Mastered 2: Ten Tales of Sensual Surrender (78 page)

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Authors: Opal Carew,Portia Da Costa,Madelynne Ellis,T.J. Michaels,Emily Ryan-Davis,Jennifer Leeland,Cynthia Sax,Evangeline Anderson,Avery Aster,Karen Fenech,Ruby Foxx,Saskia Walker

BOOK: Mastered 2: Ten Tales of Sensual Surrender
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“Gods, sweetheart…I shouldn’t.” But despite his words, he stepped forward, his thick shaft in one hand, and rubbed between her open thighs. Kaylee moaned as she felt the broad head of his cock coupled with the bubbles of the pool caressing her open pussy.

“Please, Solar,” she whispered, not caring if she was begging. “Please…fill me one more time before you go.”

“I don’t have a sheath with me,” he murmured.

“A sheath?” She looked over her shoulder at him in confusion.

“A clear barrier that fits over a male’s shaft and catches his seed before it enters a female,” he clarified. “I looked all over—there doesn’t seem to be a single one on this whole damn planet.”

“That’s probably because we don’t allow males to penetrate us or spill their seed inside us,” Kaylee murmured. The thought of the forbidden thing she was about to do sent a shiver down her spine but it wasn’t a shiver of fright. Rather she was trembling with pure desire—the need to feel the huge Havoc inside her filling her, taking her, making her his completely.

“And you’re willing to allow it now?” He sounded skeptical. “Even knowing there might be consequences?”

“Even so.” She looked over her shoulder again. “Although if you don’t…don’t want to I understand.”

want to—that’s the problem.” He sighed. “I
want to—I’m a Havoc. We do not bond—it’s our fucking code. But there’s something about you, sweetheart…” He looked at her intensely. “What is it about you, Kaylee? Why can’t I stop wanting you?”

“I don’t know but…but I feel the same way,” she whispered. “Please, Solar…maybe you could just…just try a few strokes. Just to make sure I really am all right. And then if you want, you can pull out. Before you spill your seed, I mean.”

“Gods, sweetheart, I ought to say no but I can’t.” With a low groan, he pressed the head of his shaft to the entrance of her pussy. Kaylee felt his thickness sliding slowly but surely into her, aided by the warm, silky liquid of the pool.

“Ahh!” she gasped as he finally bottomed out inside her. Goddess, it felt so good, so
even though she’d been taught her whole life it was wrong.

“Did I hurt you?” Solar looked at her in obvious concern, holding still within her.

Kaylee shook her head. “No. It feels good. Feels perfect.”

“To me too, sweetheart,” he murmured. “So, are you ready for me to try a few strokes?”

“Yes, please,” she whispered, pressing back against him. This new position felt amazing—she loved the feeling of him taking her from behind. It was so animalistic somehow. So

Solar seemed to like it too. He pulled back until only the head of his shaft was still inside her and then thrust in again, making Kaylee moan when his thickness kissed the end of her channel.

“You like that sweetheart?” he growled. “You like it when I fuck your sweet little pussy? When I fill you with my cock?”

“Oh!” she gasped, pressing back against him to get more of him inside her as he thrust again. “Oh Goddess, Solar,

“I like it too,” he murmured, gripping her hips and thrusting faster. “Gods, it’s like you were made for me. I’ve never felt such a perfect fit!”

Kaylee hadn’t either—not that she’d had any experience. But it was certainly true that there seemed to be something special about the way they fit together. She felt so connected to the big Havoc as he thrust inside her—so filled and owned by him.

It’s almost like I’m the slave and he’s the master,
she thought deliriously as he continued to thrust inside her. The thought was so illicit that it made her moan and clench around him with need.

Her actions seemed to set something off inside Solar. He stilled within her for a moment, making Kaylee wonder hazily what was wrong. Then, without warning, he put his arms around her and pulled her up, so that both of them were standing erect in the bubble pool.

He was still buried deep inside her and Kaylee gasped as the change of position made her pussy suddenly feel tighter and even more filled. Solar wound his arms around her, cupping her breasts with one large hand and her pussy with the other. Her back was pressed against his broad, bare chest and he spread her pussy lips and began to caress her swollen clit as he started to stroke inside her again.

“I’ve been with my share of females in this universe, sweetheart,” he murmured in her ear as he moved within her. “But none like you. There’s something different about you.”

“Wh-what?” Kaylee somehow managed to get out. His fingertips sliding around her clit and the feel of his thickness moving inside her were almost too much to bear.

“There’s something about you…something that makes me want to take a risk. I told you before we Havoc’s don’t bond—not like the Kindred. That’s because we have such a hard time finding the right female. But someone told me once if I found the right one, I’d know.”

