Marks on My Skin (Love & Ink #1) (27 page)

BOOK: Marks on My Skin (Love & Ink #1)
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He flashed me a bashful grin, looking rather adorable as he did. “Yeah. Call me an optimist, but I hoped you’d show up.”

“I figured it was time I took a day off. Thanks for driving me to my car last night.”

“Don’t worry about it.” He shrugged and turned around, grabbing a stencil off of the counter and holding it out for me. “What do you think?”

I took the stencil from him and looked over the design, completely speechless. It was gorgeous…and quite huge.

“I tried to make it so it flows down your back…it would probably reach down onto your, um…”

I grinned, watching his cheeks grow red. “My ass?”

“I can make it a little smaller if you want!”

I shook my head, rather amused at his sudden bout of shyness.

“No, the size is good. But do you actually have time to do this all today?”

He beamed at me, recovering quickly. “If you’re up for it, I am.”

“Fine then. Let’s get this stencil on me and see who taps out first.” I winked and pulled my shirt off. I’d worn a bikini top underneath, but I caught Ian’s momentarily stunned expression.

Oh…that’s clever.” His cheeks flushed red once more and I was aware of his gaze on my hands as I tugged down the back of my shorts. I had to admit I was enjoying this just a little too much.

His gaze sprung up to meet mine as I peered over my shoulder. “That low enough?”

“Um, yeah, that should be good.” Ian swallowed hard behind me, tugging at the bottom string of my top and I found myself grinning again. At least Ian was amusing me. He fumbled with the disinfectant bottle, cursed under his breath, then with a tentative touch, rubbed the liquid down my back. I relaxed at the scent of the disinfectant. I always liked the smell of it. He took his time placing the stencil, gently pressing it against my skin.

He peeled it away and nudged me toward the mirror. “Go on, take a look. Let me know if you like the placement.”

I turned my back to the mirror and peered over my shoulder at it, shifting around to watch its movement.

“I love it.” I looked back at him and he relaxed some.

“Now it’s my turn to torture you, I suppose.” He waggled his eyebrows and wiped down his table.

“I never torture you.” I stuck my tongue out at him and climbed onto the table, still holding my bikini top in place. A mischievous flicker moved through his eyes and I shook my head at him. “It’s not my fault if you have a low pain tolerance.”

He let out a snort, slipped on gloves, and set up his needles and ink. I closed my eyes and laid my head against the headrest, comforted by the sound of him testing his machine. “Ready?” He asked, and I gave him a nod, relaxing against the table. I didn’t even flinch when he pressed the needles to my skin. The dull sting and familiar buzzing lulled me into a haze. Ian hummed softly to the music and my breathing grew heavier.

“Were you seriously sleeping?”

I peered my eye open to find him watching me with an amused grin. I hadn’t even realized I’d fallen asleep until then.

“How long was I asleep?”

“A good thirty minutes. Had a little grin on your face so I didn’t want to wake you.”

“Tattooing relaxes me. Both doing them and getting them.”

He continued his work, one hazel eye peering over at me. “After last night, it seemed you could probably use that.”

“It’s been a rough week.”

“That cut on your face have anything to do with it?” My back tensed at his question and I tried to hide the frown that crossed over my lips.

Ian ducked his head back down and turned his eyes back to the tattoo. “I shouldn’t have asked. Sorry.”

“No, it’s okay. I just had a minor lapse in judgement…about someone.”

I wasn’t sure why I added that last part, perhaps the need just to say what happened without really saying it. Ian nodded, not asking anything more and we settled back into silence, the buzzing of his machine and the low hum of music filling the void. My mind wandered to Kieran again, wondering if he was happy now, back with Kendall.
Must be
, I thought, closing my eyes from the threat of tears.
I certainly haven’t heard from him.

“Kieran, honey? You still working? I thought we could go out for lunch.” I cringed at the sound of Kendall’s voice as she came up the stairs. “Honey?” She poked her head into my office but I didn’t look up from my computer.

“Still working. Not really hungry.”

She let out a heavy sigh, came up behind me, and I slammed my laptop shut before she could see the words on the screen. “What? I can’t read?”

My back tensed and I shrugged out from under her grip. I couldn’t stand for her to touch me. Putting distance between us, I strode toward the window, looking out at nothing in particular.

“You know I don’t let anyone read what I’m working on. Maybe we can go grab something for dinner later, okay? I just need to get some writing done.”

“Fine. I’ll leave you to your work.” She turned for the door with a saddened look, adding “I love you, Kier.”

I hesitated. I once loved Kendall. At least, I thought I had.

“You too.” I mumbled, not looking away from the window. Her footsteps faded back down the stairs and I closed the door and locked it. After a moment, I went back to my laptop, flipped open the screen once more, and stared at the words. They were all about Shayne.

I still didn’t know why I’d come back here. Because she was pregnant? We didn’t have to be together for the child, but then part of me had felt obligated. After losing my parents at a young age, part of me wanted my child to have both his parents around. But it was obvious now that Kendall and I didn’t have a future. Not anymore. Before, I would have begged her to come back. I would have bent over backwards trying to make this marriage work. Now? Maybe she had gotten it right before…there was no fixing this.

I closed my eyes, thinking about the time I’d spent with Shayne. However brief it was, her memory stuck with me, invading my thoughts at will. Without warning or mercy. Maybe if I hadn’t met her, I would still be that guy that would do anything to be with Kendall. The one that despite how she hurt him, would take her back without hesitation, because he loved her. Even if she didn’t love him back.

