Read Marked (Hostage Rescue Team Series) Online

Authors: Kaylea Cross

Tags: #Hostage Rescue Team Series

Marked (Hostage Rescue Team Series) (12 page)

BOOK: Marked (Hostage Rescue Team Series)
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Yeah, seeing a two-hundred-thirty pound wall of muscle and bad attitude charging after you would make most people run in the opposite direction, but Michael was fucking lying and they all knew it.

“What’s this for?” Jake held out the electronic thingy and the cords connected to it. He bet the kid had no clue when he took this job that the FBI would show up to bust him tonight.

“My phone.” But now he was avoiding eye contact and his face was slowly turning red.

Jake opened his mouth to blast him but stopped when three agents wearing FBI windbreakers entered the restaurant. One of them held up a plastic evidence bag. “Found this outside in the back alley,” he said, showing Jake the USB drive Rachel had left next to the cash register.

“What were you doing with it?” Jake demanded, glaring down at Michael.

“Nothing. Not mine.”

Stupid fucker wasn’t even wearing gloves so they’d be able to pull prints off it if necessary. “He must have connected to it with this,” he told the agent, holding out the device Bauer had found.

Jake moved back as the other agents took over, hauling Michael to his feet and reading him his rights while they escorted him out of the restaurant. Tuck showed up just as they were all leaving. “You find the USB drive?”

“Yeah, but there’s a possibility he somehow transmitted the files to Xang.”

“Ah, hell. You gonna tell Rachel?”

“Yeah.” He was gonna have to. She’d been so worried about what Xang would do if the plans had been tampered with, and they’d all assured her it would never be a concern because they’d get him long before he could use the information. That plan had rapidly wound up in the shitter. She deserved to hear it from him, but she was likely going to freak when she found out. He’d wait until the analysts confirmed it first though. Goddammit.

“Thanks for the help, boys,” he said to Tuck and Bauer.

“Anytime,” Tuck said with a grin. “Nothing like a little chase and takedown in an urban area to get the blood pumping on a Saturday night.”

“Not quite as good as dirt biking,” Bauer interjected.

“Oh, of course not,” Jake agreed with a chuckle. “Let’s head back and give our reports so you guys can take off for the night.”

“I’d be happy to stay after and talk to Rachel for you,” Tuck offered.

Jake shot him a hard look, conveying without words that Rachel was off limits. “Not a chance.”

Tuck shrugged and tried to hide a grin. “Can’t blame a guy for trying.”

“Yeah, I can, actually.”

Laughing, Tuck led the way out into the cool spring air.

After giving their reports the guys headed home but Jake stayed behind to await the analysts’ findings. He waited another forty minutes until Agent Travers finally came out to give him an update.

“The kid definitely e-mailed the contents to someone,” Travers said. “We’re trying to figure out how much of it actually got through before he chucked the USB drive out the window when he heard Bauer coming. Looks like the account he sent it to is new. We’re tracing it but we think everything’s been encrypted on the other end because so far we can’t trace anything.”

Jake ran a hand over his face. He wasn’t looking forward to relaying this to Rachel. “What’s the link to Xang?”

“Preliminary reports suggest they were all low-level gang members, or possibly wannabes trying to be initiated or earn some street cred. Xang apparently approached them this afternoon with the offer of money for pulling off the job. They all knew they’d have to compete against two others on the job, so the first person there was to pick up the USB drive and transmit its contents to the e-mail address they were given. You and I both know it was Xang. We just can’t prove it yet.”

And meanwhile Rachel’s brother was still being held prisoner somewhere. “When will you know about the files?”

“Could be an hour, might be a couple days.”

They didn’t have a couple days. If Xang was this desperate to get the plans, there was no telling how unpredictable he might be with a live hostage. Travers knew it as well as Jake did.

“All right. You’ll let me know if you find anything more?”

“You know it.” He slapped a hand on Jake’s back. “Morales is with Rachel at the hotel right now. Just tell her we’re on top of it and doing everything we can.”

“Sure.” It wasn’t going to do shit to ease her mind, but he wasn’t going to lie to her to make her feel better. He just hoped this botched attempt to locate Xang didn’t ruin her trust in him and kill what was building between them before it even had a chance to happen.




