Read Mated (The Sandaki Book 1) Online

Authors: Gwendolyn Cease

Mated (The Sandaki Book 1) (15 page)

BOOK: Mated (The Sandaki Book 1)
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“No,” Rakin roared, startling everyone in the room.

Laira backed up a step. He was pissed. No, that wasn’t the right word. Rakin would never be just pissed. Pissed denoted mild anger and wasn’t what she was seeing. He was enraged. What the fuck was her problem? Baiting a being she knew nothing about. He was huge and had fangs and could break her into tiny pieces.

“You are not a slave. You are not made for everyone.” Rakin walked toward her until her back hit Dev, who had stood. “You are
mate. You are the
Taja Katan
of the Sandaki. You were made for
pleasure and
pleasure only.”

Sandwiched between two men, two aroused men, Laira’s mind jumped back to her time on the Silarin vessel. The fantasy of her two faceless lovers, taking her at once, played through her mind. Moisture flooded her pussy, and Rakin dropped to his knees before her. She fell back against Dev as Rakin buried his face between her legs.

Laira gasped when Rakin flicked his tongue against her clit. He pulled away and was on his feet again before she could think. The man certainly had a way of grabbing someone’s attention. She clenched her thighs together as the need for sex overwhelmed her.

“Now, we will go to our quarters,” Rakin said. “We must figure this out. Then we will fuck our mate.”

Dev grabbed his kilt off the floor and quickly wrapped it around his waist. “I do not understand how your mate is also my mate.”

Laira watched as he covered himself, but still couldn’t take her eyes off him. He was so different from Rakin, and damn she wanted him. Ached to have him. The need was sudden, like a fever, and she had a hard time tracking the conversation the two men were having. She looked up from staring at the tattoo covering his chest to discover Dev watching her. His eyes were like blue brands against her skin, and she longed to climb and mount him. He growled low as he moved to press his body against her. Laira rubbed her aching breasts against him, loving the feel of the fur whispering over her skin.

“Do you still doubt she is your mate?” Rakin asked. “Could you walk away from her? Never touch her again?”

“She’s standing right here,” Laira said, “and can hear you.”

“Let us go back to our room,” Rakin said, taking Laira’s arm. “We can talk to our mate about attempting to leave us.”



Chapter Eight


Laira entered Rakin’s cabin and turned to face the huge warriors who’d followed her. The need to be taken was overwhelming. She actually hurt with the craving. Was that possible? Could she die if someone didn’t fuck her? She wondered if someone would carve that on her headstone. Right now, she really didn’t care, as long as she got some kind of relief. Also, she hoped it would clear her head so she could think. The urge overshadowed everything else.

She peeled the remnants of her clothing off, since all it seemed to do was irritate her already agitated nerves. Finally, she sat on the edge of the bed and clenched her thighs together. Moisture pooled between her legs, slicking her skin. When Rakin had claimed her before, the need for sex had been overwhelming, but it didn’t even begin to touch what she was feeling now. Her skin was sensitive and almost raw as if her nerves were exposed. She wondered once again what the Silarin had done to her. Was this their doing? If so, would she want to drop down and have anyone mount her or just the two men before her? The thought of Dev and Rakin surrounding her, taking her, caused goose bumps to run over her body.

Dev pulled off his boots and shed his kilt. Laira couldn’t take her eyes off him. The man was perfection, perfection that she wanted all over her. Yeah the thought of what the Silarin may or may not have done to her really didn’t matter. She was the way she was, and there wasn’t anything she could do about it.

Rakin crouched in front of Laira. “So, mate, you think to leave us?”

She flicked her eyes to him and tried to concentrate on what he was saying. Hell, why did he feel the need to talk? Usually, men just wanted sex, and yet, she’d found one who wanted to chat. At this point, she didn’t think it was possible to hold a coherent conversation.

