Read Marshmallows and the Snow [Sweet Snacks: 1] Online
Authors: Liza Kay
Tags: #Adult, #Contemporary, #Gay, #GLBT, #Erotic Romance, #Holiday, #Short Stories, #eXtasy
“No. The important question is, what are
doing here? I come back into the room and all your shit is gone! And the chick at the reception refuses to tell me where you are! What the fuck, Ruben?” he yelled and flung his arms.
Ruben made a little growling sound. It wasn’t threatening, not one tiny bit. It sounded cute. But the squinting look and stabbing finger were signs of the little guy’s bad mood.
“You have the guts to ask me that? You cheated, Toby! You fucked the room service guy on our bed! How dare you barge in and act haughty and self-righteous!”
Ah. Toby. So, he was the lying sack of shit who had hurt his Ruben and who had a date with the next crevasse if Aleks had anything to say. For the moment, he remained silent. This was Ruben’s battle. Aleks thought it better to let him handle the situation. He stepped closer though, in case Toby tried to harm Ruben in any way.
Toby puffed out his chest and laughed. “What? You thought I’d be okay with holding hands and cuddling, while you’re constantly waving your virgin ass in front of me? Welcome to the real world, Ruben. Everybody wants to get laid some time. Why do you care I fucked the guy at the hotel? It was just sex, nothing more.”
Ruben gasped. “Just sex? There is no such thing as
just sex.
Not for me. Either you like me and are faithful, or you don’t. Did you do this before? Screw other guys behind my back?”
The ex-boyfriend shrugged nonchalantly and grinned. “You make it easy, Ruben. All the time you’re sitting around in your flat and I can go to the clubs. As far as I’m concerned, it works out just fine. We both gain what we want, right? You have a boyfriend to hold hands with and who leaves you alone when you’re busy, and I can have some fun and hunt for asses.”
A slap echoed through the cabin and a red spot bloomed on Toby’s cheek. Damn, Ruben was quick. When Toby took a step forward and reached for Ruben, Aleks rushed over and dragged his lover away from his ex.
“I wouldn’t do that, if I were you,” he warned with a growl. Ruben always liked it when he growled.
“Who the fuck are you?” Toby inquired with an ugly sneer. “A lumberjack? The local hermit with a taste for cute virgins? Really, Ruben. The entire time we’ve been together you protect your ass like Fort Knox and then you go and let the first guy you meet fuck you?”
Ruben placed his elbow between Aleks’ ribs and made him grunt. Crap. He’d hoped his growl would soothe Ruben a tiny bit.
“What I do and with whom is none of your business, Toby. Not anymore. I told you it was over when I left the hotel room. But maybe you were too occupied to listen, what with your dick being inside another guy! How did you find me in the first place?” Ruben waved his arms. He was clearly agitated and mad as hell.
“This chick at the reception talked with another guy and she mentioned your name. Said who took you in for the rest of the vacation.” Then he proceeded to let his gaze travel over Aleks’ body from top to bottom. And Ruben snapped.
“Don’t look at him, he’s mine. What do you want? To take him away?” Ruben yelled and stepped in front of Aleks. “If you touch him I’m going to... to... sic my owl on you!”
Aleks couldn’t help but grin. First, Ruben’s threat was too cute. Second, this possessiveness felt wonderful!
“Oh please, Ruben. He’s not my type. Too toppy.” Toby’s hungry gaze belied his words. “But you’re really dumb if you think a guy like him wants you for more than a quick screw. You’re in Norway for one more day. It’s probably one of his hobbies to sleep around with the tourists in town.”
Ruben shot Aleks a wide-eyed look, his shoulders slumping as Toby voiced what he probably thought was true since their fight in his office. His gaze switched from Aleks to Toby and back again several times. Suddenly, he straightened his posture and determination replaced the sad expression on his face as he turned to Toby. Ha! That was his Ruben! He’d tell this prick to fuck off and leave them alone. He’d tell him they were a—
“You’re right.” Huh? What? “He doesn’t want me for more than a little vacation-fun. So, I guess I can pack my stuff and come back to the hotel with you. At least, we’re flying back to London day after tomorrow, and—”
Before Ruben could continue, Aleks wrapped his arm around the man and clamped one hand over his mouth. “No! You won’t, Ruben! You’re mine now, and I won’t let this sleazy, unworthy piece of shit take you away. Never.” He pressed Ruben’s slender body against his chest. When his groin met Ruben’s pert little ass, Ruben moaned behind Aleks’ hand and rubbed them against each other. The little fucker was doing this on purpose, wasn’t he? He’d planned to make Aleks jealous to force a reaction. Well, two could play this game.
