Masked Definitions (34 page)

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Authors: A. E. Murphy

BOOK: Masked Definitions
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“Exactly!” She grins and I pull open the door. My body collides with another, warm, soft and so familiar.

Before I can right myself or even step away, my mother has slammed the door shut and strong arms close around me. A nose touches my neck and inhales deeply.

“Olivia,” he murmurs and pulls back, looking better put together than I am. “What has you rushing from the house in such a hurry?”

“It wasn’t a list of cheesy lines, if that’s what you’re wondering,” I retort and his answering smile makes me weak at the knees.

“I feel like it’s been years,” he admits and presses his forehead to mine. “You smell different.”

“That’s not weird at all,” I jest and we laugh together. My laughter soon dissipates into a shudder and sharp exhale. “I ‘m sorry.” We say this together.

“Why are you sorry?”

“Don’t pretend I’m an angel. I’ve done silly shit too. Leaving you was…” 

“Necessary.” Strong fingers slide around the back of my neck and squeeze. “Does this mean you’re no longer leaving me?”

“Were you so sure that I wouldn’t that you waited outside my house?”

His cheeks pink slightly. “No, actually I was so sure you’d ignore it I came to hand deliver this.” Pulling back, but keeping one hand tightly fisted around my jacket at the hip, he produces a small gift bag. “I bought this a long time ago and had it… well… just open it when you’re alone.”

A giggle escapes me as I take the sparkly silver bag. “Are you shy?”

“No,” he lies, his lower lip pouting slightly.

“I’m opening it now.” I tip the bag into my hand, revealing a dark blue velvet box. It fits perfectly on my palm. He takes the gift bag so I can open the box and I smile when I see him bite on his lower lip nervously.

“Before you open it…” His hand closes over mine that is ready to flip the lid. “Remember that…”

“Shut up and let me open it,” I tell him, grinning and finally lifting the lid. My breath catches in my throat as the sun catches the shimmering jewels that line the tail of the peacock pendant.

“I remember seeing your eyes light up when you saw that ridiculous thing at the auction. I didn’t know it then but I was in love with you.”

My eyes trace the inscription along the neck and body of the platinum broach.


‘Forever Enna’s’


“It’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.”

“Not to me.” His heated eyes rest on me and I understand his meaning immediately.

“Why did your sister want it?”

“She knew it had been inscribed. She was trying to rat me out.” He shrugs and takes the box from my hand. “Please come to America with me.”

“How’d she know?”

“Really? That’s what you got from that?”

I smile, blushing slightly.

He places the box into his pocket, drops the gift bag onto the porch and wraps his arms around my waist. “Come to America with me. Be with me. Let me love you and your quirky, ridiculous brooch loving ways.”

“What if we end back up here? Where we are now? Untrusting and…”

“Then we’re weaker people than I thought and we don’t deserve each other, or America.”

“You’re an idiot,” I say to his goofy smile. “I’m scared.”

“You’ll trust me again, fully. You have my word.”

When I nod, swallow and say a quick, “Fine,” his lips hit mine and I suddenly remember all of those good feelings I was trying to repress. How I fit in his arms so perfectly. The way he tastes so sweet, always. How he always smells so spicy and manly, of expensive aftershaves and him. The way his hair always feels so soft and silky.

How when I’m with him, I feel safe, secure, loved and horny.

“So you’ll come to America with me?”

I nod and press my lips to his for a moment. “Yes.”

A squeal escapes me when I’m swung around in a circle like a child. “Stop, I’ll hurl.”

“I don’t care.” He hits my lips once more. “I fucking love you.”

I grin, happy to feel my feet back on the ground. “I fucking love you too.”



Her violet eyes vanish behind her thick lashes when she blinks slowly. “So… you’re telling me that you’ve been here for a month now and you haven’t called?”

“I did not realise I was supposed to.” Elijah responds, shifting uncomfortably as the slim, long black haired beauty stares at him angrily, her hands on her hips. “You were simply to procure the venue in my stead.”

