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Authors: Eve LaPlante

Marmee & Louisa (72 page)

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Pratt, John Sewall (AAP’s son Johnny), 220, 241–42, 274, 278

The President’s Daughter
(Bremer), 120

Proverb Stories
(LMA), 241

Puritans, 22–23

Quakers, 57

Quincy, Dorothy.
Hancock, Dorothy Quincy

Quincy, Edmund, 14, 17, 31

Quincy, Edmund, Jr., 289

Quincy, Josiah, III, 35, 48, 70, 151

raw food diet, 106

Record of a School
(Peabody), 70, 78, 84–85

Reed, Harrison, 234

Reisen, Harriet, 315

religious beliefs.
See specific religions and sects

Revere, Paul, 11, 17, 286–87

rheumatic fever, 177

Richardson, James, 162

Ripley, George, 115

Ripley, Sophia, 115

“The Rival Painters” short story (LMA), 165

Rivard, Catherine, 164, 243, 337

Robbins, Eliza, 21

Roberts Brothers publishing firm, 223, 232, 235, 278

Robie, Hannah

   Alcott, Abigail, and, 129, 194

   Alcott, Elizabeth, and, 143, 145, 150, 179

   birth of, 318

Rochester Polytechnic Institute, 172

Roosevelt, Eleanor, 284

Ropes, Hannah, 206–8

Rose in Bloom
(LMA), 241, 254

Russell, William, 50

Salem Street Infant School (Boston), 41

Salem witch trials, 19

Salisbury, Elizabeth Sewall, 7, 14

Salisbury, Samuel, 7, 14

Salisbury, Samuel, Jr., 318

Salisbury, Stephen, 14

Sanborn, Franklin, 161, 184, 198–99, 210–11, 266

Saturday Evening Gazette,
170, 174–75, 178, 192

The Scarlet Letter
(Hawthorne), 157, 249

Selby, Charles, 176

The Selling of Joseph
(Sewall), 19

Sewall, Dorothy Quincy, 14, 300

Sewall, Joseph, 14, 16, 22, 300
, 318

Sewall, Lucy, 220

Sewall, Lydia, 29

Sewall, Mary (Thomas’s wife), 189, 288

Sewall, Mary Robie (Joseph’s wife), 318

Sewall, Samuel (judge)

   burial site, 287

   business and finances, 14

   education, 300

   public repentance of, 254–55

   slavery and, 19, 32

   women’s rights and, 19–20, 302

Sewall, Samuel E.

   business and finances, 96, 126, 231, 274, 317

   education, 20

   personal and family life, 52, 143, 150, 178, 181, 220, 289, 302

   slavery and, 31, 53, 56, 171–72, 195, 288

   women’s rights and, 226, 279

Sewall, Thomas, 100, 143, 178–79, 189, 288

Sewall & Salisbury, 318

Shakers, 114–15, 118–19, 127

essay (LMA), 281

Shealy, Daniel, 218

Shepard, Odell, 163, 231, 264

Sherman, William T., 219

Showalter, Elaine, 209

Sicherman, Barbara, 223


   abolition of, 226

   Alcott, Abigail, and, 51–56, 66–67, 142, 204

   Alcott, Bronson, and, 52–53, 72–73, 142, 154–55, 171, 194–95

   Alcott, Louisa May, and, 75–76, 166, 224

   Anthony, Susan B., 201

   Brown, John, and, 194

   Channing and, 54–55

   Child, Lydia Maria, and, 32, 54, 65–66, 77, 89

   Civil War and, 201–2

journal and, 210

   Connecticut and, 34, 58

   Crandall case and, 63–66

   Douglass, Frederick, and, 53, 131, 169, 194

   Dred Scott case, 171

   Emerson, Ralph Waldo, and, 194–95

   Fugitive Slave Act, 131, 169, 171, 322

   Fuller and, 54

   Garrison, William Lloyd, and, 51–56, 76–78, 154–55, 195, 226, 288

   Grimké sisters and, 90–91

   Hancocks and, 31

   “Jerry Rescue,” 169, 292

   Kansas-Nebraska Act, 172

   Massachusetts and, 31–33, 51–56, 59, 64, 66, 72–73, 76

   May, Joseph, and, 32–33

   May, Lucretia, and, 58–59

   May, Samuel Joseph, and, 30–33, 51–56, 58–59, 72–73, 76–78, 109, 116, 131, 169, 171, 195, 199, 201, 288

