Mark's Not Gay [Brac Pack 11] (4 page)

Read Mark's Not Gay [Brac Pack 11] Online

Authors: Lynn Hagen

Tags: #Siren-BookStrand, #Inc.

BOOK: Mark's Not Gay [Brac Pack 11]
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The guy listened to him and rode like he had been on the back of a bike for years. It was rare Mark enjoyed someone’s company this much.

Caden made his way back over then just stood there looking up at Mark under those thick blond lashes. With no thought behind the action, Mark cupped Caden’s face, pulling the pup closer as he slanted his head, laying a soft kiss onto such sweet lips. Caden whimpered, fisting Mark’s leather as he leaned in.

Caden opened, allowing Mark’s tongue to explore the deep recesses of his mouth. A cry of protest left Caden’s throat as Mark pulled away.

“Why can’t I stop thinking about doing that?” Mark whispered against Caden’s lips.

“Again, please,” Caden begged and tugged at Mark’s leather.


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Mark pulled him closer, devouring Caden’s soft lips. He pulled Caden up to straddle his lap, his cock throbbing in a rhythmic chant, begging to be freed.

Mark reached down and unsnapped his jeans, relieving the pressure by releasing his shaft. He guided Caden’s hand down to wrap around his cock. Mark moaned. Caden had such soft hands.

Mark leaned back, staring into Caden’s eyes as the breeze played with the pup’s hair, making it dance around his head. Mark was mesmerized by the sight.

Caden was the one to take Mark’s lips this time. He kissed Mark deeper, little keening sounds coming from the back of Caden’s throat as he stroked Mark’s cock.

“Harder, pup,” Mark commanded in a gentle tone.

“Yes, sir.” Caden groaned as he did what he was told.

Mark’s head fell back, the feeling buzzing through his body as he climbed closer to release. Caden was nibbling his neck, squeezing his hand and spreading Mark’s pre-come with his thumb. Mark was there, and hot jets of semen splashed over Caden’s hand as Mark shouted his name.

Mark slowly opened his eyes, looking down at the pup. Caden was looking up at him in awe. A smile pulled at Mark’s mouth as he cupped Caden’s jaw and kissed him.

Mark pulled out of the kiss and jerked Caden’s pants open, pushing to the back of his mind that another man’s cock was in his hand as he thrust until Caden clawed his body, screaming his own pleasure. Mark felt powerful as he watched Caden come for him.

Mark couldn’t believe what he’d just done but couldn’t find an ounce of regret in the act.

They sat there, enjoying the afterglow, softly kissing one another until fat drops splattered their faces. “Better be getting back.” Mark helped Caden stuff himself back in his pants, straightening out his own disarray. Mark pulled a clean shop rag from his saddlebag and
Mark’s Not Gay


cleaned both their hands and then handed Caden his helmet, started the bike, and drove them back to the Den.

* * * *

Caden was in heaven. His mate had accepted him. Maverick had told him to go slow, but it seemed Mark was easier to convince than they thought.
was the one to make the first move.

The ride was wonderful, and the sex even better. It wasn’t full penetration, but Caden was giddy nonetheless. He hummed in his mind while in wolf form as he patrolled the surrounding forest. A rabbit appeared in front of him. Caden gave into the temptation and chased it around, happiness coursing through him.

Maybe Mark would relocate his shop here. They were lacking a mechanic in their small town. Anyone who needed work done had to go to the city. Mark would have customers out the wazoo if he moved here. Caden giggled again to himself. It would allow Caden to spend all his free time with him, too.

Caden padded into the kitchen once his shift was over, still in wolf form, and then up the stairs into his room. No sense in hiding who he was, Mark knew. He may not have seen Caden’s wolf yet, but he knew their secret. Shifting, Caden showered then dressed, happy as a lark.

He ran down to Mark’s room. Blair had to tell him which one it was because Caden had forgotten to ask Mark earlier. His mind had been on other things, more interesting things. He giggled at the thought of being in those big tattooed arms again.

No one answered when he knocked the second time. Praying his mate wouldn’t be mad for intruding, Caden let himself in.

