MeanGirls (5 page)

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Authors: Lucy Felthouse

BOOK: MeanGirls
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Chapter Nine


It had been a struggle for Adele not to break the speed
limit in order to get back to her house. She and Oliver had gone back to the
leisure center car park to grab their rides and he’d followed her home.

Now she pulled onto her drive and almost fell out of her car
in her haste, only then realizing she still had her seatbelt on. Sniggering to
herself, she took it off and made a much more successful attempt to exit her
vehicle just as Oliver swung his car in and parked it behind hers.

She walked, as slowly as she could without looking too
obvious, to her front door, then casually put the key in, twisted and pushed
the door open as she waited for Oliver to join her. Once he appeared beside
her, grinning and giving her arse a cheeky squeeze, she couldn’t help but drop
the pretense. The arousal that had been simmering in her body since they’d
disentangled in the park started to bubble up again and she grabbed Oliver’s
hand, pulled him inside the house and slammed the door closed behind them.

Immediately she shoved him up against said door and stood on
tiptoes so she could kiss him. He quickly realized her dilemma and slid down so
their heights were similar and they could comfortably lock lips. Then they did
exactly that, resuming the heated caress they’d been enjoying in the park
before they’d been so rudely interrupted.

Dropping her keys on the floor, Adele slid her hands under
Oliver’s T-shirt, moaning into his mouth as her fingertips swept over the hard
lumps of his six-pack. They traveled higher, up to the liberal sprinkling of
hair on his pectorals. She grabbed and tugged the hairs ever so lightly,
grinning against his lips as he grunted and jerked his hips toward her. His
nipples were the next thing she touched, pinching them between thumb and
forefinger, twisting them and pulling them a little until he pushed her away.

“You’re driving me crazy, woman. In a good way. Now please
forgive me for being so blunt, but how about we go upstairs and get naked and

Adele didn’t reply. Instead she pressed a long, lingering
kiss to his lips, then turned and walked up the stairs and into her bedroom. By
the time she’d drawn the curtains and kicked off her shoes, Oliver had joined
her and was leaning against the doorframe, watching her with a predatory

“Adele, will you do something for me?”

She frowned, wondering what kind of favor he wanted when
they were about to have sex. “Um, okay…”

“Strip for me, sweetheart. As slowly as you can stand.”

She froze. Fucking hell, he wanted her to do some kind of
striptease? God no, she couldn’t do it. She had long grown accustomed to her
body but it didn’t mean she was capable of doing what he asked.

He filled the silence with a plea. “Please, Adele. I want to
watch you.” His voice was quiet, husky, and the need she heard caused more
wetness to pool in her pussy. She’d do it—for him. But she was so horny right
now that if he took one look at her and fled, she’d have to resort to pulling
out her trusty rabbit to finish herself off. She really hoped that wouldn’t
happen, though. Right now she wanted a man. Just one man, in fact. And he was
right there with her, for the taking.

“O-okay,” she finally said, “but I’m no good at this kind of
thing, so no laughing.”

“I would never laugh at you, Adele.” The tone of his voice
made her surer than anything that he was telling the truth.

She gave a nod, then tried to fix a sexy song in her head.
Failing miserably, she instead set about taking off her clothes as slowly and
as seductively as she possibly could. She hoped he’d give her a free pass with
her socks, because nobody, not a single soul could take off a pair of socks and
still look hot. So they went as quickly as humanly possible, then she slowed
things right down as she tugged off her light summer jumper and let it fall to
the carpet. The blouse she wore beneath made it easier to take her time—the
thing had a flattering cut but it also had buttons that were as fiddly as fuck.

Oliver’s eyes skipped from her hands to her face then back
again. He clearly wanted to watch what she was doing, check out every inch of
skin that was revealed, but also to check out her facial expressions as she did
it. And that was fine by her, especially as she saw the embers in his eyes grow
to a full-blown flame, which was for her. All for her.

Finally the blouse joined the jumper on the floor and she
popped open the button and fly on her smart black jeans—which were probably
adorned with a couple of grass stains by now—and shimmied out of them as
seductively as she could. A glance at Oliver’s face told her that she was doing
something right. He was rapt, and from clear across the room she could see the
erection that was tenting the crotch of his jeans. Suddenly she wanted nothing
more than to release it from its fabric prison and sink it into her mouth.

Kicking the jeans off, she hooked her thumbs into the
waistband of her knickers—mercifully quite a pretty pair of lacy boy shorts—and
pushed them down over her thighs and her calves, then stepped out of them.
Straightening, she looked to see how Oliver was reacting now.

His gaze flitted once more from her body to her face and
back again. He seemed to be drinking in every single last part of her, and the
grin on his face grew wider the longer he stared.

