Margaret Fuller (83 page)

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Authors: Megan Marshall

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plans for biography of,


project abandoned,

and von Arnim as source,
and Ripley,
Torquato Tasso,
and Temple School students,
Wilhelm Meister’s Apprenticeship,

Goldsmith, Oliver,

Gotendorf, James,
See also
Nathan, James

Graham’s Magazine,

Grandfather’s Chair

“Great Lawsuit, The. Man
Men. Woman
Women” (Fuller),

excerpted in
New-York Tribune
and Hawthorne marriage,
on never married women,
plans to expand,


Thoreau on,
See also Woman in the Nineteenth Century

Greece, independence struggle of,

Greek and Roman vitality

apprehension over,
Fuller’s inspiration from,


Greeley, Arthur,

Greeley, Horace,


on Fuller as embodied intellect,
and Fuller as literary editor,
pay for,
prostitutes as concern,
and Fuller’s death
laments loss of book on Roman Republic,

sends journalist to investigate fatal wreck,
writes obituary,
and Fuller’s European trip,
expected money fails to arrive,
and James Nathan,
Nathan travelogue,
as New Hampshire native,
and North American Phalanx,
Turtle Bay residence of,

See also
New-York Tribune

Greeley, Mary,


Greene Street School, Providence,

Emerson delivers inaugural address at,

Fuller teaches at,



Greenough, Horatio,

Greenwood, Amelia,

Groton, Massachusetts

Fuller family in,

Fuller farmhouse in,
Fuller at school in,

Fuller’s decision to leave,

Fuller’s return to for rest,

Günderode, Karoline von,

(Arnim), Fuller’s translation,


Harring, Harro,

Harvard College (or University)

Ellery Channing at,
Clarke’s dissatisfaction with,
Emerson banished from,

Fuller brothers expected to enroll at,
Fuller uses library of,
Great Refractor telescope of,
as symbol of Fuller’s frustration,

Harvard Divinity School

Clarke as graduate of,
Emerson address to,
Hurlbert as graduate of,
Theodore Parker in,

Hasty, Seth (captain of

Hasty, Catherine,



Haven, G. W. (George Wallis),

Hawthorne, Julian,

Hawthorne, Nathaniel,




and Brook Farm,
children of,
The Dial,

Fuller on,
marriage of,

Peabody to publish historical tales of,

Fuller reviews,

Hawthorne, Rose,

Hawthorne, Sophia (formerly Sophia Peabody),


children of,
on Fuller in shipwreck,
on Fuller’s marriage,
“reform-women” disapproved,
Woman in the Nineteenth Century,

Hawthorne, Una,

Healey, Caroline,


“Heart, The” (Emerson),

Hedge, Henry,

and alternative university plan,
in Conversations group,

The Dial,
and idea for journal,
and Emerson,
and Fuller’s relationship to,

and Fuller on Alcott,
with Fuller on ride to Cambridge,
on Fuller’s farewell dancing party,
letters to,
Maine pulpit obtained by,
and Ripley,
and Transcendental Club,

Hedge, Levi,

Hemingway, Ernest,

“Heroism” (Emerson),


Hicks, Thomas,

Higginson, Thomas Wentworth,


Hillard, George,

Hoar, Elizabeth,


“Holiness” (Emerson),

Holmes, Oliver Wendell,

Hooper, Anna,

Hooper, Ellen (Ellen Sturgis),

Hooper, Robert,

Hooper, Sam,

Horne, Richard Henry,

House of the Seven Gables, The

Howe, Samuel Gridley,

Howitt, Anna,

Howitt, William and Mary,


Hughes, John Joseph (bishop of New York),

Hugo, Victor,

Huidekoper, Anna,

Huidekoper, Harm Jan,

Hurlbert, William,

Hymns to the Night



Emerson protests treatment of,
“Flying Pigeon,”
and Fuller’s journey to west,


condemnation of treatment of,

Italian Journey

“Irish Character, The” (Fuller),

Isis, in Fuller poem,


Fuller in,


Fuller’s admiration for,
independence movements in,
see also
Revolutionary movements across Europe)
and aftermath of Rossi assassination,

Constitutional Assembly formed in Rome,

Fuller delivers letters for,

Fuller plans book about,

Fuller’s commitment to,
Fuller’s poem in support of,
Fuller’s reporting in support of,

Mazzini’s efforts toward,

and Mazzini’s return,
Roman Republic formed,

see also
Roman Republic)
Roman Republic overturned,

suppression of throughout Italy,
wet nursing in,



Jackson, Charles,

Jackson, Lydia,
See also
Emerson, Lidian

Jackson, Marianne,

Jamaica Plain (Willow Brook), Fuller living in,

James, Henry (Harry),

James, Henry, Sr.,

James, William,

James Munroe (publisher),

Jameson, Anna,


Jonson, Ben,

Josey (James Nathan’s dog),



Kilshaw, Ellen,



elegance of admired,
and Fuller’s vision of future life,
letters to,
and “Mariana,”

Kirkland, Caroline,

Kneeland, Abner,


Lafayette, marquis de

death of,
reception for,


Lake District, Fuller visits,

Lamennais, Félicité-Robert,

Lane, Charles,

L’Aquila, as Fuller’s resting place,



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