MeanGirls (4 page)

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Authors: Lucy Felthouse

BOOK: MeanGirls
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Chapter Seven


Adele watched Oliver as he stood in the queue, bending
slightly to peer at what was on display in the glass cabinets. Seeing the
dreamy expression on his face, and remembering how he’d lavished compliments
upon her after eating the meal she’d made him at the Wagon and Horses, she
figured he was quite the food fan. The adage “the way to a man’s heart is
through his stomach” would definitely apply to him, then. It was just as well
she was a bloody good chef.

Grinning, she turned her attention to the room. She didn’t
want him to catch her staring, so she set to people-watching. Immediately she
felt sorry for the mother whose child wouldn’t stop screaming. She was holding
it—a little girl, she suspected from the pink clothes the baby was wearing,
though you never could tell these days—bouncing it up and down on her knee and
making soothing noises. Nothing seemed to work. After a few minutes, the baby
girl had clearly worn herself out, as her cries grew quieter and quieter and
she eventually curled up in her mother’s arms and went to sleep.

Adele was just about to turn her attention to someone else
when Oliver came up to the table. He shot her a wry grin as he put down the
tray, on which were two mugs. “Sorry for the wait. It’s manic in here, isn’t

She smiled back. “It’s okay, I’m in no hurry. I don’t have
work today.”

“Really? Cool. So I have you all to myself for a while then,
do I?”

Adele couldn’t help it—she blushed. “Y-yes. If you want to,
that is.”

“Oh, most definitely.” He removed the two drinks from the
tray and placed them on the table. Propping the tray up against the table leg,
he slid Adele’s beverage toward her before grabbing his own. “Cheers.”

Adele clinked her mug against his. “Cheers.” They both

“So,” she said, going to take a sip of her coffee then
deciding against it as it was still way too hot, “have you decided what you’re
having to eat yet? I saw you admiring the selection.”

“I have no idea. It all looks delicious.”

“Well how about you let me know what you
then I’ll go up and get something for us? I’ll surprise you.”

“What, by getting me the thing I don’t like?”

She swiped at him playfully. “Any more smart-arse remarks
like that and I will! But no, I was planning on getting you something you do

“Well you’re in luck, because I like everything.”

“Excellent. I’m going now, while the queue is short. See you
in a mo.”

She stood and moved around the table in the direction of the
counter. She noticed Oliver reaching into his pocket, so she bent and grabbed
the tray and dashed off before he had a chance to offer her any money.

Once she reached the counter, she peered at the selection of
cakes, cookies and biscuits, and found herself in much the same mind as
Oliver—it all looked delicious. She quickly ruled out a biscuit—this was her
lunch, so a single biscuit wasn’t going to cut it, especially after all those
lengths in the pool. So that left cake. She teetered between Victoria sponge
and chocolate cake for a few seconds before deciding on the former. She ordered
that and a slice of chocolate cake, then paid, thanked the member of staff and
went back to their table.

“Hey,” she said as she passed Oliver and slid the tray onto
the table. “I decided on Victoria sponge and you have chocolate cake. If you
like we can cut some off each and try a bit of each other’s.”

“I like the sound of that,” he said, his gaze flicking down
her body briefly, before shifting back up to her face.

Adele felt herself coloring again and tried hard to think of
something witty to say in response. Her brain was casting about for inspiration
and had almost latched on to something when she was distracted by a movement at
the door.

“Fuck,” she said, quietly but loud enough for Oliver to
hear. She slid quickly into her chair and slumped a little, desperate not to
attract attention to herself.

“What’s the matter?” Oliver started to turn around but Adele
stopped him.

“No, don’t look. It’s my hate club. Your fan club. I don’t
want them to know we’re here.”

“I don’t think we’re going to be able to avoid them,

“Bollocks, I think you’re right. They’re coming this way.”
She picked up her mug and took a sip, happy to find that the temperature of the
liquid was just right now. Taking several more gulps—at the same time hiding
part of her face behind the mug—she watched as the three witches made a beeline
for them.