“Fuck.” She looks at her husband and points at Elijah. “He’s so British. It’s so God damn sexy.”

“Maya…” James, her husband, chastises though he only seems amused. His brown eyes come to mine. “I’m sorry about her. She’s mental but she’s completely in love with me so don’t worry.”

“Yup.” In a flash she’s beside me and has her arm looped through mine. “Let’s leave the men to talk business.”

“But we only just arrived.” Elijah grips my other arm and holds me in place.

“And she’s already bored out of her mind.” I’m tugged towards the loud, aggressive female.

“Maybe you should ask her first?” James suggests but when Maya growls he holds up his hands defensively.

“I have a new girl; let me play.”

“I umm…” I literally don’t know what to say.

“See? She wants to come and I need Loryn and Summer to hear her accent. It’s so fucking posh.” When she grins at me, I find myself almost mesmerised by her beauty. “Can you make it as posh as his?”

“I… umm…” My wide eyes meet Elijah’s who finally releases my arm.

“She’ll be fine with Maya and trust me when I say this will go a lot easier if you trust me to handle it,” James assures Elijah. “My wife might seem… friendly but she’s a business bitch.”

“He’s much easier to haggle with,” Maya calls as she drags me towards the door.

Elijah snatches me back, pushes his lips against mine and holds me tight to his body for at least five seconds before releasing me, though only enough to stare into my eyes. “Remember, it’s nine one one if you feel as though…”

“Doesn’t he sound so posh?” Maya cackles. “Nine one one…” She mimics in a British accent and then salutes the British salute. “She’s got it, governor.”

“I don’t sound like that,” Elijah gripes and kisses me again before I’m tugged away. “And nobody says Governor!” She ignores him and continues pulling as I stare at my man with a no doubt frantic look in my eyes. “Look after her.”

“Got it, governor.” I’m pulled out of the office and past a desk with a handsome Italian man sitting behind it. I don’t recall seeing him on my way in. “I hired him because he makes my husband jealous. He’s also an unbelievable PA.”

“Oh.” I’m so fucking confused right now. “So… where are we going?”

“I’m introducing you to my peeps. You are going to absolutely love them.” Then she leans in. “Is it true you used to be a pole dancer?” What the
“Reckon you can teach me some moves? I can get my ankle behind my head if that helps? Don’t worry, though. I won’t say a word. Not about my ankle trick, I tell that to
.” She laughs loudly and presses the first floor button inside the elevator. “But about the fact you used to pole dance. Not unless you want me to.” She takes one look at my face and states, “Definitely not then.” Her fingers zip her lips closed.

I just… “Has anybody ever told you that you are random as fuck?”

“Fuck,” she mimics in a terrible supposedly British accent. “I LOVE it, it’s so cute.”

Maybe moving to America wasn’t the best idea. Then my mind casts back to Elijah and I quickly retract that mental statement. I’ve never been happier.

The Distraction Trilogy





The Little Bits Series

A Little Bit of Crazy

A Little Bit of Us

A Little Bit of Trouble

A Little Bit of Truth


The Broken Series

Broken #1

Connected #2

Forever #3 COMING SOON




I'm now 25 and I’ve been writing since I could hold a pen in my hand! I love to write, it’s my passion, and I never stop.  In fact, I love to write so much I have started over one hundred and fifty different books before finally completing my first ever novel 'A Little Bit of Crazy' which I published in May 2013 on Amazon for Kindle. I was grateful when I received feedback as it helps me be a better writer. 

When I'm not writing, I love spending time with my family and when I get some spare time (not easy with young children!) it’s either reading or listening to music. You won’t find me without a book or my Kindle in my hand. I read whilst I’m cooking, cleaning, talking, walking… you could say reading is my other passion! 

Thank you for taking the time to read my book. I appreciate any kind of feedback be it good or bad. This has been a huge learning curve for me and I'm happy to receive any advice/criticism...praise? That you wish to provide. Don’t be shy.  Thank you,


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