Mastering Multiple Position Sex (43 page)

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Authors: Eric M Garrison

Tags: #Health & Fitness, #Sexuality

BOOK: Mastering Multiple Position Sex
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The design team made this book appeal to the eye, and any reader who admires beauty should thank them. My gratitude goes out to the Quiver crew for this handsome artifact that deserves to be left on a bed—as opposed to be hidden under it. Rosalind Wanke is a visionary who supervised a terrific staff of Lucia Scarlatti behind the lens, Andrea with hair and make-up, Robin with props, and Anthony with lighting. Rosalind and Lucia worked so much magic on the set that I often raced back home to my laptop to match my language to their photography. Thanks to you five for inviting me to play choreographer at the photo shoot—a “blast” is an understatement.

The editors and publishers served as coital clairvoyants and allowed my thoughts to crystallize on paper. My editor, Nancy King, possesses an eagle eye for detail and made me fall in love with the written word all over again. Carol Polakowski and Amanda Waddell nipped and tucked everything one last time. Jill Alexander and Will Kiester, senior editor and publisher at Quiver, respectively, took a chance by inviting me to play in this wonderful sandbox known as professional writing, and it meant the world to me to go from sexologist to author. I was a probing pupil, and the Quiver staff were all patient teachers, especially facing my childlike inquiries of “What happens next?”

The Quiver marketing staff, led by Susan Hershberg, helped me with the most important position and transition associated with this book—getting the book from the warehouse and into your hands. A round of applause to all of you.

One of the best parts of seeing a sex counselor or therapist stems from all the at-home sex assignments. My clients volunteered to do most of the bedroom research that brought this book from my mind to your hands. As you read these words and admire these photographs, please remind yourself that ordinary people took these chapters home, attempted them over and over and over and over again, returned to me to express their constructive criticism, and then—with my revamped instructions—crawled back into bed for even more hours of authentic, toe-curling sex. I tip my hat to the countless Manhattanites who sacrificed television reruns, the Internet, corporate coffee under bad fluorescent lighting, mediocre meals in chain restaurants, and big mega-malls full of things that people don’t need, just so you readers could have the best sex in the universe. I will sleep in peace knowing that these genuine people made the concepts within
Mastering Multiple Position Sex

“As I sipped a tall glass of iced tea at a Savannah soiree, several passionate partygoers confronted me with the question, ‘Professor Garrison, could you please explain to us why Southerners seem so against group sex?’ I replied, ‘It’s not the group sex that we’re against—we just hate writing all those damned thank-you notes.’”

Text © 2009 Eric Marlowe Garrison
Photography © 2009 Quiver
Author photo © 2009 David Beyda Studio, NYC

First published in the USA in 2009 by
Quiver, a member of
Quayside Publishing Group
100 Cummings Center
Suite 406-L
Beverly, MA 01915-6101

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or utilized, in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without prior permission in writing from the publisher.

The publisher maintains the records relating to images in this book required by 18 USC 2257. Records are located at Rockport Publishers, Inc., 100 Cummings Center, Suite 406-L, Beverly, MA 01915-6101.

13 12 11 10 09    1 2 3 4 5

ISBN-13: 978-1-59233-386-8
ISBN-10: 1-59233-386-9
eISBN-13: 978-1-61673-579-1

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Garrison, Eric Marlowe.

Mastering multiple position sex: mind-blowing lovemaking techniques that create unforgettable orgasms/Eric Marlowe Garrison.

p. cm.

ISBN-13: 978-1-59233-386-8

ISBN-10: 1-59233-386-9

1. Orgasm. 2. Sexual intercourse. I. Title.

HQ31.G26 2009



Cover design: Traffic Design Consultants
Book design: Kathie Alexander
Photography: Lucia Scarlatti
Author photo: David Beyda Studio, NYC

Printed and bound in Singapore

Table of Contents

Introduction: What Makes Sex Musical?
Getting Started: The Solo: Self-Pleasure as Sex Education
1st Movement Your First Duet The Joys of Mutual Maestro-bation
2nd Movement Introduction To Harmony A Study in Sexual Progression
3rd Movement The Adagio Taking It Easy and Making It Last
4th Movement A Capella Amazing Oral Sex for You and Your Partner
5th Movement Being Concert Master Positions to Help Your Male Partner Please You
6th Movement Venerating The Vibrato Using Toys for Her and Him
7th Movement Sight Reading Non-Traditional Moves That Boost Intimacy
8th Movement Building an Erotic Ensemble Achieving Blended Orgasms
9th Movement The Key of A Anal Play for Amateurs and Professionals
10th Movement Allegro con Fuoco The Quickie
11th Movement Playing First Chair Get Off That Bed and Onto the Furniture
12th Movement The Standing O Sex on Two Feet
13th Movement The Rock Opera Sexual Moves for the Young at Heart
Fine Tuning: Making Adjustments for Better Sex

Table of Contents

Introduction: What Makes Sex Musical?

Getting Started: The Solo: Self-Pleasure as Sex Education

1st Movement Your First Duet The Joys of Mutual Maestro-bation

2nd Movement Introduction To Harmony A Study in Sexual Progression

3rd Movement The Adagio Taking It Easy and Making It Last

4th Movement A Capella Amazing Oral Sex for You and Your Partner

5th Movement Being Concert Master Positions to Help Your Male Partner Please You

6th Movement Venerating The Vibrato Using Toys for Her and Him

7th Movement Sight Reading Non-Traditional Moves That Boost Intimacy

8th Movement Building an Erotic Ensemble Achieving Blended Orgasms

9th Movement The Key of A Anal Play for Amateurs and Professionals

10th Movement Allegro con Fuoco The Quickie

11th Movement Playing First Chair Get Off That Bed and Onto the Furniture

12th Movement The Standing O Sex on Two Feet

13th Movement The Rock Opera Sexual Moves for the Young at Heart

Fine Tuning: Making Adjustments for Better Sex

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