Mastering Multiple Position Sex (38 page)

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Authors: Eric M Garrison

Tags: #Health & Fitness, #Sexuality

BOOK: Mastering Multiple Position Sex
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Use your tongue to lick
within sight. Raise her up slightly, to bring her clitoris closer to your mouth. The hand that is closest to her lower back—and to your face—can also add stimulation and excitement by fingering her ass or to penetrate her pussy as you lick and suck her clitoris. Your palm heel is still there to support her.


Continue for as long as you are both enjoying the position, or for an emergency or a pause or if she feels dizzy, please feel free to return to the starting position back on the bed.






If both partners want to proceed right to Tables and Chairs, this transition will help. They could also resume the starting position for Standing 69, exit the bed together, and then go into the Tables and Chairs position.

Remove your mouth from her long enough to announce that you are going to set her down. Slightly bend at the knees, as you lower her from your torso.


As he begins to lower you, extend your arms beneath you, as in a handstand.


Begin creeping forward, as you lower her inch by inch toward the floor.


Bend at your elbows and curve your head toward your chest, as your spine rolls down on the floor one vertebra at a time. Eventually, you will be lying supine on the floor.


Once she is on the floor, continue stroking your cock to keep it hard. Sit on the floor beside her, put your feet flat in front of you, place your arms behind you, and keep your knees bent.


Stand up and straddle him, your back to his face.


Push up on your arms and legs, forming your body into a table.


Guide his erection into you, as you sit down.


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