Matched (37 page)

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Authors: Angela Graham,S.E. Hall

BOOK: Matched
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“Not gonna happen. Doctor will be in shortly, and I already know what he’s gonna say.” Her confidence is promising.

“Which is?”

“Continue the dialysis and take it easy—both of which I can do in paradise.” Her feet swing off the bed and settle on the floor. “Did I mention how much I despise IVs?” She stands, stretching her hands as high above her head as the contraption allows, then down to almost touch her toes. “I get cramped in that bed. Need to stay on my game for the next challenge.”

“You make me feel lazy,” I tease, watching her climb back into bed with a begrudging frown. “So, um…dialysis?”

“Yeah, I’m used to it by now. Been almost a year. It doesn’t hurt. Makes me feel better, actually.”

Curious, I prompt, “You’ve been coming
for it?” I look around, wondering how often she visits this place and how I missed that not-small fact.

“No, thank God. Adam got a home machine. You should see the basement in the house. Seriously, it’s as decked out as the upstairs! It has the cutest kitchenette, bathroom, couch—everything you could need. Pretty much an apartment down there.”

The mansion we’ve been staying in is massive, elaborate, and over the top, so I’d expect no less for the basement. “So you just go down there and…”

“Yup, around five every morning. Adam had a meeting with the crew and told them not to bother me, and they’ve been cool about it.”

I’m completely stunned all this has been going on, and I’ve been clueless. Then again, 5 a.m. isn’t exactly my social hour. Poor Emma.

“So I’ll probably be stuck here the rest of the day, and I know if I talk to Adam he’ll let you stay and skip the challenge—if you want, that is.”

Skip a challenge?
I couldn’t smile any wider, even if my mouth had no corners. “Now we’re talking!”

We’re both laughing when there’s a knock on the door. I’m barely out of my seat to answer it when it cracks open. “Safe to come in?”

It’s Cruz. Emma and I exchange a look; mine’s nervous, hers exhilarated.

“Yes,” Emma chirps. The door opens further and his foot is barely one step in when she yells, “If you don’t mind seeing Harlow in her bra!”

He pauses for the briefest second, then continues in. “Calling your bluff.” His gaze sweeps over my wrinkled clothes and tangled hair, and an effortless grin curves his lips. “How’d you sleep?” He sits on the bed beside Emma.

“Great. And before you ask, I feel great too,” she answers.

“Mm-hmm.” His cynical scrutiny is undeniable.

“I do! I just had too much sun and not enough water. Really, Cruz, see for yourself. The swelling in my ankles is gone.”

I slip back into my flip-flops and stand again when he moves to get a better view of her feet, still looking unconvinced. “I’ll leave you two alone.”

“No, stay!” Emma squeals, her eyes on me but flicking back to Cruz not so subtly. My cheeks heat at Cruz’s low chuckle.

“They’re serving breakfast inside,” he says.

“Great. I’ll be around.” I hustle out of the room, my heart still pattering from just the sight of him.

“Come back when you finish!” I hear Emma call out, followed by a quiet, “
you she likes you.”

I give them more alone time than they probably expected because I have to take care of one thing that can’t wait—a blood test. I can already hear my mother saying, “
You barely know Emma, and you want to give her your kidney?”
But it’s not even a question for me; if I’m a match, it’s hers. Luckily, the doctor I speak to is friendly enough to help me right away.

When I leave the lab, already pulling off my Band-Aid, I spot Adam on his cell in the parking lot. The closer I creep, the louder his voice resonates.

“No fucking way! You hear me? It’s not happening.” He curses again to himself and listens to whoever’s on the other end of the line, his frown deepening with every passing second. “I swear to God, I’ll walk away. Do
threaten me with that shit.”

I stop near a large van—and yes, I’ll admit shamefully, I eavesdrop. If it has to do with Emma, I want to know.

