Read Matched Online

Authors: Angela Graham,S.E. Hall

Matched (40 page)

BOOK: Matched
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“Are they gonna kick Jensen’s ass? Because I need front-row seats for that.”

I can’t contain my pumping adrenaline as we watch Jensen with his hands out in defense, trying to retreat from the big pile of shit he stepped in.

Court doesn’t let him, though, yelling out how Jensen shouldn’t even be here—how he’s a sick pervert and deserves every disease Nadia gives him. All the while, Cruz is moving away slowly until he’s completely out of the limelight and running up to the house, grinning at the diversions he’s created.

“Hurry!” I’m giggling and running farther and farther away, Miranda following along until we make it out of sight. Breathless, I slow down. “Cruz is up to something. We’re gotta go meet him.”

“And I’m tagging along

“Come on! Aren’t you tired of the cameras?”

“You’re right. Let’s get the hell out of here.”

We pick up speed again, and soon spot the red sign up ahead. We make it to the trail just as the sun dips completely out of sight.

“You didn’t think to bring a flashlight?” she cracks teasingly.

No, but I wish I had because it’s pitch black. Ten steps into the forest and I’m rooted in place, my fear spiking to unbearable heights.

“I say we wait here,” Miranda suggests. “No need to go farther in there, right?”

There’s a rattling in the trees overhead, and we cling tightly to each other’s sides. Damn Cruz and his spontaneous-yet-seriously underdeveloped plans.
So that’s where Emma gets it.

“Maybe we should wait back at the beach, or—”

Suddenly, there’s a rumble in the ground, and a glowing light in the distance growing closer. I squint my eyes and hold onto Miranda’s arm for dear life.

“If that’s an ax murderer, just want you to know, it’s been fun.” Miranda attempts humor, but the terror blanketing us as the light stops a few feet ahead is too overpowering to even try to laugh at.

We both shriek, jumping when the harsh lights flick off to reveal Adam’s jeep, with Cruz at the helm.

“Hop in, ladies. Got a surprise!”

“Where are we going?” Miranda asks, buckling up after we’ve scrambled in.

Cruz throws it in reverse. “You’ll see.”

I can’t contain my laughter, the seatbelts doing nothing to stop our bodies from bouncing up and down with every pothole in the trail until we hit the main stretch of road. It’s beautiful out here—wild, yet serene. And being with him, away from the cameras and crew…nothing has ever felt more right.

I slip my hand over his on the gear shift. He doesn’t look my way, instead smiling out at the road ahead of us. His fingers spread to let mine nestle in their grooves, then tighten against them securely. There’s no need for the radio or idle chitchat. Everything’s perfect.

We slow in front of a sprawling resort and park on the side under a bright neon sign. It’s a club! How’d he know about this place?

“Taking us dancing?” I ask, not ready to release my hold on him. Or his on me…whichever.

He lifts our joined hands and kisses the tops of my knuckles. “You’ll see.”

He’s saying that a lot tonight, and each time I can hardly wait.

“I’m gonna need a drink, hope you brought some cash!” Miranda shouts over the music as we enter the raucous atmosphere.

I catch her looking down at her frayed cutoffs and white tank top and survey myself. I’m thankful I at least happened to throw on a dress earlier—albeit a casual one—because one scan around the packed room reveals gorgeous bronzed bodies all dressed impeccably.

“Come on.” Cruz’s hand is still clutching mine and he takes Miranda’s elbow in his other, leading us to the bar in the back.

“Have you been here before?” I ask, my lips close to his ear so he can actually hear me.

He shakes his head, looking around for something or someone. “There.”

I look in the direction he’s staring, to the very end of the bar. Adam is sitting there, chatting over a drink with a perky blonde at his side.

“No way, Cruz!” I dig my feet into the tile to halt his lead and am grateful Miranda’s still checking everything out, unaware where he’s heading and unable to hear his hushed voice over the music.

“Relax. Trust me.”

My anger peaks. “How? He’s here with someone! Didn’t think I could hate him more, but I was wrong!” Any smidgen of hope that Adam would snap out of it and come back for Miranda is squashed when the blonde’s hand settles on his knee. “We’re leaving—

He releases his hold on Miranda and cradles my face. “I know how he feels about Miranda. Please, just trust me.”

