Marek (Knights Corruption MC #1) (29 page)

BOOK: Marek (Knights Corruption MC #1)
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Standing close by, I heard a woman’s voice say, “Now, let’s go find Ryder so we can get our shopping on.” Right then, I knew it was Adelaide and the hairs on the back of my neck bristled, but not because it was Trigger’s niece. No, it was because I knew exactly who she was talking to.


My wife.

But how could that be? Why was she here at the clubhouse when she should’ve been back at my house with Ryder? Quickly glancing around, I spotted Ryder in the corner, already locking his lips around a bottle of beer.

Both women entered the common room, instantly drawing the attention of all the men milling around. Most gave them a quick nod in acknowledgement, while one or two of the already-drunken bastards stared a little too long. Trigger was on alert as soon as his niece re-entered the room, and I was acutely aware of every movement Sully made . . . and of everyone who gazed at her longer than necessary.

It seemed Jagger wasn’t the only one I had to worry about. Maybe I was being paranoid, but I would rather instill fear into them than let it go. “Zip!” I shouted over to one of our youngest members. “If you don’t turn your fucking eyes away, I’m gonna pluck them outta your head. Feel me?”

“Sorry, Prez.” He was halfway to passing out already and it was barely after two. But at least he had enough sense not to argue and did as he was instructed, gulping down the rest of his drink and turning his attention to whatever show was on TV.

My eyes found Sully’s and like always, something passed between us. I was no longer upset with her for refusing me. Hell, I wasn’t really angry with her for that reason to begin with. I battled between fighting the feelings she created inside me and giving in to them altogether. I’d lashed out and hurt her. Never mind that I hadn’t been home in days because I was too much of a coward to face her.

Pushing all my errant internal ramblings aside, I approached them rather quickly. Blocking the pair from going any further, I reached out for Sully’s hand. I had no idea what I was going to do or say but in that moment, I needed to touch her. As my fingers were about to skim hers, she pulled away, taking a half-step behind her new friend.

I wasn’t gonna lie, it hurt. Was she still afraid of me? Or was she still upset that I’d yelled at her the way I had? Did she hate me now?

Part of me didn’t blame her, not one bit, but another part, the Neanderthal part, didn’t give a shit. She was mine, and there was no way I would allow her to embarrass me in front of my club. I felt everyone’s eyes on the interaction, and I wasn’t gonna be made a fool of.

“What are you two doing here?” I asked none too nicely.

Adelaide was the one who spoke, all while Sully kept her eyes on the ground. “I asked Sully to accompany me here to check on Tripp before we headed out to do some shopping.” My eyes never landed on Trigger’s niece, the whole time focused on my wife instead. Not until Adelaide mumbled something stupid, that was. “Well, I guess we’ll be going now.”

Two steps and I was standing directly next to my wife. Her body warred between leaning into me and pulling back. I saw it in her posture, and in her expression, even though her beautiful eyes were still avoiding me.

“No way are you two going anywhere without one of my men.” A short and simple demand. Or so I thought.

“Look, Marek,” Adelaide started, “I’m not involved with this club like that, so I can come and go as I see fit. No one will tell me what to do. Ever.” Her voice raised an octave toward the end of her little speech. I had an idea that Stone had a little something to do with the unspoken reason for her ‘I’m woman, hear me roar’ rant.

“You’re right, you’re not. But she is,” I said, pointing toward Sully. “She’s my wife, and as such she’s not allowed to go anywhere without me or one of my men.” I didn’t elaborate on my fear of her club coming to look for her, stealing her back right out from under my nose. No, Adelaide didn’t need to know all that. Speaking of, I had yet to receive an updated report on their whereabouts. I found it odd that they hadn’t tried to storm my club to reclaim her from us.

can come with us,” she offered. What a ludicrous statement. I had better shit to do besides watching the two of them shop for clothes, or whatever the hell they were going out to buy. Although the thought of watching Sully try on different clothing was rather appealing. I wondered if they were going to one of those lingerie shops during their outing. What did that matter, though, when she wasn’t ready to hop into bed with me? Then again, I
able to get her naked.

Yeah, that’s where my head went, random thoughts bouncing back and forth inside my brain. I was beyond frustrated, and if I didn’t sink inside her tight little body soon, I was gonna explode.

I noticed Sully had raised her head, turning her face toward me, waiting to see if I would agree to come with them or not. Would she be upset or relieved if I said yes? I figured I wouldn’t know unless I answered.

After a few seconds of internal deliberation, I decided it was best for me not to go, so I declined her offer. However, I was pleased to see Sully’s face fall, letting me know she was indeed upset that I’d refused. It gave me hope that she was on her way to forgiving me for acting like such an ass. Any normal man would apologize, and while the thought had crossed my mind, it wasn’t how I operated.
Apologize for nothing, but make amends to right the wrong.
Although, the beauty in front of me was changing me in ways I didn’t want to acknowledge.

A fierceness to protect her, even from myself at times, swirled powerfully through me, making me question everything. I’d already made the move to take my club legit, which was one less thing I had to worry about, even though I had to make sure it came to fruition. Anything which would put me in better light in her eyes was quickly proving to be a driving force for how I conducted my day.

Then stop yelling at her, Marek.