“You know why I’m here, and it’s not to be a part of the fucking circus!” His nostrils flare, his eyes angry slits. “That’s on you, but I quit. And not just the show—I’m done working for you.” His eyes snap shut, his jaw working under his skin as he grits out, “Why am I surprised? You never knew the meaning of being a father!” He presses a button and tucks the phone into his pocket, cursing under his breath.

It may not be the smartest move, but I step into view. “Shitty morning?”

He swings around and looks at me, the severity in his features concrete. “I’ve had better,” he replies, staring back out across the parking lot to the ocean on the other side. “Cruz said you slept with Emma last night. How is she?”

“If I didn’t know any better, I’d say perfect.” I hesitate, then add, “She’s ready to go back to the house.”

“I have no doubt.”

He starts toward the courtyard to leave me standing there when I ask, “How’s Miranda feeling?”

That stops him in his tracks, and his shoulders stiffen. He doesn’t look back as he answers. “I haven’t seen her. Told one of the interns to keep an eye on her through the night and return her to the house when she wakes up.”

He hasn’t seen her?
“Where did you sleep, then?”

“I haven’t.”

He begins walking again and I run to catch up, darting in front of him to block his retreat. “I heard you say you quit. What does that mean?”

He cocks a brow. “You need the definition of the word ‘quit’?”

I roll my eyes. “Are you finishing the show first?”

Adam huffs an irritated breath. “No. They’ll be bringing in someone new to take over for me. I’m sure he’ll do a fine-enough job.”

He steps forward, but I don’t move. “Anything else?”

“So that’s it? You’re just leaving? What about you and Miranda?”


“I just mean…it’s obvious there’s something there.”

“It seems the network agrees. They’ve viewed some of the footage, and want to include whatever they think developed between me and her into the season.”

“I can’t say I’m surprised,” I reply honestly. I know I’d watch, considering Miranda has told me next to nothing.

His eyebrows arch inquisitively. “Really? Well, I don’t air my business to the world and I refused to sign off on them using the footage, so they can fuck right off.”

“You’re no better than us!” I prop my hands on my hips. “And don’t even
to lie to yourself and say you don’t care about her. If that was the case, why did she sleep in your bed last night?”

“She needed to be looked after.”

“There are cameras and crew all over the main house. She’d have been safer there.”

“They don’t see everything.”

“Admit it, you wanted her close—wanted to take care of her, and didn’t trust anyone else to do it.”

“She and I would never work.”

“Why? Because you’re an arrogant ass?”

His head tics to the side. “Because I don’t have time for a relationship, and she needs to figure out what she wants in life. I’m not foolish enough to believe she’ll go back to Los Angeles and truly walk away from that life when she’s still living in their world. Whether she likes it or not, retiring means nothing unless she sets herself up elsewhere. They’ll just pull her back in.”

“Not if she has a supportive man by her side to remind her why she left to begin with.”

“Drop it. I need to talk to Emma. Tell Miranda I said goodbye.”

“Are you kidding me?” I shout as he maneuvers around me and walks away. “You’re not even going to see her again to tell her yourself? I was
wrong about you. I’m glad you quit! She doesn’t need you!”

Adam enters Emma’s room while I’m still ranting to his back, and Cruz steps out to hear his fair share. I slam my mouth shut and watch every facet of his approach.

“He quit!” I bellow. “Can you believe that? And he’s not even gonna tell Miranda himself—wants
to do it
him. What the hell kind of man is that?” I scream, hoping he can hear me.

Cruz chuckles, snaring my arm gently. “Adam’s never been one to settle down, so maybe it’s good Miranda gets out now before some messy breakup unfolds a few months down the road.”

“That’s a hell of a way to look at things,” I reply with a scowl.

He shrugs. “Just know Adam. His longest relationship was two weeks.”

“What about yours?” I say without thinking, my face flaming the second it’s out and I realize it can’t be retracted. “Never mind. So how’s Emma?”

