Meant for Love (28 page)

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Authors: Marie Force

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Contemporary Romance

BOOK: Meant for Love
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“We’re going to be late to meet your parents,” Grace said as she found a tissue in her purse to wipe her face and blow her nose. She pulled down the visor to check the damage. “Great, I’m a wreck.”

“You are not. You’re as gorgeous as ever.”

“You have to say that. You love me.”

“You bet I do, and don’t you forget it.” He pulled the car back onto the road and turned into the long driveway that led to Gansett Boat Works. The Oar Bar was situated off to the side of the main dock and boasted about ten thousand oars painted by people who’d come through the island on boats, for Race Week, bachelor and bachelorette parties, for weddings and other major events. They hung from the roof, on the walls and on every available space in the cluttered bar. Evan loved the place and never got tired of reading all the messages on the oars, some of them dating back more than forty years.

His parents were already seated at a table inside when he escorted Grace into the bar. He kept a tight grip on her hand, hoping to reassure her after their emotional conversation.

“Hi, honey,” Linda said, embracing Grace and then Evan.

Big Mac stood to greet Grace with a kiss to the cheek.

“Um, excuse me for one second,” Grace said.

Evan released her hand and watched her scurry toward the stairs that led to the bathroom.

“Everything okay?” Linda asked, giving him the Voodoo Mama stare that saw right through her adult children.

“It will be.” Evan sat with them, and while they waited for Grace to return, he brought them up to date on the goings-on with Buddy and the album once lost to bankruptcy.

“Oh my goodness,” Linda said. “No wonder Grace is so upset.”

“That’s a tough spot you’re in, son,” Big Mac said.

“No kidding. There’s a lot to think about to be sure. Listen, before Grace comes back, this isn’t why we invited you to lunch. We have some other news we wanted to share with you—good news, or at least I hope you’ll think so.”

“Am I going to be a grandmother again?”

“No,” Evan said, laughing. “At least not because of me.”

“I still haven’t recovered from the latest delivery,” Big Mac said.

“Because it was so hard on you?” Evan asked, amused as always by his dad.


“We heard earlier today that Mac and Maddie are expecting again,” Linda said. “Your father is upset enough about that news.”

“Only because of what happened the last time,” Big Mac said, “but Mac assured me there’s no chance of that again.”

“I sure hope not. Once was enough.” Evan was about to go check on Grace when she appeared at the top of the stairs and made her way across the room to them. He stood to hold her chair and waited until she was settled and then bent to place his lips against her ear. “Okay?”

She nodded and smiled up at him.

When Evan was seated again, he took her hand. “You want to share the good news?”

“You don’t want to?”

“You can.”

“Someone needs to tell us what’s going on,” Linda said.

“Evan and I have set a wedding date.”

“Yes!” Big Mac said. “That’ll be twenty bucks, please, my love.”

“Wait, you guys
on what we had to tell you?” Evan asked his parents.

“Your mother had twenty on a baby.”

“Well, I’m glad I could help you score an easy twenty,” Evan said, amused.

“And I get to gloat, too.”

“Of course you do.”

“Shush and let them talk,” Linda said to her husband. “When and where?”

“January eighteenth in Turks and Caicos.”

“Ohhh, how fun! A destination wedding with beach time in the dead of winter!”

“We were hoping you’d approve.” Though she seemed pleased by his mother’s reaction, Grace’s smile wasn’t as potent as usual.

“Everyone’s going,” Big Mac announced. “I’m paying. Get tickets and rooms for all of them, and I’ll take it from there.”

“Really, Dad, no one expects you to do that.”

“So what? I can do what I want. Just try to stop me.”

“Don’t try, honey,” Linda said, patting Evan’s hand across the table. “You know how he can be when he gets something in his head.”

“Yes, you know how I can be,” Big Mac said with a satisfied smile.

Grace laughed, and the sound filled Evan’s heart to overflowing. He loved to hear her laugh as much as he hated to see her cry. He took hold of her hand. “See what you’re marrying into?”

“I know exactly what I’m marrying into, and I couldn’t be happier about it.”

“We couldn’t be happier either,” Linda assured her future daughter-in-law. “You two are a perfect fit, and we have no doubt that you’re going to have a long and happy life together.”

Evan would do everything within his power to make sure they had exactly that and nothing less.




Elated after her lunch date with Alex, Jenny went back to the lighthouse to shower and change. When she’d offered to bring him lunch, she hadn’t pictured an enchanted garden or sex outside in broad daylight. Earlier in the summer, when she told her friends she was ready to shake things up a bit, she’d never imagined shaking things up to the extent she had since she met Alex.

Part of her—the part concerned with self-preservation—wanted to take a step back and slow things down a bit. But the other part—the part that had missed being half of a couple, the part that had missed the connection she’d had with Toby—wanted to dive into what she was feeling for Alex without reservation.

Being with him was exciting, and Jenny felt more alive with him than she had since her life was shattered. And he’d said and done all the right things when she told him about Toby. He’d reacted with the perfect amount of distress on her behalf but hadn’t overreacted the way so many people had before him. Jenny appreciated that and would tell him so when she saw him later for their date.

She couldn’t wait. She felt like a teenager in the throes of first love, a thought that made her giggle, since she was hardly a teenager and this was hardly first love. Hell, she’d be hard-pressed to call it love, but it was definitely something. Her entire body tingled with awareness every time he was close by. All he had to do to get her motor running was look at her with eyes full of sexy intent, and she was his. Completely and absolutely his. She wondered if he had any idea how ridiculously gone over him she was.

