Marshmallows and the Snow [Sweet Snacks: 1] (6 page)

Read Marshmallows and the Snow [Sweet Snacks: 1] Online

Authors: Liza Kay

Tags: #Adult, #Contemporary, #Gay, #GLBT, #Erotic Romance, #Holiday, #Short Stories, #eXtasy

BOOK: Marshmallows and the Snow [Sweet Snacks: 1]
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The arms holding him tightened some more and then Ruben was lifted. Holy shit! How did the man do that? Standing up from sitting on the floor, with Ruben in his lap, and still holding him securely, was an impressive attest of the man’s strength.

“Where are we going, Aleks?” he asked curiously, wrapping his legs more securely around Aleks’ waist.

“Bedroom. I want to cuddle some more, but on a comfortable mattress. I want to come to know you better. And I’d love to explore your piercings some more.” His deep, husky voice caused Ruben to shiver and wriggle in his lover’s arms.

Ruben moaned. “Yes, please. Everything you want!”

Aleks’ laugh was deeper yet when he let Ruben fall onto the mattress. He bounced a moment. However, the next moment he was pinned to the soft blankets by roughly two hundred pounds of horny Nordic God.

Don’t make promises you can’t keep.” Aleks hummed as he nibbled a line along Ruben’s jaw and neck. All thoughts of indulging in a nap left his mind and Ruben’s hands found their way back into Aleks’ hair. He panted and squirmed but managed a reply.

“I’ll promise you everything, Aleks. You merely have to ask.” After that, there was no more talk for quite some time. Ruben was way too occupied by Aleks’ naughty ideas.


Chapter Four



Day Four


Aleks sat at his laptop, trying to concentrate on his work. It was harder than he’d thought it’d be. Having a young and sexy Britain in his cabin had turned out to be a huge distraction. One Aleks didn’t want to let go because it made him so happy. Not now, not ever.

He sighed and leaned back in his chair, rubbing his sore eyes. The attraction between him and Ruben was growing. So were Aleks’ feelings for the nutty little guy. He was in big trouble. Ruben leaving Norway in two days would hurt so fucking much and Aleks wanted to kick his own ass for giving in to his desire and sleeping with the younger man.

Sure, they hadn’t indulged in intercourse sex. There was no way Aleks would be Ruben’s first and let the man go afterward. Sharing such an intimate moment like the first time of sex was... something Aleks would never forget. Not with Ruben. And he was certain he’d fall for the man so much harder if he allowed them to take that step.

The thought of having Ruben once, maybe twice, and then letting him fly back home to London, where his lover would probably find someone else to further that special part of his education, made him seriously ill. But, honestly, what was he thinking? That a young guy like Ruben, who was at the age where he wanted to explore life, would agree to a long-distance relationship with Aleks? And stay faithful all the time? A ridiculous thought. And one that felt like a knife being stabbed and turned in his chest. Aleks winced and rubbed over his heart. This was their fourth day and already Aleks was hurting.

He started when suddenly two slender hands landed on his shoulders and massaged the stiff muscles of his neck. Aleks wasn’t able to stifle the moan that escaped him. God, the man’s skilled, slender yet strong fingers were a gift from heaven. His head fell back and when he opened his eyes, he saw Ruben looking down at him with a worried expression. His cheeks were still rosy from the walk he’d taken while Aleks sat down to get some work done.

“Everything okay,
” Aleks rolled his shoulders to convince Ruben to continue. The man didn’t disappoint.

“Yeah. I brought Olga some salmon and placed it on your chopping block. Maybe she likes it. What about you? You seemed deep in thought when I came in. From the stiffness of your shoulders I’d say they weren’t very pleasant thoughts.”

Aleks gave Ruben a tender smile and kissed the hand resting on his shoulder. His lover had told him of the owl he’d met in the forest while he thought he’d freeze to death. And how the same owl had led him to Aleks.

Obviously, the animal was still around and always sitting on one of the trees whenever Ruben looked outside. Aleks didn’t have the heart to tell him lots of owls lived in the woods and it probably wasn’t always the same owl. Ruben liked the animal and was certain it’d bring them luck. So he’d named her Olga and brought her treats. If he didn’t stop leaving those treats soon, they’d have all kinds of trouble with various animals circling their cabin for meat and fish.
Wait! Their cabin? Damn.


“What? Oh, sorry. Yeah, my mind was occupied with work, that’s all,” he lied.

Ruben frowned. “You’re a terrible liar. Which I like, to be honest. Toby was a good liar. I never knew when he was telling me bullshit. Come on, big guy. What’s wrong?”