“Never had an actual girlfriend before,” he replies, answering my first question. “Not even for two weeks. And Emma’s good. Everything checked out, and she’ll be discharged tomorrow morning.”

“That’s fantastic!” I lunge forward and hug him. My enthusiasm for Emma morphs into something far different when his hand curls around my back, the other wrapping around me at the base of my neck.

“Emma said you might be sore this morning.” His fingertips massage my knotted flesh, and my eyelids slide themselves shut.

“A little. No biggie.” I force my eyes open and lean back to look at his face. A smirk awaits me there, so I return one of my own.

“Will you do me a favor today?” he asks, and I nod easily. “Stay with Emma. I have to go back to the house.”

“How come?”
They’re making him leave his sister?
“You told Adam there was no way you were going back there without her.”

“Changed my mind.”

“Why?” I ask in a low voice as his fingertips apply more pressure to my neck.

“So you don’t have to.”

My brows pinch together. “What?”

“Only one person can stay with Emma and miss the challenge today. Figured I’d let you relax and hang out here.”

“But you hate challenges.”

“Nah, they’re not so bad. And I’ll deal, knowing my sister has someone to girl talk with. I’m not so good at it.”

I look away, giggling. “Thank you.”

His hand slips around to stroke my cheek, the expression on his face growing heated. I make the move this time, winding my hands around his neck and drawing him in until our lips meet. The kiss is passionate albeit short, interrupted by Adam, who’s already back at his jeep.

“You want a ride, you better get in.”

Our lips part, foreheads touching. “He’s just pissed his dad’s an asshole,” Cruz whispers.

“Yeah,” I reply absentmindedly. I’m still absorbed in the aftermath of the kiss, my tongue skimming my lips to gather his lingering taste.

He smiles and pulls me in close for one last quick kiss before running off toward the jeep that’s already backing out of its parking spot, jumping in the second before Adam floors it.


Confessional: Jasmine Cox

“Sorry for my whispering, but I can’t even tolerate my own voice yet. Head is killing me. I slept off most of the hangover, but I’m still feeling it. And to top it all off, I woke up in some cabin, alone. I guess they kicked me out last night? Dunno. Weird thing is, I must’ve been dreaming about Adam more than usual, because when I woke up I could’ve sworn I smelled him on the pillow. I swear, if you could smell through the TV, you’d know how incredible that scent is. All male.

“I haven’t seen him yet today, but I was given a note that said Emma needed him. Vague, for sure. And then I saw Court, and he pretty much laid it out for Callie and me. We tried to call a cab to go see her, but we’re being told she can’t have any more visitors. Harlow and Cruz are there, though, so I know she’s in good hands. I’m gonna try not to freak out, but if anything happens to her…no, I can’t even think it.

“The vibe in the house is unbearable. And even worse than the marching band in my head and revolt in my stomach was realizing I’d have to see the one person I never want to speak to again, Jensen Hughes. That asshole better stay far away from me, forever. Not gonna blame anyone but myself for my drinking, but it’s the last time I let myself stoop so low. I allowed him to make me weak, and I promised myself when I woke up that I’d never do that to myself again.

“Let me make this clear, once and for all. Jasmine Cox is an insecure, weak girl who needs a man to make her feel wanted. And last night? I just killed her.

“I’m Miranda Miller, and I’m ready to live!”

Chapter 27

Spending the day together, minus invasive cameramen, is exactly what Emma and I both need. The nurse checks in every hour on the hour, earning a laugh from Emma each time because of how twisted up I’d get fretting about this or that. But by the time the sun begins to set after dinner, I’m much more relaxed. I’m also totally in the know on all things Emma, considering we complete at least a dozen
quizzes from the stack Court scrounged up.

The doctor visits in the early evening, explaining his plans to discharge her first thing in the morning. So I grab my blanket and burrow into the chair, settling in to sleep. And even though it’s probably been a full hour, I’d swear my eyes aren’t even completely shut when we hear the knock.

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