Melabeth Forgive Me, For I Am Sin! (11 page)

Read Melabeth Forgive Me, For I Am Sin! Online

Authors: E. B. Hood

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Horror, #Occult, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Paranormal, #Paranormal & Urban

BOOK: Melabeth Forgive Me, For I Am Sin!
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Alex had an old leather satchel in his hand. He reached in the bag and pulled out the book. It looked like the one Peter had shown me in the empty dining room. I didn’t know if this was the book, but, then again, I didn’t care.

Looking at Michael, Alex spit out, “I give you this and you’ll let me go. Hah, Melabeth would never let me go; in fact
, I don’t even think she cares about this book.” He turned and looked at me, “Do you?”

I yelled out, “The book means nothing; your death is what I need.”

Michael looked back and forth at me and Alex. I could tell his confusion was leading into anger. Michael yelled out at me, “What’s going on, Melabeth?”

Alex answered, “Oh, how rich. She didn’t tell you… I am the one who raped and killed her. She was my little star; I just wonder who revived her. I watched her die.”

I growled and tried my hardest to push forward so I could rip his head off, but my feet just slid against the ground. Alex laughed at my attempts. Michael now understood what was going on, and worry crossed over his face.

Michael tried to calm me down, “Melabeth, stop. His spell will not last forever, and he’s not going anywhere. Save your energy, and I will help you kill him.”

The fact that Michael was ready to help me kill him calmed me down. I simply replied, “You’re right. He will die soon enough.”

Alex put the book back into his bag, but his hand did not come up empty. He pulled out an ornate brass plate. He held it out in front of him supporting it with one hand under the middle of the plate. His other hand sprinkled something onto the plate as he began to chant.

I really didn’t want to wait to see what this spell was, and I no longer had my gun, but I did still have knives stashed away in my boots. I pulled one out and threw it at Alex. Alex had seen what I was doing and tried to move but he was too slow. The knife missed its mark, but still the blade drove into his shoulder. Alex dropped the plate as he let out a scream of pain.

Alex screamed at me in pain and anger, “Look what you’ve done.”

The plate he had dropped now lay face down on the floor. Fire was bursting out from around the edges. Soon the plate flipped over and the fire grew. Alex was starting a new chant; I pulled out my last knife and aimed for his head.

My throw was right on, but the target was gone by the time the knife reached its destinati
on. Alex had transported away. All that remained was a book, a knife stuck in the wall as a fire was getting bigger by the second.

The fire filled the hallway in front of me, and then did something I had not expected. The fire turned into some kind of creature made of flames.

Michael yelled out, “Fire element,


I realized that I had been staring at the creature as it started to move forward. The creature was made of fire and even though it had shape, it was hard to make out within the ever moving flames. The creature’s mouth opened and inside it was a fire so hot it was black. I could feel the heat like a desert wind burning my skin. I did the only thing I could; I turned and ran as fast as my legs would carry me.

I felt the heat on my back and my second sight could not see this creature of flames, sound didn’t bounce off fire. I looked back as I ran, and what I saw chilled me to the bone. Behind me the creature had become a ball of fire rushing down the hall. When I darted down another hallway it turned and chased me. The noise this creature made was deafening, it sounded like jet engine.

I had to get to the upper decks; it was my only chance; this creature was lighting all it touched on fire. I could not
stay on the same deck for long. Soon this whole floor would be in flames.

It felt like forever before I reached a door marked Stairway. I opened the door then slammed it shut behind me. I ran up the first flight of stairs, and then stopped for a minute as my back healed. I had third degree burns all over my shoulder, and I could smell my dress. It hadn’t caught on fire, but it had
become so hot that the plastic polyester had started to melt. My hair had to grow back as well for it had burned away. My tattoo was ruined, only small piece remained.

I looked down at the door that I had shut to stop the fire element. The whole door was glowing red; it was made of metal, so it should hold I thought to myself.

It sounded like an explosion when the door burst open and a wall of flames came in. I didn’t stand around; I flew as fast as I could up the staircase, and, once again, I could hear and feel the terrible fire racing up behind me.

I reached the top of the staircase and ran into the casino, the ball of fire right behind me. Smoke filled the air along with the screams of the passengers. The passengers were all crowding the exits all at the same time to save their asses. I was forced more than once to jump in between some casino machine, or slide under a table to keep away from the raging fire; its only purpose it seemed was to kill me.

With no way out of the small casino area, I was forced to run down another set of staircases, back down into the belly of the beast, as the fire rushed after me.