“There’s a free table behind me, isn’t there?” she said.

“I’m afraid so. Is that where they’re going?”

“It looks like it.”

“Damn. Well hopefully they won’t be any trouble. We’ll see.”

“Yeah, we’ll see.”

They fell silent and Adele suddenly became very interested
in the surface of the table as the three women walked past to get to the free
table. Just as Adele thought they weren’t going to take any notice, one of them
stopped next to her, then turned to look at Oliver. It was the brunette.

“Oh. Hi, Oliver,” she said, twirling her hair around her
finger and talking in a sickly-sweet voice that made Adele want to vomit. “What
are you up to?”

A flare of anger rushed through Adele. Surely it was fucking
obvious what he was doing—he was having a coffee with someone! But the bitch
seemed to have conveniently not noticed that Adele was even there. She wished
that the spiteful cow would get struck by lightning or swallowed into the

Oliver kept his cool, however, and replied, “I’m kinda busy,
actually. I’m having coffee with Adele.”

The dark-haired woman dropped her hand and looked down at
Adele with an expression that was distaste and dislike rolled into one.

“Oh,” she said, shifting her gaze back to Oliver. “Well I
suppose I’ll leave you to it, then. Bye.” She beamed at Oliver, shot daggers at
Adele, then sat down at the table where her friends were waiting for her.

Immediately the three women began a discussion about Oliver,
questioning what on earth he was doing having coffee with Adele. It seemed they
were affronted by the way he’d avoided them the other day, and also that he
deigned to spend time with
They’d barely lowered their voices, so
Adele and Oliver could hear every single word they were saying.

Adele started to eat her cake, pretending not to notice the
conversation that was taking place behind her. Oliver followed suit and they
ate their treats in silence, passed a little bit onto each other’s plates,
finished eating and sipped their drinks.

Meanwhile, the slagging-off of Adele and Oliver was still
going strong on the witches’ table. It had grown more heated and Adele could
hardly believe that three grown women were talking so spitefully in public, and
also when the subjects of their ire were so close by. It was the stuff of
bullies in playgrounds, and Adele was kind of glad it was happening to her now,
when she had the thick skin to deal with it. Had this been over twenty years
ago, it would have broken her teenage heart and possibly caused her to do
something stupid.

But then, the three witches didn’t know what a thick skin
she had. For all they knew, their words could be driving her to depression and
suicide. And what’s more, they really didn’t care. They were totally oblivious
to and uncaring of other people’s feelings. The most ridiculous part, though,
was that they were still convinced that Adele was the scourge of society. They
had no fucking idea.

She drained the last of her coffee, and was just about to
suggest to Oliver that they should go somewhere else when he stood up abruptly,
causing the back of his chair to crash into the chair behind his, which
belonged to one of the teachers accompanying the children. He apologized
profusely, then stepped around the table and past Adele.

She grabbed his arm. “It’s all right, Oliver. I’m used to
it. It doesn’t bother me.”

“Well I’m not,” he replied. “And it’s bothering me

With that, he gently pulled his arm from her grasp. She
turned in her chair to see what he was going to do.

Marching right up to their table, he stood close and rested
his fingertips on its surface. “Ladies,” he said quietly, ensuring only Adele
and anyone close by who was purposely listening could hear, “I’m sure you’re
aware that my companion and I can hear every single word you’re saying. Every
single spiteful, poisonous, unpleasant and completely untrue word. You probably
won’t care at all what I’m going to say next, but having heard the horrible
things you’ve been saying, I can’t keep my peace any longer. I’m
respectfully—though God knows, you don’t deserve my respect—asking you to cease
your conversation immediately. What you’re discussing is both completely out of
order and also none of your business.”

