Mastered 2: Ten Tales of Sensual Surrender (81 page)

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Authors: Opal Carew,Portia Da Costa,Madelynne Ellis,T.J. Michaels,Emily Ryan-Davis,Jennifer Leeland,Cynthia Sax,Evangeline Anderson,Avery Aster,Karen Fenech,Ruby Foxx,Saskia Walker

BOOK: Mastered 2: Ten Tales of Sensual Surrender
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As I grabbed the dust cloth and started dusting the items, I found myself thinking about earlier that afternoon when I’d turned suddenly and accidentally bumped into Cade.  He’d grabbed my elbows so I wouldn’t tumble and I’d found myself pressed against his solid body, wishing he would capture my mouth and drive his tongue into me.  Hot, vibrant awareness had shot through me at the contact and I was sure I’d seen need in his deep blue eyes.

But he’d straightened me up and stepped back.  Then he’d told me he had some work to do and gone to the den, but I was sure he was just fighting what we both wanted.

God, I longed to saunter in there right now, strip off my shirt and outright seduce him.

“Hey, you look lost in thought.”

I glanced up from the wooden box I was holding in my hand, dust cloth in the other.  I finished dusting it and set it down on the shelf.  He was so sexy filling the doorway with his tall, broad frame.

“No, just getting tired, I guess.”

“Well, you’ve been working all day.  Why not take a breather?”

I turned to him and realized what I wanted to do right now would definitely make my breathing accelerate.  His, too.

I dropped the cloth on the shelf and walked toward him, feeling bold.  “Cade, you and I have known each other a long time.”

“That’s true.  Since you were fifteen.”

I stepped closer and his gaze grew more solemn.

“But I’m not a teenager any more.  In fact…”  I gazed up at him, staring into his deep blue eyes.  “I’m a grown woman.”

His lips compressed.  “Jenna, don’t—”

“I’m just saying that relationships change and now that I’m an adult,”—I rested my hand flat on his chest, the feel of the solid muscle under my palm sending heat through me—“our relationship could change.”

He covered my hand with his and heat shimmered through me at his touch.  For a second, I thought he would agree with me, but then he drew my hand away.

“This is not a good idea, Jenna.”

My chest constricted.  “Don’t you find me attractive?”

His eyes darkened and I was intensely aware of his hand still around mine.  “Oh, I find you
attractive.  But… it’s just not a good idea.”

He found me attractive!  Joy surged through me and despite his reluctant words, I pushed myself on my tiptoes and kissed him.  His arms slid around my waist and he crushed me to him.

Oh, God, his lips on mine… his tongue gliding into my mouth… I felt faint with desire.

But as quickly as it started, he ended the kiss.

Then he stepped back, determination in his eyes.

“Is it because of our age difference?  Because that doesn’t matter—”

“Just drop it, Jenna.  It’s not going to happen.”

I frowned as he turned and strode away.

I followed him from the room.  “I thought we were going to take a break.”

“You go ahead,” he said as he strode to the front door.  “I’m going out to pick up some empty boxes.  I’ll grab something for dinner, too.  Be back in about an hour.”

I frowned as I stared at the door he closed behind him.

I turned and walked back to the hallway, deciding to get some more work done before he came back.  But as I walked down the hall I realized I really could use the break.  My gaze fell on the forbidden door and curiosity poked at me.  I knew he had a stash of keys in his kitchen drawer and I bet one of them was for the lock on this door.  I bit my lip, toying with the idea of grabbing those keys and looking inside.

What would it hurt?  He’d never have to know.

And I
wanted to know what was inside.

I turned and walked into the kitchen, then grabbed the keys and returned to the hallway.  The third key fit in the lock.

I hesitated, knowing I shouldn’t really do this.

But curiosity won out and I turned the key.  I pushed the door open and peered inside, but it was dark in the room.  Were there no windows?

I reached along the wall, searching for a light switch.  My fingers found it and I flicked on the light.

My eyes widened.  The room was big and at first I couldn’t even comprehend what I was seeing.  I stepped inside.

There was a black leather couch and a big black cupboard on one wall.  There was strange furniture around the room that I didn’t really understand, but many had big steel rings fastened to them, some with leather straps attached, and others with chains.

There were chains on the wall, too, at just the right height for a person.  In the corner, there was a tall, narrow cage.

I walked to the cabinet and opened one of the doors.  Inside, I was shocked to find what looked like floggers, riding crops, and paddles in different shapes and sizes.  I reached out and touched one of the suede floggers with one-inch wide strands.  It was a beautiful shade of purple, and the suede was soft under my fingertips.

“I told you not to come in here.”

I twirled around at the sound of Cade’s voice.  He stood in the doorway looking big and menacing.

“I’m… uh… sorry.”

There was no way to explain away what I’d done.  I had blatantly defied his wishes, and now I’d been caught.

He frowned as he stepped into the room.

“Now you must think I’m some kind of freak.  Or pervert,” he said.

“No, of course not.  I would never think that about you.”

His eyebrow arched.  “Then what do you think?”  He raised his hand and gestured around the room.  “About all of this?”

I turned back to the cupboard and touched the suede flogger again, loving the softness of it.

“I think that it shows you’re adventurous in the bedroom.  That you like to try new, exciting things.”

He closed the door behind him and stepped toward me.  “And what about you, Jenna?  Do you like exciting, adventurous things in the bedroom?”

As he approached, like a panther stalking his prey, my heart raced.

“Well… uh…”  I drew in a breath.  “Sure, I guess so.”

As I glanced around the room at all the strange equipment, however, my stomach fluttered in uncertainty.  But I knew deep inside that I totally trusted Cade.

“You don’t sound too certain.”

