Margaret Fuller (87 page)

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Authors: Megan Marshall

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Fuller gives Raphael print to,
with Fuller in Newburyport,
and Fuller’s journey west,
Fuller’s letters to,

on Fuller’s reform efforts,
“Life” (poem),
“Love and Insight” (poem),
marriage of,
Woman in the Nineteenth Century,


Sturgis, Ellen,
See also
Hooper, Ellen

Sturgis, Susie,

Sturgis, William,

“Subject—History of Himself” (Thoreau),

Summer on the Lakes, in 1843


Sumner, Charles,

Sumner, Horace,

“Sunset, The” (Shelley),

Swedenborg, Emanuel,

Switzerland, Fuller visits,


Tanglewood (Highwood),

Tappan, Cary Sturgis,

Fuller reveals pregnancy to,

and Fuller’s death,

letters to,
marriage of,
as potential guardian for Nino,
See also
Sturgis, Caroline

Tappan, William Aspinwall,

“Tasso’s Oak, Rome” (engraving),

Taylor, Henry,

Taylor, Bayard,


Tempest, The
(Shakespeare), Fuller borrows “Miranda” from,

Temple School

demise of,
disastrous controversy over teachings of,

Fuller teaches at,



Thoreau, Henry David,

addresses Concord Lyceum,

with Ellery Channing on vagabonding trip,
and Emerson,

and Fuller as editor,
on Fuller’s writing,
on “The Great Lawsuit,”
and mission after shipwreck,

on publishing of
Summer on the Lakes,

on Walden Pond,

“Thoughts on Modern Literature” (Emerson),

Sacred and Profane Love,

“To a Daughter of Italy” (Fuller),

“To a Golden Heart, Worn Round His Neck” (Fuller translation),


Tombs, the, NYC jail, Fuller visits,

“To Rhea” (Emerson),

Torquato Tasso

Fuller’s translation of,


Tracy, Albert,

Trail of Tears,

“Transcendental Bible” (Lidian Emerson),


Transcendental Club,


Emerson on women members of,
and example of Emerson’s independence,
and Fuller,
and women’s group,
and new journal (
The Dial

in Elizabeth Peabody’s bookroom,


and Clarke on westerners,
and Cranch,
and critics,
The Dial,

and Emerson,
and Fuller,

and Fuller’s mountain retreat,
Mickiewicz introduces to Paris,
and Elizabeth Peabody,

and Temple School,

Treaty of St. Peters,

Truth, Sojourner,

Tuckerman, Jane,

Turtle Bay, Greeley residence on,


as Fuller’s residence,
and Fuller’s walks on grounds,

Tuscany, Fuller visits,

“Twin Loves” (Ward),




United States Magazine and Democratic Review,
Fuller’s “Recollections of the Vatican” in,


“Valpy’s Chronology” (Fuller’s childhood reading),

Van Buren, Martin,

Venice, Fuller visits,

Victor Emmanuel II (king of Sardinia-Piedmont),

Vindication of the Rights of Women

See also Aeneid, The

“Visit, The” (Emerson),

Visitor of the Poor
(de Gérando),

Vita Nuova
(Dante), Emerson translation of,

Vulpius, Christiane,


Walden Pond,

Ward, Anna Barker,

and Conversations,
in Emerson’s news to Fuller in Europe,
and Fuller’s nightmare,
letters to,
marriage of,

and story of Uncle Peter,

See also
Barker, Anna

Ward, Julia,

Ward, Samuel Gray,


and Anna Barker,


see also
Ward, Anna Barker)
and Ellery Channing,

and Emerson,
European trip of,
and Fuller,

books on Goethe sent,
Fuller’s envisioned European trip,
Fuller’s letters to,

and Fuller in Europe
Emerson passes along news of,
Fuller sees as more beautiful than Europeans,
photograph of,
on Platonic vs. sexual relationships,

surprise announcement from,
Tappans move to estate on property of,

Ware, William,


Weeks & Jordan (publishers), and
The Dial,

West Bridge (Cambridge–Boston),

Western Messenger,

Fuller poetry in,
and Fuller reviews,
Goethe translation in,

Wet nurses in Italy,


Wharton, Edith,

“What Fits a Man to Be a Voter?” (Fuller),

Wheeler, Charles,

Whipple, John Adams,

White, William,


Whitman, Walt,

Wieland, Christoph,

Wiley, John,

Wiley and Putnam, as Fuller publisher,

Wilhelm Meister’s Apprenticeship

Wilkinson, James John Garth,

Willow Brook, Jamaica Plain, Fuller living at,

Wollstonecraft, Mary,

“Woman” (Sophia Ripley),

Woman in the Nineteenth Century



applied to Italian independence,
on breaking bonds,
on chastity,
criticism of,
Poe’s review,
English edition of,

and “ennui,”
European readers of,
and Fourier,
Sophia Hawthorne on,
on loving bad men,
on magnetic element in women,

on marriage,


Mickiewicz reads,
Eliza Peabody on,
popularity of,

and prospects for woman ambassador,
and Putnam on Fuller’s Roman experience,
on romance,
Cary Sturgis on,

and treatment of prostitutes,

and women’s suffrage,

Women’s rights and status

and Emerson’s “The American Scholar,”
Fuller on,
in Coliseum Club,

in “Great Lawsuit,”

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