Marrying Mari (32 page)

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Authors: Elyse Snow

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #Contemporary, #Fiction

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“Gabriel can come in, of course.
is not welcome in my house.” Allison folded her arms.

Mari felt the shock that went through Ethan and clung tighter.

Nathaniel said, “Allison!” in surprise. His voice had an edge, and Mari looked at him, hard. But Nathaniel was concentrating on his wife. “She is our son’s choice. His future mate.”

“Not in the eyes of the Colony Trust. Did you hear him say he wouldn’t be moving back here, to the Colony after their mating? That’s her doing. You said you were concerned that he was turning away from us, from everything here. He’s only doing that because of her.”

“Ethan’s made a decision. We’ll smooth it over somehow and figure it out. Perhaps it’s better if they don’t live here at first. After the children come, then we can reconsider. We have some influence on the Trust, as well, and after some time,” his father broke off.

Irene stared at Nathaniel. “Dad, what are you saying?” Tony brushed by his parents and slowly came down the steps to stand next to his sister, laying an arm around her waist in support.

“I’m saying people are old-fashioned, they have to have time to accept change. You can’t shove it down their throats. We know Mari is a good person, but she comes from outside the walls, where most people are not like us. And her father was not one of us.” Nathaniel gestured helplessly. “Irene.” But his daughter had turned away. Nathaniel turned back to his son. “Perhaps if you just give us time.”

“How much time, Dad?” Ethan asked, smoothing a strand of hair from Mari’s cheek.

Nathaniel considered. “A year.”

Ethan turned to look at him.

“Be mated. Have a child. Let people get to know Mari, see that she’s not different, that she’s like us. Let her learn how to be one of us.”

“So she fits in? So she’s not an outsider?” Ethan’s voice was dry.

Nathaniel nodded at him. “Something like that, yes.”

Allison said, “A year won’t make a difference. And children will only make it worse.” She came down the steps. “Gabriel, you know what I mean. Mari is a nice young woman, but she isn’t one of us. The bylaws exist for a reason. Ethan, I’m your mother and I want what’s best for you.”

“Mari is what’s best for me.”

“She’s a half-breed outsider who shouldn’t carry my grandchildren.”

Ethan whirled on his mother, but Mari held onto him strongly, shoving between him and his parents.

“Enough.” Mari commanded, over her shoulder. Looking up at Ethan, she repeated, “Enough.” She turned to Allison. “You’re hurting your son.” She glanced around. “You’re hurting all of your children.” Irene was staring at Allison as if she’d never seen her, while Tony looked grim. He had a white ring around his mouth, although he patted Irene’s shoulder with a gentle hand. “Allison, I love Ethan, and if I thought walking away from him was the right thing to do, I would. But I would never abandon him because of your prejudice, so that’s a mistake on your part.” She took one step toward Allison and lowered her voice, looking the older woman in the eye. “Going to see my mother, scaring her with your witch-hunt stories about the Colony, that was another mistake.” Allison backed up a step.

Mari turned back to Ethan. “Do you want to go or stay?”

Ethan looked at her, then Irene and Tony, then his father, then Gabriel. “Let’s go.” He turned to his sister and brother. “I’ll call you tomorrow.” Putting his arm around Mari’s waist, he headed for the car.

Nathaniel called, “Ethan,” and stepped forward, but Gabe moved into his path, placing one big hand on the older man’s chest.

“Leave him alone, Nathaniel.” Gabriel stayed where he was until Ethan helped Mari into the backseat and climbed in after her, closing the door firmly. Then, with one last glance at everyone, he climbed into the driver’s seat and started the car. Allison was already going back inside the house with Nathaniel following, but Ethan’s brother and sister were standing in the driveway, looking after the vehicle.

Gabriel maintained his silence until they were out of the front gate. “You okay, man?”

“No.” The single word was edged and pained, at the same time. Mari held him.