I slid through the door to one of the lower decks shutting the steel door behind me. I knew it wouldn’t hold the fire element for long, but it would give me a head start. The fire had been spreading through the ship much faster than a normal fire would or could; even this area was full of smoke. It was two floors higher and fifty feet further toward the bow. The smoke seemed to be toxic. I knew that one of the great advantages of being a vampire was that a lot of things didn’t kill us.

I was starting down one of the halls when I noticed a fire hose. That gave me an idea. I broke open the door and pulled the hose out at the same time I turned the knob so that the hose pressurized. Right away a stream of water shot out.  I aimed it at the door to the stairwell. The door had already turned bright red and was about to burst. When the water hit the door, a mass of white steam filled the air.

Still the door had been weakened, and the creature burst through as the door as it gave way. I put the stream of water right on the fire element. The sound that burst forth was deafening as it roared. White steam filled the hallway and blinded me. I could see nothing through the clouds of white, and, even though my second sight was of no use in this situation, I could still feel the heat radiating from the fire element. I kept the hose pointed toward the source of heat, and the fire element raged on.

After what seemed to be hours, but was only minutes, the sound of the roar and fire quieted, until it was gone all together. The white smoke cleared the air, and the fire element was nowhere to be found. I don’t know if I finished him off, but I bought some more time.

I looked up the staircase from where I had just come. It was ablaze. I would need to find another way out, without delay, I headed toward the bow, and hopefully there was another staircase to the deck of the ship that was not on fire.

As I worked my way down the hall, it was filled with smoke. It was so bad that I had to use my second sight to see where I was going. I heard a noise… it was the sound of weeping, a woman crying, and it was coming from the room just a few feet ahead of me and to the right. I wasn’t sure if I should go in, but maybe I could help her.

I opened the door to the cabin, quickly shutting the door behind me to keep out as much of the smoke as I could.  It did little good, for the room was already full of noxious gases. In the corner of the room there was a woman huddled face down. I went to her side and bent down to see if she was alright.

I tried not to speak too loudly and startle her, “Are you ok? Let me help you out of here.”

The woman lifted her head in response to my voice. It was then that I could see that she was hunched over, two small children. They were both boys; one looked to be about two and the other about five years old. It took me a second, and then I realized… they were dead.

My eyes welled up with tears. I had never laid eyes upon dead children before… it chilled me to the bone. I felt myself shake with remorse and regret.

I spoke with a shaky voice, “Let me help you out of here. We must hurry.”

Her face turned to me, and her eyes met mine. Her stare was cold and icy and filled with pain. She said with strength and conviction, “Let me be. I will soon join my boys… save yourself if you must, but leave me alone.”

She turned her head away from me and leaned over her dead children. She was coughing now from the smoke in the room, and soon she would be dead.

I would grant her wish, but she would die quickly and without pain. I leaned her head to one side, and before she could react, my fangs punctured her throat. I drained her quickly taking what life was left in her.

I laid her to rest next to her children. It took all I had not to cry; I said a little prayer then hurried to the door. I needed to get out, or I would be joining her sooner rather than later.

As I went out the cabin door and headed toward the front of the ship again, I saw a sign pointing toward a staircase. I went up the stairs as fast as possible. The staircase came out in the forward dining area. It was empty and full of smoke; how could the fire have engulfed this much of the ship, I wondered?

Moving as fast as I could I worked my way up to the top of the staircase. There were tables everywhere but no people. Some of the chairs lay on their sides, and half empty plates adorned the tables. This was the main dining area and was
always packed. I saw a man in a uniform come towards me. He was one of the crew, and I could tell from the sweat and the look on his face that the ship was under full evacuation.

The crew member spoke in a hurried tone trying to hide the panic in his voice, "Miss, miss. You can't be in here; it's not safe
. Move out onto the deck please. There will be crew directing you to the nearest lifeboat."

I still needed to find Michael.
Alice could handle herself, but still I would like to find both of them before abandoning ship. The crew member was trying his best to hurry me along. I looked him in the eye and spoke clearly, "I have to find someone first; I'll be fine."

The man spoke a clearly rehearsed line, "Your loved ones are most likely in line or on a lifeboat. Please move toward the deck."

He said please but I could tell the man was losing patience with me.

As I looked at the man, his face morphed, from worry and impatience, to a look I couldn’t quite place. Then, like a bad B movie, his body fell to the ground while his head stayed in the air. It didn’t take a second to realize his head was being held by the vampire Peter.