“Well, it totally depends on who I’m with.”  Then I smiled seductively.  “With you, for instance, I would be very adventurous.”

He stopped in front of me and placed his hands on my shoulders.

“You know, Jenna.  I told you that you and I wouldn’t happen.  Remember?”

Disappointment flooded through me and I nodded.

“And I told you not to come in this room. Right?”

I nodded again, feeling very sheepish.

“Say ‘yes, sir’ so I know you understand.”

“Yes, sir.”

Then his hand glided along my shoulders and down my arms, sending tremors of awareness through me.

“Since you chose to ignore what I told you, I think there have to be consequences.”

Consequences?  Was he going to fire me?

But the heat in his eyes and the velvety tone of his voice assured me otherwise.

“Like what?”  Then I added, “Sir.”

A slow smile spread across his face.

“I will have to punish you.”

“Punish?”  I glanced at the riding crops and paddles in alarm.

He laughed.  “Don’t worry, I won’t start with those.”  His hand moved to my waist and slid down my hips.  “I think a good old fashioned spanking will do for starters.”  Then he stepped back.  “Take off your pants.”

I sucked in a breath.  He watched intently as I unfastened the button on my jeans, then unzipped.  My cheeks heating, I pushed them down my legs, then let them drop to the floor and stepped out of them.  His gaze lingered on my long, bare legs, then rested on my red panties.

“Keep going.”

My knees felt weak, but I summoned my courage and hooked my thumbs under the elastic, then pushed my panties to the floor.  I stood up slowly, a little embarrassed at the thought he’d be seeing me naked from the waist down, but my top was long enough to cover me to my thighs.

“Turn around.”

I turned and he lifted my top to reveal my naked ass.  His hand stroked over my round flesh, making me tremble in anticipation of his first slap.  But he just stroked..


He grasped my shoulders and guided me across the room to a piece of wooden furniture that looked sort of like a padded, leather bench with a second, lower shelf, also padded.

“Kneel there”—he pointed to the lower surface—“and bend over.”

I knelt on the shelf, and leaned forward over the higher part of the surface.  My stomach rested on the leather.  He pushed up the hem of my top, exposing my naked ass.  I felt him attach a strap around my knee and attach it to the bench.  Then he did the same to the other one.

“I’m going to adjust the straps now,” he said.

I felt my legs pulled apart.  A moment later, he stood in front of me and took my wrist.  He drew it downward and attached a cuff, holding my arm outstretched.  Once he cuffed my other wrist, he stood up.

I could only see him from the waist down in front of me, and I longed to reach out and stroke the growing bulge I saw in his pants, but my hands were bound.

Would he pull out that big cock and push it into my mouth?  I longed to feel it glide between my lips.  To squeeze it in my mouth and suck on it.

He moved behind me.

“Are you ready for your punishment, Jenna?”

“Yes, sir.”

His hand slapped against my ass with a loud smacking sound.

“Oh!”  It smarted a little, then he slapped again.  The other side this time.

He smacked again, then kept on smacking.  First one cheek, then the other.  My skin heated under his punishment, but the sensation, which started off a little painful, quickly turned to a heated flush of pleasure.

I began to squirm, wanting more.  I wanted him to touch me.  Stroke me.

Oh, God, I wanted him to push his big cock inside me.

He stopped and stepped back.  I glanced up and realized that the wall across from me was mirrored and I could see him admiring his handiwork.  Then he rested his big hand on my ass and caressed.

“Do you like that, Jenna?”

His fingertips glided along my heated skin, gentle and soothing.

“Yes, sir.”

He stroked lightly, then his fingers glided between my thighs.  I felt his fingertips on my inner thigh, so close to my hot, intimate flesh.  If I shifted just a little, he’d be touching me there.  And I so wanted him to touch me there!  But I stayed still, letting him lead.

He glided up and down my sensitive inner thigh, then up over my ass again, and down the other thigh.  His fingers slipped away from my skin and he walked in front of me.

“Do you think I’ve punished you enough?”

“No, sir.  I was very bad.  I think there should be more consequences.”

“Oh?  Like what?”

I stared at his crotch in front of me, noticing how thick and long the bulge in his pants was.

“I think I should do something to make you… uh… feel good.”

“And what would that be?”

“I could… touch you.”

“But you can’t, can you?  Not with your hands cuffed like that.”

He walked behind me again.

“There are things I’d like to do to you, though,” he said.

Excitement skittered through me as I saw him in the mirror staring at my intimate folds.

“Yes, sir,” I said breathlessly.

“Would you like me to touch you?”

“Oh, yes.  Very much.”

He smiled, then I felt his fingertips brush against my damp flesh and I drew in a breath.  He stroked me lightly.

“You pussy is so pretty, Jenna.  Like the glistening petals of a flower covered in dew.”

His fingers glided along the surface… very lightly… making me tremble with need.  He stroked back and forth, driving my need higher.  When he slid a big, firm finger inside me, I moaned.  He stroked the wall of my channel, sliding along the surface.  Then he added another finger, stretching me a little.  He hooked his fingers and glided over a sensitive spot inside. His steady rhythm triggered a pulsing need inside me.

“Oh, that feels so good.”

“Does it?”  He smiled.  “That’s good.”

I watched him kneel behind me.

“This should feel even better.”

Then his mouth covered me.

“Oh, yes,” I practically squealed.

His fingers slipped away and his tongue nudged my flesh, then dragged along the length of my slit.  It pulsed inside me, then a moment later, nudged my clit, making me moan.  I whimpered as pleasure swept through me, rising with each stroke of his tongue as he lapped at my sensitive bud, pushing me closer and closer to the edge.

I arched against him, needing more.  Wanting to fly to the moon under his touch.

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