Read MasonsRule-ARe Online

Authors: Eliza Gayle

MasonsRule-ARe (19 page)

BOOK: MasonsRule-ARe
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“It’s probably a good thing you don’t know where your mother is. She deserves a piece of my mind.” And probably more.

“Mason,” she said, her voice a slow, smooth whine.

He smiled against her hair. As if her half-hearted chastise would stop him from doing what needed to be done. When they got back from Vegas, he’d have Knight find the mother. If she had an ounce of happiness over her daughter, he’d take it away. There would be no forgiveness for hurting a child. None.

“Don’t worry, babe. I’ll take care of what needs to be taken care of. That’s what I do. Right now you need to learn how to let that shit go.” He rubbed his hands down her arms until he capture her wrists with his hands and brought them behind her back, pinning her against the glass wall behind her. “Look at me, my beautiful Miss Adams.” He nudged her cheek with his nose until she upturned and met his eyes. “Let it go and give your pain to me. I can take it and I will. But you’ve got to be willing to do your part.” He nudged his knee between her legs until she spread enough for his thigh to wedge between them. From there, he rubbed her pussy until her eyes slid closed. “Let it go, babe,” he said again. Trust that I’m going to give you what you need and lead you to where it is you need to be. You’re mine now. Trust me.”

Tomorrow he’d work on removing some of the sorrow in her heart. Or at least take her mind off of it. He already had an idea for another scene. Time to learn what really makes his submissive tick.

Chapter Seventeen

“So where are we going?” Rebecca turned to Mason hoping he’d finally give in and tell her what he planned. After rousing her twice more in the night, once so she could suck him and another so he could take her pussy, he woke her way too early to go shopping.

“I told you it’s a surprise. Now stand there like the good girl I know you can be and let me put this on you.”

Out of all the over the top sexy clothes and lingerie he made her try on for him before he spent an insane amount of money, the blue velvet zipper dress intrigued her the most.

“You know this is not even long enough to cover my butt.”

Mason swatted the body part in question and grinned. “I know and it’s perfect.” He zipped up the front and stood back, taking her in.

“Do I at least get underwear in this get up?” Truth be told, she would have never even tried on an outfit like this, yet it somehow made her feel incredibly sexy even though it only covered the top curve of her bottom, conveniently leaving her open for whatever Mason wanted.

“Nope. You’re going just like this. Except…” He turned and searched through the bags spread across the bed. “You need these.”

Rebecca smiled. Now he was talking. Since he insisted on this half-assed excuse of a dress, she took the time to find the perfect shoes to go with it. “You like the shoes I picked?”

“Fuck yeah.” He handed over the dark eggplant suede shoes with platform soles and five inch spike heels.

She grabbed them from him and hurried over to the bench. These shoes were her favorite purchase. Her ass might hang out in the dress but with the dark thigh high stockings attached to the bottom of the dress and these shoes, even she had to admit she looked good.

She fingered the sparkling buckle that fastened around her ankle. “I love the bling.”

“Duly noted.”

Her head shot up. “I wasn’t fishing for something else. I really just love these shoes.”

“And I love you wearing them. I think they’ll look damn good in the air tonight when I’m fucking you.”

Rebecca tried to breath. When he said things like that, her head always went a little light and her chest constricted. Not to mention she got wet.

“Can we go now, babe? The car’s been waiting on us for a while.”

“You actually want me to go out like this? Aren’t we missing something?”

He frowned, his dark brows drawing together in disapproval.

“Don’t you trust me?”

She turned to the side and thrust her bare bottom into his view. “I think I’m going to get arrested if I leave the room like this.”

“Ye of little faith.” He leaned forward and gave her ass a stinging thwack. “I might have a thing or two left to surprise you with.”

She just bet he did. He seemed to be full of them today. He disappeared into the closet and returned a moment later with a short black chiffon wrap dress she hadn't seen him buy earlier today.

“This should suffice to get you to and from the car without getting arrested.”

Smart ass

“Turn around.”

She eagerly obeyed and held out her arms. The soft as silk fabric whispered over her skin. She had to admit, while she didn't give much thought to expensive designer clothes in the past, she now understood why they cost so much. They were luxurious. Every item he purchased was made of the finest quality materials and conformed to her figure in a way clothes never had before. He certainly had a knack for dressing women.

Wrapped around her body and tied at the waist, the beautiful dress fell to mid-thigh.

Mason stepped forward and wrapped his hands around her waist, his lips barely brushing her ear. “See. No one has to know what’s underneath until I want them to.”

Her stomach jolted. Did that mean he wanted someone to see her? Many of the Doms at Purgatory had a thing for showing off their women.

“Mason—” She turned in his arms and stared into his eyes.

“Don’t even ask, baby. When it’s time for you to know, you’ll know.”

She took a deep breath and hoped she made it through tonight. She had a feeling it might be a pretty big deal. Why else would he have gone to such great lengths to prepare her?


The walk out to the car had not been nearly as traumatic as Rebecca thought it would be. To Mason’s credit, everything was fully covered and looked damned good. So any attention turned their way didn’t come with a side of shock.

The car service looked the same as the one they used before but who could really tell. Mason had a way of making sure he had her attention every time they got in. Tonight was no different.

“Lie back against the seat, Miss Adams, it’s time for your next surprise.”

Not nearly as nervous now that he’d been so generous with her, she scooted back and waited.

