have now been instructed to tell you all
about my people and our history, which is very unusual and against
our laws”

It was then she noticed the gun in my hand
and smiled. I went back to the rack and re-holstered my gun.

“Told how, and by whom?”

"Our Seers have methods of communicating that
is unique to them. That was one item of information I wasn’t going
to tell you about, but now it seems I can. It is also one of the
powers our Seers have. What humans call telepathy. Yet the use of
this power is limited within our Seers as to distance and
localities as certain areas have natural properties that hinder
this ability. To continue, my people was graced with the ability to
use the earth's life force from our very beginnings, albeit only
sparingly at first. Over the centuries we learned how to use our
abilities more and more until we reached the level we were at
before the war. We also developed a great understanding and
knowledge of life and nature. This allowed us to shape our
environment to our needs and benefits while at the same time
preserving nature in its true form. With that great knowledge also
came great responsibility, which we had and used for all living
things. We allowed the terror and horror we saw in the Atlantu, to
cause us to cut off all relations and contact with them. We should
have maintained contact and tried to reverse the path they were on.
We didn't and that was my people's greatest challenge and we
failed. After Atlantus was destroyed, my people was devastated
almost beyond reason for what we had to do. There are a very
special group of my people, which did not have any interaction with
any of the intelligent life that existed on earth at that time,
including us. In a way they were our spiritual advisors and
counselor, although through the centuries we have had very little
contact with them. We do not talk about them or refer to them for
their existence was and still is one of our most sacred and
profound secrets. So you can imagine our great surprise when they
came to us in great distress. They informed us that our failure to
preserve the people of Atlantus was a disgrace to everything we had
stood for over the centuries. As punishment for our failure they
informed us that we would slowly lose our ability to harness the
earth's energies for we no longer deserved it. My people did not
try to dissuade then from this action as they too felt we were
guilty. Then without any further word they left us. The emotional
strain alone afterwards on what we had did and had failed to do
killed some of my people, mostly those of us who were healers. The
rest suffered a great emotional depression and breakdown. As a
nation our life practically came to an end. So over the next few
hundred years my people slowly lost the ability to harness the
earth's life force and all new babies born during that time, which
in fact was very few, did not have the ability either. My people
survived and as the years passed, we eventually started to rebuild
our civilization without the use of our abilities. It took many
more years for my people to overcome emotionally what we had done,
but nothing had prepared us for what was to came afterwards.
Without our abilities we had to rebuild our civilization in normal
ways, which required us to make frequent trips to the various
mainland's for much needed raw materials. These supply parties
usually consisted of fifteen to as many as a couple of hundred
individuals depending on the raw materials they were to gather. It
was during this rebuilding period that one of our supply parties
came across a group of humans who were literally torn limb from
limb. To fully understand the implications of this let me point out
that our people took great pains to make sure we were never
discovered by the humans in our travels. So the decision to quietly
bypass the injured humans should have been made. Yet finding these
humans in this condition, triggered within the travelers our inbred
creed to preserve all life. The condition of these humans was also
so unusual and horrible that they could not abandon them and
stopped to help. There was a party of about a hundred or so
individuals, most of which were already dead. They all had been
savagely injured but had somehow manage to escape and held onto
their spark of life. My people made camp and cremated the dead
humans. Over the next couple of weeks they nursed the injured ones
back to health. Half of our party was sent back to Muraii with the
supplies and to inform the Elders as to what they were doing.
Although the Elders at first was upset, the reasoning behind the
travelers actions were fully understandable. So supplies was taken
to them to help in their endeavors. The humans slowly healed and
upon waking was totally shocked and scared of my people who were
helping them because of their appearance. It took awhile for the
travelers to convince the humans they were not going to eat them as
this was their greatest fear. It was some time later in the healing
process that the humans told the travelers what had happened to
them and their village. It was at night and the villagers were
celebrating a successful hunt for meat. During the celebration they
were attacked by what could only be described as monsters. People
of the village was grabbed, torn apart and eaten right there on the
spot. The villagers fought back but it was a futile effort as the
monsters were too powerful. The survivors my people had found were
those who had been attacked but had managed to escape the carnage
only to have most die later of their wounds. The surviving humans
healed but were scarred to a point where they would no longer be
appealing to other humans. As they also had no other place to go,
permission was asked and granted to bring them back to Muraii. It
was there these humans lived out the rest of their lives. Upon
returning to Muraii, the Elders were informed of what had happened
to the humans. This caused the Elders and others of Muraii a lot of
distress because what was described to them was very similar to the
actions of the inhabitants of Atlantus back in its degrading years.
The decision was made to find out if survivors of Atlantus were
committing these attacks or was it something else. What was
discovered scared the Muraiins to their core. The Xantu horror had
re-appeared, and with a vengeance. Scores of human villages and
nomads were being found ravaged, some beyond where the bodies could