Chapter Seven



Reclining on the bed in her hotel room, Rachel shot up straight when someone knocked on the door. Celida checked the peephole and spoke as she reached for the doorknob. “It’s Jake.”

Rachel stood as he entered, trying to read his face for clues but his expression was blank. Whatever had happened, it wasn’t good news. She knew he would have called her if they’d found Brandon. A rush of panic swept through her.

Forcing it back, she found her voice.
Tell me I’m wrong. Tell me everything’s fine and that you got him
. “Hi.”

“Hey.” His gaze shifted to Celida. “You going to the meeting at the office?”

“Yeah,” she said dryly, “but that wasn’t very subtle of you. It’s okay though—I can tell when I’m not wanted anymore.” She shot what was probably supposed to be an encouraging smile at Rachel. “Later.”

Rachel murmured a goodbye as Celida walked into the hall. The moment the door shut behind her, Rachel turned to Jake. “What happened?” she demanded. “Did you find out anything about Brandon? Where he is, or if he’s okay?” Her heart thudded a hard, desperate rhythm against her ribs. They had to know something concrete by now.

Jake shook his head and Rachel’s heart sank like a chunk of lead. “Did Morales update you at all?”

Dread swelled, eroding the disappointment. “No. She took a phone call before you got here, but she didn’t tell me anything about what was said. Please tell me what’s going on.”

He sighed and began stripping off his jacket. “There were three guys at the drop. We arrested them all, and one of them had the USB. Best we can tell, he managed to e-mail the files to someone.”

“Xang?” she managed, trying not to freak out.

He tossed the jacket over the back of a chair. “We think so. They’re working on it right now.”

Oh my God.
This was what she’d feared about dropping the altered files.

She put a hand on her forehead. “So basically you’re telling me we have no idea where he is, if he’s still got Brandon, and whether my brother’s still alive or not.” Okay, the trying not to freak out thing wasn’t working. She was too stressed out, too terrified for Brandon.

To his credit, Jake didn’t look away or try to blow off her concern. “Yeah. I’m sorry.”

Rachel turned away, dragging her hands through her hair as she struggled to keep from letting the anger and terror swamp her. Her heart hammered against her ribs. She wanted to hit something. Throw something. “God, I
this would happen—”

“If it did go to Xang, then he’s got what he wants.”

He wasn’t seriously suggesting that Xang might let Brandon go, was he? Brandon was a witness. Xang would likely kill him for that alone and Jake knew it as well as she did.

She dropped her hands and whirled to face him, pinning him with a hot glare, aware that she was close to coming unglued and not caring that he was a convenient target. “Until he finds out the files aren’t complete.
he’ll sure as hell have a reason to kill Brandon if he hasn’t already, won’t he?”

Again, Jake didn’t flinch at her anger or try to dodge the accusation. “Now they’ve got a more solid starting place to track him. They’ll find him
your brother.”

She turned away again, shaking her head as she moved to the window. Below them the lights of the business district glinted off the wet pavement, while she felt trapped in darkness. “But will they find him in time?” Her voice cracked on the last word, her tenuous hold on her emotions slipping.

Quiet footfalls behind her warned of his approach. She didn’t turn, just kept staring out the window so he wouldn’t see how close she was to crying.

She felt the heat of him against her back an instant before his warm, strong hands settled on her hips. His fingers flexed. “They will.”

He sounded so sure but she wasn’t convinced. Rachel swallowed, tried to speak past the restriction in her throat. “He’s the only brother I have.” Her only sibling, and the only family she had here in the States.

“I know he is. You can’t give up hope. I need you to keep believing for him.”

She wanted to yell at him that it fucking hurt to feel this scared, so scared it made her feel physically ill. But none of this was Jake’s fault and he was only trying to help. Hell, he’d dropped everything and put himself in harm’s way tonight to help. Dammit, she just wanted to hear Brandon’s voice at least, hear that he was still alive.

When she still didn’t turn, Jake simply slid his arms around her waist from behind and eased her back to rest against his chest. Rachel stiffened, resisting the embrace. She knew he’d meant to comfort her but all it did was push her closer to tears, both from her worry about Brandon and the torture of feeling that hard, lean body at her back.

“You did good tonight,” he murmured against the top of her head, her hair snagging on his beard.