“Probably better that he doesn’t know, or he’ll run for his life from the crazy lady in the lighthouse,” she said to her reflection in the bathroom mirror.

Her cell phone rang in the bedroom, and she ran to answer the call from Sydney.

“How’d it go? Tell me everything and leave out nothing.”

Jenny laughed. She so enjoyed her Gansett friends and the way they talked about
. “It was a smashing success. Thanks for the brilliant idea.”

“It was a rather brilliant idea, wasn’t it?”

“You have no idea how brilliant.”

“Jenny Wilks! Did you have sex outside?”

“I’m not telling.”

“Oh my God! You did!”

“Well, there was this garden, you see, surrounded on four sides by very tall hedges. And then there was this hot gardener with abs like you read about. What was a girl to do?”

“I love it! Did this happen before or after you told him about Toby?”


“So I take that to mean the conversation went well?”

“It went as well as I could’ve hoped for. He was perfect, and he wasn’t different or weird afterward, because I told him not to be. He seemed to appreciate the guidance.”

“You live and you learn, don’t you? What’s wrong with saying, ‘After I tell you this huge thing, this is what I need from you’?”

“Nothing at all. When you think about it, how would anyone know what the right thing to say or do is after hearing that story unless I tell them?”

“I remember when Linda first told us about you, and we talked about how best to approach you out there all by yourself in the lighthouse. I remember thinking about what I would want before I went to see you. I volunteered to go because I understood what not to do better than the others could have.”

“I’m so glad it was you who came, and that you shared your story with me. Right away I felt comforted to know that I wasn’t alone with that kind of pain—not that I’d wish it on anyone. But that you understood so well made it easier to accept your offer of friendship.”

“We’re all thankful you accepted the offer.”

“No one more so than me.”

“Awww, shucks. You’re a perfect fit with us, kiddo. We’d have badgered you until you had no choice but to join our happy clan.”

“It is a happy clan, and I’m thrilled to be part of it.” Her phone beeped. “Oh, that’s my mom.”

“I’ll let you go. Glad it all went well.”

“Thanks again for today, Syd.”

“Any time. Talk soon.”

Jenny pushed the button to end her call with Syd and accept her mother’s call. “Hi, Mom.”

“Hi, honey. Hope I’m not catching you at a bad time.”

Jenny thought about where she’d been forty-five minutes earlier and held back a nervous giggle at the thought of her mother calling then. “Nope. Good time. What’s up?”

“Dad was able to score three full days off next week—Tuesday through Thursday. We were thinking of flying up Monday afternoon and leaving on Thursday. Would that be okay?”

Guilt flooded through her, because her very first thought was
three days with no Alex
. “Of course,” she said to her mother. “That’s absolutely fine.”

“I looked on a map and I saw that the McCarthy’s hotel is fairly close to the lighthouse, so I booked a room there hoping you’d say yes to a visit.”

“You can stay here.”

“That’s very sweet of you, but we’ll be very happy at the hotel, and you won’t have us around your neck the whole time. I’m sure you’ve got your own things to do.”

Images of what she’d done with Alex in the garden chose that moment to pass through her mind like an erotic movie. Jenny cleared her throat. “A few things here and there.”

“So we’ll be on the eight p.m. ferry on Monday. Should I try to get the rental car on the boat?”

“No need. I’ll pick you up at the ferry, and you can use my car while you’re here.”

“I can’t wait to see you and your lighthouse and meet your friends.”

“I can’t wait either. I’m really glad you’re coming, Mom.”

“So are we. See you soon, hon.”

Jenny tucked the phone in her purse, grabbed her keys and headed out to check in with Paul Martinez, who was working at the retail store today. She wished she’d asked Alex what his brother knew about the two of them, but she hesitated to interrupt his work again with a phone call.

“I guess I’ll find out soon enough,” she said as she drove down the long driveway from the lighthouse to the road. A short time later, she pulled onto the grounds of Martinez Lawn & Garden and realized she was strangely nervous about meeting with Alex’s brother. “You’re offering to help him. What do you have to be nervous about?”

Not knowing if Alex had told his brother that he was seeing her fueled her anxiety as she grabbed her purse and headed inside. Paul was at the counter, huddled around a computer terminal with Adam McCarthy.

Both men looked up at her as she came in the door.

“Hey, Jenny,” Adam said.

“Hi, Adam.” She shifted her gaze to Paul, who was every bit as handsome as his brother. “Paul.”

“Hi, Jenny. Good to see you again. Thanks for the offer of help.”

“Sure. Happy to do whatever I can.”

“It all depends on Adam, the computer magician. Sharon’s parting shot was to password-protect the system, and naturally we can’t reach her to find out what it is.”

Incensed on his behalf, Jenny said, “Have you reported that to Blaine?”

“Filed a report this morning. He’s issuing a warrant for her arrest on charges of malicious mischief. We won’t actually press charges if she gives us the damned password.”

The poor guy seemed exhausted, stressed out and frustrated, but who could blame him? Like he didn’t have enough to deal with without a spiteful ex-employee tampering with his business.

“I hope you’re also withholding her final paycheck,” Jenny said.

“Haven’t done that yet, but you’re absolutely right. I’ll call the payroll company and get that done. Thanks for the reminder.”

Jenny didn’t know him at all, but she suspected the computer situation was about to take him over the edge. “While Adam does his thing, maybe you could show me around and give me a sense of the routine so I can get to it as soon as we have access to the computer again.”

“You’re going to work here, Jenny?” Adam asked, his gaze never wandering from the computer terminal.

“I’m helping out until things settle down.”

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