Mary's Men (21 page)

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Authors: Stephanie Beck

BOOK: Mary's Men
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Duane didn’t like being watched, didn’t like being questioned, but he understood. He’d come a long way and while he mostly trusted himself, mainly because of therapy and the meds, his brain came with no guarantees. Mary, Paul, and Thomas were his supports for the moment. One day he hoped to change those roles and not be vulnerable, but only an idiot would walk away from support. He’d heard about enough idiots coming out of combat, he didn’t need to be one.

Thomas closed the door behind him. Duane looked around the cabin, really seeing it for the first time. Most of his first day home was a blur, one he wouldn’t mind putting completely behind him, but running didn’t help. He needed to move forward.

“You’ve done a lot to the place. Looks nice,” he said, still liking her at his side, though the fatigue he’d battled well so far dragged at him. “I’m glad you took down the orange curtains with the things on them. I always thought it looked like poop.”

She laughed. “You mean the paisley swirls? Yeah, I’m not a fan either. Are you sure I can’t make you a sandwich? I don’t mind.”

Duane shook his head. “I’m not hungry, but thanks.” What he wanted and what he needed dwelled on opposite corners of his mind. Patience pissed him off.

“I just need to finish up some paperwork for Paul and I’ll have the rest of the day to do whatever you want. How about you lie down and watch TV for a while?” she said. “I feel bad about the busy work, but there’s no reason you can’t catch up on one of Paul’s soaps.”

He smirked. “That dumbass still watches those stupid shows?”

She elbowed him. “Yep, we watch them together.”

She led him to the sofa, still the orange and brown crap colors, but now covered with a brown blanket that toned down the gross arrangement.

“I’m getting better with the fatigue,” he said through a yawn.

“I can see that.” She pulled a blanket from under the coffee table. “Paul is firing one of the ranch hands today—the guy was cheating him—so he’ll need help. You might as well sleep while you can.”

He hated like hell to hear about Paul’s problem, but he’d help. With him home and not approved for civilian hospitals yet, he could fill in the weak spots until Paul hired someone. Duane settled back on the sofa. It was ugly, but comfortable. Mary covered him with the blanket, but when she moved to step away, he tugged her down. She settled on top of him, her short legs tangled with his long ones.

“I pictured you taller,” he said.

She wrinkled her nose. “Yeah, I pictured you shorter, but what can ya do?”

He kissed the bridge of her nose where it wrinkled most. “Ya deal with the cards given, I guess. I’m not complaining about this deck, not at all.”

A nap with Mary sounded like the best thing in the world, but she had chores to do and if she stayed cuddled in his arms they wouldn’t sleep and he’d end up a cranky asshole in a few hours. She patted his chest as if thinking the same thing. She pushed to her feet and smoothed her hair.

“Now, stop being so tempting to me. I have work I need to get done.” She sauntered off, the sway of her hips as natural as the curls on her head.

As much as he wanted to watch her, and he did, he closed his eyes and hoped for sleep. A little nap now would help him function later in the mood he wanted to be. She didn’t deserve any more of his shit and if napping like a toddler stacked the deck in his favor, he’d do it.

* * * *

With the receipts accounted for she was technically all done with work, but took extra time to finish payroll and look over a few documents for the next sale. The numbers staggered her, but gave her a whole new kind of hope for the ranch. Paul would have the funds he needed to see out his plans. His dreams were coming true after years of backbreaking work and tears. She’d support him through whatever came next.

She closed the folder, confident the papers she and Paul put together the night before exceeded the standards. She twirled her pencil, unsure of her next task. It was too soon to start making dinner and she’d cleaned the night before in anticipation of Duane’s homecoming, not leaving much else to do.

The tiny cabin felt smaller with the bunk beds and added dresser, but they’d make due. At least now every single person had a place to sleep alone if they wanted to. Not that she wanted that to happen, but practicality said there would be nights when someone didn’t feel well or when one needed to stay up late in the shared space. In the new house they planned five bedrooms for the first wing while leaving space for another wing of bedrooms and storage rooms. They’d have more house than they’d know what to do with.