Suddenly wanting to be alone with her, I snatched her hand and pulled her behind me toward my room. “We’ll be right back, Adelaide.” The warmth of her palm had my cock stirring to life. Man, I was easy. All it took was her simple touch and I couldn’t keep myself from picturing how she would look beneath me, driving her heels into the backs of my thighs as I drove myself inside her.

Closing and locking the door for added privacy, I spun her around until she was facing me. “Let me see your eyes,” I demanded, a softness in my tone I meant for her to hear. Once I had her attention, I started in with my ramblings. “Listen, Sully,” I said, my thoughts so twisted together it was hard for me to find the right thing to say. “I won’t pressure you again to fuck me.”
Yeah, that’s the sentence my brain-to-mouth filter released. Real smooth.
“You just let me know when you’re ready, okay?”

“Okay,” she answered, her dark orbs focused on me. Before she looked away again, I needed to let her know she wouldn’t be going on any shopping outing. Something which was surely going to upset her, but it was the best choice. I wasn’t going to risk her safety because she wanted to flit about town with her new friend.

“I don’t want you going anywhere with Adelaide without one of the guys. And since she’s gonna give me a hard time about it, it looks like you two will have to do it another time.”

Wrinkling her brow at something running through her head, she nodded and averted her gaze.

“What?” I asked, wondering what in the hell she was thinking.

“Can’t Ryder go with us?”

“No.” I decided to elaborate when I saw the desperate look on her face. “Ryder already started drinking. He won’t be of any use if something happens.”

“What’s going to happen? We’re going to be out in public with people all around us.” The one thing I noticed about Sully was that she was becoming more comfortable when talking to me, which was a good thing, in most cases. In instances where I didn’t want to hear another word about something I’d said, though, it was a pain in the ass. I was used to people taking my word as law, so to have someone push the envelope was quite the challenge.

“Your father and Vex haven’t made a move to come and collect you. And, quite frankly, I find it odd, which tells me they’re planning something. So, I’m not taking any risks.” Turning my back on her to search for a clean shirt, I had a sneaking suspicion that the next thing out of her lovely lips was going to send me over the edge.

Call it a hunch, or intuition or whatever the hell.

Completely ignoring my statement about her family, she chose to bring up a topic she knew I would overreact to, yet she did it anyway.

“What about Jagger? He can come and watch out for us to make sure nothing happens.”

Every muscle in my body locked up. My blood pressure rose and while I tried to convince myself to calm down, I couldn’t help but grind my teeth together to snuff out the volcano erupting inside me.

Whipping around to face her, I moved closer. So close she backed up until she hit the wall, preventing her from escaping my temper. Before I started yelling, she placed her hand on my chest and pled her case. “I know you think there was something going on between us, but you have to believe me, there wasn’t. He was a perfect gentleman with me. I swear. I don’t have any feelings for him whatsoever. You can trust me.” Her eyes stayed glued to mine, a gesture which helped to soothe me. Somewhat.

Gritting my teeth, I ground out my response. “You may not want to fuck Jagger, but trust me when I tell you this, Sully, he wants you. Badly. I saw it in his eyes, and I saw it in his body language when he thought he was protecting you from me. He won’t admit it out loud, because he knows I’ll snatch his life, but he does,” I repeated.

Her hand continued to rest over my heart and I was doing my best not to explode right then, but it was becoming harder the more she pushed me about the prospect.

“But I don’t want him, so what does it matter? He doesn’t make me feel the way you do.” She mumbled her last few words, but I heard them loud and clear. Taking another step closer, my chest brushing against hers, she inhaled a quick breath before leaning her head back against the same wall which held her prisoner to me.

“And how do I make you feel?” I couldn’t help myself; she’d opened up the topic, and I was gonna explore it.

“Breathless. Scared. Excited.” Her eyes glossed over as if she was going to break down, but I had no idea why.
Am I scaring her right now? Or is she excited?

“You know I’d never hurt you, right? I may say things from time to time which will hurt your feelings, but I would never do anything to tear you apart.” Lifting her chin higher so her lips rested a whisper away from mine, I inhaled her sweet breath. I wanted so badly to claim her mouth, but I hadn’t been intimate with a woman like that in what seemed like forever. Although, before our encounter a few days back, I hadn’t gone done on a woman in as much time, either.

Her full pink lips trembled, her tongue parting her mouth to wet the very same things I wanted to nibble and taste. Goddamn it! Every reserve I held tight started to weaken and crumble.

Her eyes suddenly closed, and it was then I decided to make my move. “Do you want me to kiss you?” I asked, hoping like hell she said yes. I’d never wanted to taste a woman as much as I did her right then. The suspense tore me apart and just before I was going to make the decision for her, she said the one word I was praying for.


Short and sweet and to the muthafuckin’ point.

Without further delay, I crashed my lips to hers. The feeling was incredible, my increasing attraction toward her fueling the blaze of longing inside me. There wasn’t an area on her luscious body I didn’t wish to devour. And her mouth was the perfect place to start.

She obediently opened up for me, and the first time I felt her gentle tongue caress mine, I almost exploded in my pants I was so worked up. Her fingers grabbed at the fabric of my cut, desperately trying to pull me closer, but if I moved forward any more I was going to crush her to me. But maybe it was exactly what she was looking for, to be melded as one. Or maybe that was what I wanted, to be so lost to her that we became the same person.

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