Margaret Fuller (82 page)

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Authors: Megan Marshall

BOOK: Margaret Fuller
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translation considered,
travel writing envisioned,
writing career disdained,

writing career embraced,





and European journey,



on return to America,
on revolutionary struggles,




urges socialism,
Greeley’s Turtle Bay home as residence of,
Mazzini praised,
moves to boarding house,
and James Nathan travelogues,
at New York literary gatherings,

on return to America,
social reform investigations,

in Europe,
star as emblem of,

Woman in the Nineteenth Century,
on “woman’s day” yet to come,




in Scotland,

and Mazzini,

see also
Mazzini, Giuseppe)
delivery to Genoa,

in London,

in Paris,

meets George Sand,

and Mickiewicz,

money running out,
in Italy,

in Rome,



see also
Roman Republic; Rome)
meets and marries Giovanni Ossoli,




see also
Marriage of Fuller and Giovanni Osolli; Ossoli, Giovanni Angelo)
first meeting with,
first proposal rejected,
Fuller’s letters to,
and Fuller’s pregnancy,



and question of marriage,

son born (“Nino”),

see also
Ossoli, Angelo Eugene Philip)
disclosure of Nino and secret life considered,
retrieving Nino and thoughts on marriage,

and residency plans,
meeting after battle for Rome,

passport secured,
posthumous controversy over,
on American tourists,

and revolutionary movements,
see also
Revolutionary movements across Europe)
portrait painted,
return to America,



see also
Shipwreck fatal to Fuller)

Fuller, Margarett Crane (mother),

daguerreotype of,
and daughter’s upbringing,

with family,
on family burials,
helps Ellen with daughter,
and husband’s estate,
and Margaret,
Margaret in school,
Margaret compared with,
Margaret in Europe,

Margaret’s letters to,
informed of Margaret’s marriage and birth of son,
Margaret’s family welcomed home,

and news of Margaret’s death,
marriage of,

jealous accusations by husband,
travels south,

Fuller, Richard (brother),

birth of,
at Harvard,
in Jamaica Plain,
letters to and from,
and farm life,
and financial help,
on Margaret’s family leadership,
and proposed Concord residence,
sibling relationships of,

Fuller, Timothy (father),


death of,
and absence of will,
Margaret experiences as liberating,
Margaret’s memories of,
and Margaret’s mourning of,
reinterred in Mount Auburn Cemetery,
and remembrances of,

and Emerson,
on Groton farm,


history of United States planned,
and Margaret,

advances cost of Margaret’s New York trip,
ambitions of father imposed on,
and equality of sexes,

and Margaret’s acne,
and Margaret’s Grove,
and Margaret’s intellectual advancement,


plans for Margaret’s future,

protestation to Margaret on sickbed,
married life of,

political career of,

portrait of,
womanly virtues as standard,

Fuller, William (uncle),

Fuller, William Henry (brother),


Gale, Frederick,


Gardner, Sally (Sarah Jackson),

Garibaldi, Anita,

Garibaldi, Giuseppe,


in final battle for Rome,

troops of,

Garrison, William Lloyd,

Gender differences, Fuller on,



and Conversations group,
See also
Women’s rights and status

Gendered nouns and pronouns, Fuller’s quandary over,

Genoa, as refusing to join republic,

Gérando, Baron Joseph-Marie de,

Gillies, Margaret,

“Give All to Love” (Emerson),

“Gods of Greece, The” (Schiller),

Godwin, William,

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von,


William Ellery Channing opposes,
Clarke uses aphorism of,
“Eagles and Doves,”

on elective affinities,
in Emerson’s book loan to Fuller,
and Emerson’s tribute to Fuller,
passages read to coterie of women in Providence,
Fuller asks about marriage of,
Fuller’s defense of,
Fuller sees as standard of genius,
Fuller’s life mirrored in,
and Fuller’s passion for classics,
Fuller’s study of,
Fuller’s translation of,

and Fuller’s variation on Cupid and Psyche,
Italian Journey
and Fuller in rooms near those once occupied by,
as “Orphic Sayings” source,

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