Aleks licked a long line up the side of Ruben’s neck and growled. “Shut the door, Ruben. Promptly. Or I’m going to fuck you right in front of your ex to show him who you belong to.”
Ruben whimpered and shuddered in his arms while Toby gave them a look of rapt attention. Interesting. Obviously, Ruben’s ex was into exhibitionism and not in the least repulsed by the idea of Aleks and Ruben getting it on.
“Ruben,” he warned again and then pinned Toby with a warning look. “And you, stay away from him. Don’t call him, don’t visit him. Not here, not in London. If you do, I’ll find you and show you how skilled I am in gutting animals, backwoods lumberjack that I am.”
Toby’s paling face was the last thing he saw before Ruben kicked the door shut, turned in his arms and climbed him like a tree. To say Aleks was surprised would be an understatement! But he cupped his lover’s little butt and held on tight.
“Did you mean it?” Ruben whispered against his neck, his breath moist against his skin.
“What exactly? The gutting part?” he asked a bit clueless. To be fair, his brain wasn’t firing on all cylinders. Ruben wriggling in his arms was a huge distraction.
“No, you ass! The part where you said I’m yours!” The man looked up at him with his pretty doe eyes and Aleks melted once again. But standing right behind the door wasn’t the best place for this conversation. So he carried Ruben over to the sofa and flopped down. They sat like they’d done the first day, when Ruben had cried all over him.
He brushed some curls out of Ruben’s lovely face, keeping his voice serious. “Yes, I consider you mine, Ruben. From the moment you stepped into my kitchen, dressed in rose-white-striped panties and my flannel shirt.”
Ruben’s eyes were huge and he nibbled his lip. “B-but why did you... in the office you—”
“Ruben.” Aleks brushed a kiss over those lush lips. “I’m falling in love with you. Hard and fast. It’s scary as hell to feel so much for someone you barely know and who’s supposed to leave again so soon. You’re an incredible man, and I’d love nothing more than to spend the rest of my days coming to know you.” He hoped Ruben would hear how sincere he was, would see his feelings in his eyes and feel it in the way his arms hugged Ruben tight. Maybe there was one more thing he should say, to make everything right.
“And I need to make a confession. Earlier in my office, I didn’t listen to you as attentively as I should have. When you talked about your job with so much passion, I drifted off because I thought you’d never give it up and move to Norway. And I can’t go to London with you. I’m sorry I upset you,” he whispered.
Ruben was quiet for some time, looking at him with his head cocked to the side, like a little bird. It was adorable but did nothing to calm Aleks’ racing heart. Then a beautiful smile formed on Ruben’s lips.
“You’re falling in love with me?” his lover asked, his voice sweet and filled with so much joy.
“Yes, Ruben.”
“Oh, you sweet, stupid man! You need to listen to me if this relationship is going to last!” Ruben scolded and punched his shoulder. It was becoming a habit and Aleks saw himself getting sore at that particular spot because he had the feeling he’d earn plenty of punches in their future. If they had a future.
A kiss landed on his lips and then Ruben continued. “In the office I told you I could do my work from everywhere as long as I have a strong enough internet connection and my equipment. I’d never force you to move to London, it’d kill such an outdoorsy guy like you. Plus, I love it here. Hell, my owl lives here! Did you honestly think I could abandon Olga?”
Aleks snorted, then laughed, and cried like a baby, because Ruben’s words had been the closest he’d ever come to hear an actual
I love you
from another man. He clung to his lover, probably crushing him and leaving some bruises in the wake, but he couldn’t help himself. What Ruben wanted to give him was too big a gift. It was too much to sacrifice after such a short time. Before he could voice his concerns and ruin everything again though, Ruben’s lips found his again and the kiss turned his brain to mush. Oh, hell.
* * * *
Ruben saw the exact moment when Aleks’ mood tipped from grateful and relieved to worried again. And because he wasn’t a fan of them fighting again over a decision that was Ruben’s to make, he cut his lover off with a kiss. One he poured each and every one of his feelings and hopes in. This was so right, no matter how many ridiculous objections Aleks would come up with.
” Aleks panted and tugged at his clothes. “We... we should...”
“Fuck?” Ruben suggested hopefully.
“No!” His man groaned and squeezed his eyes shut. Hell, Aleks had remarkable restraint.
Ruben pouted and crossed his fingers, hoping the cute look would crack Aleks. No such luck though. He was kissed and patted, there was even some groping going on. But aside from his shirt, his clothes remained where they were.