“And do you?” Kaylee could feel her heart pounding so hard it seemed to want to leave her chest. “Do you know, Solar?”

“All I know is that I don’t want to leave you when this is over,” he growled. “Don’t ever fucking want to leave you again. So I want to take a risk and come inside you. But you have to be willing to take a risk too. Are you?”

Kaylee closed her eyes and tried to think. Goddess, she was getting closer and closer to the edge but this was a serious question. Could she really take the risk of bonding herself permanently to Solar? Could she take the risk that he might give her a child?

“We couldn’t stay here,” she whispered at last, making herself talk despite the overwhelming pleasure. “We’d have to…have to leave Yonnie Six.”

“Fine with me,” he said. “I was going to go anyway.”

“Then take me with you,” Kaylee pleaded softly. “Oh Goddess, I’m so close! Please, Solar…take me with you when you go.”

“I’ll take you with me, sweetheart,” he growled in her ear. “Take you with me… right…

With the last word, he rubbed hard over her tender clit and thrust deep into her pussy, making sure that the head of his shaft was kissing the mouth of her womb. Kaylee gasped as she felt him swell within her. And then, as her pleasure reached its inevitable peak, she felt hot liquid spurt inside her and knew he was filling her with his seed.

“Solar,” she wailed, pressing back against him, trying to get him more deeply into her. Goddess, she had never felt so filled, so stretched and opened before. And yet it was right, completely and utterly right and she was glad—more than glad it was happening.

Solar seemed to feel the same way.

“Gods, sweetheart,” he murmured hoarsely in her ear. “Feels so good to come inside you…so right to fill you with my seed.” And then, more softly she heard him say, “
Feels right to bond you to me.”

The strange thing was, she didn’t hear his words aloud. He seemed to have spoken them right inside her head somehow. It was as though he’d thought them and she had somehow overheard his thought.

“It feels right to me too,”
she sent back through the strange new link that had somehow grown between them.
“I want to stay with you, Solar.”

“You are, sweetheart. You’re staying with me. Where ever we go, we’re going together,”
she heard him say, again speaking directly into her mind.

The strange new communication and her orgasm washing over her overwhelmed Kaylee for a moment.  She closed her eyes and pressed against him as they strained together for an endless moment. Then both of them collapsed, panting, in the warm, frothing liquid of the bubble pool.


Chapter Ten

that?” Kaylee asked, panting, when they finally disengaged. “Why could I hear you in my mind when you weren’t even speaking aloud? I mean, I
hear you, right?”

“Yes, you heard me and I heard you. It’s the bond,” Solar assured her. Again he remembered the old male his father had shipped with—the one who'd had a bride. He’d told Solar a little about the mental communication that was possible when a Havoc bonded a female to him—it was the same kind of bond that Kindred had with their brides. Solar hadn’t believed him.

Well, I sure as hell believe him now!

“Believe who about what?” Kaylee asked curiously and he realized she must have picked up on his thought.

“Oh, I was just thinking about something someone told me once. About the mental bond between a Havoc and his mate.”

“So…I’m not going crazy?” She looked at him, both relieved and doubtful. “I mean…we can really talk to each other with our minds now?”

“That’s part of being bonded,” Solar assured her. “Does it bother you?”

She looked thoughtful. “If you’d asked me about it before it happened, it might have,” she confessed at last. “I would have thought it would be strange and intrusive having a male inside my head.”

“As opposed to having one inside your body?” Solar raised an eyebrow at her and she nudged him playfully with her elbow.

“You know what I mean.”

Actually, he did. The new bond between them seemed to cause a kind of instant understanding between them. As well as an intimacy and closeness that surpassed anything he’d ever felt with another living being before. It was nice. No, more than nice. It was…

Kaylee finished for him, using their new link to speak directly into his mind.
“I never would have believed it but it’s wonderful. I like this feeling of closeness. Of togetherness. I was so lonely before I met you, Solar. But now…I don’t feel alone anymore.”

“You’re not alone.”
He put his arms around her protectively and pulled her close.
You’ll never be alone again, sweetheart.”

Kaylee sighed contentedly and rested her head on his bare chest. For a moment they were just content to hold each other. Then she nodded at the motionless forms of Lyra and her borrowed slave. The two of them were still lying motionless at the far edge of the pool.

“What are we going to do about Lyra and her goon?”

“Hmm, good question,” Solar murmured. He was feeling lazy and completely contented and he didn’t really want to have to think about disposing of the bad guys but there was no doubt something had to be done. Then he had an idea. A really

Kaylee looked up at him, wide-eyed, having clearly caught his thought. “You think we should take them to the Flesh Bazaar?” she asked, speaking it aloud.

Solar shrugged. “Why not? You don’t want me to kill them, do you?”

