Read Master No Online

Authors: Lexi Blake

Tags: #Spies, #Dom/sub, #Lexi Blake, #McKay-Taggart, #Masters & Mercenaries, #erotic romance, #Bdsm

Master No (23 page)

BOOK: Master No
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A harder tap this time and she was writhing. Faith was well disciplined though. Her voice was hoarse but she answered his questions. “Yes. My dad and I are all right. He’s always making a deal, but he loves me. Oh, god. That feels so good.” Another rougher slap. “He wasn’t happy when I decided to go back, but he made amends. He threw a fundraiser when a fire destroyed my only operating facility. Fifty thousand dollars. It was a godsend.”

He moved to her thighs, tapping them with force. The skin went a light pink. Fifty thousand was nothing to a man like Senator McDonald. He could probably shit out fifty K in his sleep and not notice. If he threw a fundraiser, fifty thousand would be a disappointment.

There was something to look into. He would look into the fundraiser and see if there was anything hinky about it. Finances were something solid he could deal with.

“It’s good to have family to depend on. I’m glad you got close to your father again.” A lie. He wished she was far away from the man, but then he wouldn’t have an easy way in. He doubted Hope would be as pleasant to spend time with. Faith’s sister had a chill to her he’d seen in some of the most ruthless people he’d ever met.

He smacked at her breasts again, twice to each in rapid succession. Her nipples were rigid as hell.

“It’s been nice the last few years. After what happened in Ghana, we had a huge fight about opening the clinic in Liberia. I used the last of what my mother left me to do it. I couldn’t have kept it open without his help, and now my sister’s company is pledging vaccines and supplies. Please, please do that again.”

He raised the crop again and brought it down a bit harder, watching the blood rush to her chest, giving her the sweetest rosy flush. So her sister and father had recently shown an interest in the clinic. That was intriguing. He would take a second look at the clinic’s finances when it came to fundraising and the connection to Kronberg. The vaccines had come from there. Even though it seemed like there was no longer a connection between the clinic and the mob, he was still interested.

But he’d asked enough questions. He could likely keep this up for hours, but his cock was aching. Oh, he wasn’t going to use it on her yet, but he was definitely moving this play session along.

Play. He would remember the word. They were playing. He was playacting. Yeah, he was getting really good at fooling himself when it came to her. He gripped her ankles and dragged them up. She was fit and flexible, her body moving easily into the position he wanted it, legs almost to her chest. He could see her pussy, glistening and wet. All for him, and he knew what she liked.

When he looked back at her, trying to find trepidation or fear in her eyes, he couldn’t. There was only hot anticipation. Her hands curled around the ropes tethering her to the bed as though she was getting ready to hang on for a long ride.

“This isn’t about punishment, Faith. I’m not really that Dom. I want to give you what you need and I think you need this.” God knew he did. He brought the crop down on her round cheeks, the sound whipping through the air and then cracking. Her skin pinkened immediately. He brought it down again and again, finding a rhythm. She was completely vulnerable to him in this position. There was nothing she could do. She’d placed herself at his mercy, and the thought caused his dick to jump. So soft and sweet, and she had no idea how hungry the big bad wolf really was. He was going to eat her up. He would devour every last bite.

He brought the crop down again and again, sensitizing her skin. The moans and groans that came from her told him it was working. She was breathing in pants, but she didn’t fight him in any way. Faith wanted this. She needed this to feel whole and alive, and he felt more connected to her in that moment than he’d ever felt to another person. There was almost a flow of energy that began with each stroke, a wave he started and she gave back to him.

When her tears began to flow, he eased up and touched her heated flesh. “Is it enough?”

She sniffled and nodded. “I loved it, Master. I love that I’ll feel it tomorrow, and all day long it will be like you’re with me.”

He let her legs drop, the words filling him with some unnamable, unwanted emotion. He didn’t want to feel so soft around her, so fucking protective. He wasn’t sure he could walk away from her, and that was a very bad thing.

He shoved it all out. One night. A week or two tops. He would convince her to go out to the islands early so they would avoid her father. He would get the information and then find a way to ease out of her life.

Or he would send her father to hell, get his position back at the Agency, and she would never know he was the one behind it all. He was good at covering his tracks and there would be no public trial for the senator. No jail time. The Agency would end him quietly, and Ten might even let someone else do it. Plausible deniability. He could tell Faith what he wanted about his job and see her when he could.

It might work.

He didn’t care tonight. He wanted to get inside her.

“My time now, Faith. This is my time and you’re going to obey me. Am I understood?” He was the one panting now because she was so ready for him. So fucking ready for him.

“Oh, yes, Master.” She spread her legs, inviting him inside.

That was an invitation he didn’t intend to refuse.



Her whole body felt like a live wire. When Master T had held her ankles and forced them up, leaving her backside available to the smack of his crop, she’d nearly cried out in pleasure then and there. It had been so long since she’d felt like this, felt herself sinking into subspace, giving up all the tension and stress and emotion of the last several months to the whack of a crop. Most people wouldn’t understand and she’d stopped trying to explain it, but the pain freed her somehow. The pain allowed her to float for a while, unencumbered by what she’d seen and experienced before.

And the man brought her right back down to earth. She could admit that in the past she’d sometimes traded sex for dominance. It wasn’t that the sex hadn’t been decent. Her partners tended to be knowledgeable and experienced, but sometimes she would rather float than be in the moment with them. It was selfish, but then both partners had known the score.

She wanted to connect with Master T. She wanted this to be more than sex, more than a trade between them, so she forced herself to focus on him.

