Read Marked: A Vampire Blood Courtesans Romance Online

Authors: Gwen Knight,Michelle Fox

Marked: A Vampire Blood Courtesans Romance (8 page)

BOOK: Marked: A Vampire Blood Courtesans Romance
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Jagged fangs scraped my flesh. I gasped and clung to his shoulders, my own chest heaving with anticipation.
Oh, God
, I wanted him to do this. Such a terrifying notion, but I refused to renege. I

His lips parted, and I felt the hot lash of his tongue against my skin.


The sound of his name affirmation enough, he bore down on me. I cried out the moment his fangs sank into the soft hollow of my throat, the sudden intrusion a mix of pain and pleasure that upended me. I cupped the back of his head and pulled him closer. My body came alive as he drank, desire claiming every inch of me, quickening my pulse, urging me to respond.

Drunk on pleasure, my hands swept down his back and cupped his firm ass through his slacks. I wanted him naked and above me, wanted to feel him moving within me as he drank. Spurred by my touch, Ethen growled against my throat and pressed harder, burying his fangs a little deeper. His grip grew insistent, as did his bite. I trusted that he wouldn’t hurt me. He’d stepped in on my behalf with Luke when others might have turned their back. Last night, he could have fed from me, but instead, he’d waited for the right moment. His every movement was calculated, I was sure, but still, I trusted he would do right by me.

His tongue skimmed my neck, laving away the blood before it could slip down my throat, his lips never breaking contact. My fingers curled into his hair as I leaned my head to the side, my mouth parted as I fought to catch my breath.

The heady surge of desire gathering in my stomach was addicting; I never wanted him to stop. I could see now how easily Tessa could have fallen prey to this.

“Ethen,” I whispered, my body alive and aching for him.

I’d been with a man before, but it hadn’t been anything like this. Nervous and self-conscious, I hadn’t allowed myself to enjoy the experience. But this…
, I wanted to tear his clothes off and pin him against the wall. The heat of his mouth, the firm scrape of his teeth, the hard press of his fingers, and it wasn’t enough by far.

Ethen clutched me tight with one arm as he took another long pull. A moan rose to my ears, one full of hunger and lust. His hand swept down my front, popped open my jeans, then slipped beneath the waist. When he found my center, I almost rejoiced. He parted me with a single stroke, then slid within, sheathing his finger in my heat. I arched against his hand, unabashed at my reaction.

I wanted more, wanted to know how it felt to have him between my legs while taking from my throat. I wanted it all. His thumb found its mark and my hips bucked against him, an indelicate moan escaping my lips.

I had never felt before—this sensual heat that stretched throughout my body with his every touch.

My body shivered. I knew what an orgasm was, and I was hardly innocent enough to claim I’d never felt one. But I’d never experienced one at the hands of another. My stomach quivered seconds before light burst behind my eyelids. I groaned and tipped my head back against the wall, my fingers gripping Ethen’s shoulder while a series of euphoric flutters worked through me.

Still, I wanted more. I wanted to feel my body stretch around him, wanted to feel him bury himself within me. Except, Ethen chose that moment to withdraw, the pressure at my throat and groin suddenly vanishing.

Awash in the potent rush of endorphins, I swayed to the side, his hands the only thing keeping me steady on my feet. My eyes fluttered open to find Ethen staring down at me with a mix of emotions. My mouth curved into a sedated smile at the sight of his pristine mouth. Not a drop of blood stained his lips…a true gentleman.

He cleared his throat and straightened his shirt, his own chest heaving. “Forgive me. I hadn’t intended to take so much. How do you feel?”

“Just Yankee Doodle Dandy,” I chirped.

His dark brows knit together in a sympathetic frown. “Winter?”

A giggle slipped from my lips. “You should call me Amelia. No one calls me that.”

“I took too much.” A troubled sigh escaped him. “Let’s get you to bed, shall we?”

“Only if you stay with me,” I slurred.

Ethen froze, his hands rigid against my back. “I don’t think that would be wise right now.”

“Wise, schmise. My father would have a fit if he knew I was here.”

