Manhunter Revelations (28 page)

Read Manhunter Revelations Online

Authors: H. F. Daniels

Tags: #science fiction, #paranormal action, #detective thriller, #supernatural action

BOOK: Manhunter Revelations
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It wasn’t a painful sensation, but it was
unpleasant. My back arched from the jolt, which lasted just a few
seconds, but the results was fantastic. My vision went unfocused
and images started flashing through my mind at a speed, which made
them blurry and not understandable. Then the pain and images were
gone and I felt somewhat different. The pain in my side was sill
there but I was able to now push it aside and ignore it. In fact I
felt somehow recharged. Glancing at the mace the internal lights
that were somehow inside the handle was moving around very fast.
Looking back at the creature it had just ripped Sessa undergarments
off. The sight of her female parts almost made me swoon. Even in
this situation, with me badly hurt, her life in danger, I felt the
almost overwhelming need to take her to bed. Then seeing this
monster over her with the intention of raping her sent me into a
red haze of hate. Pushing myself up I rushed towards the beast with
unbelievable speed, which I subconsciously registered. I was almost
on him before he noticed me, but it was too late. Reaching him I
swung the mace with all my strength. I wanted to bust his skull
open for what he was attempting to do. The head of the mace
connected with the lower part of his face and the results was
spectacular. The mace hit his jaw and destroyed it in a mist of
flying flesh and ooze when it passed right through it as if it was
made out of paper. The ease of the blow connecting caught me off
guard, and I had to catch myself. I had expected a stiff resistance
when I hit him. The mace tore through his face almost as if it
wasn’t there. Stumbling pass a few steps, I caught myself and
turned to hit it again and again and beat it to a pulp before it
could regenerate itself. Yet as I faced it again, the lower part of
its face was a mass of pulverized flesh, and as I watched it did
not regenerate. It turned its ruin face towards me and its one good
eye glared its defiance at me. Stepping up to it slowly, I glanced
at Sessa quickly, saw she was okay, and swung my mace again
completely destroying the rest of the head. I raised the mace again
to pound the body to a bloody mess but the creature’s body slowly
crumbled and fell to the ground. It shrunk as if the air was let
out of it. Standing there it slowly dawn on me that I had killed
it, and I had done it with the mace. I stood over it for a few
minutes to make sure it didn’t regenerate. When it became apparent
it wasn’t going to come back to life I went to check on Sessa.
Which was unbelievably difficult. Seeing her womanhood exposed like
that, my manhood was pounding on the door, desperately trying to
release it’s man animal. I clutched the mace tighter trying to get
my composure under control. If I had touched her at that moment,
well it was a good thing I didn’t. I must have been standing there
with my eyes closed when she called.

“Conrad, Conrad, are you all right?”

I opened my eyes and looked at her. She was
leaning up on her elbow trying to steady herself. She must have
seen the state I was in because the desire for her immediately
dropped to manageable levels. I started shaking my head to clear

“Are you alright?’

Looking back at her I managed to croak

“Yes. What happened”

She looked around and spotted the creature
first before she answered me.

“While I was out I must have lost control of
my Eurola. The effects was plain on your face”

“You think I had it bad, you should have seen
the creature’s face”

It was then she noticed her missing pants,
bleeding legs and became slightly alarmed.

“Conrad, did you remove my pants?


She glanced down at the dead creature and
shuttered. The truth of what had almost happened finally hit her. I
reached down and helped her up. The fact she was naked from the
waist down didn’t seem to faze her much. Doing the right thing I
walked back over to my backpack and pulled out the thermal sheath
blanket that was inside. She had crotched down and was examining
the creature. Going back over to her I offered the blanket to her
for cover. She wrapped it around herself, and then asked me what
happened. I gave her a condensed version of the attacks and fight.
She confirmed she had come too, groggy but had seen the creature
about to kill me when it had me in its hands. She said she
unleashed all the energy she was able to muster, but knew it wasn’t
enough to kill the creature, but hoped it would injure it enough
for me to get away. The strain of releasing that energy before she
was recovered caused her to pass back out.