“No, of course not. You know that. And you wouldn’t kill Lyra anyway—even if she is an awful excuse for a person.”

That was true—Solar could never see himself hurting a female. But putting Lyra in the exact same position she’d found him in was a different matter. It held a certain appeal. A kind of poetic justice.

“She’s pretty bad but you’re right—I couldn’t hurt a female,” he said. “Not unless she’d succeeded in hurting you. If she had…” A low growl rose in his throat at the thought—one he couldn’t quite contain.

“Hey, it’s okay—
okay,” Kaylee said softly. “You got here in time, remember? And thank the Goddess you did. What happened—you got halfway to the next system and turned back around?”

“I never even got off planet,” Solar confessed. “I was too worried about you.”

“That’s wonderful.” Kaylee’s eyes were soft with emotion. “I’ve never been with anyone who was so…protective before.”

“Well, get used to it, sweetheart,” he growled softly. “It’s a male thing and a Havoc thing too, I guess. If we ever do claim a mate, we make damn sure we take good care of her.”

Kaylee smiled. “I don’t mind. In fact…I like it.”

“Good. Because I couldn’t stop wanting to keep you safe and protect you even if I tried.” He pulled her even closer, liking the way her small, soft body felt against his own.

“So where do we go once we drop Lyra and her slave off at the Flesh Bazaar?” Kaylee asked, looking up at him. “We already said we can’t stay here. Which is fine with me—I’ve been miserable ever since I moved to Opulex.”

“Well, I actually have another reason for going to the Flesh Bazaar,” Solar admitted. “I need to see if I can trace my best friend and the captain of my ship, The Empress. I heard Lyra said he was bought by a female from Zetta Prime. He doesn’t belong as a slave any more than I did. I need to find him and free him.”

“Is he a Havoc too?” Kaylee asked. “Is he a really big male with black hair and pale blue-white eyes?”

“Yes—did you see him? Do you know where he went?” Solar asked eagerly.

She shook her head. “I’m afraid Lyra and I just saw him getting sold from a distance. He…” She bit her lip. “The slaver who was selling him used the pain collar on him quite a lot. I’m afraid he wasn’t in very good shape when I saw him last.”

“But he was still alive—right?” Solar asked urgently. The idea that Thrace might have been killed made his stomach clench. They had shipped together for years and the stoic captain of The Empress was his best friend.

“I’m sure he was,” Kaylee said quickly. “The mistress I saw buying him wouldn’t have bought him otherwise.”

“Well, I have to find him,” Solar said firmly. “He’d do the same for me if he could.”

“Of course he would. And we
find him,” Kaylee said. “We’ll take the biggest ship my Aunt J left me and search until we do.”

“It’s a big universe out there,” Solar said grimly. “We might search for years. You don’t mind spending your life that way?”

Kaylee smiled and snuggled closer to him.

“Not as long as I’m spending it with you.”

Solar smiled back and held her close. He had no idea where his search for Thrace might take him but at least now he knew he wouldn’t be alone in the hunt.

But what about his captain’s reaction when he found that Solar had broken the Havoc code and bonded himself to a female?

We do not bond,
Solar thought looking down at the girl in his arms.
Well, maybe we should. And Thrace will just have to deal with it when I find him.

If I find him…

He only hoped it wouldn’t really take years. He could only imagine what his friend was going through. With Thrace’s hatred and fear of  slavery and his murky, unspoken past, he must be in agony if he was still enslaved right now.

Hang on, Thrace,
he thought grimly
. I’ll find you, my brother. I swear I will. Hang on and try to survive…

# # #

Author’s Note
—as you can probably tell, Thrace has his own story to tell. If you want to find out what happened to him, please see
, Brides of the Kindred 14, also by Evangeline Anderson. If you want to start the series from the beginning, you can get the first book,
for free. Hugs and Happy Reading!

To find more books by Evangeline Anderson, you can find her online at her website

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About the Author

Evangeline Anderson is a registered MRI tech who would rather be writing. And yes, she is nerdy enough to have a bumper sticker that says “I’d rather be writing.” Honk if you see her! She is thirty-something and lives in Florida with a husband, a son, and two cats. She had been writing erotic fiction for her own gratification for a number of years before it occurred to her to try and get paid for it. To her delight, she found that it was actually possible to get money for having a dirty mind and she has been writing paranormal and Sci-fi erotica steadily ever since.

Other Books by Evangeline Anderson

Brides of the Kindred
books (in order)

(also available in print and coming soon as an audio book!)










(also available in print)




Born to Darkness
Paranormal series

Crimson Debt

Scarlet Heat

Ruby Shadows
(coming May 2015)

Here are some excerpts of Evangeline's other books....

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