They drove a few more miles, and Ethan said, “I don’t know who those people were. I mean, how could they be my parents, who have always talked about honesty and fair play? About treating everyone as equals?” He shook his head and stared out the window for a minute, then turned back. “It was my mother who started the whole thing, apparently right after we told them we were mating. She got Peter to adjust a few facts. Visited your mother this morning. All for our good. All three of us.” He looked at Mariella. “I’m so sorry, more than I can say.”

Mariella frowned at him. “Why?”

“Well,” Ethan shrugged, “Because.”

“Because your parents are small-minded? Because they don’t see me as daughter-in-law material?” Mari snorted. “Not your fault.”

“They acted like small-minded bigots.”

“Not. Your. Fault.” She touched his face. “The good thing is I am in love with you, not them.”

“Good thing for me.” A small smile kicked up first one, then the other corner of his mouth, and he hugged her tightly. “Damn, baby, you kill me.”

Gabriel spoke from the front seat. “Tony and Irene looked upset.”

“They are. I’m not surprised about Irene, but Tony completely shook me. I guess hearing Allison talking on the phone and in person this week blew him away. There’s more there than he’s telling me, I think.” Ethan held Mari’s hand.

“You’ll have to reach out to them this week,” Mari said quietly.

Ethan nodded, exhausted from the day’s events.

Gabriel glanced at them in the rear view. “Now that you’ve handled Donovan and Mari’s mother and your family, can we go home and have a quiet night together? We’ve got to start making plans. Didn’t you tell Mari’s mother that we’re doing the mating ceremony next week?”

“I did.” This time, Ethan’s grin was wide. “I actually did. Is that okay with you?”

For an answer, Mariella kissed him, and then leaned forward and kissed Gabe’s cheek. Gabriel looked back and met Ethan’s glance.

“Maybe we should invite Okuni to the service.”

“We should definitely send him a wedding bonus,” Ethan agreed. “Let’s go home.” His eyes met Gabriel’s in the rearview mirror, and he knew that his friend felt the same way he did. That their apartment finally was a home, and all because of the beautiful, sexy woman in his arms. The hurt of his parents’ betrayal receded slightly as he pulled Mari closer and kissed her willing mouth.


Damn, I’m good
, Gabriel thought, as he looked around the black and gold parlor one evening ten days later. But running the hottest nightclub and the hippest restaurant in town meant he knew lots of people in the event planning and entertainment business, so it shouldn’t be a shock that he could get a mating ceremony planned in little over a week.

The room was fragrant with flowers, all white versions of tulips, roses, orange blossoms, jasmine and lilies arranged in cut crystal vases everywhere. The regular furniture had been rearranged to accommodate the small golden chairs for guests, as well as the space for the musicians, a unique ensemble including one of the most notorious rock guitar players still alive, an equally famous if less notorious bass player, a drummer pal and a world-famous vocalist who, oh yeah, brought her own electric keyboard. Gabe grinned and shook his head. Tony had looked stunned when he was introduced, and Gabriel couldn’t decide if it was the aggressive flirting that the girl singer laid on him or Gabe’s offer as assistant manager in the new restaurant. Right now the combo was playing a slightly syncopated rock’n’roll version of “Crazy Love”, which tickled him.

Mrs. W had been in her element all week, directing the caterers and making the five-tiered fancy that was the wedding cake, red velvet cake smothered in white buttercream frosting. There would be a small buffet luncheon provided by Insatiable’s staff for the guests. And lots of champagne.

The guest list had been kept intentionally short. Mrs. W, who refused to give up her position as housekeeper to become merely a guest. Tosh. Amanda. Dolly St. John and a date. Mrs. Grosvenor and her nurse, this time in a rather severe white uniform and cap, in keeping with the color scheme of the wedding. Bob Okuni and his wife. Anna Amorini. And, of course, Tony and Irene. There were a few people from Cheetah Messengers, Ethan’s bank, Insatiable and Crave, but all together it was probably only about thirty guests. Perfect as far as Gabriel considered, but he was still worried about Ethan.

Nathaniel and Allison weren’t present. Hadn’t come around as Gabe hoped, but neither had they prevented their other children from attending. Angelica and Robert were absent, but that was because Gabe hadn’t invited them.