He stood there, stock still. This couldn’t be the right room. It looked as though no one occupied it. Running from the room, Caden searched all the empty rooms in the house, which were quite a few.



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He ran out to the barn, swung the doors open, and let out a cry.

Mark’s bike was gone.

His mate had left him.

Mark’s Not Gay


Chapter Three

Mark sat behind his desk in the auto shop, waiting on a call from his bank. Yesterday with Caden had changed something in him. He wasn’t one to beat something over the head until it bled, and his body wanted Caden, so Mark would follow. The whole man-on-man thing would be strange at first, but Caden made him feel things nobody else had.

He had made up his mind last night. He was going to get a loan, sell this place to Leo’s grandson, who had been biting at the chomp to purchase it, and then he’d move his auto business to the small town where Caden lived.

When he’d held that cock in his hand yesterday, not one ounce of disgust surfaced, and that right there told him where he needed to be.

He wanted Caden.

Mark craved the smaller man. The only thing that bugged him was the fact that one day Caden’s mate would claim him, and Mark would be left standing out in the cold. Until that day came, he would enjoy the pup.

On his way out of town, Mark had scouted the area. No mechanic shop in sight. There was a prime building for lease, right next to the post office. It would be perfect. He knew he would have to work on cars with the town being so small. No more specialty work. But as long as he got to see Caden every day, it was worth the hassle.

The loan was a sure thing. His credit was outstanding. Mark’s portfolio wasn’t a large one, but it was enough. The thing would be buying all new tools, installing a lift, and setting it up to the way he

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would want it. Excitement began to build in him. He wished the bank would call already. He wanted to get back to Caden.

Mark looked up from the loan paperwork Mrs. Hunter had dropped off for him to sign when Maverick walked into his office.

“Where is he?” the extremely large man growled.

“Who?” What the hell was he talking about?

“I had forbidden him to come to the city, and you took him away in the middle of the night?” Maverick’s palms came slamming down on the desk, and the pen holder toppled over as the desk groaned a protest under the powerful weight. Mark leaned back. He may be able to handle his own, but this six-foot-nine man with his canines extended was nobody to play with.

“I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about.” Mark stood, defending himself against the rage pulling at the other man’s face. He hadn’t done shit wrong, so what the hell was Maverick talking about?

Maverick straightened, cocking his head to the side. “You didn’t take Caden away with you?”

“No, why would I?” Mark set the pen down that he had been holding and stared at the imposing figure in front of him.

Five more large men crowded his office, Loco pushing to the front and snarling at him. “I trusted you in my home, and this is how you repay my kindness? Kidnapping our pup?” He pointed an accusing finger at Mark.

“I didn’t kidnap a damn thing. Will someone tell me what’s going on?” Mark shouted at Loco, pissed that these men were accusing him of something, and he had no damn clue what it was.

“Why did you leave in the middle of the night?” Maverick questioned him calmly. Mark didn’t trust that tone of voice. It was a little

Mark picked up the papers he had been signing and shoved them toward the group of men. “This is why. I took out a fucking loan so I could start a shop in your town and be near Caden. I had to square the paperwork away to sell this place.”

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“And that couldn’t have waited until morning?” Maverick growled, looking down at the paperwork in Mark’s hand, but made no attempt to take it.

Mark cleared his throat, feeling slightly embarrassed at his next words. “I was kinda excited to start my new life with the pup. Got a little gung ho.”

This seemed to calm the large man down. His canines retracted, and he visibly relaxed. “Caden’s missing. He must have discovered you gone and followed.”

“But he doesn’t know where my shop is. Why would he do that?” Mark began to panic. The thought of his baby out here searching the city terrified him. Caden was so young, so innocent. His baby? Mark surprised himself with that thought. He liked it though.

“You know what we are?” Maverick asked.

Mark nodded as he thought of where they might start to look for Caden. “When Tangee got upset, his little canines used to show. He didn’t think I saw them. No big deal.”

“Then you should know that you are Caden’s mate.” Mark’s jaw dropped in utter shock. “I asked him. He wouldn’t tell me who. Why wouldn’t he tell me?”

“He’s young. He came to me afraid of losing you. Caden came from his mother’s arms right into my care. You’re his first in everything.”