Duane’s even breathing caught her attention away from the house and gave her all the plans she needed to finish the day. She gingerly sat on the couch, trying not to jostle him. As much as waking him up with a sexy gesture would have been ideal, it was better to wake him in an expected way. She ran her hand up his arm, the coarse hairs there protecting skin that needed milder soap and lotion after months of harsh treatment.

His warm skin against her hand spread heat through her body. He was so different from Thomas and Paul, yet she wanted him so much. Kissing in the hospital…sitting in his lap and feeling so close had taken him from a possibility she wanted to someone who had claimed possession of the piece of her heart she’d left for him. She gently massaged his tight shoulder muscles. More than anything she wanted him healthy. Eating her food with pink cheeks glowing with health and laughing with her.

His eyes flew open, but where she expected the confusion he sometimes showed when startled, his eyes were clear and locked to her.

He turned to his back and propped on his elbows. “You’re so fucking gorgeous.”

She wondered when she’d get used to his cursing.

He winced. “Sorry. I’m trying to be better with the cussing.”

She didn’t want to be his mother or boss. She crawled further onto the couch, choosing him as her place. She stretched on top of him and ran her hand over his shaved head. “I know you will. I’m really not worried. I’m a big girl. A little colorful language won’t kill me. Tell me more about this gorgeous thing.”

He settled his hands on her butt. She cocked her eyebrow. He squeezed.

“You have a fantastic ass.” His fingers lingered, petting her backside through her jeans.

“Hmm, that makes me wonder now about all the errands you sent me on while you were in the hospital.”

“I do love watching you walk away,” he replied. “Sometimes you being close was torture. You smile and…damn it, I think you mean it. Even if you’re not necessarily happy, when you smile…”

He trailed off and she pressed a kiss to the side of his mouth. “Finish it.”

He blushed. “When you smile it warms me up. It’s like something good in you is coming out and you’re sharing it with me. Yeah, you smile at other people but you smile differently for me.”

Her heart melted into a puddle. She pressed another kiss to his cheek and held it there for a long moment, so grateful he saw so much in her. He said he was cracked, broken even, but he felt very deeply. If he felt her now when they were so new, then there was room for more.

“I don’t know how well I’ll do, but how would you feel about giving the bed a shot?” he asked.

Mary wanted to, but instead, she got up and moved down his body, pressing kisses on his chest. He held himself taunt even as she undid his belt, button, and zipper. If they were going to initiate their physical relationship while he had medical barriers, she was going to stack the deck in his favor. She tugged down his pants and whistled when the full length of his penis came into view. From the twins she’d already been introduced to pleasure in variation, but Duane offered something different again.

“You’re going to have to be patient with me.” She licked his long, slim cock from the balls to tip. “This is going to take a while.”

She wrapped her lips around the head of his cock, rolling her tongue around the soft skin. His erection stayed light, not the rigid hardness she usually saw when eye to eye with a penis. She kept up gentle pressure, sucking and rubbing in long motions. Duane shifted, but she didn’t give up and refused to rush. She massaged his thighs while taking his dick deeper into her mouth. She couldn’t hope to take it all, but let it butt against the back of her throat, mimicking what she wanted to do.

She sped up her mouth and clenched her pussy when he started lightly thrusting with his hips. He’d become harder, longer, and when she gazed toward his face, his pale cheeks were flushed. She let loose of his dick with one hand and took off her panties, tossing them across the room. She focused on his cock again, using both hands to gently twist the shaft as she sucked hard on the tip.

He reared up and caught her under her armpits. When she would have kept sucking and exploring, he pulled her up his body until she straddled him. His fingers tangled at the hem of her shirt before he jerked it over her head. He attacked her bra with the same ferocity until she sat naked on him.

“Condom,” he said through gritted teeth.

She sank down on his cock, the new length and differences shaking her to her core. “On the pill. Sweet holy…jeez.”

She didn’t wait for him to reply or set the rate, couldn’t with her pussy already clenching and aching. She swiveled her hips, moaning at the deep satisfaction building with only penetration. She sat straighter, arching her front to him. His hands settled on her breasts, squeezing hard on the fleshy sides while his thumbs worked over her nipples.