“Rakin, please.” She leaned forward and pressed her lips to his. Yep, she wasn’t too proud to beg if it got her what she wanted. A low growl filled the space and she looked up to find Dev looming over them. The resemblance to a big cat was more pronounced in him; however she wasn’t afraid. Far from it. The man totally turned her on.

Rakin stood and nodded. “You are right,
, now is not the time for talk. Now is the time to show you why you will never leave us. Spread your thighs, mate, and let Dev taste you.”

He turned to the other man. “You must taste her. She is sweet like
mesi vein
and just as potent.”

Laira lay back on the bed. The two men watched one another solemnly. She didn’t know what was going on, but she couldn’t wait. She needed to come now, and if they couldn’t get to it, she could so take care of it herself. She slid her fingers between her legs and lightly stroked her clit. She gasped and closed her eyes because she was so damn sensitive. She knew it wouldn’t take much to orgasm.

Hands pushing her thighs apart brought her eyes open. Dev knelt before her, and she offered her wet fingers to him. He growled and captured them in his mouth, sucking and tasting her essence. She slowly withdrew her fingers as he leaned down and put his mouth on her pussy. Instantly, she climaxed, arching up into him, but he easily held her down. Rakin took her hands and brought them over her head, pinning them to the bed. She squirmed and gasped, as Dev drove her to the peak over and over.

He pulled himself away, and they stared at one another for a long moment. His eyes were so intensely blue, they nearly blinded her. She wanted him, needed him, knew if she didn’t have him she might die. “Dev, please.” She mouthed the words to him.

Sa oled minu
,” he growled the words out. He grasped her hips to flip her over onto her stomach and up onto her knees. Rakin still held her hands and she tightened her grasp, needing to hold on to him. Dev stood behind her and plunged his cock into her body. Laira screamed and shoved back into him as pleasure raced through her system. He set a brutal pace as he rode her, but she didn’t care. She needed it, needed him to take her hard, mark her as his.


Dev thrust into the woman who was his mate and gloried in her. He’d never encountered someone so perfect. Every part of his being settled, and a calm he’d never before experienced eased over his soul. If every male felt this way when they found their mate, no wonder they would kill anyone who so much as glanced in her direction.

He leaned over to cover her with his body, and he placed a hand on the bed next to her so as not to crush her. He gritted his teeth to hold back his orgasm, but between the touch on his hand and the clasp of her tight heat, he couldn’t hold back. Pushing into her once more, he roared loudly and came.

He slumped down, loving the feel of her small body tucked up under his own. He knew he should roll off her. He was heavy, but he couldn’t seem to move. He was peaceful, and his beast, which rode so close to the surface, was still and content. He nuzzled her neck, and she sighed and snuggled closer.

Dev knew he wasn’t an easy lover. The sex he and Rakin had often resembled battle, and the few women he had taken were more interested in his Sheld Mate. Truth be told, he’d been more interested in Rakin, too. Women were too small and soft and often wanted to speak of feelings. That was something Dev wasn’t interested in. He wanted to fuck, roll off and move on. Now, he discovered he didn’t want that. He wanted to lie beside his
and care for her.

He opened his eyes to find Rakin gone. When had the male left, and why hadn’t he noticed? More importantly, why hadn’t he stayed? Dev didn’t think he was angry. He would have felt that from him. So why would Rakin abandon his mate without a backwards glance?

“Dev, could you shift just a bit. I want to turn over.”

He immediately moved away from her and stood. She rolled over and looked up at him. Her thick, heavy red hair spread out around her, and her pale, soft skin looked incredibly delicate. They watched one another for a long moment until she finally spoke. “You didn’t have to get up. In fact, I don’t want you to.” She leaned up and took his hand, giving it a gentle tug.

He eased onto the bed, and she immediately draped herself over his chest. The two of them watched each other, practically nose to nose. He had no idea what to say to her. They had just mated, and he didn’t know what to do next. Once again, he wished Rakin were present since the man knew this woman. Of course, he’d hurt her, too.