even be identified as humans. My people had a great debate, and it
was decided that they had failed in their duty once before. They
were determined not to do so again. So the decision was made to
hunt down The Xantu creatures and to eliminate all of them. This
campaign was spearheaded by one of our most studied explorers at
the time. He was one of the explorers who had found the first
slaughtered humans. He theorized that for us to win this battle, we
would have to re-shape our thinking as to life and how sacred it
is. We would have to train how to fight and learn to kill and to do
so effectively. His name was Sakquian Ta. That is how our clan
started and why all warriors of Muraii are thus called. So Muraiins
studied fighting techniques by witnessing the wars between humans.
They managed to pay some human warriors to train their people on
how to fight. Trust me that was an interesting time among the
Muraiins being trained. They had to live and train on the human
continent since the trainers could not be allowed to enter Muraii.
The trainers thought we were gods and was more than happy to help
us. We felt very bad about not correcting them, but we needed their
cooperation in training us. So we trained, and the best of us went
home to train the others, and we started hunting down The Xantu.
Yet during this campaign it became very apparent to them that The
Xantu had gotten a lot stronger and a lot more powerful than was
remembered. The threat even arose that The Xantu could have the
technology and power to destroy Muraii. That one horrible fact
spurred my people to try to re-harness their lost powers. So over
the next few dozen years that followed, hundreds of Muraiin lives
were lost in their endeavors of hunting down the Atlantu creatures,
and very few of the creatures were killed. The Muraii knew they
badly needed their powers back. Luckily over the next hundred years
or so no attack by The Xantu and their creatures was ever made
against Muraii. The Muraiins made good use of the time they were
given. They slowly but surely started to regain some of their
powers back, but with a difference. The powers they attained seemed
to be of an offensive and defensive nature. Some were of nature’s
utilization and healing powers which was of little use in battle.
The powers that were returning was attributed to the need they had
to fight The Xantu, although some speculated the unspoken of
members of the Muraii who had stripped them of their powers may
have something to do with what powers the Muraiins were able to
reacquire. So over the years the battle against The Xantu
continued, and our people got stronger in their use of their
abilities. Then many years later, what was considered a miracle by
my people happened. It was discovered that some of our most
powerful mages were slowly reacquiring nature life force powers.
Nowhere near what we use to have, but there none the less. So over
the following centuries, Muraiins who reacquired this power, as
well as being one of the most experienced Sakquian in battle, were
selected to be an Elder, chosen by other Elders. The Elders are
called Clan Elders. Then one of our most powerful mages at the
time, who had mastered his use of his abilities discovered by
accident, a new dimensional world. He figured out a way to safely
travel from our dimension over to this new one. Other powerful
mages were taught this new method of travel between dimensions.
They found that at first the strain of such a transition rendered
the one who did it unconscious for a short while ranging from a few
minutes to a couple of hours. Yet our healers determined that the
effects of such a transition was not lasting or dangerous. So after
years of studying this new dimension by our most powerful Mages, a
way was found to move Muraii to this other dimensional world. One
that was completely uninhabited, but livable. In addition it was
almost beautiful beyond belief. It was determined that to move the
whole island of Muraii and it's people to this new dimension and
put Muraii out of reach of The Xantu would require the power of
hundreds of mages who were also masters of their abilities. That
was a lot more mages than they had at the time. It took another one
hundred and sixty seven years for them to get enough mages powerful
enough to move Muraii to the new dimension world. Those mages
tested their ability to move between the dimensions for almost two
years before they were convinced they could move Muraii and it’s
people and do it safely. The plans to move Muraii was finalized,
the people, animals and plant life prepped and then the move
initiated. The shock of moving Muraii to this new dimension
rendered most of the population unconscious, not for a few minutes
or hours, but for a few days. The healing mages who were not part
of the transport process, although conscious were very weak, but as
the dimension was uninhabited by any intelligent or dangerous
species, they were all safe. They did their best to determine if
any of the populace had been injured or even killed during the
transition, but it appeared all were only knocked unconscious
during the event. So the city was protected until the populace
awoke. When the populace slowly woke up they were astounded almost
beyond speech at the unfamiliar surroundings. Although very concise
descriptions of this new dimension had been given to the people
over the years, it was another thing entirely to see it in person.
It was an unbelievably beautiful place, but lonely for during the
few preliminary journey there it was discovered that we would be
the only intelligent life in this realm of existence. There was
other small animals, but they were all harmless. There was also no
avian or insect life of any kind in this new realm, which showed
the uniqueness of the plant life and how it thrived. In the
distance there were other landmass that was seen, and as we later
discovered, there were three other smaller islands to our world,
all within ten to a couple of hundred miles from the island of
Muraii. These islands were all of a good size. All together
including Muraii the total of all the landmass was a few miles
smaller then the whole of this country. All the other animal and
plant life we found on these islands were docile and
non-threatening. So my people accepted their new home, and through
many years of healing we slowly rebuilt our civilization on Muraii
and the other islands and prospered"

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