Meeting the Enemy (54 page)

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Authors: Richard van Emden

BOOK: Meeting the Enemy
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A lifelong friendship. In the 1950s, former artillery driver Alfred Henn and his wife (right) pose with the family of a German soldier with whom he became friends during the occupation. They remained in contact until the late 1990s.


The author’s grandmother, Margarethe van Emden, née Berndt (centre), studying at Leipzig University around 1924. Behind her stands Ernst Jünger, the highly decorated former German infantry officer and author of
Storm of Steel
. Margarethe moved to England in the 1930s where she remained for the rest of her life.


Published Memoirs

Andrews, Albert,
Orders are Orders: A Manchester Pal on the Somme
, ed. Sue Richardson, privately published, 1987
Barnett, Denis Oliver,
In Happy Memory
, privately published, 1915
Binding, Rudolph,
A Fatalist at War
, George Allen & Unwin, 1929
Bloem, Walter,
The Advance from Mons
, Peter Davies, 1930
Blücher, Princess Evelyn,
An English Wife in Berlin
, Constable, 1921
Buckler, Julius,
Malaula! The Battle Cry of Jasta 17
, Grub Street, 2007
Buxton, Andrew,
The Rifle Brigade, A Memoir
, Robert Scott, 1918
Byrne, Ginger,
I Survived Didn’t I?
, ed. Joy Cave, Leo Cooper, 1993
Chapman, Guy,
A Passionate Prodigality
, Buchan & Enright, 1985
Clark, Andrew, Revd,
Echoes of the Great War
, Oxford University Press, 1985
Cliff, Norman,
To Hell and Back with the Guards
, Merlin Books, 1988
Collins, Norman,
Last Man Standing
, Pen & Sword, 2002
Courtney, Lady,
War Diary
, privately published, 1927
Crundell, Edward,
Fighter Pilot on the Western Front
, William Kimber, 1975
Dundas, Henry,
Scots Guards, A Memoir
, Blackwood, 1921
Evans, Alfred,
The Escaping Club
, John Lane, 1941
Ewart, Wilfrid,
Scots Guard
, Strong Oak Press, 2001
Fielding, Rowland,
War Letters to a Wife
, Spellmount Classics, 2001
Foley, G. A.,
On Active Service
, privately published, Bridgewater, 1920
Gerard, James W.,
My Four Years in Germany
, Hodder & Stoughton, 1917
Gillespie, Alexander,
Letters from Flanders
, Smith, Elder & Co, 1916
Graham, Stephen,
A Private in the Guards
, William Heinemann, 1928
Grinnell-Milne, Duncan,
An Escaper’s Log
, John Lane, 1926
Hitchcock, Frank,
‘Stand To’ A Diary of the Trenches
, Hurst & Blackett, 1937
Hodges, Frederick James,
Men of 18 in 1918
, Arthur H. Stockwell Ltd, 1988
Hutchison, Graham Seton,
, Hutchinson & Co., 1933
Jünger, Ernst,
Storm of Steel
, Allen Lane, 2003
Lucy, John,
There’s a Devil in the Drum
, The Naval and Military Press, 1993
Markham, Violet,
A Woman’s Watch on the Rhine
, Hodder & Stoughton, 1921
Martin, Jack,
The Secret War Diary of Jack Martin
, Bloomsbury, 2009
McCudden, James,
Flying Fury: Five Years in the Royal Flying Corps
, The Aeroplane Publishing 1918
Muddock, J. E. Preston,
All Clear, A Brief Record of the London Special Constabulary 1914
, Everett & Co., 1920
Osburn, Arthur,
Unwilling Passenger
, Faber & Faber, 1926
Peel, Mrs C.,
How We Lived Then
, The Bodley Head, 1929
Pickard-Cambridge, Hilda,
An Englishwoman’s Experiences in Germany, August 1914
, privately published, 1931
Richard, Frank,
Old Soldiers Never Die
, Faber & Faber, 1942
Roddie, Stewart,
Peace Patrol
, Christophers, 1932
Siepmann, Harry,
Echo of the Guns
, Robert Hale, 1987
Stoffa, Pal,
Round the World to Freedom
, John Lane, 1933
Troyte-Bullock, C. J., in
History of the Somerset Light Infantry 1914-1919
, Everard Wyrall, Methuen & Co, 1927
Vischer, A. L.,
Barbed Wire Disease
, John Bale & Co., 1919
Vivian, A. P. G.,
The Phantom Brigade
, Ernest Benn, 1930
Walkinton, M. L.,
Twice in a Lifetime
, Samson Books, 1980


Unpublished Memoirs

Cole, Vic, Lance Corporal, 7th Royal West Kent Regiment,
An Englishman’s Life
Parke, C. G. A., 2nd Gordon Highlanders,
Memories of an Old Contemptible
Smith, Francis Nimmo, 1st Scots Guards,



Bournemouth Guardian
11 January 1916: reported court appearance of Julia Jacobitz
East London Observer
8 August 1914: editorial on East London Germans
Manchester Guardian
10 August 1914: Aliens’ Restriction Act; 26 September 1914: letter from Charles Eshborn
The Times
27 June 1904: King George’s visit to Kiel; 6 August 1914: Florence Phillips; 8 August 1914: Bampfylde Fuller; 26 December 1914: Hensley Henson; 26 December 1914: Reverend Henry Woods; 12 May 1915: Sir Felix Semon, Sir Carl Meyer and Leopold Hirsch; 7 July 1916: Jellicoe’s Despatch; 8 March 1918: Lord Newton’s speech to the House of Lords; 12 July 1918: Sir George Cave and Brigadier Page Croft; 2 November 1918: Udo Willmore-Wittner



Account of Private Robert Nisbet, published in
The New Chequers
, magazine of the Friends of Lochnagar
Memoirs of Corporal Walter Crookes, 1st Cheshire Regiment, published in the Regimental magazine
The Oak Leaf
, date unknown
Memories of Lieutenant Alexander Gallaher and Private Alfred Tilney,  published in the Regimental Magazine of the 4/7th Royal Irish Dragoon Guards
Memories of Private William Gordon, published in
The Beam
, December 1969


Other Reading

Brown, Malcolm & Seaton, Shirley,
Christmas Truce
, Papermac, 1994
Holmes, Richard,
The British Soldier on the Western Front 1914
, Harper Collins, 2004
Housman, Laurence,
War Letters of Fallen Englishmen
, Victor Gollancz, 1930 (incl. letters of Captain Edward Hulse and Lt Colonel John Hawksley)

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