He tossed the head across the room like an old glove. His clothes were ripped from head to toe; he looked like he had been attacked by a great cat. The tattered clothes that hung from his body were splattered with blood, but his cuts had all healed. He had a wild look on his face as he stared at me.

I was in deep trouble if he was able to defeat Alice.

Peter spoke first; he almost sounded calm, “Where’s Alice?”

The sound of his voice didn’t match his face or body language. I answered in a little voice, “I don’t know.”

Of course, if he were looking for Alice, that meant he hadn’t killed her. Well little good that did me, because I was pretty sure this vampire was about to kill me. With half his clothes ripped off, he looked hot. I mean for a crazy psycho vampire he was really good looking, in another different circumstances I might have enjoyed looking at him half naked, but things being what they were…

Oh well I thought… then I attacked.

My sudden attack and the fact I had just fed off that woman and had regained some of my strength, took him off guard. It only took a few seconds before he regained his composure, and I found myself defending against his attacks.

I had never even taken into consideration that maybe he had eaten a passenger and had recovered his strength as well. He was as strong and as fast as the first time I fought him. To top it off he was also a better fighter; my second sight is the only reason I was able to stand my ground at all, but not for long.

He tossed me against a wall. After dodging a punch to the head, he punched me in the gut. Peter followed with a quick slice with his finger nails across my neck. I didn’t need to breath, but it caused other problems. First and foremost was blood loss and that is where my strength lies. Second was I couldn’t breathe which meant I couldn’t whistle. Peter was fast and didn’t make any noise; without my second sight I wasn’t dodging the incoming punches.

After a few hard hits to the head and few more cuts, things got a little blurry. My body healed fast, but only so fast. As my vision started to return, I realized I was staring at the carpet, and then I felt my body lifted off the ground.

I could feel Peter walking, and then he lifted me higher. He said in a cold voice, “Goodbye.”

I felt my body
being hurdled through the air. The sudden impact of a wall brought pain to my legs and back. I fell down the wall and onto the ground, and my body worked to put itself back together again. Peter left without a backward glance. Well, it could have been worse I thought, he could have killed me… what was that smell?

Chapter 9


I had been bleeding and now was covered in my own flammable blood. I had just barely stopped the bleeding and my wounds were closing up when I smelled smoke and burning fabric. It was fire; the dining area was on fire. I could hardly move my neck, but with some effort I craned my neck to one side; only to see the flames coming down the wall towards me. Once the fire reached the pool of blood I lay in, it would be all over.

I was going to die.

This had been a really bad trip. I hadn’t kissed Michael once, Alex got away. Michael most likely burned up. Alice was hiding from crazy Peter, and to top it off, we didn’t even get that stupid ass book. Instead I was about to get myself killed.

I started to feel my fingers and toes again. The fire was almost upon me. Forcing myself, with all the willpower I had, I started to crawl. Not fast enough, the fire was moving faster. I pulled my body slowly forward, leaving a streak of blood behind me, but the fire was getting closer.

As if a fuse was lit, the fire ignited the pool of blood that I had been in. The fire moved down the streak of blood toward me. First it caught my boots on fire, then spread up my leg.

I screamed in pain and kept pulling myself away from the fire with my hands. The pain from my flesh burning was like nothing I had ever felt before.

Every time I crawled forward the flames burned
further up my body. It would only take a few more seconds before it burned through my legs and then I would burn from the inside out.

I cried out, “God… why? Please help me. HELP ME!”

I knew God would not help me, but it was worth a try.

The pain of the fire stopped as cool water engulfed my body. A pair of hands grabbed hold of mine and pulled my body away from the flames. My legs had been burned so badly I couldn’t even feel them, let alone use them.

My world spun around and the next thing I knew I was looking up at Michael’s beautiful face. He carried me gracefully, cradling me tightly to his chest. He didn’t look down at me as he ran; his face full of concentration. He was a man on a mission, and he was saving my life.

I had healed enough that I now understood Michael’s rush. Behind us the ship was engulfed in fire. My legs didn’t work
, but other than that I felt good. Carrying me caused Michael to slow down, as he weaved through hallways of the ship. Sometimes he had to run through a tunnel of flames. It burned both of us, but he was quick enough that it didn’t catch us entirely.

An explosion came from behind us, I felt the blast wave. We were engulfed into a ball of flames.

It felt as if we were falling as my eyes first saw red then saw nothing as they were melted from the heat. It would only be a few seconds more and me and Michael would burn to death.