Finally it was time to release the girls. Her large, unruly
breasts, which should really not be set free. They were heavy and would hang

Oliver inclined his head. Damn, she wasn’t going to get away
with it. He wanted her as naked as the day she was born.

“All right,” she said, a little grumpily, “while I’m undoing
my bra, why don’t you start getting your kit off too?”

He winked at her. “Whatever the lady wants.”

By the time her bra had been discarded, Oliver had already
removed his shoes and socks and his T-shirt, and was making short work of the
belt and fly on his jeans. She stood frozen with lust as his tight white boxers
were revealed, the long, thick rod beneath them immediately apparent. It had even
seeped precum into the material.

Wetness trickled from her pussy, dampening her inner thighs.
He looked even better in the flesh than he had in her dirty daydreams.

“Fucking hell,” she said, “you’re gorgeous. I really want to
fuck you.” She clapped her hands over her mouth, shocked that she’d been quite
so blunt.

Oliver laughed. “My sentiments exactly, gorgeous. Now get
onto the bed and point me in the direction of the condoms.”

She moved her hands from her mouth and did as he said,
gesturing toward her bedside cabinet and mentally crossing her fingers that the
rubbers would still be in date. He’d probably have to blow some dust off the
packet—it had been that long.

He yanked his underwear down and stepped out of them before
moving to retrieve the protection. Taking advantage of the fact that he was
looking elsewhere, Adele drank in the sight of his cock. It was even more
delicious-looking than she’d imagined. Long, thick and veiny, it was a tad
above average but not so much that it would cause her discomfort. To be fair,
she decided, she was so hot for Oliver that he could have had another inch both
ways and her greedy, soaking pussy would still have gobbled him up. She
sniggered, drawing his attention from where he was carefully tearing the foil

“What are you giggling at? You know how to make a man
paranoid, don’t you?”

His words only made Adele laugh harder. “I-I’m sorry,
Oliver. I’m not laughing at you. Fuck, no—you’re perfect. I’m laughing because
I’m happy, excited and a little nervous.”

He said nothing, instead removing the condom from the packet
and rolling it carefully down his shaft and checking it was secure. Then he
climbed onto the bed, crawled between Adele’s legs, nudging them farther apart
as he went, and put his hands either side of her shoulders.

Leaning down, he murmured, “You have nothing to be nervous
about, Adele. As you can probably tell, both my cock and I want you badly. So
badly, in fact, that I can’t wait. I’m kind of planning to fuck you right away,
hard and fast. Then I’ll take a breather and give your luscious body the kind
of time and attention it deserves. How does that sound?”

Adele gasped, pulled her bottom lip into her mouth, taken
aback by the intensity of Oliver’s need. After a moment she recovered and
managed to choke out, “It-it sounds wonderful. Fucking amazing. Do what you
want to me, Oliver. I’m hoping it will be the first time of many, so we’ve got
all the time in the world to explore each other’s bodies.”

“I like your thinking, sweetheart.” He captured her lips
with his, pouring so much need and passion into the kiss that Adele’s pussy
lips swelled, and her clit ached for attention, ached so hard that she thought
it might burst with the slightest touch.

Pulling away, she let out a moan. “Oh, oh, oh, Oliver. Please!
Just fuck me, fuck me now. As hard and as fast as you can go. I’ll probably
come with you anyway, even without my clit being directly stimulated. If we get
the angle right.”

“Tell me the angle, gorgeous, and I’ll bloody well make sure
we get it right.”

“Get inside me,” she replied, “and I’ll show you.”

He clearly needed no further encouragement, as he
immediately shifted his hips to position the meaty head of his cock against her
engorged entrance. He licked his lips as he gazed upon her, then whispered,

She’d barely nodded when he canted his hips, pushing past
the most minor amount of resistance and sinking deep into her wet, eager pussy.

Their moans and expletives filled the room and Adele wrapped
her arms around Oliver’s neck and her legs around his calves. Pulling him to
her, not letting him go.

“God, you feel so good,” Oliver said, moving his head back a
little to look into her eyes. “So fucking hot, wet and tight. I’m definitely
not going to last long in those conditions. I’ll make it up to you, though—I

Adele pulled him back down to her for another kiss. Jerked
her hips up to meet his, driving him deeper inside her cunt. She squeezed her
walls around him, gripping his shaft and wrenching a squealing-growl sort of a
noise from his throat. She swallowed it into her mouth and did it again. This
time, Oliver pulled away with a gasp.

“Keep doing that and it’ll be seconds, not minutes, babe.”

“Go for it, babe. I told you—go hard and fast. Fuck me so
hard my teeth rattle. I like it that way. Love it.” In the heat of the moment,
she wasn’t even embarrassed by uttering the rude words. She felt attractive,
sexy and, most importantly,
Oliver wanted her and she wanted him
right back.