Heat flooded low and she rocked her hips, trying to satisfy the need dragging at her body. She tried to sit up as she rocked so she could have his hands, but she couldn’t get enough. She collapsed down, holding tight to his shoulders so she could thrust harder. She gritted her teeth and squeezed her thighs, searching for the orgasm’s trigger so close, but out of reach.

Duane threaded his fingers through her hair and brought her face to his, devouring her mouth in a hot kiss. He thrust his tongue between her lips as he picked up the pace from the bottom. He shifted a little and then pushed up harder. She gasped, the slight change enough to send the hair on her neck standing on edge. He grabbed her right leg and pulled it forward until her foot touched the floor, giving her more leverage. She humped faster, meeting his longer motions with short, choppy ones that made her pant.

She threw her head back, wanting the pleasure that was so close, but infuriatingly out of reach. Duane’s fingers sank into the flesh of her ass, pulling her harder and even faster. The rhythm she’d built collapsed under his strength. For a split second her heart raced at the thought she might not make it over the edge.

She bit her lip, trying for some control, but his hands moved again, this time his fingers caressing her crack. The added layer of stimulation threw her into orgasm without warning. She flung her head back and yelled, the pleasure slamming through her in hot waves. Duane cursed and hot wetness hit her thighs. She fell onto his chest, her heart pounding and sweat rolling from her brow.

She rubbed her forehead to his shoulder, realizing she hadn’t bothered taking off his shirt. She wished she had, so she could press her naked body to his.

“It worked.” His words rumbled deep from his chest. “Thanks for being patient with me. You’re an amazing lover.”

She nodded. “Yep, sure am. How long until I can entice you into the bathtub?”

He froze. “For both of us?”


He surged to his feet so quickly she held on tight and giggled through the last of her orgasm glow.

“Let’s go.”


Chapter 22


Paul couldn’t believe he’d had to fire someone for stealing. A little honesty, that’s all he needed. It was bad enough to lose someone when they had other opportunities, but theft bugged the hell out of him.

Now he was down two guys, had an expansion to start, and fall repairs and chores to finish up before the snow fell. He also needed to get a few cows delivered, hay out, and…hell, if the list got any longer he was going to start looking like Duane with no hair.

He sat back in his chair and tossed aside the hay order. He didn’t even remember taking the message down, but he could barely remember his name. The barn door squeaked, reminding him he needed to oil everything before winter came and locked up all the dry-as-dust hinges. He hoped whoever was coming had a beer. He looked at the clock and realized it was barely one in the afternoon. Hell, at least he didn’t really intend to drink.

Mary and Duane stepped into his office, not a beer between them, but each wore jeans and work shirts. Mary’s dark curls were hid beneath a red bandana and though Duane looked as gaunt as usual the paleness had been replaced with a flush Paul figured could be from two things, but considering Mary’s lips looked plump and rosy, he’d attribute the glow to a little fun.

“What’s up, guys?”

“Give us a list,” Duane said. “Mary said you’re swamped and shorthanded. We’ll take the piddly shit that needs to be done so you can do the big stuff.”

“You don’t have to,” Paul replied, still uncomfortable with the idea of Mary doing any hard work. He smiled, though he didn’t feel any real pleasure. “I’ve got it handled.”

“Sure you do.” Mary sauntered into his office. “Now make a list or I’m going to just start doing stuff. You know me, Paul Paraby.”

“I do, Mary Paraby, but I don’t want you in the barn or swinging a hammer or slinging hay. We’ve talked about this.”

She rolled her eyes. “Quit. Duane is as protective as you are. Do you really think he’ll let me break my little self? Seriously, I can only imagine how obnoxious you guys will be when I get pregnant.”

The bottom dropped out of his stomach.

The terror must have shown because Mary patted his cheek. “Don’t worry, big boy, the condoms and pill are doing their job. Now, work. I need an oil can. I can do the doors and windows. Duane needs to build some muscle so let’s give him sweeping.”

She threw his already overwhelmed mind for a loop. Work, pregnancy, oiling—he gave up. “All right, do whatever you want. I can use the help. Please don’t do too much, Mary.”

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