A strong arm hooked under my knees as another curled around my back. In one smooth motion, he swept me off my feet and carried me back toward the bed. “Is that so?”

“Mm. He doesn’t like your kind.”

“A trait that didn’t pass to you.”

Another soft giggle, then a yawn. “Maybe it did. Who’s to say?”

“If you don’t like vampires, why ever would you become a courtesan?”

“Shh. It’s a secret.”

A plush mattress gave way beneath me. Once settled in the bed, Ethen stepped back and gazed down at me. “Then you shouldn’t speak it lest you hate yourself in the morning.”

“This bed is really soft,” I mumbled. “I like it.”

“I’m glad it meets your approval.”

“You meet my approval.” I snuggled deeper in the downy pillows. “You might be a bit uptight, but you’re nothing like what my father said…”

“And what did your father say?”

“That all of you are beasts, bloodthirsty monsters…”

“Well, let’s be grateful you don’t think of me as such.”

I gave a lazy shake of my head. “Not anymore. You’re good people, Ethen.”

His deep voice chased me into my dreams. “Sleep well, sweet Amelia.”


Chapter 9

The dip of the mattress and gentle stroke of fingers through my hair woke me. My lashes fluttered open to find Ethen seated on the edge of my bed, dressed, once again, to the nines. The suit jacket molded to his broad shoulders and covered a vibrant purple shirt that set off the blue in his eyes.

“Good evening. How do you feel?”

I stretched from head to toe, wincing slightly at the pull in my throat.

Ethen’s warm fingers brushed my jaw and turned my head so he could inspect the bite. “A little deeper than I would have liked. My apologies, Winter.”

The sound of my surname floored me. I hadn’t been so far gone last night that I didn’t recall our conversation. I’d given him permission to use my given name, something very few even had the privilege of knowing, but he’d chosen not to use it. Another wall. Another barrier. At least to myself, I could admit that it stung. I’d opened myself up to him, figuratively and literally, only to have him close the door in my face.

Clearing my throat, I ran my hands through my hair, relieved to find it mostly neat. “Don’t worry about it,” I muttered, my mouth woolly.

Distress flickered in his eyes, but he nodded. “I have a dinner event tonight with a few associates of mine.”

“All right. I can wait here for your return, or maybe run home and pick up a clean outfit or two.”

“That won’t be necessary.”

I eyed him warily. “I don’t actually intend on strutting around your house naked the entire time I’m here.”

A smooth chuckle graced his lips. “As much as I would enjoy that sight, I wouldn’t expect such a thing from you. I thought perhaps…” His hesitation rang through the room.

“Perhaps what?” I asked with an arched brow.

This time, he cleared his throat. “I thought perhaps you might wish to join me.”

I blinked, completely and utterly confused by this man. Last night had been a world-changing sort of revelation for me. Everything I’d ever been told about vampires…wasn’t a lie, per se, but wasn’t accurate either. I truly didn’t expect anything from him, but figuring him out was proving to be a challenge.

Apparently, he wanted to keep some distance between us. Understandable since I was only here for another two nights. Perhaps addressing me by my given name was a boundary he didn’t wish to cross. But dinner? Didn’t that qualify as a date? My job as a courtesan was to provide blood and sex, not to escort him out on the town.

“Do you think that’s wise?” I asked.

“It’s dinner.”

“It’s dinner…in public.”

His expression shuttered, and he pushed off the bed. “I see.”

He did? And what exactly did he see? Because damn, I was confused as all hell.

“I’ll leave you for the evening then.”

Exasperated, I stared up at the canopy. “Ethen, wait.” I glanced over to find him standing by the door.

“It’s perfectly fine, Winter. If you don’t wish to be seen in public with me, I understand.”

This time, I was the one who blinked. “Seen in public with you? What are you talking about?”

“I’m a vampire.”

“Well aware of that…” I groaned.

“You expressed reservations about us being seen together in public. I assumed, with what you told me last night about your father, that perhaps that was the issue.” There was a vulnerability about him that suggested I’d insulted him, even though that hadn’t been my intent.

And to think, before this, I’d been having such a nice dream. “That isn’t what I meant at all.”