He paused and took a deep breath. “I’m here with Adele. Yes,
she’s a big girl. But you know what? I like that. I don’t care if she’s curvy,
skinny or somewhere in between. Because she’s a gorgeous woman, both inside and
out. You three may think you’re the bee’s knees with your size eight clothes
and designer gear, but you’re not attractive to me and probably not to lots of
other men. You know why? Because you’re spiteful witches. You’re happy to sit
in a crowded cafeteria slagging off someone you don’t know, just because the
way she looks isn’t acceptable to you. And what’s worse is that you can’t see
that it’s wrong. I’d appreciate it if, in the future, you would keep your vile
thoughts and opinions to yourself, at least while Adele and I are within

He stood up straight, took a step back. “Now if you’ll
excuse me, my
lady friend and I are going to continue our date
elsewhere. And I don’t expect to ever have to have this conversation with you
again. In fact, I’d prefer it if I didn’t have any kind of conversation with
you. Understood?”

The girls were so taken aback by the fact that someone had
actually confronted them that they were stunned into silence. They gawped
unattractively at Oliver, their expressions shocked, their cheeks red.

Oliver slapped a palm on the table, making the mugs and
plates rattle and the three women jump. “I said, understood?”

“Y-yes,” they said, nodding, exchanging worried looks with
one another and glances around to see if anyone was paying any attention to
what was happening. They grew more embarrassed as they saw that they’d gained
quite an audience.

“Come on, Adele,” he said, more loudly than necessary as he
moved back to their table. “Let’s go, sweetheart. I’ve had enough of this

He took her arm when she got up and they left the cafeteria
together. They didn’t say a single word until the door had closed behind them
and they were alone in the stairwell.

“Bloody hell!” Adele said, turning to Oliver with a grin.
“That was brilliant. The reason I never wanted to say anything to them was
because I wouldn’t have been able to keep calm. People like that make me really
angry. But you really kept your cool, and that just made what you said sound a
million times better. You didn’t even swear—I’m impressed! Also,” she said,
squeezing his arm, “thank you. For sticking up for me and for the lovely things
you said about me. I feel like the sexiest woman in the world after that.”

“There’s a reason for that,” Oliver replied, turning to grab
Adele’s free hand and pressing a kiss to it. “It’s because you damn well are.
Now come on—let’s get out of here before I’m tempted to pull their membership
records from reception, find out their registration numbers and egg their

Adele giggled. “Tempting…but that would make us just as bad
as them. Let’s go somewhere no one will bother us.”

“What, to my place?”

Adele stuck her tongue out at him. “I was thinking more of
the park. I don’t think you’ll be able to keep your hands off the sexiest woman
in the world if we go to your place.”

“That’s true. The park it is, then.”

Chapter Eight


The park was within walking distance, so they left their
cars in the leisure center car park and made their way on foot. They passed
through the small town center and part of a housing estate, then finally
emerged on the edge of the green space.

Oliver pulled open the gate. “After you.”

Adele grinned. “A flatterer, a hero
a gentleman?
I’m getting more pleased that I responded to your note every minute.”

“I’m glad to hear it.” He unashamedly checked her out as she
walked in front of him, shaking his head as he thought about the things the
spiteful threesome had been saying about her. He was obviously wired completely
differently to them, a polar opposite, because he didn’t see a fat,
unattractive woman. He just saw a woman. One who happened to be funny, intelligent,
brilliant, sexy and great to be with. As for her body, to him it was a
seriously hot body. All boobs and bum and soft bits for him to play with. To
tease, to caress, to enjoy. If things got that far, of course. Every second
that ticked by increased his belief that they would. After all, if Adele hadn’t
been attracted to him on a physical level, it’s unlikely she would have agreed
to go out with him in the first place, and the more time they spent together,
the more it became apparent they got on together too.

He followed her through the gate, letting it swing shut
behind them. He took a couple of strides until he was walking next to her once
more and they grinned at each other as they made their way along the path.

“Where are we going?” he said.

“I was thinking it’d be nice to sit by the river. What do
you think? Just sit together and chat and hopefully catch some sun.”