Reluctantly, I agree; he’s never given me a reason not to. Plus, one way or another, Miranda will hopefully find closure tonight. I can’t even be mad he didn’t tell us where we were going in the jeep, because there’s no way in hell she’d have gotten in. He’s trying to help, and has both their best interests at heart. I truly believe that, now that I stop and think about it. Still, she deserves a heads up.

I tap her on the shoulder and she looks at me, smiling, her shoulders bouncing to the music. It takes everything in me to raise my finger and point. Her eyes take only a second to follow, widening as they spot Adam at the bar.

“Screw you both!” she screams, elbowing through everyone between her and escape.

“Miranda!” I turn to Cruz, desperate for help, but he’s not there. Instead, he’s next to Adam, who stands, his face hard and menacing. He says something rough to the blonde and she’s quick to scurry away, clearly offended. Adam’s focus returns to Cruz, and they exchange what look like fighting words until Cruz points out Miranda in the mob.

Adam shoves past him, taking off in her direction. I inch my way toward Cruz and frown when I reach him. “You really thought this was a good idea? If he hurts her…”

Cruz doesn’t answer, swooping his head down and smashing his lips to mine. “Open,” he grunts on my mouth, and I do, allowing his tongue to delve inside. His hands thread through my hair; mine remain limp at my sides. I’m caught completely off guard but unable to do anything except melt against him. I feel the vibration of his hungry growl and weave my arms around his neck, boneless in surrender.

Too soon, he robs me of his domineering kiss. He releases a few heavy, short breaths at my cheek before speaking. “Now that I have your attention, please
me. I know Adam. He won’t admit it, but he’s crazy about the girl. Figured we’d help ’em out.”

“And how do you know? You said he never settles down.” My voice is lazier than my resurfacing pessimism and my mind’s a bit fuzzy, my tongue busy wiping up his lingering taste. The music cuts out and the DJ speaks, allowing me to be heard without yelling. “I don’t doubt your intentions, but I still need to make sure she’s okay.”

My head whips around, helping to clear my daze as I search for Miranda. I find Adam caging her into a corner and start to move toward them when Cruz’s hand grasps mine. I’m still staring, and see Miranda’s tears glistening from across the room. When the light hits them, I see she’s enveloped in his arms.

When I peek back at Cruz, he’s smiling. It’s an adoring, sensual expression I can’t imagine ever tiring of. His palm flattens against my cheek. “Adam called the house this morning to check on Emma. He refused to leave the island till he was certain she’d be okay.”

“I get that he’s good to Emma, but that doesn’t mean Miranda—”

“He asked about Miranda, too, the second he knew Em was feeling better. And when I told Emma he called, she found it strange considering he’d already phoned her at the hospital earlier to check in.”

“Then why’d he call the house?” The glittering amusement dancing in his eyes makes it all too clear. “Oh. To check on Miranda.”

Cruz nods. “He needed an excuse.” His hands slide down to my hips, lips hovering over mine. “And I wanted some time with you, away from the cameras, to do this again.”

The kiss is greedy, stealing my breath and every last shred of frustration I held over him springing Adam on us.

My teeth tug at his bottom lip in a tease as I break us apart for air. “Never had any
do that.”

“Sure as fuck hope not.” He draws me closer. “With no cameras watching, it’s impossible to keep my hands to myself. But I’ll try.”

“I’d prefer you didn’t.” We’re lost in the moment and my body is humming in need, my hands loose around his neck as another song starts—a slower melody. He leads me out to the center of the room without asking, and holds me flush against him as we sway to the rhythm.

“This is nice,” I say into his shoulder, resting my head there.

“Very,” is all he says, his voice distant.

I raise my head and give him a soft kiss as I spot Adam and Miranda heading over. He still looks as serious as ever and she looks sad, but their hands are intertwined, and that gives me hope.

“We’re gonna have to leave, huh?” I hate to ask.

He only nods and brings me closer. “We’ll have this again. I promise.”

Adam repeats my words when they finally reach us. “Hey, you guys gotta get back.”