She snorted. “I walked up to a food counter and put down a memory stick. Big deal.” And she’d been scared the whole time, even with a freaking FBI team there to back her up. God, and to think how terrified Brandon must be right now on his own wherever Xang had taken him.

“Hey.” Jake tightened his arms, jerking her out of her thoughts and making her extremely aware of the muscles caging her so protectively.

A volatile mix of anger, frustration and need warred inside her. She was so torn, part of her wanting what he was tempting her with—the chance to finally feel his mouth, hands and body all over her after all this time—but the timing made her conscience squirm. What kind of person got turned on when their only sibling was being held hostage, for God’s sake?

Jake’s calm, steady voice spoke close to her ear. “Blaming yourself isn’t going to find him any faster.”

The need to lash out at something was strong, but the feel of Jake cradling her this way was quickly transforming that need into something hotter, more primal. She was keyed up inside, all her anxiety and frustration looking for an outlet. “Maybe not, but it’s making me feel better at the moment.”

“I’d rather make you feel better another way.”

There was no mistaking the sensual tone in his deep voice.

In the silence that followed, she was intensely aware that they were alone behind a locked door. Jake’s body was so warm and solid as he cradled her. Offering her the very solace she yearned for more than anything, a way to push everything else away for a little while. He could have gotten hurt or worse tonight, but he’d gone in without hesitation to help her. Her breasts felt tight and swollen, an empty ache blooming between her thighs where a slick heat gathered.

“I’m glad you’re okay,” she murmured. Even knowing what he did for a living hadn’t eased her worry any when she’d caught sight of him sprinting toward the man she’d run from in the market.

“It was fine, the suspects weren’t even armed.”

Before she could respond she felt him nuzzle the back of her hair. Goosebumps raced across her skin. Her nipples beaded tight as warmth permeated her body. She sucked in a breath, every muscle tightening in anticipation. Jake pushed her hair aside with his nose and nuzzled her sensitive nape, his warm breath teasing her, all those whiskers prickling gently.

She closed her eyes as desire slid through her, warring with the frustration, the overwhelming fear. “Jake…”

He’d said they’d talk about things once the drop was done, and even though his actions were making it more than clear about what he wanted, she needed to hear the words. But as much as she wanted him in return, the idea of having sex while Brandon was suffering was just plain wrong.

“Turn around,” he whispered against her skin, his lips grazing her hairline. She shivered at the underlying command in his voice.

Those strong, capable hands slid to her waist, gripped her gently while his fingers flexed, giving her a mere hint of the hunger inside him. Waiting. More than willing to give her the oblivion her body craved, even if it was only a temporary reprieve.

She leaned harder against him, his patience and consideration of her feelings undid her. Maybe she deserved to go to hell for wanting to jump this man while her brother was a hostage, but there was no way she could walk away from Jake and the outlet he offered now.

Slowly she turned and looked up into his eyes. He kept his hands on her waist, his thumbs stroking in distracting little patterns against the sides of her belly that sent tendrils of pleasure twining down to the building throb between her legs.

“The agency’s doing everything it can. You’ve done everything
can. That’s gonna have to be enough for right now,” he said as he lifted a hand and brushed the hair back from her cheek. The look in his eyes was so full of tenderness and need it caused a flipping sensation in her belly.

She heard the wisdom in his words, but wanted to be clear on his motive. She caught his wrist, wrapped her fingers around it and felt the tendons flex beneath her fingers. So strong, so solid. “If you’re doing this just to distract me, don’t.”

It came out more a plea than a warning. She couldn’t stand the thought of him doing this out of pity or a misguided effort to take her mind off Brandon. The emotional stakes were too high for her. She’d held back her true feelings for him for so long, in deference to him and Linda. If they crossed the line from friends to lovers, it had to mean more to him too because there was no going back and she wasn’t willing to have him once only to lose him later.

His expression softened, but the flare of heat in his eyes burned hotter. “Trust me, that’s not even close, babe.” Keeping his hand in her hair, that dark-chocolate gaze dipped to her mouth, then back up to her eyes. The air between them crackled with pent-up sexual tension. She stared up at him, watched in fascination as his pupils expanded to swallow the dark brown irises and an answering wave of desire rushed through her.

BOOK: Marked (Hostage Rescue Team Series)
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