   New York and, 131, 201, 292, 324

   Parker and, 144, 166

   Pennsylvania and, 66–67

   Sewall, Samuel (judge), and, 19, 32

   Sewall, Samuel E., and, 31, 53, 56, 171–72, 195, 288

   Smith, Gerrit, and, 169

   Thoreau, Henry David, and, 194–95, 328

   Underground Railroad and, 131, 171, 324

   Virginia and, 194

   Webster and, 154, 322

   Wilkinson, Charlotte May, and, 199

   women and abolition movement, 89

Sleepy Hollow cemetery, 285

Smith, Gerrit, 169, 243, 292

Smith College, 250, 284

Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, 286

Society of Friends, 57

Spinning Wheel Stories
(LMA), 241

Stanton, Elizabeth Cady, 169, 226, 244, 292

Stearns, Eliza, 145–48, 321

Stepanski, Lisa, 217

Stern, Madeleine, 128, 208, 218, 227

Stone, Lucy, 169, 247, 270

Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 144

“Sunlight” indexmain (LMA), 165

Syracuse, New York

   Alcott, Abigail, in, 167

   Alcott, Abigail May (daughter), in, 200

   Alcott, Anna, in, 164, 169, 172, 175, 177

   Alcott, Bronson, in, 168–69, 177–78, 182–83, 193

   Alcott, Louisa May, in, 167, 171, 173, 292

   “Jerry Rescue,” 169, 292

   May (Samuel Joseph) family in, 130–31, 137, 166, 193, 318

   population growth in, 318

   slavery and, 201, 324

   Underground Railroad and, 131

   women’s rights and, 168–69

Syracuse Public Library, 237

Syracuse Railroad, 201

(ABA), 225, 232

“Taming a Tartar” (LMA), 213–14

Tappan, Arthur, 77

Tappan, Lewis, 77

Temple School (Boston).
See under

Theriot, Nancy, 105, 191

Thompson, George, 72, 76

Thoreau, Henry David

   Alcott, Anna, and, 197

   Alcott, Bronson, and, 153, 181, 186

   Alcott, Louisa May, and, 4, 142, 278

   burial site, 285

   death of, 255

   Emerson, Ralph Waldo, and, 95, 184

   Hawthorne, Nathaniel, and, 102

   personal and family life, 285

   slavery and, 194–95, 328

   writing and, 191

Ticknor, George, 50

Ticknor & Fields, 203

Tilton, Elanor, 314

“To Mother” poem (LMA), 111

“To Nan” poem (LMA), 268

“To the First Robin” poem (LMA), 96–97

Transcendentalism, 115, 195

Transcendental Wild Oats
(LMA), 120–21, 123, 246


Truth, Sojourner, 226

Tubman, Harriet, 292

Tuckerman, Joseph, 23, 41, 51

Turnquist, Jan, 305
, 326

Twice-Told Tales
(Hawthorne), 102

The Two Bonnycastles
(Morton), 176

Underground Railroad, 131, 171, 324

Under the Lilacs
(LMA), 241, 256–57

Unitarianism, 23, 30, 182, 303

vegetarians, 106

Vermont water cure, 272

Virginia, slavery and, 194

von Mehren, Joan, 103–4

Walpole, New Hampshire, 175–77, 179–80

Walpole Amateur Dramatic Company, 176

Washington, D.C., 205–9

Waterford Water Cure (Maine), 144, 146–50, 321

Webster, Daniel, 52, 154–55, 289–90, 322

Weld, Anna, 220–21, 239

Wells, Elizabeth May, 316
, 320

Wells, Elizabeth Willis

   childhood and education, 29

   personal and family life, 94, 143, 233, 288, 314

Wells, Lizzie, 236, 241, 258

Wells, Louisa, 236

Wesselhoeft, Conrad, 257, 272

Wheeler, William, 320