They both stopped and looked up. They could see the sun
burning through a thin layer of cloud. Oliver hoped the cloud would dissipate
or move, allowing the rays to caress their skin. He wasn’t a sun-worshipper but
he did enjoy sitting out in it. Somehow everything just looked nicer,
when bathed in natural bright light. It was a brilliant mood enhancer too.

Not, he thought, that his mood needed any enhancing right
now. The anger and irritation he’d felt back in the cafeteria had gone almost
as soon as they’d left, and the more he chatted and laughed with Adele, the
happier he felt. He realized that somehow his nervousness had disappeared too.
He felt comfortable around her, as if he could say pretty much anything and she
wouldn’t care.

“Yes, let’s hope it manages to kick that bloody cloud into
shape so we can enjoy some rays.”


They shared polite smiles and nods with a group of mothers
they passed who were chatting together as they supervised their children in the
play area. Happy squeals and whoops joined the sound of birdsong, growing
quieter as they put distance between themselves and the playground.

Oliver sighed contentedly, enjoying the companionable
silence. He decided to take a chance and reached out to take Adele’s hand. She
started at first, then realized what was happening and slipped her hand into
his, giving him a smile so warm he thought he’d melt.

Soon they could see the river through the trees, the
occasional ray of sunlight reflecting from its surface. As if by some unspoken
command, the two of them walked faster, heading toward a flat piece of grass by
the bank, one that grew lighter as the sun won its fight with the clouds.

“Wow,” Adele said, moving into the area and looking up,
“perfect timing, eh? It’s pretty damn warm now the sun’s out. I love it.

“Yes, you are,” he said, grinning at her as she gave him an
amused look. “What? You are. Well I think so, anyway. And I don’t care what
anyone else says, including you.”

Adele sat down and reached up to pull him down next to her.
“Thank you, Oliver. I must admit I’m more used to insults and dirty looks than
compliments, so you’ll have to bear with me as my brain adjusts to someone
saying such nice things to me and meaning them. Also, you’re pretty damn
gorgeous yourself, I must say.”

Now it was Oliver’s turn to blush. He settled down beside
her, still holding her hand. “Seems as though we’re embarrassing each other,
here, doesn’t it? I suppose we’re even now, huh?”

“Not quite. I think you’ve still got a couple up on me. But
I reckon I can even that score.”

“Really? And what do you propose to do?”

“How do you feel about public displays of affection?”

“Honestly? I’m fine with other people smooching in public
but I’ve never done it myself. But that’s just because I haven’t really been
given the opportunity, not because I don’t want to. In my opinion, as long as
it’s not pornographic, there’s nothing wrong with it and I do like the idea of
sharing a little love. The world needs more love.”

“I couldn’t agree more. I must admit, I’m a bit gutted that
snogging your face off won’t embarrass you, but if you’re okay with it, I’m
going to do it anyway.”

“I’m more than okay with it.”


After that they went quiet, but their bodies still spoke
volumes as they shuffled closer to each other. Adele slipped a hand to the side
of Oliver’s face, then back and up into his hair, tangling her fingers in the
dark locks and guiding him so their lips touched.

Oliver mirrored her movement, pulling her more tightly to
him so their mouths mashed together. After a beat, they opened their lips and
began to tentatively explore. Thrills coursed through Oliver’s body as their
tongues met, battled briefly, then took turns to slip inside each other’s
mouths. Despite the fact that Adele probably had as little experience as he
did, she definitely knew what she was doing. Her other hand moved to his waist,
slipping beneath his T-shirt and lightly caressing his stomach. Soon his cock
cottoned on to the action and began to stir.

Their kiss grew more heated. Fingers tightened in hair,
gripped clothing. Breaths became pants, chests heaved. A series of cute moans
emanated from Adele’s throat, ramping Oliver’s arousal ever higher. He could
hardly believe he was here, doing this with the woman he’d been mooning over
for months. They’d gone from zero to maybe fifty in the space of a few days,
and both he and his cock wanted to rev things up so they hit a full-on sixty
and beyond.

He pulled away.

“Hey, what’s up?” Adele said, her eyes wide and lips

Oliver didn’t reply. Instead he grabbed her and rolled her
on top of him.