For the second time in a short period
, I felt my life ending under the pain of fire. It hurt everywhere, and all I could think of was pain. I waited for death, at least the pain of burning would stop.

The pain did stop without warning. My ears still worked, for I heard the sound of splashing into water. I could feel the cool water all around me as me and Michael held each
other together. We slowly sunk into the ocean, with no need to breathe, we could heal.

Michael had saved my life, he was braver than I had ever known.

As my body healed, I could feel Michael giving me reassuring squeezes as our bodies came to rest upon the ocean floor.

There we would rest… and I would dream, of Michael.


*                  *                   *

I awoke to light and noise.

The sound was that of the ocean, the waves crashing upon the shore. I felt the hot sun upon my naked body as I lay upon the sand. My wounds had healed, but not my clothes. My hair was wet and matted, I soon found out why. Cool water rushed upon the shore, running over my body and up to my head. The water sped away leaving me in a hole shaped like my body. The sun was so bright and I had no sunglasses, it was nighttime for vampires. I could hardly make out my hands in front of my face, just blurring and bright light.

The sound of birds was barely audible over the roar of the waves. The sounds made my second sight come to life. In my black and white visions I could see the sound. Like sonar bouncing off objects letting me know their shape, size and distance. I was unable to see color or fine details, but it was one of my greatest tools in a fight, for no one could sneak up on me. My second sight showed me outcrops of rocks on either side of the small beach on which I lay. Up further on shore there were palm trees swaying in the wind. I sat up and whipped my hair back. The air was cool and refreshing and even though I could not see the blue sky, I did not let it take away from my enjoyment of the beach. I was a sure that no tattoo was left for I had burned head to toe.

I noticed the shape sitting at the bottom of one of the palm trees. Remembering I was naked, my arm covered my breasts, for I was sure it was Michael. I remembered if I couldn’t see, he couldn’t see as well. As I paid more attention to the shape I could see that he was sitting up with his knees drawn toward his chest. His arms sat upon the top of his knees as he appeared to be looking at me.

I said in a pleasant tone, “What are you doing all the way up there?”

He did not answer; I got up and moved to join him. Using both hands to cover myself, I fell on one knee in front of him. Even cl
ose he was just a blur of light.  I squinted my eyes, but could not make him out. I couldn’t tell if he was mad, awake or what; all I knew was that he hadn’t answered me yet. I had not followed orders on the ship; I had made a wreck of things. Alex got away, we lost the book and that other vampire, Peter kicked my ass.

I spoke first, “Look
, I’m sorry, I know I screwed up.”

He shifted his position, so I knew he was awake. He now sat Indian style in front of me. I waited for him to speak, to tell me I was a bitch, anything, but he was silent. How much worse silence was, couldn’t he just tell me off.

I tried pleading, “Ok, I know you hate me. I wish you didn’t, I screwed up… again. I know you hate me for what happen to Lizzie. I know you blame me… well, ok it was my fault. This mission, it was my fault, the book at the bottom of the sea, my fault.”

In a strange rough voice he simply said, “Why?”

I fell down onto the sand so I was now sitting directly in front of him. My eyes were closed and I was pretty sure he could not see me, so I stopped covering myself. Trying to keep myself from crying, “Revenge! The wizard was Alex. The Alex who raped and killed me, and just like with Lizzie my anger was all that mattered.” I felt a tear slide down my cheek, it burned in the day light. I knew he could not see the tear and I did nothing to wipe it away.

Michael did not answer me. Even the ocean wasn’t loud enough to drown out the silence. I hated this, I felt like such a screw up.

I was surprised when my second sight showed movement; Michael moving toward me. He pulled me in with his arms until our bare chests came together. He had half picked me off the ground as my legs instinctively wrapped around him. I came to a realization; he was wearing shorts, or what was left of his jeans.

His hand found my face, then slid back gently over my ear; pulling my face to his. I didn’t fight this, I wanted this. Our lips met, slow and soft with the lightest of pressure. He tasted wonderful, like I knew he would. Our kiss picked up speed and increased pressure.  I felt
our mouths open so that we could explore with our tongues.

His hands pulled at my body as if to bring me closer. I could have sworn he had four sets of hands as they searched my body
. I could feel his excitement as he pressed against me.

I only stopped kissing him to moan in pleasure. His mouth was quick to find my neck, then my ear. He bit the end of my ear playfully, pulling just a little. His hands went
to my chest; he brought down his head why his tongue explored my body.