Aleks sighed deeply. Why was Ruben so perceptive?

“Well.” He dragged out the word, swiveling his chair around and tugging Ruben into his lap. “Tell me more of your life in London.”

Ruben grimaced. “Why are you doing this?”

“What? Asking you about your life? Because I’m curious what you do and how you live. I want to learn everything about you.” He hoped his lover wouldn’t see how much it hurt him to imagine Ruben back in London.

“But it’s hurting you, Aleks.” Shit. Too perceptive. Most definitely.

He sighed and tried again. “Ruben, please. Humor me. Tell me what it’s like for you.”

Ruben squirmed from side to side, probably to find a more comfortable position. But his sexy little ass rubbing across Aleks’ lap quickly made him wish he’d never asked his stupid question. He should’ve placed Ruben on his desk instead, with his cute behind in the air and—

“Ow!” he exclaimed and pressed one hand to his chest. Ruben had tweaked his nipple, the little minx.

“You asked, now you have to listen. Quit with the naughty thoughts, we can explore them later.” Ruben winked. “And before you say anything, I know you had naughty thoughts.”

“How? Can you read my mind all of a sudden?”

Ruben snorted, shaking his head. “No, lover. But your
is poking my bum.”

With a groan, Aleks rested his head against Ruben’s shoulder. This
Talking about Ruben’s life in London
idea was turning out to be his worst ever.

“Okay, okay. Let’s see. I live on my own in a thirty square meter flat. Under the roof. I’d love to have more room, but accommodation in London is way too expensive. So I’ve crammed my single bed, a tiny kitchen and the huge desk I need for my work in one tiny room. My bathroom is... let’s just say I’m glad I’m not fat. Otherwise I wouldn’t fit inside.”

Wow. According to the description it sounded... cozy. Aleks would probably go insane. “What are you doing? You mentioned yesterday you are an artist.”

Suddenly, Ruben’s eyes lit up. “I work on illustrations, mainly for books. But the market in the internet is growing.”

Aleks gaped at the man in awe. “Illustrations? Means, you can draw?”

“Sure,” Ruben quipped, shrugging. He dragged a sheet of paper across the desk, snatched a pencil and moved it over the blank sheet. First, Aleks had no idea what the man was trying to show him. But then he gasped and stared at the sketching.

“That’s Olga!”

“Yup!” Ruben grinned. “To be honest, I’d love to draw you. And the cabin plus the surroundings. I’m currently working at a storybook for kids, for a publishing house. The author is very talented and the stories are so lovely. This cabin and you would be perfect for one of the stories. The hero is a lumberjack.” Ruben’s cheeks flushed a lovely rose. God, he was the cutest thing when he was shy and embarrassed.

“Engel, you can draw me anytime you want. And the cabin and everything else you want. You’re exceptionally gifted.” He patted Ruben’s back, looking at the owl he’d sketched in under a minute. It looked so alive. Like it’d fly out of the paper any second.

Ruben squealed and wrapped his arms around Aleks’ neck, covering his face with little kisses. Aleks laughed. Black stubble at Ruben’s chin and above his lip, because he hadn’t shaved this morning, gave the younger man’s face a rumpled look. Otherwise, he was still smooth. Ruben probably wasn’t able to grow a full beard, which was really cute.

“Thank you so much!”

“You’re welcome, Ruben. Say, what else do you do aside from creating wonderful pictures?”

Ruben scrunched up his nose. “Not that much. There are a few people I’m friends with through my work. Publishers and authors and such, and sometimes I tag along when they go to lunch, or dinner, or parties. But not very often. I like to stay at home. I like to curl up on the sofa in some sweatpants with a cup of cocoa much more than browsing the clubs and bars. Too much noise and people.” He shrugged, fiddling with the buttons on Aleks’ shirt.

“But you’re young. Don’t you want to go out and party? Be a bit wild and explore what life has to offer?” Aleks asked incredulously.

“Explore what? Sex? Drugs? Too much beer and puking on a bathroom floor, while the strange guy who wants to bang me in one of the stalls holds my hair? No, thank you very much. Not my cup of tea.” Oh. Ruben looked pissed. He folded his arms in front of his chest and glowered at Aleks.

“Ruben, that’s not what I meant.” Aleks tried to soothe his lover and wrapped his arms around his waist. “Don’t be mad, please.” He nuzzled the soft curls at Ruben’s temple till the man melted against him.