“We need to contact Hennings to see if the
plan is working on their end”

Unfortunately when I checked the comm unit
was smashed having been on my left side and was busted when I was
hit with the branch.

“Comm units do not last long with me. We can
only hope they are handling things on their end”

Sessa stepped over to the creature and pulled
my knife out of what was left of the creature. As we watched the
creature was slowly shrinking into itself. She then pulled off the
blanket and started cutting it up. In a few minutes she had
fashioned a skirt, which she closed around herself.

“Looks like you have experience being in this
position before”

She gave me an evil look before she looked
hard at my side. Walking over she took my arm.

“Come over here and sit down”

“Why. I’m alright”

“No you are not” she said as she pointed to
my side.

I couldn’t see what she was referring to, but
feeling back there I felt a thick piece of wood stuck inside. Now I
knew the reason for the intense pain I was feeling. Following her
over to the boulder near the backpack I sat as she got the pack and
took out the Combat Aid Kit inside. She did have experience with
combat wounds because she administered mine as if she was a combat
medic. She actually performed minor surgery on my wound, closing it
with a trauma cast which would sustain me until I could get to a
doctor or hospital.

Sessa did a search of the clearing and woods
and found both of my guns. We then sat down next to the boulder to
rest. We talked a little about the mace and it’s effect on the
creature. We figured Sessa blast had hurt and weaken the creature
enough for me to finish it with the mace. We had been sitting there
for a little less than an hour talking about the creature and the
battle before we decided that we should have heard something from
Hennings or the Ladies by now.

“If their part of the plan has gone smoothly,
someone should have tracked us by now and be here”

“Something is wrong”

“Is there anyway you can contact them”

“No. Only Tessia has that ability for mind

“Are you recovered enough to get back to
Muraii. Once there you can either get back to Woodspirit or get
help to find out what’s happening. I will be okay until you can get
someone back here. If necessary I can hike back to the MATV.

“I am not comfortable with leaving you here

“I am flattered, but I am a big boy. Plus I
have been in situations such as this before. We need to know what
is happening back in Woodspirit”

Then I heard faintly a high pitch sound like
the wind blowing. The sound rapidly built up in volume.

“What is that”

“I don’t know. It sounds like a hurricane
building up, but that's not possible” I said as I got and Sessa
stood up. We were looking around trying to locate where the sound
was coming from when the woods south of us started exploding as if
a giant bulldozer was forcing it’s way through. In a few seconds we
got the shock of our lives. A large section of the woods blew away
and into the clearing flowed Carol. That’s right I said flowed into
the clearing. The woman was levitating. As amazing as that was, the
sight of her was more spectacular and even more horrific. She was a
full eight feet or so above ground. Her clothes was in tatters as
if she had been in a serious fight. Her appearance was worse. Her
eyes had expanded to twice their size. There was an unhealthy
purplish glow around her and her flesh looked to be peeling. Her
mouth was also elongated sideways on her face. Her voice when she
spoke came off the blackboard.

“Conrad, you beast. You have killed my bilty,
my brother. You couldn’t just let him live. I am going to hurt you
in the worse way, and then I am going back and destroy that
backwater town that brought you here. You should have taken me. It
would have stopped you from your actions of hunting down my bilty
and you would have lived”

Me I just stood there with a dumb look on my

“Carol, please stop. We can help you, get you

“You stupid cow. What makes
you think I want to go back

“Please stop. We can still talk about this.
We are friends remember”

“None of you were really my friends. You
don’t think I didn’t know why you and your bitches were in town. I
am going to kill all of you”

Sessa talking to her really set her off,
because her hands started to glow a nasty looking purple color.