“Then I’m at a loss.”

So was I. It was both frustrating and exhausting trying to figure him out. My fault, I supposed, for hoping to understand a centuries-old vampire. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and tried once more. “What I meant…” How the hell did I explain this? “I want to know the capacity in which I’m going.”

“I didn’t mean to complicate matters. I only thought you might wish to join me. To leave the house and enjoy a meal with me a few associates at a fine establishment.”

So a date, without it actually being a date.
Don’t fall for the vampire
… Tessa’s words. This was a job, nothing more, remember? It wasn’t a date. It wasn’t anything but an offer to feed me.

“In that case…” I forced a smile and sat up in bed. “I
need something to wear.”

I caught a quick flash of teeth before the grin vanished from his face. “Ms. Doyle will be up shortly with a selection of gowns.”

“You keep a selection of dresses on hand?”

“No. I had her fetch an assortment this afternoon while you were asleep, on the off chance that you accepted my invitation.”

“This afternoon?” I frowned. “I thought…with the sun and all that…”

“The request was made before dawn. Dress quickly, please. I would like to be on our way in an hour.”

An hour? “You do realize that showering, hair, and makeup alone can take that long?”

Amusement brightened his eyes. “Then I suggest you hurry.”




I’d managed to climb out of bed and throw on my jeans and tank top before Ms. Doyle knocked on the door. It swung open without preamble and she staggered in under a jumble of dresses.

“Whoa,” I mumbled before diving in to relieve her of half the pile. “You certainly outdid yourself.”

“I only did as Mr. Rune requested,” she panted.

She watched as I laid the dresses out one-by-one on the guest bed. At first appearance, they all looked similar: long, black, with a high leg slit, similar to what I’d worn at the gala. But upon closer inspection, I started to notice minute differences, like which one had buttons versus a zipper, or which had boning in the corset versus a laced up back.

One, however, stood out above the rest. I grasped the one-shoulder dress and draped it against my length, admiring my reflection in the mirror.

“Notice it’s see-through, Ms. Winter.”

“Only a section.” Which happened to be the entire left side of the dress. Rather than a slit, the dress had a sheath of sheer material from toe to shoulder. It would emphasize the whole length of my leg and side of my waist. I loved it. Just the right amount of sexy.

“If you choose that one, underwear may not be an option,” Ms. Doyle continued.

I nibbled the inside of my lip. “Might be worth it.”

Her appreciative gaze settled on the supple material. “It
a beautiful dress.”

I flashed a grin at her and nodded. “Do you think Ethen will like it?”

She studied my length, an appraising glint to her eyes. “Who wouldn’t, my dear?”

Who wouldn’t, indeed. I hung it up on the door, then started for the bathroom. Once inside, I paused and glanced back at the housekeeper. “You wouldn’t happen to keep makeup, would you?”

She pointed to a small bag resting atop the bureau. “You should find everything you need in there.”

“You’re the best, Ms. Doyle.”

A stunned look crossed her face. Then she threw me a bright grin. “Thank you. Now, off with you. It took much longer than expected to pick a dress.”

With the selection provided, was it any wonder?




Dressed and primped with three minutes to spare. I was that good. And looked damn sexy too. I’d opted to leave my hair down with a touch of wave to it and had selected natural colors for my makeup, other than a dark liner to emphasize my own crystal blue eyes. The dress ran down my length and hugged my curves, leaving nothing to the imagination. Underwear had definitely been a no go. Though it wasn’t something I would usually wear, I took enjoyment in knowing I was playing a different role than normal. The last touch was a small clutch to carry my phone and identification, which I tucked under my arm before seeking out Ethen.

I entered the drawing room to find him staring into the crackling fireplace. It seemed odd to have a fire going at the end of spring, but it lent him an aristocratic appearance. One hand on the mantle and the other in his pocket, his distant gaze peered
the flames.


The sound of my voice roused him from his deep thoughts. He turned, his entire body tensing when he caught sight of me. I took pride in the soft parting of his lips, as though rendered mute at the mere sight of me. It was the dress. I wasn’t so vain as to think that I had stricken anyone speechless, but it gave me comfort nonetheless.

