Mated To The Alpha Dragon (A BBW Paranormal Romance) (22 page)

BOOK: Mated To The Alpha Dragon (A BBW Paranormal Romance)
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I nodded. "I'm fine, but I just...guys, I don't think I can even take a step. I don't know if it was all the mass levitating, or all the stress, or what...but I just feel like I'm full of lead. I've just never been more tired in my life."

They hooked my arms around their shoulders, led me inside, and then took me to Victor's and my rooms. They asked if I wanted them to stay, but I shook my head.

"Thanks, but honestly, I just need to be alone. I just need to sleep. Harder than I ever have in my life. Which seems kind of wrong to me, considering that the battle is probably still going on, and I feel like I should stay awake worrying along with everyone else. But, guys, I'm just...." I stifled a yawn, my eyes closing. "I know our husbands are kicking Oppressor ass right now and everything will be fine. So I've just gotta...." I stifled another yawn, my eyes closing yet again. "You guys can go. Just gonna sleep."

They said okay, and get some rest, and left. I fell into bed without even taking my shoes off.

I awoke several hours later feeling like a whole new woman, rested and refreshed. I showered, changed clothes, and had just finished combing my hair when I heard someone coming in the front door.

I sprinted out of the bathroom and down the short hall and saw Victor in the foyer. I threw myself into his arms, and he scooped me up, squeezing me tight. Without saying a word, he planted kisses all over the side of my face, slowly spinning me in his arms. We stayed locked in this silent embrace for I didn't know how long, at least a minute, before I lifted my face from his chest and spoke.

"Are all your men okay?"

"Zero casualties on our side.""Thank God. Are all the Oppressors dead?"

"All but maybe ten who sped away and escaped us. But they may as well be dead. We razed Cold Creek to the ground, and with their numbers now down to a just a few, I don't think they'll ever be coming back. They know it would mean certain death. They'll now be free to roam the empty world for the rest of their miserable lives."

I lowered my face back down to his chest, telling him I was proud of him. He gave me a few more kisses and said he was proud of me, too. I wondered if he'd heard that I'd went back to Cold Creek after initially leaving, like he'd specifically told me not to, and if so, what he was going to say about that, but he just told me that he was very tired and wanted to take a shower and then sleep. He sounded just as weary as I'd been earlier, if not more.

After he'd showered, we both got into bed, and despite not feeling tired anymore, somehow, I fell asleep with him.

That evening, after we'd eaten dinner without really talking much, he pushed his chair back from the table and pulled me onto his lap. "I know you went back for Rose's daughter after you were safely outside of Cold Creek."

I studied his face, wondering exactly how mad he was, but his expression was unreadable. "I'm sorry. But I couldn't
do it. I could have never lived with myself."

He didn't answer right away. "I know."

I expected him to say something else, maybe something angry, but he didn't seem like he was going to. And after a moment or two, he gently put my head on his chest.

"I know."

He began stroking my hair, and we both fell silent.

Presently , he cleared his throat. "Within a few decades, once we know for sure that the remaining Oppressors aren't going to return to cause whatever kind of minor trouble they could make with their diminished numbers, we'll free the citizens of Haverbrook, so that they can go wherever they like and begin to repopulate the world."

"That sounds wonderful. Maybe things will be like they were before The Event."

"Maybe, but hopefully a little better. Maybe the new world can be a more peaceful one, with fewer wars and killing. But only time will tell. And thousands of years will go by before the population reaches anything even remotely close to where it was before The Event. And most likely, tens of thousands of years." Victor paused and took a deep breath. "But we don't even need to think about any of this tonight. Tonight, we rest. Tomorrow, we enjoy a celebration. We celebrate the end of Cold Creek and a new chapter for everyone."

"Especially for all the women and girls that are now free."


We both fell silent again, and Victor continued stroking my hair. I wrapped my arms around his broad chest and muscular arms, the side of my face nestled against one of his strong shoulders. I inhaled his clean, woodsy scent, and it wasn't long before I realized that it had been well over twenty-four hours since we'd made love, probably a record for us.

I lifted my head from his shoulder. "So...I went against what you said today. Are you...are you going to spank me or anything?"

He winced. "For saving a child? Good God, no. Even though, yes, you did go against my explicit instructions, and you should certainly be spanked for that. Without a doubt. I'm not going to. Not this time, anyway."

"Well...okay. But what if I feel like I need a...maybe like, a 'fun and games' spanking right now?"

He looked at me with his deep gray eyes glimmering. "Well, that...that we can do. Gladly."

I soon found myself over his knee, panties down and my hands just grazing the kitchen floor, getting my bare bottom warmed in a way that made me literally weak with desire for him. Afterward, he carried me to our bed, telling me in a low voice what a gorgeous, luscious, naughty little thing I was. I mounted him reverse cowgirl style and rode him while he reached around and caressed my breasts, stroking my stiffened nipples with the tips of his long, strong fingers. I worked my slick womanhood up and down the length of his rock-hard shaft for several minutes until I began to feel my entire body tense. Almost immediately, Victor moved his hands to my well-rounded hips and began helping me in my movements, groaning. My climax was so intense I cried out and then forgot to breathe again until the very last spasm of ecstasy had passed. 

We made love several more times that night, dozing between each time, only to wake again, each of us still hungry for more. It was nearly dawn by the time we finally settled down to go to sleep for good. I curled up in Victor's strong arms, picturing how the mountains must look outside with the sun's first rays painting them in shades of pink, orange, and gold.




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Have a fabulous day!









There Are Bears.... And Then There Are Bad Boy Alpha Bears On Bikes!
When the handsome Craig rode into her life one warm summer's evening, Allison really had no idea that her normal boring life was about to change forever...
Craig and his “Hellclaws” biker gang are actually a tribe of Werebears on an important mission. Some very bad things are happening within the small town of West Liberty and they insist they are there to stop them.
One thing, it is mating season for bears and Craig finds it hard to keep his mind on the job. So when he locks his eyes on Allison's delicious curves he knows he has to have her.
However, when Allison finds her life is endangered she has to wonder, is her Bear Biker lover really here to prevent trouble, or is he here to cause it?
Her head tells her to steer clear, yet her heart is telling her the opposite. Getting involved with a bear is never going to be an easy, let alone a bear who rides a bike....






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BOOK: Mated To The Alpha Dragon (A BBW Paranormal Romance)
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