Mastering Multiple Position Sex (36 page)

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Authors: Eric M Garrison

Tags: #Health & Fitness, #Sexuality

BOOK: Mastering Multiple Position Sex
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As he lowers you toward the ground, you can switch your hands to his shoulders. To provide the maximum safety, it is best to reach under his arms and grip his shoulders from behind, rather than gripping them from the front. Because of the sweat and excitement, you could lose your grip otherwise.
If he helps you lower your head past 180 degrees, the resulting rush of blood combined with the deep penetration could cause you to have an orgasm without continuing to the next section. A similar biological response holds true for men as well who, while having sex on their backs, hang their heads off a bed, an ottoman, or a galloping horse.



With both partners ready to reach orgasm, they can incorporate a prop to help bring it home. If either partner needs a break, or if they don’t want to hasten to the bedroom or a couch, they can also use a four-on-the-floor position—any position that requires both partners to have their feet touching the floor. This change in position can help bring them to orgasm by bringing them back to earth.

You can lower her to a bed, and continue to make love to her in an advanced missionary position: To increase vaginal tightness, you can grip her ankles and move her legs side-to-side.


If you wish to remain standing, and if she wants to continue with the deeper penetration, you can set her on a surface that’s the same height as your penis. This could be a countertop, a washing machine (set to spin), a sturdy table, or the top of a sofa or couch.


If you’re resting on any of the above surfaces, you must use at least one hand to pull him closer—to maintain that deep, thrusting action. And, with the support of some furniture, you can use your free hand to stimulate your clitoris, mound, or any other erogenous zone on your body that you can reach.


If both partners want to remain standing, she can lower herself to her feet, turn around, and allow him to enter her from a standing rear-entry position. She can lean forward and place her hands on the floor (more difficult) or grip a fixed prop, such as a wall, a piece of furniture, or even the handle of a closed door.


One advantage of the last position, standing rear-entry, is that it allows the penis to touch different parts of the vagina that the other positions in this chapter might not have reached. This progression, moving from the rear wall of the vagina to the front wall, could be enough stimulation for her to reach orgasm. He might have to rely on his thrusting and the tension or laxity of her vagina to help him reach his orgasm.

Brava! Bravo!

Just as an orchestra must work hard to earn a standing ovation, a couple must work equally hard to enjoy all the benefits of a standing orgasm.

The degrees of difficulty and the gymnastic beauty of these positions are nothing short of breathtaking; consequently, any couple that executes them is entitled to bedroom—and boardroom—bragging rights.

“Like two birds of prey mating in flight, these strenuous positions at times defy gravity.”

The Rock Opera: Sexual Moves for the Young at Heart


There comes a time when a client tells his or her sex counselor: “We’ve mastered everything and we want to take our sex to the next level.” Or the request might be phrased as follows: “What could somebody seeking a little adventure do?” It could be that a couple has reached a plateau, or boredom has crept into the boudoir. Perhaps they are drawn to challenges or want to strut their stuff in the bedroom after months of working out, sleeping well, and eating healthfully. And while it’s tempting to respond, “Try using Tabasco as a lubricant,” it’s true that we have a few challenging positions up our pajama sleeves. In this chapter, I’ll introduce you to acrobatic sexplay and one super-flexible outercourse position.










This Chapter’s Positions and Their Degrees of Difficulty:

: Standing 69

: Transition

: Tables and Chairs

: The Weather Vane

Positions such as these test our strength, endurance, and creativity, and they can point out our deficits and attributes, thereby showing us which sex acts we can readily master, which ones we should write off, and which ones belong on our list of goals.

Setting the Stage

For Standing 69, it is important that there’s nothing on the floor that the man could slip or trip on—a small throw rug, a pile of clothes. And when trying any athletic/gymnastic/acrobatic position, it is important to have a “landing pad” of sorts for the “artiste”—usually the woman—and a possible retreat for the human athletic equipment—usually the man.

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