Manifest Injustice (55 page)

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Authors: Barry Siegel

BOOK: Manifest Injustice
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My wife, Marti Devore, and daughter, Ally Siegel, put up with me once again. Their love, support and tolerance make it all possible.



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American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)

American College of Trial Lawyers

American Judicature Society, Justice Award

Anderson, Ralph

Anderson, Steven

Arellano, Silvia R.

Arizona Attorneys for Criminal Justice (AACJ)

Arizona Board of Executive Clemency

first hearing

second hearing

Arizona Board of Pardons and Paroles

Arizona Capital Representation Project

Arizona Center for Law in the Public Interest

Arizona Correctional Industries (ACI)

Arizona Department of Corrections

Arizona Ethics Opinion No. 74-30

Arizona Jaycees

Awards Committee


Arizona Justice Project (AJP).
See also
specific individuals

ASU team aids

Bill learns of

Bill’s illness and

Bill’s son Ron and

Carol interviewed by

case stalled


clemency and, first hearing

clemency and, second hearing

clemency denial by Brewer and

early investigation by

evidence pursued by

first meeting with Bill

growth of

interviews with jurors and friends of Carol


O’Toole spurs inquiry into Bill’s case by

PCR and

publicity and

Arizona Polygraph Laboratory

Arizona Republic

Arizona SB 1070 (law on immigrants)

Arizona State Prison at Douglas

Arizona State Prison at Florence

North Unit

Outside Trustee Unit

TV studio

Arizona State Prison Complex-Tucson

Manzanita special needs unit

Rincon Unit

Arizona State University, College of Law (ASU)

Justice Project Practicum

Post-Conviction Relief clinic

team aids Bill’s case

Arizona Supreme Court

Arizona v. Macumber

Armos, Joe

ASPOT Jaycees

attorney-client privilege

Valenzuela’s mother waives

Barnby, Jack

Bartels, Robert “Bob”

AJP investigation and

clemency hearings and


PCR and

Belcher, Duane

Benitez, Mary

Benitez, Steven

Black, Hugo

Blubaum, Paul

Boies, L. C. “Cal”

Bowers, Pastor

Brandon, Harleen (Bill’s cousin)

Brandon, Jay (Harleen’s husband)

Brennan, William

Brewer, Dave

Brewer, Jan

Bridgewater, Paul

Bridgewater, Shirley

Buduson, Sarah

Byers, Charles

California Innocence Project

Calles, Ed

Carriger, Paris

Carter, Jimmy

Case, Williby E., Jr.

Centurion Ministries

Chambers, Leon

Chambers v. Mississippi

Cochise College

Correctional Education Division

Medical Center

Cohen, Bruce R.

Coie, Perkins

Conciliation Court

Cooper, Sarah

Corcoran, Robert

Cox, Archibald

death penalty

moratorium on

Deer Valley Little League

Dees, Morris

De La Torre, William

Desert Survival Unit

Diehl, Richard

DNA evidence

lack of

Dolezal, Michelle

Douglass, Bedford

Dumar, Charlie

Duwel, Joe

Edmunson, Ralph

Elliot, Sarah

Erickson, Dr. Milton

See also
fingerprint evidence; firearms and ballistics evidence;
and specific witnesses

AJP investigation and


chain of custody

Chevy Impala

hair thatch


license plate number in purse

murder site and

PCR and

second clemency hearing and

tampering issue

Ezell, Tom

Ezell Polygraph Institute

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

Federal Bureau of Prisons

Ferguson, Pat

fingerprint evidence (palm prints, Latent Lift 1)

firearms and ballistics evidence

Bill’s .38

Bill’s .45

first trial and

PCR and

shell casings and ejector marks

second clemency hearing and

Valenzuela’s gun and

Flanagan, Charles

Ford, Charles

Foreman, John

forensic sciences.
See also
evidence; fingerprint evidence; firearms and ballistics evidence

Foster, Vince

Free Bill website

Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)

Furman v. Georgia

Gangsei, Philip A.

Garcia, Joe

Gilbertson, Dennis

Girdler, Ray

Glendale Community College

Grant, Gerald (Jerry)

Granville, Warren

Green, Jordan

Green, Richard

Grimston, Harry J.

Ground Observer Corps

Haag, Lucien

habeas corpus appeal

Hacker, Andrew

Hakes, Tom

Halas, Nancy

Hamilton, James

Hammond, Larry

AJP launched by

ASU College of Law address

ASU team and

awards and honors

background of

Bill’s illness and

Bill’s son Ron and


clemency and, first hearing

clemency and, second hearing

clemency denial by Brewer and

“11 Items” memo

illness of

Jackie and


meets Bill and takes case

PCR and

preliminary investigation and

problems with evidence and

Hardy, Charles

Hart, Roger

Hay, Theresa (Primrose’s daughter)

Hayes, Gerald “Jerry”

Heberling, Detective

Henze, Tom

Herf, Lindsay

Herrera v. Collins

Hill, Jerry

History’s Trail
(Macumber poetry collection)

Holohan, William

Homeless Legal Assistance Project

Hoyt-Croft, Lesley

Hughes, Ed

Imbordino, Vince

Innocence Project (Yeshiva University)

Jacka, Jerry

Jacobson, Ty

Jaworski, Leon

Arizona Jaycees; Roadrunners Jaycees

Jerry Lewis Muscular Dystrophy Association Telethon

John F. Long Homes (model homes)

Jolly, John

Jones, Lester

Kanefield, Joe

Karas, Tom

Kelley, Jackie (Bill’s cousin)