He and Ethan wore the same tuxes they’d worn to the Founder’s Day Ball, with jasmine in the lapels and matching gray pearl studs. Gabe frankly didn’t care what he wore or ate, other than wanting to make the day as special for Mariella as possible. Ethan had said the same.

Yesterday, they’d come to an agreement with the Colony Trust. For now, the conditions Ethan had laid out were in place. Ethan would continue as CEO of the bank, but Gabe had a feeling that was a short-term plan on Ethan’s part. Not only had he and Gabriel signed the papers to buy the land and building for the new hotel complex only two days ago, but Ethan had already moved all of Gabriel’s investments and accounts out of Colony bank funds.

But observing Ethan’s interest and focus on the new site’s plans, Gabriel believed that very soon Ethan himself would step away from his old role in the bank and take over managing their independent corporation.

The music changed, and Gabriel’s head came up. “Stardust”, which Ethan had confessed was his favorite song, was the cue for Mariella’s entrance. Not exactly traditional, but what was right now?

Everyone stood at a signal from the minister. Gabe glanced at their friend James, standing in his robes. James would perform the ceremony today; for those not from the Colony, the ceremony would “marry” Mariella to Gabriel. The two of them had done the civil service at City Hall yesterday. At the same time, as best man, in Colony terms and with certain additions to the traditional service, Ethan would become Mari’s second husband and the triad would be formed.

If anyone wondered why Mari would be standing
Ethan and Gabriel, as well as holding hands with both men, well, who cared?

Gabe studied his friend and partner who stood to his left as they faced the door. Ethan had proposed that Gabriel “marry” Mariella, given the continued trouble from his own parents. It was Ethan’s way of protecting her. But Gabriel knew it was a sacrifice.

Mari had already announced that she was taking the name Stone-Pryor, and screw anyone who objected.

Ethan stood, waiting just as he was, waiting for Mariella’s entrance. Gabe noted that his friend was calmer, seemingly at peace with his parents’ actions and the impending defection from the Colony. Gabriel had noticed Ethan laughed more, played more, and was no longer afraid to show Mari or Gabriel all the emotion inside him.

Life was good, Gabe thought.

Mariella came through the door, on her mother’s arm, and Gabe sucked in a breath. Next to him he heard Ethan swear softly, and punched him lightly in the arm. Both men grinned.

Mari looked beautiful. In white satin bias-cut dress resembling a 1930s gown, with a long lace mantilla and an armload of white flowers, Mari was a dream Gabe had never imagined coming true. Her head was high, her cheeks pink with color and her eyes never left both of them. At James’s questions her mother relinquished Mariella to them, and she gave her mother her flowers to hold. Gabriel stepped up to her right side, while Ethan circled to her left. Each man offered her their palm, and she laid her small hands in theirs, wrapping her fingers tightly.

James smiled at them and gave the signal for their audience to be seated. As their guests did, Mari glanced up, first at Gabriel, then at Ethan. She smiled and murmured, “Mine,” under cover of the noise and joined all three of their hands together. Gabe’s grin widened impossibly, while Ethan’s eyes glowed blue. “Ours,” he growled, for no one but them.

And the minister, who couldn’t stop a smile. Followed by a quelling frown.

James cleared his throat and started, “Dearly beloved.”

Gabriel relaxed, his glance flashing from his bride to his friend, and he considered the two rings in his pocket. Two matching triad rings, Mari’s and one for Ethan. He knew that in Ethan’s pocket lay the one that Mari would put on his finger. He amended his thought of moments before: life was
And about to get even better.

About the Author

Elyse Snow grew up in the northeast U.S. but now lives in central Texas. She’s a teacher, a fierce knitter, a so-so gardener and an enthusiastic cook. She loves everything French. Having started to read when she was four, she’s never wanted to stop. When she’s not writing, she’s reading, snuggled up with her brown tabby and her bull terrier. She thoroughly believes that if everyone read romance novels, the world would be happier place. You can contact her by email at
[email protected]
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