“You look…”

I grazed the flat plane of my stomach with my fingertips. “I look…?”

“Truly…amazing,” he finished. His gaze strayed to the sheer panel exposing the whole length of my leg and side. “Ms. Doyle chose the dress?”

“One of many,” I chuckled. “Together, we picked this one out of the pile.”

“I must send her my compliments. That dress is remarkable.”

See? Totally the dress.

“As is the woman wearing it.”

This time, it was my breath that hitched. I lifted my eyes and peered up at him from beneath my lashes. He looked rather extraordinary himself. When I’d first woken, I hadn’t noticed the gold watch or the orchid pocket square.

“You clean up rather nicely yourself,” I commented.

Clearing his throat, he started for the door and held it open for me. “Shall we?”

Together, we stepped out into the garden. The sweet aroma of jasmine perfumed the night air, and I paused to stroke the petals as we passed.

“You’ve done that both times now,” Ethen commented while waiting for the gate to swing open. “Is there something about jasmine you like in particular?”

I shook my head. “I’ve always loved the satin feel of the petals. It’s a habit of mine I suppose, a throwback to the old saying ‘stop and smell the flowers’.”

“You do know that adage has nothing to do with actual flowers, yes?”

“Yes,” I said, chuckling. “But when I was younger I didn’t know the difference, so I’d always stop and smell the roses.”

“I can see it now. A young Winter, traipsing through the meadows to sniff the dandelions.”

His teasing tone brought a smile to my lips.

“And have you a garden at home?”

“No. There aren’t any gardens around the building. No balconies either. It’s concrete and glass.”

“That sounds…”

“Depressing,” I responded, a note of wistfulness softening my voice. “Growing up, I lived in a house with a beautiful garden. It was something my mother and I had worked on together. We’d built it from scratch, growing both flowers and vegetables.”

Ethen led us toward his silver Rolls-Royce, which sat in front of the gate, both doors open and the keys in the ignition. A quick glance revealed Mr. Bishop heading back inside. Guess his services weren’t required tonight.

“And what happened to this garden you painstakingly grew?” he asked as we slid into the car.

I’d torn it up and burned every last stem and seed, but I preferred to keep that to myself. “It died,” was all I said.

Ethen eased the car onto the main road before slanting a quick glance in my direction. “And you never started anew?”

No, I hadn’t. The thought of planting new bulbs had devastated me, as though doing so was a betrayal to my mother…a sign I was moving on without her.


I turned and stared out the window. “The garden had always been my mother’s and my thing. After she died, I couldn’t find it in me to continue with it.”

He paused, then murmured, “I’m sorry.”

I lifted a shoulder. The last thing I wanted to do was ruin our night out. “It was a long time ago,” I murmured before shoving the morose thoughts away. “So, are you going to tell me where we’re going tonight?”

Ethen kept his gaze on the road. “Delirium. Have you ever been?”

My mouth fell slack. Had I ever been? To a
restaurant where their primary selection of ‘food’ was types of blood? My stomach twisted with apprehension. “Uh, no. I can honestly say I haven’t.”

“I trust it won’t be an issue?”

Why had I left my dagger under the mattress? So far I’d only met two kinds of vampires, and I feared meeting the far more aggressive kind tonight. “Who…who are we meeting?”

“Possible business associates,” he responded, oblivious to my discomfort. “I’ve had some recent inquiries from someone interested in investing in one of my companies.”

“And I take it these associates will also be vampires?”

His gaze strayed from the road for a moment to eye me. “Will that be a problem?”

“As long as I’m not on the menu.”

I was stunned by the almost violent growl that escaped Ethen’s lips. “The only mouth on you tonight will be mine.”

And why the hell does that turn me on
? I silently berated myself. Regardless of how kind Ethen had been to me, this growing attraction had to end. Hell, Tessa had found herself in all heaps of trouble by playing with vampires. What I was doing was dangerous enough without tossing in some perplexing emotions.

BOOK: Marked: A Vampire Blood Courtesans Romance
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