“If you don’t remember, I’m Laira.”

“I know who you are,
. I would not forget your name.”

“Just making sure, everything went so fast.” She leaned forward until she pressed her lips to his. He didn’t understand what she was doing, but decided to lie still since he was enjoying her touches. Her tongue eased over his flesh and he opened his mouth allowing her entrance. He shifted until she was covering him with her body. Between tangling tongues with her and the feel of her sleek body, he was once again growing hard.

A part of him, albeit a small part, knew he should push her away. She was the mate of another, because there was no way she was also his mate. Mating didn’t work that way, no matter how much he would wish it. His beast refused to recognize that idea. She was his, and he would never give her up. Dev ran his hands slowly over her body, learning her, memorizing her. As he did so, he calmed and was able to concentrate.

He gently pulled back. “What is this thing you do with your mouth?” His voice was rough, close to a growl, but she smiled down at him.

“It’s called kissing. When people are in a relationship, it’s a way to show each other you care. It’s also a really nice way to get things started. Do you like it?”

He nodded. “Yes, I love the taste of you.”

“I like your taste, too.” She once again took his lips and he eagerly thrust his tongue into her mouth. She sucked on it and he groaned, wanting nothing more than to mount her. He didn’t want to push her off though. He liked her body spread over his, so he could touch her wherever and however he wanted.

“How did the Silarin find you?” he asked, aware it would dampen the mood, but needing to hear her story. He wanted to understand this woman who was now, impossibly, his.

Laira traced the tattoo around his eye for a long moment then began to speak. She told him of her home planet and college and how the Silarin had indoctrinated her. She spoke of not looking like herself and of never being able to go home. She smiled as she spoke of her friends. As she told her story, he studied her face since it was so incredibly expressive. He could also sense her emotions.

“And that’s how I got here,” she finally ended her tale.

“You know the Silarin can no longer harm you? Rakin had them and their ship destroyed.”

“Good,” she said.

He smiled at her fierce tone and demeanor. She was a fitting mate for the
Taj Katan
of the Sandaki. Their lives were not easy. They were a warrior culture, bred to fight. It was good their mate understood that, to protect their people, they had to make hard decisions. Of course, he doubted Rakin spent a moment debating the execution of a ship full of Silarin. They deserved what had happened to them.

“Can I ask you what a
Kalkan Arkadasi
is? Or am I not allowed to know?”

Laira’s tone was even, but Dev could feel her hurt. She, Rakin and he would have to talk very soon. Their mate deserved to know everything not only about them, but also about the Sandaki.

“It is a very old term that means shield mate. Our females only breed once a
. Unfortunately for Sandaki males this isn’t enough to still the beasts we carry within. If we cannot fuck, we must fight, and often there is no enemy. If this happens, we will battle among ourselves, often to the detriment of our society. Combat will not end unless one of the competitors is dead. To stop this from happening, we develop bonds with another male.”

Laira watched him for a long moment. “Oh my gosh, you and Rakin are lovers?”

He cocked his head. “We fuck—this is the bond between shield mates.”

She shook her head. “Don’t play it off like it’s nothing. The two of you have a deep bond. I could hear it in the way he spoke about you. I am so sorry. I just barged right in here and somehow stuck myself into your relationship.”

,” he said, cradling her face, “you did not barge in. You are our mate, however improbable that is. You have my heart as you have Rakin’s heart.”

“No, I don’t.” She shook her head. “This thing between all of us is an anomaly. It’ll go away. Don’t you see? The Silarin created—”

“The Silarin created nothing,” he cut her off, trying to keep his voice calm when he boiled with anger. “What is between us is real, and it will never go away. It will only get stronger. That is the way of it. I know Rakin hurt you, he told me, and he is deeply ashamed. Of this we will all speak, for now though, understand that you belong to us and with us as we belong to you and with you.”

BOOK: Mated (The Sandaki Book 1)
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