I ran my hands through his short hair… I thought Michael had long hair?

I asked between gasps of pleasure, “Why haven’t you grown all your hair out?”

He answered in a low a growly voice, “I like it short.”

Oh well, I thought. He took me into his arms and pulled me back as he lay upon his back. I could explore his chest with my hands.

His chest was muscular… I don’t mind some hair on the chest, but I never recalled Michael having any.

I froze then started to pull away. He pulled me closer to him, he was so strong. He was stronger than me.

“Peter? What the hell? Let me GO!”

He laughed, and spoke deep and slow, “Why should I?”

I growled, “Because... I  know, how about I don’t like you for starters!”

             His arms were like iron bars as he laughed. “Funny, even now you have no fear. Yet you are not suicidal, or are you? Maybe you like to get in fights?”

            His laughter even upset me further, I tried to push free from his grip. Straining with effort, “I hold both in equal distain… let me go.”

His voice was hard, but calm, “I will not. You didn’t give me adequate reason. And let us not forget, I saved your life.”

I stopped struggling, the audacity of this man. My voice raised an octave, “Excuse me… you, you didn’t save my life, you tried to kill me.”

He was cocky with his response, “Incorrect. I was on a mission for an old friend, to see a magic book to safety. This friend was endangered on deck. My good friend Danielle was killed while protecting him; she had been a friend for over two hundred years. You are her killer. I am obligated to seek revenge for her death. Instead I have spared it, therefore I have saved you.”

In a tight voice I asked, “Then why didn’t you avenge Danielle?”

His voice was still full of good humor, “Good question, I haven’t decided. At any rate I saved your life.”

His insistence on saving my life was infuriating me, “Michael pulled me from the fire. I saw his face… Oh, I see. Stupid illusions, you knew I would be calm if I thought it was Michael.” My second sight had limitations, how did he figure them out.

He replied in a sinister tone, “I’m glad to see you have your wits about you.”

I could hear my own defeat in my voice, “You still haven’t saved my life; I don’t care what you say. Let me go already.”

His voice moved from sinister, to seductive, “I don’t wish to let go of you… and sparing a life, is the same thing as saving one.”

I was at a loss for words, “Really?”

He softly spoke to me, “Yes. Why do you fight me?”

I answered him reluctantly, “I don’t know you. You think that I am going to sleep with you?”

In the same seductive voice, “Why not? We are vampires; we live our lives to the fullest. Right now I wish to make love to you.” When I didn't answer him he continued, “I must kiss as good as your lover, if you couldn’t even tell us apart.”

I replied angrily, “He is not my boyfriend, David is. And I have never kissed him, if I had, I would have known it was not him.”

Peter chuckled darkly, “Oh, I see, you
young. You must want him…”

“Michael,” I blurted out as if he needed to know is name.

He chuckled again, “Michael, you must want this Michael.”

“It’s none of your business.” He broke into laughter, “Stop laughing at me… I do not find it funny!”

He stopped and then kissed me, I fought a little, but he was strong and aggressive. When he stopped I was full of anger and fear. Men holding me against my will, why do they act like this? “Please, do not force me.”

He was quiet a second before answering, “You want me. I don’t need to force you; you just need to stop fighting me. I will be yours, and you shall be mine. Never have I met your equal, I must have you.”

I remained calm, “Your act is not getting you laid. In fact it is the biggest turn off ever, if you want to share my bed, first let me go!”

He sat up, I was now in his lap, “I see let’s play this your way, but if you run, I will chase.”

His voice was playful and threatening at the same time. I laughed, “Don’t worry… I don’t run.” Then I lowered my mouth to his ear and whispered, “I like to be the boss.” I smiled, but I realized he couldn’t really see me, and that gave me an idea. I peered, “You know what I could do? Only if you weren't holding me so tight.”

He spoke in
an assured voice, “I am over eight hundred years old. I started as a Templar knight so long ago. After I was turned into a vampire, all women wanted me sexually: Queens, princesses, ladies and commoners. Why do you play me the fool? And, do you have no desire for me?”

I hadn’t fooled him for a second; he knew I was playing it nice. I dropped the act, “No, I don’t. It’s nothing with your
looks, but I don’t just sleep with any old man that comes along. No pun intended.”

Having this conversation without being able to see his face was strange. He hadn’t let me go. He then reveled, “I will respect you, I will not force you to have sex, but I will not let you go. You will be staying with me.”

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