“Ruben!” Two hands fisted his curls and held him in a firm grip, forcing him to look into Aleks’ glacier eyes. No hardship at all, they were so pretty. “Less fucking, more talking. Please.”
Now it was Ruben’s turn to groan. “Aleks! For fuck’s sake! I’m nineteen and horny and sitting in my man’s lap. After he rescued me from my ex and confessed he loves me. This is torture.”
“Uh, Ruben, I never said—”
Ruben closed the man’s mouth with his hand. “Don’t! You know it’d be a lie. And... I love you, too. Don’t hurt us by denying it,” he murmured, lowering his eyes.
“Oh, Ruben,” Aleks choked and then Ruben was pressed against a hard chest and his head kissed. “Yes, I love you. And because you’re the genius in this relationship, tell me how we’re going to do this. I don’t want to lose you but I don’t want you giving up your life in London either.”
Ruben sighed and shook his head. “Aleks, my life in London consists of my job. Nothing more. I work and go to sleep. I’m living in London because it’s where I grew up and have been too lazy to search for another place. To me, it doesn’t matter where I am. As long as you’re there, too.” When Aleks didn’t grasp that soon, Ruben would threaten him with Olga. Or hit him upside the head.
Aleks’ mouth snapped shut, his eyebrows knitting in confusion. “I’m not stupid, Ruben. I know under normal circumstances it’d be too soon for us to live together permanently after such a short time. If we both lived in London, we wouldn’t consider moving in together after a few days. No matter how much we love each other. We’d go on dates, get to know each other.”
“Yeah, you’re right, I guess.” Ruben didn’t like Aleks’ train of thought. Not at all.
Aleks sighed. “So, what’s going to happen next?”
“Well, I’m going to go back to London. For a while.”
Aleks moaned and let his head fall back onto the cushion. “Ruben, you’re going to be the death of me!” It wasn’t just a line. The man’s expression was pained and he’d curled his hands to fists. Ruben felt like an ass.
“Oh baby, no.” He hurriedly smothered Aleks with kisses. “No dying! I’ll come back home to you, I promise. But my personal stuff is in London and I have to arrange a load of things with my job and shit. Do you understand?” He looked at the man, anxiously awaiting his answer. Ruben hated to cause his lover pain.
“Did you say you’ll come home to me?” Aleks’ eyes were wide as saucers.
“Of course. I may go back to London for some days or weeks, but this cabin is my home. I told you I’m willing to leave London for you. Could you please get this info into your thick skull?”
“I...” Aleks began, but then stopped. Ruben could practically see the wheels turning. “You know what? Fuck it! I love you. And I’ll do anything to keep you. So, if you want to give up your flat in London for me, I’m going to wait for you with open arms. I’ll clear one of the other bedrooms so you’ll have an office to draw. Hell, I’d do anything for you, Ruben.”
Ruben squealed and nearly hugged the stuffing out of his man. Yes, yes, yes! Aleks was his!
“Take me upstairs.” Ruben rubbed his ass on Aleks’ thighs.
“Ruben.” His lover—no, his boyfriend—let out an exasperated sigh but scooped him up and carried him into their bedroom. Best vacation ever!
Day Eighty-Five
Aleks sat on the steps leading up to his house, a mug filled with hot chocolate and marshmallows in his hands. Recently, he’d consumed plenty of the sweet stuff. Marshmallows felt like home, like Ruben. Olga perched on a tree, ogling him with interest. The damn bird considered the clearing where his cabin was located her home and came back every day. It wouldn’t be so bad if Olga wouldn’t remind him of Ruben so much. God, he missed him. Every day.
Eighty days. Ruben had left for London eighty days ago. It was hard. Some nights, when the pain got too much, Maike came over to cheer him up with a bottle of wine and ice-cream. Aleks would be fat soon if he continued battling his heartsickness with sugar. But what else was there to do for him?
Olga shu-huued and he shot her a glare. “I miss him too, you know? Stop bitching and eat your squirrel.” She flapped her wings and turned her back on him. Great. Now he’d offended an owl. His grumpiness was getting the better of him with each passing day.
Aleks looked around the clearing, taking in the lively green, colorful flowers, and buzzing insects. It was cheery and happy and everything he didn’t feel at the moment. Winter had gone and taken the tourists with it. Then spring came and brought lots of new tourists using the woods to go camping and hunting. The tourists annoyed him more than anything else. They were yet another reminder of the man he missed so much. The man who was miles away.