“It’s not? Aleks, you need to understand I’m really boring, okay? Maybe you think it odd, but I’m not interested in drinking and dancing all night long. I don’t like the music they play, I don’t like the alcohol, and I don’t like most of the guys my age. They’re shallow and primarily interested in getting off as fast and as much as possible. I have different plans for my life.”

Huh. Obviously, Ruben was much more mature than his nineteen years led to think. And driven in a way not many people his age were. It reminded Aleks of himself when he’d pushed himself through university against his parents’ wishes.

“What are your plans for your life, Ruben?”

He answered without hesitation. “I love my job and I want to be successful. I worked very hard for it, you know? My foster parents were always nice, but we both knew there was no deep love between us. They took care of me till I was eighteen and that was it. By the time I left home, I already had my job, so I could support myself.”

“Uh, Ruben? How did you manage to secure a job as an illustrator without visiting university or an art college?” Aleks frowned when he realized the other man seemed too young for the career he described.

Ruben delivered a hard punch to his shoulder and glowered again. “Hey! What makes you think I didn’t go to university?”

“Your age? Maybe?” Aleks uttered carefully and ducked his head in expectation of another punch or slap.

His lover rolled his eyes in a dramatic gesture and clicked his tongue. “Baby, I attended university at fifteen.”

“What? Fifteen? Holy shit. You’re a genius, right? I’m so sorry, I didn’t—”

Ruben cut him off with a kiss and chuckled. “It’s okay. I know it’s very unusual. My foster parents were great at recognizing my skills and pushed the school and the board of the university. I graduated at eighteen. The professor I worked with for my final paper set me up with one of his friends, a publisher. He was thrilled by my art and I’ve been working for them since.”

Aleks blinked and listened to Ruben going on and on about his wonderful job and what he loved the most. His shoulders sagged, because it really was abundantly clear there was no future for them. Ruben was determined and passionate regarding his job. Something Aleks loved about the man. He’d never give it up to live with Aleks in the backwoods of Norway. Hell, Aleks didn’t want him to give it up! His lover was wickedly talented and deserved happiness and doing the work he loved above anything.

“Aleks? Are you listening to me?” The tone of Ruben’s voice hinted that it wasn’t the first time he’d asked.

“Ah, yeah. So, I’m sure you’ll be happy to return back to London and continue with the drawings for that book you mentioned.” Fuck. That hurt.

Ruben frowned. “Did you really listen to the things I said?” he asked again, his voice serious as hell. No, Aleks hadn’t listened. He was too busy silently moping and grieving.

“Yes,” he said regardless.

His lover’s face fell and he stood up. “You know what? If you don’t want me to consider a relationship with you, all you have to do is tell me, okay? Say the words and I’ll leave you alone. But I thought this thing between us meant something to you,” Ruben whispered, agony on his pretty face. What? Why did he think Aleks didn’t want a relationship?

“Ruben.” He reached out his hand, but his lover took two steps back and angrily brushed a hand over his face. Damn, was he crying?

“No. Make a decision! I’d give you everything. But you’re too afraid and stubborn, or too noble, I have no idea, to say yes. Or maybe,” Ruben yelled. Hell. Aleks should’ve listened more carefully. Obviously, Ruben had said something significant and Aleks’ lack of response had induced the fight. But he couldn’t just admit he hadn’t listened, could he? Confessing it would solely serve to agitate Ruben further. Shit!

“I-I...” he stammered, searching for the words to make this right. How had a cuddle on his chair developed to a serious argument regarding their future?

Ruben groaned and ruffled his black curls. Then he stomped his little foot and turned on his heel. “Fine!” he yelled over his shoulder. “I guess no answer is answer enough!” Aleks sat, dumbfounded, and watched as his lover stormed upstairs to the bedroom. But a knock at the door haltered his steps. He shot Aleks a questioning look. Before Aleks managed to rise and had a chance to reach the door, Ruben raced back down the stairs and yanked it open himself.

Aleks hoped it wasn’t a friend coming to visit. Not that he had that much, but given Ruben’s pissed mood, every friend of his would be an ex-friend as soon as Ruben rekindled his bitching. Well, Aleks was sure he deserved the bitching. And more.

“What are you doing here?” Ruben’s loud, agitated voice echoed through the house. Uh-oh. He better hurry and take a look.

When Aleks rounded the corner, a guy he’d never seen before stood in the doorway. He was maybe six feet high, with cropped, red hair, freckles, and a broad nose. His build was stocky and he wore the typical clothes of someone on a ski-trip. Was he another guy who lost his way in the woods? Whatever, the guy seemed furious and his face was red. If from the cold or because he was upset, Aleks couldn’t say.

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