“Whoa!” she said, as she settled into position, her knees
either side of his waist. “I’ll squash you.”

“Adele, be quiet. You won’t. I know you’re painfully aware
of the fact that you’re a big girl, but you have to remember that I’m also a
big boy. And I’m strong too. So just relax and enjoy yourself.”

She huffed out a breath, looked at him thoughtfully. Then
her serious expression morphed into one that could only be described as
mischievous. “Yes,” she said, wriggling her hips, “you
a big boy,
aren’t you?”

Oliver laughed. “Oh, wouldn’t you like to know? Maybe it’s all
padding. Perhaps I’ve got a pair of socks down there or something?”

“Maybe you have,” she replied, “and yes, I’d definitely like
to know. If we weren’t in such a public place, I’d do my damndest to find out

“Well,” he said, reaching up to pull her down onto him, “I
can’t wait until you do. For now, though, just kiss me.”

“With pleasure.”

Their lips met once more and Oliver’s cock twitched in
response. His blood was rushing through his veins at a million miles an hour
and he reveled in the sensation of having Adele on top of him. Far from feeling
crushed, he loved the fact that her weight was substantial, not for a second
letting him forget she was there, her abundant and beautiful curves pressed up
against him. He looked forward to exploring them, particularly when they were
both naked.

Adele’s tongue brushed against his lip and he opened his
mouth to admit it once more. Her movements had become more frenzied, more
eager, and he suspected that she was just as turned on by the situation as he
was. He hoped so, anyway.

By now his dick had grown so stiff that it pressed
insistently against the inside of his boxer shorts, being relentlessly
stimulated by the wriggles of the woman on top of him. If he were a magician,
he’d definitely have magicked their clothes off and buried his shaft deep
inside her pussy. For now, though, he was perfectly happy to continue snogging
like horny teenagers.

As the thought went through his mind, it was as though he’d
conjured them up.

“Oy, oy!” called a slightly squeaky male voice, presumably
in the throes of puberty. “Look at these pair ‘ere! Bloody hell, get a room,
you two. In fact, get a room in an old folks’ home. Fuckin’ ‘ell. Goin’ at it
like rabbits in the bloody park.”

Adele scrambled off Oliver and sat down hard on the grass.
She took a moment to scrape her hair from her face and suck in and release a
couple of deep breaths. Then she jumped up and strode over to where the spotty
young man was standing with his two equally gormless friends. They were passing
a cigarette between them and still leering and smirking.

“Oy, oy, yourself,” Adele said when she reached the lads.
“You shouldn’t have been watching, should you? That’s called being a pervert,
did you know? And we weren’t, as you put it, ‘going at it like rabbits’. That
means actually having sex. You do know that, don’t you? And, as you’ve probably
noticed, we’re both fully clothed. Having said that, though, I’d quite like to
be unclothed. With him.” She pointed back to where Oliver still sat on the
grass, watching proceedings, open-mouthed. “So, if you’ll excuse us, you dirty
little buggers, I’m going to take him home and do as you suggest. Get a room.
Several of them, in fact. Good day.”

She turned and beckoned to Oliver before walking away from
the gobsmacked youths and back in the direction from which they’d entered the
park. Oliver jogged a few meters to catch up with her, then flung his arm
around her when he got there. They slowed a little and he leaned down to press
a kiss to her disheveled hair.

“That, sweetheart, was fucking brilliant.” He glanced behind
them. “The three of them are still standing there, staring after us. They look
totally railroaded. I don’t blame ‘em, to be honest. I’m still a bit shocked.”

Adele giggled. “Good. To them being surprised, I mean. Not
you. You need to get over it, and fast, because we’re going back to my place,
remember? And I want to shag you, not treat you for shock, okay?”

“Understood. Oh look, I’m fine. Absolutely not shocked at
all. Perfectly fantastic, in fact. And most definitely ready to shag, m’lady.”

“I’m glad to hear it. Now come on—walk faster.”

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