“A Whisper in the Dark” (LMA), 276–77

White, Andrew, 237

Whitman, Alfred, 332

Whitman, Walt, 179, 253

The Widow’s Victim
(Selby), 176

Wilbur, Hervey B., 177, 200

Wilkinson, Abigail May (CMW’s daughter), 254, 293, 336

Wilkinson, Alfred (CMW’s husband), 172, 201, 219, 254, 271–72

Wilkinson, Alfred, Jr. (CMW’s eldest son, Fred), 211, 249, 330

Wilkinson, Charlotte (CMW’s only daughter), 249

Wilkinson, Charlotte May (SJM’s daughter)

   childhood and education, 2, 62, 84, 91, 116, 167

   health issues, 182

   personal and family life, 171–72, 176, 182, 185, 197, 211, 219, 237, 243, 249, 254, 272, 283

   slavery and, 199

Wilkinson, Josephine May (CMW’s daughter), 254, 336

Wilkinson, Katherine May (CMW’s daughter), 250, 284, 304

Wilkinson, Margaret, 182

Wilkinson, Marion, 284

Willis, Benjamin, Jr., 29, 142–43, 175

Willis, Elizabeth.
Wells, Elizabeth Willis

Willis, Eliza May (AMA’s sister)

   birth and death, 14, 29

   childhood and education, 7, 22

   personal and family life, 14, 25, 29, 117, 236

Willis, Hamilton, 29, 314

Wilson, Charlotte May, 283–85, 293

Windship, Charles, 25, 47, 93

Windship, Louisa, 94, 314

Winslow, John, 207

Winthrop, John, 287

Wisconsin, women’s rights and, 168

Wisniewski, Ladislaw, 332

Woman in the Nineteenth Century
(Fuller), 105, 126, 191

Woman’s Journal,
247, 252, 270

women’s rights

   abolition movement and, 89

   Alcott, Abigail, and, 45, 120, 137–38, 168, 247, 252, 282

   Alcott, Bronson, and, 232–33

   Alcott, Louisa May, and, 120, 137–38, 168, 251–52, 269–71, 280–82

   celebrations and, 251–52

   Child, Lydia Maria, and, 89, 191

   coverture principle, 105

   education and, 24, 29, 38, 40, 89–90, 166–67, 237, 252–53

   Garrison, William Lloyd, and, 67, 89, 168–69, 253

   marriage and, 105, 126, 191–92, 317

   Massachusetts and, 168–69, 251–53

   May, Lucretia, and, 91, 312

   May, Samuel Joseph, and, 89–91, 137, 169

   New York and, 168–69, 254

   nursing and, 223–24

   Nye and, 67

   Phillips, Wendell, and, 169

   public meetings and, 308

   publishing and, 223–24

   Sewall, Samuel, and, 19–20, 302

   Sewall, Samuel E., and, 226, 279

   Smith, Gerrit, and, 169

   Stone, Lucy, and, 169

   suffrage, 137, 168, 226, 247, 252–53, 269–70, 279

   teaching and, 224

   Wilson, Charlotte May, and, 284

Wood, Gordon, 31

Worcester, Noah, 34

Work: A Story of Experience
(LMA), 218, 241

Wright, Henry Gardiner, 101, 104–5, 110, 217, 265

Yacovone, Donald, 55

Yazoo land scandal, 15

Free Press

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Copyright © 2012 by Eve LaPlante

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

LaPlante, Eve.

Marmee & louisa : the untold story of Louisa May Alcott and her mother /

by Eve LaPlante. — 1st Free Press hardcover ed.

p. cm.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

1. Alcott, Louisa May, 1832–1888– Family. I. Title.

BOOK: Marmee & Louisa
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