“Sessa, I think you may have to blast

Just as I said that Carol let loose a deadly
looking blast from her hands. Moving fast I pushed Sessa out of the
line of fire. The blast was so powerful that as it missed both of
us the heated air blasted us both off our feet. Sessa recovered
first and jumped in front of me as Carol unleashed another blast.
The blast stopped about three feet in front of us coming up against
a shimmering field of air that suddenly appeared in front of us.
The blast was powerful enough to push us back a few feet. Sessa
then cut loose with two blast of her own which slammed up against a
purplish shimmering field in front of Carol.

“Her power is too great. I just barely
stopped that last blast. I may not be able to stop another”

“What can we do?”

What we did was run and duck behind some
trees, which exploded around us as she came after us. Drawing my
.40C I cut loose on her. I could the bullets hit her shield causing
small sparks as they hit.

“Any ideas how we can get through her

Sessa never got a chance to answer as Carol
cut loose with a powerful blast that hit the ground and exploded as
if a bomb went off. I was thrown off my feet to the side. Sessa was
driven back and slammed against a tree. Both of us was badly
stunned. Then an amazing sight came out of the woods. Yessal,
Doeeal and Fee came out of the woods like avenging angels. I had
been distracted by their appearance so I was slow to see Carol had
me targeted. Fee seeing I was a target ran a couple of steps and
then executed a twenty foot jump landing right in front of me as
the blast from Carol hit her erected shield. She grunted with the
impact of the blast, but otherwise stood her ground. Meanwhile
Yessal and Doeeal cut loose on Carol with their blast. Then Sessa
hit her with hers. Carol’s shield absorbed all the hits as she cut
loose back at the ladies. Sessa called Yessal and Doeeal together
with her and combined their powers to make a stronger shield.

“Conrad we have to join the others” yelled

“Okay, go. I’m right behind you” touching her
shoulder to let her know I was behind her.

Moving sideways we rapidly moved towards the
others, taking two blasts in the process. I couldn’t see Fee’s face
but she had to be under tremendous strain taking those blasts. We
finally joined the others and I could actually see their shield get
stronger looking as they joined their powers. Then I watched a
battle that was terrible in it’s intensity. These ladies was
throwing around power on an unbelievable level. Each and every one
of them were like a battle tank of their own. The blasts were
hitting the shields, some bouncing off and hitting the trees and
devastating the area. Trees were blasted away, most now on fire.
Luckily the fire was moving away from us. But it may not last. Some
of the blasts hit rocks and boulders in the area, which exploded
violently. I was witnessing a battle from hell between the forces
of good vs. evil and it was frustrating as I could do nothing as
this battle was definitely out of my range. But it soon became
obvious the true power was with Carol. She was standing up to the
four of them and was holding her own. It fact it was starting to
seem as if the Ladies blasts were weakening in power. My guess was
correct. I was standing behind them as the battle went on and I
could see them straining to maintain their shields.

“Conrad, we are weakening. We will not be
able to hold her off much longer. Leave, get away and back to
Hennings. Hopefully you all will find a way to stop her. We will
hold her back long enough for you to get away”

“I am not going to leave you”

“GO!. There is nothing you can do here”
yelled Fee

Damn it they were right about me being
helpless here, but I couldn’t leave them.

“Not going, now concentrate on what you are
doing. If we go down, we go down together.

They said nothing else, marshaling all of
their power to stay in the battle. Then I saw something that caught
my attention. Looking hard I saw it again. Then again.

“Her shield is weakening. I can see it
flicker after your blasts hit it”

After a few seconds, Sessa yelled,

“I don’t see it. Anyone else”

No one else said anything, which meant they
didn’t see the flickering either. Then a desperate plan came to

“Sessa can all of you marshal as much power
as possible and release it all in one unified blast”

“If we released that much power we would have
none left to power a shield”

“If you hit her with that much power, It may
overload her shield causing it to fail. In any event I may be able
to get a shot through it.

“You want us to gamble on that?” said

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