“Undo the dress and show me my pretty pussy.”

Her stomach jolted. He was hitting her with so much dirty talk it no longer surprised her, but it did turn her on.

Big time.

She undid the bow and pushed the dress out of the way. Sitting, the little dress had hiked up more than enough for her mound to show.

“Mmm. Very lovely. Now spread your legs wide and hold perfectly still.”

While she complied, he fished in his pants pocket and pulled out another pair of garter clips.

“I don’t understand.”

“These have been modified. So hold still.”

Rebecca held her breath as he slid his fingers along her slick flesh. It seemed he kept her in a constant state of arousal.

“Very wet for me I see. I like that, Miss Adams.”

Her sex clenched. His infernal insistence on teasing her by calling her Miss Adams made her melt each and every time. Damn him. She had no control over her own body around him.

“You’re so damned beautiful when I expose you. I think it’s time to do more.”

The air in the limo thickened with tension and more. She closed her eyes and laid her head back, enjoying the increasing sensations. Exposure sounded really good.

“I have half a mind to fuck you again right now.”

Her muscles clenched and heat flared inside her at the delicious idea. “I would love that, Sir.” Maybe if she behaved like a good sub he’d give her what she needed. She was learning quickly the more she gave him what he asked, the more eager he was to give to her. Even if he didn’t, it gave her an odd sense of pride to make him happy.

“I bet you would. That’s why I’m going to do this instead.” He no sooner got the words out when he grabbed her labia and pulled it away from her body. A tight pinch exploded across her senses as she tried to pull her legs closed.

Unfortunately his body blocked her from doing so.

“Sir, what are you doing?” She looked down to see a garter clipped to her skin.

“Well, I could say whatever I want, but I’ll be a bit nicer this time. I told you these were modified clips. They’re for holding you open even farther.”

“I—I don’t understand.” Fortunately the initial sting mellowed to a barely there pressure.

“Give me a second and I’ll be more than happy to demonstrate.”

Before she could protest or ask more he fastened the second clip to the other side.

“Now when I add these to your stockings…”

As he pulled the small belts to the opposite side of her legs and clipped them in place, pressure built around the clamps.

“Sir?” She fought the rising panic.

“Easy, sub. This shouldn’t hurt. It’s only mild pressure if you stop tensing.”

She tried to listen but this wasn’t something she experienced before.

” He slid his fingers through her wetness again and over her clit. “Pay attention to my voice and stop panicking. You’re fine, baby.”

A rush of sensation ignited inside her as he savagely stroked her to the precipice of an explosion. “Oh my God, Mason. Shit,” she screamed.

He abruptly removed his fingers.

“No. Please don’t stop.”

“Not yet, babe.” He tapped her clit far too mildly to send her over the edge and she wanted to cry out in frustration.

“You okay now?”

She glanced down at her pussy spread wide. He was right. It didn’t really hurt. Not nearly as much as the ache behind her clit.

“Bastard,” she said, seething.

“Language like that isn’t going to get you any closer to an orgasm, Miss Adams. Now close your legs and get ready.”

She blinked at him. Was he fucking crazy?

“I can’t walk around like this.”

“Then close your legs and you won't.”

She still didn’t move, thoroughly confused by his plan.

He pushed from between her thighs and moved her legs together himself. As he did, the pull on her labia ceased and she barely felt the clips at all. “It’s going to be a long night if you can’t follow my instructions without an outburst.”

The clear disappointment in his eyes twisted her stomach. Tears even burned at the back of her eyes. Things were going so well and she didn’t want to screw this up.

“I’m sorry, Sir.” She bowed her head, hoping for his forgiveness.

His fingers touched her chin, raising her head. “It’s okay, Rebecca. You’re still new at this and I understand it's not always going to be easy.

She leaned forward and burrowed her face into his chest. “I know you won’t hurt me for pain’s sake, I’ve just got to get the rest of me on board.”

He caressed the side of her face. “You’re wrong about me, Rebecca. I will hurt you. I only hope you enjoy it as much as I do.”

The car came to a stop and Mason opened the door and climbed out leaving her stunned. She knew he was only hinting at their next scene, but it felt like something more too. She heard a tinge of regret in his voice.

What exactly was he up to?

“C’mon, babe. It’s time for your next surprise.” He held out his hand to her.


She quickly tied her dress back together and as gracefully as possible exited the car so the new evil devices attached to her pussy didn’t pull too far.

“One more thing and you’re ready.” He held up a mask. The same one she wore the night in his apartment. He turned her around and covered her face. “We’re going into a crowded club.”

Oh God. She had a feeling this is what he had in mind.

He finished tying the mask and adjusted her hair. “You’ll look breathtaking and mysterious.”

With her legs shaking, he escorted her toward an unmarked building, where they were greeted by a man and a woman dressed in obvious fetish attire. Her in a black vinyl mini skirt and matching bra and him in a tight pair of leather pants with a slitted pouch in the front.

“Good evening, Master Sinclair. It is good to see you again.”

“Thank you, Stephen. Did you receive my instructions?”

The man smiled. “Yes, Sir, we did. Everything is already prepared and waiting for you.”

Mason turned and faced Rebecca. Without a word he untied her cover up dress and slid it from her shoulders. “You won’t need this while we are here.” He handed it to the pretty girl standing by.

BOOK: MasonsRule-ARe
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