“Take me, Ol. Please.”

She didn’t need to ask him again. Kissing her once more,
roughly, briefly, he rose up on his arms, looked down at where their bodies
were joined. Glanced back at her face with a grin that almost reached from ear
to ear, then began to fuck her exactly as she’d requested.

As bliss overtook her, crashing through her body in
delicious waves, Adele had to fight to keep her eyes open.

Chapter Ten


Oliver could hardly believe his luck. He wasn’t entirely
sure how he and Adele had gone from coffee and a piece of cake in the leisure
center cafeteria to screwing in her bed, but he certainly wasn’t complaining.

It was everything he’d hoped it would be. Once she’d gotten
over her original shyness, she’d turned into the sexy, confident goddess he’d
always suspected she was. When she’d started talking dirty—or dirty for her,
anyway—he’d been surprised he didn’t come right away. The words, plus the glint
in her eyes, the wanton parting of her lips, had been so incredibly erotic that
it had ramped his arousal up another notch—if that were even possible.

He was, as requested, fucking her as hard and as fast as he
could. Their flesh slapped together rhythmically and he looked down, enjoying
the sight of her boobs and belly wobbling as he pounded into her. He adored the
fact he could do this without hurting her, and as for her loving it this way,
well, he was truly beginning to think she was the perfect woman for him.

Inevitably, the speed at which he was going and the
resultant heat and friction were driving him closer and closer to the edge. The
tingle at the base of his spine and the tightening of his ball sac told him
just how imminent his climax was, and he said, “Adele, now would be a bloody
good time to tell me about that angle, ‘cause soon it’ll all be over.”

She giggled, the action sending tremors through her body and
down the length of his shaft. He yelped, slowing his movements. “Seriously,
it’s pretty urgent!”

“Sorry, Oliver,” she said, “I didn’t mean to laugh. It’s
with you, not
you. Okay, so you need to move so that with every
thrust, your pubic bone and the base of your cock grind against my clit. That
should do the trick. But if it doesn’t, I really don’t mind. I’m happy to let
you make it up to me afterward. I have several more condoms too. Now can we
stop talking and get on with we’re doing, please?”

Now it was Oliver’s turn to laugh. “Bossy cow. Okay, getting
on with it.” He shifted around a little in order to do as she’d instructed,
then began to thrust in earnest once more.

Adele gripped his biceps, hanging on tight as he rocked into
her as fast and as hard as he could possibly go, all the while making sure he
hit her sweet spot. The orgasm that had waned slightly as they’d talked came
back to the forefront with a vengeance, spurred on by the tightening of Adele’s
walls around his cock.

Soon he couldn’t hang on any longer. The spasming of Adele’s
cunt grew stronger and more frequent and it yanked his climax out of him with a
force that left him breathless. His eyes and mouth grew wide as he squirted jet
after jet of spunk into the rubber, the sensation running up his spine and
radiating blissfully throughout his entire body.

Adele followed not long afterward, her climax as vocal as
his had been silent. Expletives, grunts and moans fell from her lips in an
endless stream as she bucked and writhed beneath him, her cunt holding him in
an iron grip.

He collapsed onto her, bracing his weight on his arms and
knees so as not to crush her.

Finally she lay still and he gave her a kiss. He’d intended
it to be a brief, but of course very affectionate peck, but he found that once
his lips touched hers he didn’t want to pull away. As a result, their
post-coital cuddle didn’t really happen. Instead they engaged in a steamy kiss
until Oliver’s cock awakened again. Then he pulled away gently and asked where
the nearest bin was. Adele waved lazily in the direction of a door, and he
disentangled himself, hopped off the bed and entered the room, which turned out
to be an en-suite. He carefully disposed of the condom before re-entering the

Without a word, he rejoined Adele on the bed and crawled
between her legs once more. This time, though, he didn’t move up her body. He
stayed right where he was and lowered his head to her slick pout. It was still
red and swollen from their lovemaking, and he tentatively stuck out his tongue
and swept it across her clit.

A pleased sound came from the head of the bed, so he figured
she was okay, and wasn’t too sensitive for him to go down on her. Happily,
Oliver pushed Adele’s thighs open wide and feasted on the sight of her spread
before him. Her puffy outer labia, the delicate folds nestling between them,
and her clit, which had retreated into its hood. He hoped to draw it out again
before long and tease it until Adele screamed and clamped her fleshy thighs around
his head.

After a few more seconds of gazing at her sex, he flicked
his tongue over her clit and slipped two fingers inside her channel. She was
very hot, and very wet. His cock stiffened further, digging into the sheets and
mattress below him. He was torn. He wanted desperately to be inside her again,
but he also wanted to explore her naked body—every delicious inch of it.