Bill’s illness and

Bill’s son Ron and

clemency and, first hearing

clemency and, second hearing

early life of

Hammond and

letters to O’Toole

PCR and

Kelley, Lee (Jackie’s husband)

Kelley, Mike (Jackie’s son)

Kelley, Robyn (Jackie’s daughter)

Kemper, James “Jim”

Kempfert, Carol (Bill’s wife,

access to evidence and

affairs and

AJP investigates

AJP visits

Bill’s arrest and

Bill’s bail and

clemency and, first hearing

clemency and, second hearing

clemency denial by Brewer and

divorce and

fingerprint classes and

first trial and

Frieda Kennedy on

interview with

jury and

kitchen-window shot and

marriage and

moves to Colorado

MSCO investigation of

palm print and

polygraph of

second trial and

son Ron and

police statement of, accusing Bill of murders

stories on Bill’s temper and

visitation rights and

Kempfert, Deb (Ron’s wife)

Kempfert, Megan (Ron’s daughter)

Kempfert, Ron (Bill’s son

Bill’s illness and

childhood of

clemency and, first hearing

clemency and, second hearing

learns of AJP investigation

publicity and

reunion with Bill and

stepchildren and

Kempfert, Scott (Bill’s son,

Kempfert, Steven (Bill’s son,

Kennedy, Frieda (

Killion, Karen

Macumber narrative and

“Top 10 Action Plan” memo and

Kimm, Robert

King, Cleatus G.

King, Glenda (Primrose’s twin sister)

Kirschbaum, Ellen

Kleindienst, Richard

Knapp, John Henry

LaBarre, Paul


LaSota, Jack

Leavenworth penitentiary

Lewis, Samuel

Lifers’ Club

Life: The Bill Macumber Story

Liptak, Adam

Love, Majof

Lunsford, Mildred

MacDougall, Ellis

Macumber, Clara “Toots” (Bob’s wife)

Macumber, Harold, (Bill’s father)

death of

Macumber, Mark (Bill’s nephew)

Macumber, Meryle “Mimi” (Bill’s mother)

Macumber, Robert “Bob” (Bill’s brother)

Macumber, Ron.
Kempfert, Ron

Macumber, Scott.
Kempfert, Scott

Macumber, Steve.
Kempfert, Steve

Macumber, William Wayne “Bill.”
See also
evidence; fingerprint evidence; firearms and ballistics evidence; Sterrenberg-McKillop murders; Valenzuela, Ernest, confession of;
and specific individuals

AJP clemency and PCR investigations and

AJP first reviews file of

AJP initial investigation on behalf of

AJP meets with

alibi and

arrest of

attempt to reopen case of, and evidence technician Brewer

bail and

Bartels report on fingerprint evidence and

Carol’s and sons’ animosity toward

Carol’s police statement on murders by

Centurion Ministries and

clemency and, first hearing

clemency and, second hearing

clemency denial by Brewer and

clemency petitions by

death of father and

divorce and

documentary on

early life of

first conviction overturned

first trial

Frieda Kennedy on

Ground Observer Corps service

Hammond and

health problems of

irregularities of case of

Jackie and


journal of

kitchen-window shooting and

lack of motive and

learns of Valenzuela confession

Little League romance and

loss of faith and

marital problems and

marries Carol

O’Toole initiates AJP inquiry into

Outlaw Rodeo and

palm prints taken

police interrogation of, and missing reports

polygraph and

preliminary hearings and

prison life and

second trial and

second trial jurors and clemency petition of

son Ron reunited with

sons and

Valenzuela confession and

victims’ families and

visitation rights and

writing by

Make-a-Wish Foundation

Maledon, Bill

Maricopa County indigent-defense fund

Maricopa County Public Defenders Office

Maricopa County Records and Identification Bureau

Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office (MCSO)

AJP investigation and

Bill arrested by

Bill’s report of kitchen-window shot and

Bill’s second trial and

Carol and

Desert Survival Unit and

murder investigation and

Valenzuela confession and

Martinez v. Ryan

McCarthy, John

McClusky, Carol Sue

McClusky, John (Tim McKillop’s cousin)

McFord, Lester, II

McGowan, Carl

McKillop, Ann (Tim’s mother)

McKillop, Jim (Tim’s father)

McKillop, Tim

family of, and clemency

model homes guard and

murder of.
See also
Sterrenberg-McKillop murder

McKinney, Lieutenant

Mexican Mafia

Meza, Olivia

Michael, Judy (Joyce Sterrenberg’s sister)


Moreno, Mike

Morris Dees Justice Award

Mountain States Telephone

Mulleneaux, Lawrence

Mussman, Logan

Napolitano, Janet

National Academy of Sciences (NAS)

National Conference on Preventing the Conviction of Innocent Persons

Nelson, Lamson

Nelson, Salina

Neufeld, Peter

New York Times

(TV show)

Nixon, John

Obama, Barack

O’Connor, Sandra Day

Orenelas, Loretta

Osborn Maledon firm

O’Toole, Thomas

AJP and

Bill’s arrest and trial and

Bill’s second trial and

clemency hearings and

Hammond contacted by

Jackie’s letter to

Valenzuela confesses to

Outlaw Rodeo

Pace, Carl

Pardon Power

Parks, Mr. (correctional officer)

Peterson, George

Petica, Ron

Phoenix Gazette

Phoenix Jaycees

Phoenix Pipe and Steel

Phoenix Police Department

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