Mastering Multiple Position Sex (7 page)

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Authors: Eric M Garrison

Tags: #Health & Fitness, #Sexuality

BOOK: Mastering Multiple Position Sex
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This Chapter’s Positions and Their Degrees of Difficulty:

: The Mutt

: The One in the Window

: The Pedigree

Men who want stronger erections gain an advantage from rear-entry because kneeling or standing positions—rather than supine positions—increase penile blood flow. Yet another advantage of this position is biological. When a female mammal is in
—in heat—she communicates this by getting on all fours and letting her back droop toward the ground, a position known by zoo guides as
. Mammalian males—straight, gay, and bisexual men—love to see their partner in a lordotic position. Forget buying “fuck me” boots or giving a man the “come fuck me” look, when I speak of bringing sexy back, I’m talking about lordosis—with no offense to Mr. Timberlake.

What follows is a useful exercise in how one position can serve several purposes. Once you have mastered these steps, I encourage you to apply the principles for any position, adapting them according to your needs, your partner’s, or both.

Setting the Stage

Standard rear-entry requires both partners to be on their knees with at least one partner—the one being penetrated—to rest on their hands as well. With the variations that follow, knees, shins, palms, and elbows will benefit from the comfort of a soft surface.


Just because the front of a woman’s body is out of sight during rear-entry doesn’t keep it out of mind. Sexplay can focus on her mouth, breasts, pubic mound, anus, clitoris, and everything else within sight and reach to provide maximum stimulation and pleasure. Because manual stimulation reaches so many different pleasure points in and on her, and because rear-entry places emphasis on the front top wall of her vagina, using ample lube with fingers can provide stimulation she won’t receive from sex alone.

“Keep in mind that no position is permanent. Similar to what we hear in other parts of our lives, change is good, and as your physical health, sexual health, and sexual abilities change, so will your positions.”

The Mutt

Many people, for various reasons, shy away from rear-entry: It’s impersonal, he comes too fast, she doesn’t come at all, or the family dog thinks of it as an invitation to jump on the bed.

Quite the opposite! With skill, lovers can enjoy rear-entry as much as any other position because it provides many advantages. One of the greatest, as you’ll see here, is versatility and control of penetration. If her legs are outside of his, her vagina will feel more open, and she can tighten it by bringing her legs inside his, wrapping one around his waist, or even sitting back into him.

Also, either partner can take turns with the screwing. He can remain stationary, while she rocks back and forth—which stimulates the sensitive outer third of her vagina. She can remain still, while he thrusts into her—which will stimulate her inner two-thirds. Finally, they can move away and toward each other, which will accomplish both goals of stimulating his entire shaft and her entire vagina. The position also leaves him with two free hands to stimulate himself or her and, depending on her position during rear-entry, she can have one or two hands free as well.




Position yourself on all fours with your legs spread wide enough for him to slide up behind you and between your legs.


If you feel that more lubricant is necessary, now’s the time to apply more to her vulva and to your penis. With the ample amount of sexplay that opened this chapter, the most you might need is a dab of saliva applied with your fingers—or tongue! Position yourself behind her and enter her slowly.


Your pleasure can come from one of two ways: You can rock forward and backward or side to side—or a combination of both—or you can remain stationary and let him do all the work. You can also do a hybrid whereby you each take charge for a while and then switch, allowing the other to take over.


From this angle, as you apply pressure to the front top wall of her vagina, you may be ignoring other parts of her. Since her hands are flat on the bed or other surface, it is up to you to lend a hand. You can stimulate her clitoris, pubic mound, and breasts. Though we haven’t reached the chapter on anal sex, you can also stimulate her rectum—with permission.


If you can balance yourself on one hand, you can provide your own clitoral stimulation.


If one partner requests it and if both consent, this is a first-class position for introducing the subtle art of spanking. There is a fine line between pleasure and pain, and there are equally fine lines between a love tap, a sensual spanking, and corporal punishment. If you can define that line, try it. If you have permission to try and this is your first time, it’s best to cup your hand, which produces an audible “pop” without inflicting the tingling burn of the harsher, flat-palm spanking.


The One in the Window

This serves as a second functional position, as well as a transition into the Pedigree, the next and last position in this chapter. This transition/position will teach you two important lessons. First, it demonstrates how a subtle shift in leg position can make the vagina and its entrance either wider or more narrow. Second, it illustrates the importance of envisioning your bodies and your sex space from a 3-D perspective. Rear-entry can take place on hands and knees, in a chair, lying on your sides, standing upright, or in the near weightlessness of a pool in positions that would earn you an Olympic medal if you could replicate them out of water.

Move back from her and let one leg go to the outside of one of her legs. When that one has cleared, help bring her other leg toward the center and then clear that one too. This will put both her legs side-by-side and between yours.

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