He decided to keep his promise of making it up to her and
continued his ministrations on her pussy. He curved his fingers up to stroke
her G-spot and closed his lips around her bud, pressing and sucking all at
once. Adele’s hips rose, forcing her harder into his mouth, and he responded by
speeding up his movements. Before long, her clit had swollen again and was
peeking out from beneath its hood. He reached his free hand up to caress and
squeeze her tits and tummy, giving a sharp pinch to each of her nipples in turn
for good measure.

The triple stimulation had Adele mewling in no time. He had
to shift his hand back down to stop her bucking and making him lose his rhythm.
He continued to stimulate her the best way he knew how and as her cries grew
louder and more abandoned, he knew he was doing it right. The undulations of
her body and the clenching of her pussy around his fingers was incredibly sexy,
and he couldn’t remember the last time he’d been with a woman so responsive, so
clearly into sex. It was no wonder he wanted her so damn much.

Soon Adele’s climax arrived in a style all of its own. She
wriggled beneath him so strongly that he had to fight to hang on. And hang on
he would—there was no way he was stopping now, not when she was so close. Her
wriggles stopped suddenly and she froze, silent except for her breath, which
wavered and stuttered. Her pussy gripped him so hard that he feared his fingers
would be broken, held him there for a second or two, then several things
happened at once. Adele yelled, her cunt fluttered wildly and copious amounts
of juice ran from her already saturated pussy and onto his face.

Oliver silently rejoiced. He lifted his head to watch her
face as she came, noting happily that her hands were fisted into the sheets and
that she truly was tumbling into blissful oblivion. Then he ducked back down
and set about licking up every last drop of her sweet yet tangy cum, continuing
long after that task had been completed, right up until Adele gently pushed him
away as she’d grown too sensitive.

Scrambling up the bed, Oliver flopped down onto the pillows
and pulled Adele into his arms. His cock was still rock-hard, but they had all
day to fuck—literally. So he simply lay there and enjoyed holding her, grinned
as he felt her heart pounding against his side and dropped a kiss onto her
disheveled and damp hair.

“Hey,” she said, tilting her head to look at his face, “you
probably gathered this already, but I’m into giving compliments. So I just want
to say, that was fucking amazing. And if you’ll just give me a few minutes to
recover, I will willingly return the favor.”

“I look forward to it,” he responded, capturing her mouth in
another kiss. A kiss that led from one thing to another, and another…stopping
only to eat, sleep and go to the bathroom. They were so wrapped up in each
other that the outside world didn’t exist, and it was beautiful. Utter

* * * * *

A couple of days later, tired but completely satiated, they
walked into the leisure center together, he for his shift and she for a workout
and a swim. Checking that nobody was looking—he didn’t want to get into trouble
at work—he leaned down and kissed Adele quickly. “See you later, sweetheart.”

She grinned back. “Yep. Looking forward to it, gorgeous.”
She reached around and gave his bottom a cheeky squeeze.

They looked in front of them again, ready to head to their
respective areas of the building, when they realized they had, in fact, been
seen. But it wasn’t any of Oliver’s colleagues, or his boss, who were currently
staring at them open-mouthed. It was the three witches. It looked as if they
were heading out, but they’d frozen in their steps halfway across the foyer.

“All right, ladies?” he said, deciding to break the silence
and get the unpleasantness over with.

The brunette recovered first. She looked from Oliver to
Adele and back again, then shook her head. She nudged the two blondes, who were
standing on either side of her, and they slowly, dazedly moved forward toward
the door. They never once took their eyes off the couple.

When they drew level with Oliver and Adele, he spoke again.
“That silence is wonderful, ladies. Remember what I said the other day? I
expect you to keep quiet in future, unless of course you’ve got something nice
to say. I realize it’s unlikely, though, so I’ll thank you to make sure myself
and my girlfriend never hear you saying something out of order again, all
right? Because if you ask me, it’s not wise to upset a lifeguard, is it? You
just never know when you’re going to need one, do you?”

The three of them refused to make eye contact and shuffled
quickly out of the building. When they were gone, Adele turned to him. “I’m
your girlfriend now, am I?”

Oliver grinned. “If you want to be, yes. I’d love it if you

“What do you think? A gorgeous man who’s fantastic in bed
stands up to mean girls on my behalf…that’s a yes. This fat girl is giving you
a resounding yes.”

“Hey,” he replied, “I just stopped them from being mean to
you, so how about not being mean to yourself?”

“I’m not. I’m not being derogatory, I’m stating a fact. I’m
fat, overweight, big, plus-sized, curvy, Rubenesque—whatever the hell you want
to call it. And do you know what? I really don’t give a fuck. You seem to like
me anyway, and that’s all that matters.”

“Damn right. Now quick, give me another kiss before I have
to get to work.”

“With pleasure, Oliver. With pleasure. And I hope those mean
girls are watching.”


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