Mark had a feeling Caden was untried. It showed in his kiss and his clumsy handling of Mark’s cock. That drew him closer to the young man.
Guy was ninety years old, and that made Mark feel as though
were still wet behind the ears.

“We have to find him, Maverick. If anything happens to him—” Mark closed his eyes as he took a deep breath. He had to calm down and think with a level head. But there was one thing for sure, and that was the fact that he would rip this city apart if harm came to his…mate.


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Mark’s heart was lighter at this knowledge. There wouldn’t be a
that Caden would be claimed and taken away from him. He was Mark’s.

“I agree. Caden is entrusted with patrol duty, but he has the other warriors to help him out if he gets in over his head. They have been showing him the ropes as he slowly matures into the Sentry he was born to be. In the city, he has no one,” Maverick explained to Mark.

“How many shops are in this city?” Maverick grabbed the phonebook.

The warriors and Mark searched and counted every shop listed. There were ten damn shops that Caden could wander into.

Maverick’s head lifted as he looked Mark straight in the eyes.

Mark could tell Maverick was done explaining and ready to go look for Caden. The large man had a look that said he meant business.

“I have eight men with me. If we pair up, we can take two shops each.

We’ll find him.” He handed out two addresses to each pair, making the warriors check their phones to ensure they were on. “Call if you find him. You’re with me, Mark.”

Mark followed Maverick out of his office, instructing Leo to call him if Caden showed up asking for him. He gave Leo his mate’s description then headed out with Maverick.

He climbed into the truck and slammed the door, worried shitless that something was going to happen to Caden before they could find him. Mark stared out of the window, his eyes scanning as he searched for his mate. “Why didn’t we all just pick a place and go? Ten places, ten of us.”

Maverick sighed. “Because wolves have a tendency to shift first, ask questions later. In order for that not to happen, another wolf has to be with them.”

“You guys can shift?”

“Yes. Didn’t you know that?”

Mark looked over at Maverick. “No, I just knew you were wolves.

That’s the extent of my knowledge. Well, Caden did tell me you guys lived to be a thousand.”

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“True. I’m three hundred and sixty-nine. Still young, but Caden is a baby in comparison.”

Mark laughed. “I said the same thing, and he had a fit. Said he wasn’t a baby.” God, he wanted his mate. He wanted to see that nervous smile. Mark wanted to hear Caden cry out his name again, too.

“We’ll find him. The problem is…will the vampires find him first?”

He whipped his head back around. “No fucking way! Vampires?” Maverick nodded. “There’s a coven in the city, but some rogue ones moved in as well, just as we have rogue wolves. Some have attacked our town. If one of them finds Caden, they’ll drain him.” Mark’s stomach lurched, and bile rose up his throat. “We have to find him.”

* * * *

Caden was so damn lost. He had rushed out so fast last night. He had shifted into wolf form and ran to the city, planning to beg Mark to come home. The problem was when he shifted back to human form, he was naked. No clothes, no phone, and no cash.

Stupid, stupid, stupid. He really was a baby, like Mark had claimed. Thank goodness it had still been dark out. Caden had stolen into someone’s back yard, grabbed a pair of lounging pants from a poolside, and quickly put them on. He didn’t have a shirt, shoes, or coat. It was midsummer, so he wouldn’t need a coat, but his feet hurt from endless hours of walking barefoot on the hard pavement.

“Looks like a lost pup, boys.”

Caden stiffened. If these people knew he was a wolf, then they could be only one thing.


Caden walked faster. He knew defeating a vamp was hard work, and there seemed to be more than one. This was not his lucky day. He

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yelped when one of them jumped on his back, biting into him. Caden swung around, trying to dislodge the creature.

“Don’t let him get away,” one of them yelled. They dragged him into an alley, all three holding Caden down as their sharp teeth tore flesh from his body. Caden cried out in immense pain. He lay on his belly as they attempted to tear his back apart.

Caden shifted, pain racking his body as he fought the vampires, his jaws snapping and claws scratching at anything they came in contact with. Two of the vamps fled, getting the blood they came for, but the third seemed to have a hard on for Caden.

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