We don’t answer, simply following him outside. Cruz’s hand doesn’t leave the small of my back until I’m sitting in the front of the jeep. He rounds the vehicle and climbs in the driver’s seat, leaving Adam and Miranda to exchange heart-wrenching farewells.

“I guess this is goodbye,” she says, and I feel the tears well up in my eyes.
What did he say to her in there? Are they gonna see each other after the show?
He tucks a loose strand of hair behind her ear, and I can’t stop staring.

“You’re an incredible woman, Miranda.” He kisses her hand, then clutches it to his chest. “If it were a different time, circumstances…” His voice drops. “Maybe things would be different.”

“I get it, really, and appreciate all the kindness you’ve shown me. It sounds cheesy, but Adam, you give me faith that I might actually have a shot at a good guy one day.”

I see his jaw grinding, detachment blanketing his features. “Yeah. You should go.” He enfolds her in a final embrace, whispering at a volume I barely pick up. “You’re the brightest diamond of all, Miranda. Remember that.”

He walks away, leaving her standing there. Tears stream down her cheeks, her face quivering as she tries to remain strong. I open the car door and squeeze her hand.

She smiles too quickly, rebuking the emotions still shadowing her face. “I’m fine.” She waves me off and climbs in.

Cruz gives her a minute to buckle in, then looks back to the club entrance where Adam’s standing, watching. I may not
him, but I think he’s a fool.

I just wish he’d realize it himself.


Confessional: Miles Newman

“Thought I’d better say something, as yet again, you’ve lost people. For all the damn cameras and wannabe stalker dudes you got crawling around this place, you suck at keeping count on warm bodies. So, allow me.

“The four one one tonight is that Cruz, Harlow, and Miranda are gone. Your goon squad fell for the diversion—fake argument between Court and Cruz, Jensen playing right into their hands—and voila! Oh, you’re not gonna catch ’em now. I gave ’em a big head start before I came in here to call you all a bunch of idiots. Pretty sure they jacked a vehicle right out from under your noses, too. And you think you’re the authority on people’s soulmates? Shit, you need to ask somebody.



Chapter 29

“Okay Harlow, I’m ready.” Cruz smirks in my direction from across the kitchen.

“Geez, I’m
!” Emma gags. “Can’t you two come up with a signal or something? We don’t need a public service announcement!”

What is she…oh
. No, he’s not talking about
, but her sarcastic insinuation has me blushing regardless as Miranda giggles behind her hand.

“Come ’ere.” Cruz ignores all else and crooks his finger at me, his eyes dancing with amusement. Entranced, my feet carry me to him purely by muscle memory. He bends to my ear and whispers, “Need you to show me something.”


“Harlow?” He knows his effect and is thoroughly enjoying it, if the reflexive twitch of his mouth is any indication. “Your special smoothies. Teach me how to make ’em?”

My feeble, failed attempt to conceal my shock doesn’t go unnoticed. I can’t help it, though—I’m completely taken aback by what truly seems to be genuine interest.

“We’ll work on that,” he says with a wink.

“On what?”

“You being surprised when things are about you, just because. Now, tell me what we need to make this.”

I tick off the ingredients and grab some glasses while he digs in the fridge. “Emma, Miranda, you guys want one?”

“Sure,” Emma answers, “but we gotta shimmy. Almost mini-challenge time!”

I don’t have to look to feel her excitement about being back, feeling better, and living fully.
will be the challenge that I do everything I can to ensure her the win.

No sooner is the blender loaded and I’m about to hit the “Grate” button than Cruz creeps up and stands behind me, his finger brushing the length of mine leisurely.

“So I push right here?” he murmurs.

I can only nod, as my breath is caught when he presses it down with both our fingers. He speaks over the grinding roar, low into my ear, where the cameras can’t hear. “This house has never been more frustrating, Harlow—not being able to touch you, knowing I finally can.” A shiver ripples through me with my gasp, and suddenly I’m unsteady on my feet.

He flicks the blender off a second later when there’s a perfect tornado of fruit and yogurt inside, and steps to the side. “Enjoy the smoothie.”

BOOK: Matched
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