Now, however, I only wanted Shayne. Was that why I couldn’t bring myself to reconcile with Kendall? Why I was keeping my distance from her? If the words staring back at me from the screen were any indication,
, it was because of her. I’d heard people talk about falling out of love with someone, and I always thought it was just a bad excuse, a reason for them to try and find greener pastures without looking like an asshole. Maybe they were telling the truth after all. I had loved Kendall at one point, with all my heart. But now, I felt nothing for her.

Maybe Shayne and I wouldn’t have had a future either. After all, she’d told me she never wanted that. But there had still been a small chance. At least up until I left. With a sigh, I glanced at my phone. I wanted to call her, to hear her voice. But what would I say? That I was a feckin’ idjit? That I still cared about her and I was sorry for leaving? No, she was better off not hearing from me.

The buzz of the tattoo machine cut off and I opened my eyes, glancing over my shoulder. Ian placed the machine on the counter, stretched out, and reached for the bottle of disinfectant

“I’m done?” I asked, blinking a couple of times. My body was pleasantly sore from my shoulder all the way down to the meatier part of my bum. I must have dozed off again. Ian shook his head at me with a disbelieving look.

“I still don’t understand how you can just sleep like that. I can take the pain…but fall asleep during it?”

“Guess I’m just tougher than you.” I smirked at him and arched my back in a much needed stretch.

He let out a soft laugh and started wiping off my back, taking noticeable care as his hand moved over my ass. “Nine hours? I’d say you are.” His hand ran up my back and I noticed the sudden bashfulness move over his features once more. “You want to take a look at it?”

I nodded and he helped me up. I kept one arm over my chest, holding the bikini top in place, and waddled over to the mirror, holding my bottoms up with my other hand. Bright wings of orange, yellow, blue, and purple ran over my shoulder and down my back, the colorful tail feathers following the curve of my bottom. It was stunning, beautiful, a true work of art. For the first time that day, a real smile spread across my lips.

“Ian, it’s beautiful. I love it. I absolutely love it.” I turned and hugged him, catching him by surprise.

“Oh! I’m glad.” He gently patted my other shoulder and backed away, flushing deeply. I backed up, realizing it was only triangles of fabric separating my naked breasts from him.

He cleared his throat and managed to pull his features under control “I’m glad you like it. You seemed so upset last night…I just wanted to make you smile.”

My own cheeks grew warm at his statement, but I brushed it off. “How much do I owe you for it?”

“It’s on the house.”

“Ian! No, you spent a lot of time on it.” I objected, but he held a hand out.

“Spending the day with you and seeing you smile is payment enough.”

Refusing, I reached into my purse for my wallet. “How much?”

“I’m serious, Shayne.”

“And so am I. How much?” I repeated.

“If you really want to pay me, let me take you out.”

I frowned at him. This was exactly what I was afraid of. “Ian, I don’t really date…”

“One date. That’s all. You don’t even have to kiss me goodnight. Unless you want to of course.” He gave me a playful wink, but it did nothing to settle the uneasy feeling running through my gut.

“Can’t I just pay you?” I held out cash and a crease formed between his eyebrows. “I didn’t mean it like that. I find you very attractive, it’s just not a good—”

“So, you
find me attractive?” His mouth quirked up in amusement. Of course that would be the only part he heard.

“Of course, I just…” I tried to pull my thoughts together. I did find Ian attractive, and unlike other people, he was interested, had been interested in fact for a good while. Why couldn’t I go out and have a good time with him? Because of what Kieran did? For all I knew he was back at home in California playing house with that conniving bitch of a wife. And Ian…well Ian was here, standing in front of me, watching me with those pleading hazel eyes. He’d spent his whole day doing something for me, because he wanted to spend time with me.

“It’s okay, Shayne. C’mere. Let me bandage you up.” He busied himself with the wrap and tape he’d set out, doing his best to hide the embarrassment at my supposed rejection. I came over to him and remained silent as he bandaged my back, chewing at my bottom lip. “Well whatever asshole upset you. I’m sorry for it, and I really am glad you like the tattoo. Honestly.” His voice was soft and his touch was soothing and gentle as it secured the bandage over the tattoo.


“It’s fine. You don’t owe me anything for it. I wanted to do it for you.” He flashed me a ghost of a smile, but avoided my gaze.

“Ian, listen, I—”

He cut me off once more as he moved around me to clean up his workstation. “You don’t need to explain anything to me. I get it.”

“Ian!” He looked up, startled, and I grabbed his shirt collar, planting a kiss on his lips. “Pick me up at eight on Saturday?”

He blinked at me, his mouth hanging open, but finally managed to regain composure. “Oh…eight. Right. I’ll see you then I guess.”

“Yeah, eight. See you then.” I nodded, then turned for the door. Maybe this would be a good thing, going on a date. At the very least, I knew Ian didn’t already have a wife. That was a step in the right direction, wasn’t it?




Ian’s nails dug into my thighs and a groan tore from his throat. He pulled me down to him, kissing my mouth as he thrust into me. I clenched my muscles around him and let out a soft, convincing whimper. With a strangled sound, he flipped me onto my back, eyes glazed with heat and pleasure as he stared down at me.

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