He’d given her so much, and she needed him to know that she was fully in the moment with him. When she spread her legs, making a place for him at the core of her body, she was satisfied with the way his eyes flared and how quickly his hands went to the laces of his leathers.

She watched him with greedy eyes as he kicked out of his boots and shoved the leathers off his lean hips. He was a beautifully made man. Even the scars did nothing but give him character. Without them, he would be too perfect, almost untouchable, as though he needed the imperfections to remind his lovers he required affection and a soft touch.

His cock sprang free and she realized that touch hadn’t lied to her. Master T was a big guy on every level. His cock was long and thick, jutting up toward his navel. She wanted to touch him, to feel the silky skin covering that erection and taste the pearly pre-ejaculate that clung to the head. Her palms nearly itched with the need to touch him, but this was his time. She would give him what he needed even if it was a quick, hard fuck to satisfy the obvious ache in his dick. He’d been so patient with her. She could do the same for him.

He reached over and dragged open the nightstand drawer, pulling out a condom and tossing it on the bed.

He was going to take her. It would be rough and hard. Like the man himself, and she would simply ride that wave and give him everything she had.

He climbed on the bed, his muscles working like a predatory cat’s. Lean, strong, graceful. There was a darkness about the man that she might never be able to penetrate, but it drew her to him like a moth to the flame.

His hands went to her thighs, pressing them open. When she thought he would reach for the condom, he dropped to his belly, his mouth above her pussy.

Her whole body tightened. God, he was going to kiss her. He was going to tongue her and taste her. This was what he considered “his time.” She kind of thought she was going to seriously enjoy his time.

“You’re so fucking gorgeous, Faith. Do you have any idea what it does for me that you spread yourself wide and don’t fight me on what I want?”

If he wanted something that would hurt her, she would fight, but Master T had given her nothing but pleasure. She would give him a lot of leeway when it came to his own desires. And she wasn’t a shrinking violet to protest that sex was dirty and they should turn the lights off. Sex was natural, and it felt even more so with this man. Sex was necessary and she took it seriously. She wasn’t the most beautiful woman in the world, but every body was lovely in its own way. She truly believed that and she believed that thinking poorly of herself didn’t help anyone. If a lover didn’t like her body, he could find another woman.

She was rapidly wondering if it would have been the same with Master T. Would she have so easily sent him packing? Would she have felt some momentary regret that was quickly overcome with work? Or would she have mourned the loss of his potential?

The good news was he thought she was gorgeous and she felt that way. She felt like a pretty BDSM princess about to be taken by her Dom king. Ah, the fantasies she could play out with him.

A light happiness took over, mingling with the headiness of desire as she felt the heat of his breath.

“You look happy.” He was staring at her.

“You make me happy. I’m happy to be here with you.” She’d learned to acknowledge these moments. Moments she could hold in her heart when the times got bad again. They would go bad—everything did—but she would have a well of happiness to draw from.

“Then let me make you even happier.” He dragged his tongue over her clit and she nearly came off the bed.

Heat sizzled through her veins and her head dropped back. She had to hold on to the ropes he’d tied so sweetly around her wrists. It was a good thing, too, since she would likely be clutching his hair if he hadn’t. She would be shoving her pelvis up and trying to get him to lick and suck, and then she would get another spanking. So she was really glad for those ropes now. They enabled her to hold on and give him his way.

His big tongue ran over her pussy, dragging upward through her labia. He parted the petals and seemed intent on devouring her. So good. He felt so good. He sucked one side of her labia into his mouth with a juicy smack and then gave the other side the same treatment. All the while she could feel his fingers starting to breach her.

He teased his way inside as he sucked and licked the outside. She looked down and watched as his golden brown head worked over her. She couldn’t help the gasp that came from her throat when he scraped his teeth over her clit. The sensation screamed along her spine, making her want to beg for more.

“Tell me you like this.” It came out of his mouth as a command, a deep, husky order.

“I like this.” It was an easy order to follow because she was already kind of addicted to Master T’s brand of dominance. She usually had to give, to bend to the Dom, but Master T seemed to need exactly what she did. Dominance in the bedroom and a friendship outside of it. Maybe a real partnership. This was what she’d been looking for. She’d accepted less before, thought she had to compromise. This was perfection. “I love this. I can’t get enough of this.”

The smirk on his face did something to her heart. He was an arrogant man, but he needed her approval, her praise. As long as he kept it up, she would tell him how amazing he was on a regular basis. Hell, she would write him notes about how talented his tongue was.

His fingers foraged deep, curling inside her.

He found a rhythm that got her blood pumping hard. He found that perfect spot and she couldn’t stay quiet. Thank god he hadn’t given her any orders about silence because she screamed out as she came.

“That’s what I like to hear, darlin’.” He kissed her one last time and then got up to his knees.

Even in the haze of her orgasm, she had to stare at him. He was so gorgeous, with his cut body and handsome face. He reached for the condom, tearing it open and rolling it over his cock.

“Please, Master. Can you let me out of the bonds?” She wanted her arms around him, wanted to hold him.

He frowned as he stroked himself. “I like you like that. You look beautiful.”

There was something about the way he said it that made her wonder if he was telling the truth, but then he was pushing his cock inside her and she couldn’t think another second. He remained on his knees, his eyes on her as he tilted her hips up and started to force his way inside. “I like you this way, Faith. I like you vulnerable and needy. I want you to need my cock the way I need you. I’ve been needing you for weeks and weeks, and I don’t want to hold back another second. After tonight, you’re mine. For as long as this relationship lasts, you’re my submissive. You’re mine to take care of, to indulge, to fuck exactly the way I like it.”

BOOK: Master No
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